Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. 6 ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Stay Right Where You-Are -Ill Conme To You" TT HAS TO BE FELT: Khrushchev Won't Se 'en Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" The Real America Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Y, JULY 29, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT JUNKER De Gaulle's Action on Summit rN, By The Associated Press ''EREaS noting like New York City anywhere else in the world. It's a pity Nikita Khrushchev won't get to see it. New York can't be seen in a brief visit, even by one who is not encircled by security agents and involved in laborious negotiations. More regrettable is that Khrushchev will not be able to see the United States, of which New York is a manifestation. New York has everything that the United States has. It is a great industrial center, yet its industry can hardly be found in the shadows A Healthy Sign for France RENCH PREMIER Charles de Gaulle's re- cent moves regarding the proposed summit iference may be, at present, a severe pain the neck to western diplomats anxious to sent a united front to the Soviet Union. is independent action is, however, a dis- ctly healthy sign, coming from a country it has abdicated its position all too fre- mtly in the past. :n asking for summit talks outside the mework of the United Nations Security uncil, General de Gaulle is definitely oppos- the Anglo-American stand, even if his tly-worded statements have not been con- .sive. .lthough he has not actually rejected a ited Nations backdrop to the talks, he has de it quite plain that France has a mind its own, and has every intention of using it. HERE HAVE also been indications that France-in the person of General de Gaulle is making a strong bid for the cooperation other states in Europe in his attempt to give >se countries more of a voice in western ategy. Before asking that the summit talks held in Geneva, General de Gaulle first unded out Italian and West German leaders, get solid support for his proposal. General de Gaulle himself sounded this note, an explanation of his strategy: ". . . the ench Government is going ... to seek agree- nt on ... the MiddleEast with other states notably European-whose way of thinking ild not fail to be taken into account ... n this way, General de Gaulle served notice the United States and Great Britain that anee in particular and pro-Western nations general do not intend to let the two giants the Atlantic alliance do their thinking for em. 1 ITS WAY, this appears to be France's nethod of self-assertion. It is, however, a de- tion from the methods she has used in the st, and it is based on a far more realistic aluation of the nation's strength. No longer, apparently, is France following the dead-end road toward equality with the two major Western powers. Rather, General de Gaulle's movement toward concerted ac- tion with Germany and Italy seems to indicate an increasing realization of the benefits ac- cruing to the big fish in the small pond. This is the role at which France is now aim- ing - leader of NATO's European allies. It presents a situation which may cause the United States and Britain some anxious mo- ments in the future, but one which neverthe- less holds a strong element of positive value to the Atlantic powers. Granting even General de Gaulle's more than occasional stubbornness, Britain and the United States should still applaud his actions and, in fact, give him all possible encourage- ment. VOR TOO LONG now France has been a con- stant headache to the United States and Britain. Extremely conscious of her dwindling world status, France has striven vainly and foolishly to be recognized as an equals has time after time forced the Allies to consider her one of a mythical "Big Three" that did not exist.: She was, however, not able to delude herself quite enough; French pride had reached a new low when General de Gaulle took control, and the Allies were afraid the country was Igoing to collapse. Her psychological buttresses were all but gone. If General de Gaulle's recent moves actually represent a lowering of French sights, the re- sult may well be a renaissance of this pride, and an awakening of the nation itself - to the advantage not only of France, but of the entire North Atlantic alliance. France, rather than being third in the Bit Three, may be first in the Little Three. She might once again be a leader in world affairs -and this is one of the most important ele- ments of her own self-respect. -SUSAN HOLTZER N " ".... 'a WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: The Push to the Summit By DREW PEARSON Better Words Than Missiles ,IPLOMATIC negotiations are, at best, a long, drawn-out and very dull procedure. ven for the patient reader, the reams of com- unication, the volumes of proposals and coun- r proposals, charges and counter-charges, all uched in the formal and wordy language of plomacy, are a stiff test of one's endurance. And at worst, diplomatic negotiations are sufferable. The present summit conference erry-go-round is a prime example. When tagonists meet to talk about their differences, ere is at least hope that something-however' tle-might be accomplished. But when the two sides spend many months time, thousands of hours in calculation, turn t thousands of pages of letters and "millions words of propaganda, all in trying to nego- %te an agreement to negotiate, and still come with virtually nothing in the way of pro- ess, this is the epitome of futility. IHE THEORY behind it all-if, indeed, there is one-seems to be that barking dogs don't be, and so if we keep barking back and forth rever, we can keep "peace" forever. Progress or no, however, some of us like to ep informed on who is barking at whom at y given