GAULLE ON SUMMIT: A HEALTHY SIGN Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom Ikflt1l 0 . C a See Page 2 PARTLY CLOUDY III, No. 24S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 29, 1958 FIVE CENTS FOUR FIVE CENTS By LANE VANDERSLICE Development of branches of state controlled universities-like the University's extension centers -were criticized by presidents of smaller state colleges in the re- cently released Russell Report. John D. Russell, research direc- tor and author of the report, said that the great majority of the community colleges "were flatly opposed" to the development of brances of the state controlled in- stitutions.' However, community college leaders look with more favor on junior-senior level branches, as the University's Flint branch and the not-yet-opened Dearborn branch. ge nces riticize S'7 There is also considerable oppo- sition to the establishment of branches among the leaders of the1 state-controlled institutions, Rus- sell said. There was no enthusiasm for such a plan except on an experimental basis or as a method of "keeping up with the Joneses." Russell's report came after per- sonal visits to 49 institutions of higher education in Michigan, and interviews with their officers. In only one state institution was there a clear-cut opinion that the development is unobjectionable. Another said that the development is looked upon as an experiment, to be critically evaluated before deciding whether the creation branches is a wise direction which to move. of in PrivateColleges in Accord The great proportion of the offi- cials in the privately controlled colleges said they also rejected the development of branches of state- controlled institutions. According to Russell, the private schools most often based their attitude on the idea that a satellite center would be treated as a stepchild by the parent institu- tion and that an educational cen- ter must have autonomy to have strength. Some also said they feared an "empire-building" race among the state-controlled institutions. He said it was difficult to say when the usual operation of ex- tension classes at an outstate level tends to be viewed by other schools as the establishment of a branch. The report also indicated that educators: 1) Are completely opposed to enrollment restrictions. Need Medical School 2) Say they need 17 million dol- lars more a year for improvement in faculty salaries, scholarships and educational and general pur- poses. 3) See little chance that new private schools would be estab- lished in the state. However, re- sponse to a suggestion of a new state-controlled institution was very favorable. , 4) Mentioned most frequently the need for increased medical school facilities in the professic al area. 5) Expect the total enrollme to increase by 43 per cent in 15 and 79 per cent for 1970. 6) Disagree widely on the o timum size for a college. 7; Agree that additional cot munity colleges should be e couraged. 7) Agree that terminal-occup tion courses should be expanc in the community colleges. 8) Say that Michigan has I resources to adequately supp higher education in the state di ing the years to come but that is a job for the legislature to so the financial problem. Not Planned REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES - Sen. Lewis Christman (left) and- Mrs. Beth Milford will oppose each other in Tuesday's primary. Mrs. Milford is seeking the GOP nomination for Washtenaw County's seat in the State Senate, currently held by Sen. Christman. Senate Candidates Explain Platforms. (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of articles setting forth the views of candidates in Tuesday's primary election.) By SUSAN HOLTZER Ann Arbor Republicans will have their eyes focused on the race or the State Senate when