time, what about and why. And dis- ling such information from the mass of litical and diplomatic goobeldygook filling e air is a monumental task. One suchminquiring individual, a woman in ennebunk, Maine, wrote Columnist James ston of The New York Times that she had ad the entire Eisenhower-Khrushchev corres- ndence in The Times and still did not know hat was going on. In answer to her plea, Reston called an emergency meeting of the SEPN (Society for the Exposure of Political Nonsense), which ran all the official letters through its big electronic truth detector,- the Uniquack. This remarkable machine, Reston reports, can translate, de- contaminate and summarize wordy official documents into clear, truthful American. The results were amazing, The sum total is still zero, but the lady in Maine at least knows now what it is she's been trying to add up. A NATURAL reaction upon realizing that one is getting nowhere fast, and a reaction expressed by a number of United States Con- gressmen, is why keep it up? Why not simply about-face; and go back to the tranquil days of isolationism; just build ourselves into our own private fort and leave the rest of the world to chase its tail around the outside? Tempting as it sounds, this, unfortunately, Jsn't a solution. It would only impale us on the other horn of the dilemma. The United States "fort" is now spread over more than half the globe, like a huge, one- celled amoeba with the United States at the nucleus. Dissolution of the cell wall means destruction of the cytoplasm, and a lonely nu- cleus, however hardy, cannot survive without external nutrition and support. It appears, then, that all that is left to us is to take the perpetual verbal barrage, try to launch an even greater counter-barrage, and hope that some day something will come of it all, if only an indefinite postponement of more drastic action. Better words should fly than missiles. --EDWARD GERULDSEN W ASHINGTON - President Ei- senhower was not the only one whose advisers had misgivings about a summit conference. Re- ports from Moscow from usually reliable diplomatic sources state that Premier Khrushchev also had some disagreement inside the Cen- tral Committee of the- Communist party. Some of Khrushchev's critics advised that he not go to New York but insist on having the sum- mit talks in Geneva. The Cocky Communist shouted this down, however, and accepted the idea of going to New York- first, because he has always han- kered to visit the USA; second, because he believes a trip to the United Nations will solidify his position at home. * * * THE DEBATE as to whether President Eisenhower was or was not pushed into a summit confer- ence by the British will probably continue indefinitely-even among the historians. But one thing is definite. The President is not happy about the prospect of facing the adroit, tough-talking, hard-boiled leader of the Communist world in the rough-and-tumble arena of the United Nations Security Coun- cil. It will be far different from the secret talks in the pleasant villas on the shores of Lake Geneva in the summer of 1955. The press, the TV cameras, the inquisitive public, the bitter Arab leaders, and the moralist Nehru of India were either not present at all or kept in the background at Geneva. The conversations were not only secret but leisurely. Rus- sia, not the United States, was on the defensive. This time, President Eisenhower, who is a military man and not a public debater, who was trained to give orders from a military map room, not debate world issues in the glare of the klieg lights, will have to stand up against a battery of skilled debaters, orators, and Arab nationalists. It will be far different from his White House press conferences, where most of the newsmen are friendly, where, the President can always shut off debate or choose to ignore a questioner. Because of this, John Foster Dulles, a lawyer trained in quick repartee, has suggested that after the opening speech by President Eisenhower, he, Dulles, take over. Ike would then sit back and let Dulles do the wrangling. However the President is not going to duck. He believes the world would consider him a coward if he sat back and let someone else do the talking. All this is why the state depart- ment immediately gave the cue to Dag Hammarskjold at the United Nations to hold as much of the debate as possible behind closed doors. ** * REGARDLESS of Jim Hagerty's denials that the United States was pushed into the summit confer- ence by the British, there was one man in the Eisenhower entourage who was completely consistent. Rightly or wrongly, John Foster Dulles never deviated from his vigorous opposition against a sum- mit conference either now or in the near future. That's one reason Dulles was so bitter at the British as he flew to London for a weekend confer- ence. At last Sunday's meeting in Gettysburg when the two Dulles brothers, Vice President Nixon, Secretary of Defense McElroy, Gen. Nathan Twining, and 'the President discussed Khrushchev's proposal of a summit meeting, the secretary of state was adamant. He argued that a conference now was *a device by which Russia could get its head in the Arab tent, and he was in favor of freezing Russia out. He said he was convinced Russia would not inter- vene militarily against Americani and British forces, therefore he was opposed to conferring with them. * * * VICE PRESIDENT NIXON on the other hand argued that the Russians were already in the Near East, had great influence there, and negotiations might help neu- tralize them. Later, when the secretary of, state heard that Prime Minister MacMillan had announced his ac- ceptance of Khrushchev's summit proposal. Dulles almost hit the state department ceiling. But rather than split openly with the British at a time when we are cooperating together in troop operations in the Near East, Dulles went along. 1958 New York Herald Tribune, Inc. of its office buildings and amid the great surrounding sea of dwellings. Nearby are beautiful farms, but the highways are sepdrated from them by their own rights-of-way and the planes fly too high. * * * IN CHAMBER - of - commercy America, it is natural to feel that if only Khrushchev could see the land, the industries, and the people, that he would realize there is no need for communism, and that his dream of economic con- quest Is futile. Khrushchev is a smart man. He has just outsmarted the free world's diplomats in the propa- ganda field. Khrushchev is a man whose In- quiring mind has largely made up for his lack of education. But, even if a tour could be 'ar- ranged, Khrushchev could not see America. * * * EVEN if security arrangements could be flexed to let him into the homes of ordinary workmen, to compare their living standards with those of their Soviet counter- parts, he would not understand the power they wield in the na- tion's legislative halls. Even if he could visit the farm- ers he could not see their tradi- tional independence, although he might understand a little of what they have done to the great plains in the past 100 years, for hehas dreams of his own in that field. But his dreams have not pre- pared him for really seeing Amer- Ica. For America is not steel mills and mines, and manufacturing plants, nor workers, farmers, clerks and professionals. America is not something which can be seen until it has been felt. The farms are dirt, manufac- turing is nuts and bolts, men are human beings. But America is hu- manity. PRICE LABELS: Will Car Law Work? By DAVID J. WILKIE Associated Press Automotive Editor DETROIT - The automobile price label law may spell, the end of price packing and car boot- legging. The new law becomes effective Oct. 1. It requires that a sticker disclosing manufacturer's suggest- ed list price of car and acces- sories be placed on all new vehicles. It further requires that the stick- er carry the name and address of the dealer to whom the car is de- livered =and that the label remain on the car until delivery to a per- son "for purposes other than re- sale." How effective the law may be- come still is being debated in trade circles. It does not attempt to fix the price at which a retailer may sell the car. The auto maker does not do that either. He suggests the price but the retailer may put any price he chooses on it. THE RETAIL buyer has the ad- vantage of knowing, from the sticker, the price at which the dealer would make a normal profit. The dealer can point to the label prices .to prove 'any discount he may offer is a bona fide one. The congressional hearings that preceded passage of the new auto- mobile information disclosure act brought numerous allegations of price packing at the retail level. * * * IN THIS practice the price of the car and its accessories are marked up above the factory sug- gested price before the discount is figured. A lot of extra-cost. accessories go on today's automobiles. There are some that are not even option- al with the buyer that have to be bought with certain models. It has been estimated the op- tional items alone can add up to $1,500 to the price of a car. A relatively small percentage added to each item as well as to the car could add a sizable amount to the final price even after what ap- peared like an attractive discount. * * * MONTHS BEFORE the new law became effective many retailers began posting in their salesrooms much the same information the labels would carry. Surveys indi- WHEAT CROP: A bundance Problem By OVID A. MARTIN Associated Press Fm Writer WASHINGTON -- Some farm leaders may tind themselves one of these days fighting to save a federal control program for wheat they once opposed. Events-in the form of a grow- ing wheat surplus and shrinking markets-certainly seem to point in that direction. The battle may be pitched at the next session of Congress. Just about everyone connected with agriculture agrees that the wheat situation is in a terrible mess. Growers are producing the sec- ond largest crop on record under a federal acreage allotment and marketing quota program that penalizes noncompliers. It is being grown also under a soil bank pro- gram paying growers 105 mllio' dollars in subsidies to grow less than their allotments. * * * THIS YEAR'S crop is due to dump a lot of extra wheat onto surplus stocks accumulated under a control program that faled to control. Farm officials figure that the United States could lay off pro- ducing wheat in 1959 and still wind up with' an ample reserve provided there were no emergen- cies. But the surplus situation is like- ly to become even more trouble- some. It is too late to do anything about next year's wheat program. It will be the same as this year's. except that no land will be with- drawn from production under the soil bank program. Now that wet weather has re- placed a drought in the wheat- growing Great Plains, the chances are good that next year's crop will be another bumper one that would add more surplus. New demands can be expected for a change in the government's wheat policies. Secretary of Agrie culture Ezra Taft Benson already has urged sharp changes. The In- fluential American Farm Burea' Federation calls the present pro- gram a failure. * * , UNDER THIS program, the gov- ernment allots 55 million acres among growers. Each grower' marketing quota is the amount, of wheat grown on his allotment. Farm law does not permit a small- er total allotment. Yet perhaps 20 or 25 million acres would produce -in most years-about all the wheat that could be sold under present price patterns. The program also requires the government to support prices at between 75 and 90 per cent of par- ity, depending on the size or sup' plies. The larger the supplies, the lower the support may be. It. Is at the minimum now. Parity is a standard for meas- uring prices declared, by law to be fair to farmers in relation to prices charged them. Efforts. to make thez program more effective in curbing ecess" production may move In two gen- eral directions. ONE WOULD be to. tighten re- strictions on production by out- ting the allotments. This would run into much opposition becauise it would force many produceres to low and inefficient levels of pro- duction. Some might even be forced out of production by inade- quate allotments. The other cdurse would be a sharp reduction in price supports and withdrawal of allotments. This action would be designed to let economic forces play a larger role in bringing about needed ad- justments in production and con- sumption. Considerably lower prices could be expected to drive many farm- ers out of wheat growing. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Reader Wants Pearson and White INTERPRETING THE NEWS: What Nikita Really.wants By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst [TA KHRUSHCHEV has now verified' evious assessments that all he wanted out summit conference was to put President iower on the defensive in the propaganda ed with the prospects that the Kremlin's in stirring up Middle Eastern troubles be thoroughly exposed at a meeting held United Nations Security Council rules, s now backed away from what appeared agreemenc on that procedure. ushchev scored a propaganda victory things were hot in the Middle East by to make it appear a big war was ened and that he wanted drastic steps .id it. doubling back on his own trail, just when I the Allies moving toward a conference lid not want, he damages his own case rnress ft Khrushchev's latest attack, as so often in the history of the Kremlin, also comes at a time when Allied ranks are wavering and some- thing was badly needed to stiffen the Baghdad pact after Iraq's defection. Simultaneously with the Khrushchev state- ment, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles was telling the remaining Pact members in London that they, like Lebanon, could depend on support by the United States even at her own great risk.' That was something short of what they wanted to hear. They want the United States to accept full membership. Unless the Pact is revised, however, to include a one-for-all and all-for-one clause which it does not have now, actual membership would mean little more than the Dulles statement.' IF THE UNITED STATES decides that mem- bership would be advantageous, however, and if Tra inpeq fin1l1v withraw- the wv wurld To the Editor: HOPE that The Daily's Senior Editors will not replace Drew Pearson by William S. White but print them both. While Pearson's accuracy is not 100 per cent, he has sufficient in- tellectual integrity to admit being wrong and to print retractions. He is often called a liar by officials whom he exposes, only to have his charges verified later by oth- ers. The truth of a Pearson allega- tion is usually directly proportion- al to the vehemence of the en- raged official's denials. In these days of many attempts. by bureaucrats of both political parties to conceal important facts from the public, I maintain that Pearson's column is important reading for those who wish to be well informed. -David S. Greenstein Mathematics Department Middle East. To the Editor: THE DISCUSSION on the Mid- $- dle East on 22 July prompts me to express my high esteem for Mr. Omesh Khanna of India, Professor Bretton of the United States, TT - - ..r-l i A, fT e nrn A 2) The Arab Revolt against Turkish Rule is now described by Egyptians (who incidentally did not participate in it) as a reaction- ary affair. As a matter of fact, the main accusation against the late Nuri Es-Saeed is his partici- pation in a British-backed revolt. The Nazi-backed coup of Rasheed Alee Al-Gailani of Iraq is de- cribed as a progressive revolt against imperialistic forces. It is not to be denied that the coup was as widely popular as Ger- man seizure of Poland. The back- ers of the coup have, ever since, either switcheda to communist idealsor the ideals of Arab chau- vanism; they were a force to be reckoned with bythe ex-govern- ment of Iraq. 3) The popular opposition or indifference to the Baghdad Pact is not based on the principle of neutralism. Rather, it is based on the fact that Turkey is an active participant in the Pact, for amod- ern Turkey is still associated in the Middle East with the imperial- istic Ottoman Empire. This association is as baseless as to associate present day Arab States with the ancient Arab ideal of conquering the whole of Europe. However, had Turkey been ex- able then the popularity of a die- tator is greatly diminished. It is only during peacetime and inter-, nal stability that the wrath of the people is directed against a dic- tator. -Fait Hanna News at Movies .. . To the Editor: OHN HUBBARD'S letter to the Editor in Saturday's Michigan Daily touches upon one of the fundamental problems of the col- lege student, the ability to under- stand, interpret and discuss the news of the day. I wonder what can be done to help the student, or the Ann Arbor public in general, to know what is going on in the world. Certainly the University offers many opportunities, to become ac- quainted with world affairs. Emi- nent lecturers regularly share, their views with us. We have the benefit of two very knowledgeable comentators, Drew Pearson and Walter Lippmann, in The Daily. But something more can be done. I am referring to the local movie theaters. Only one of these theat- ers shows world news, yet all of thm - tn-- -- f . .® .c.. OFFICIAL _BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to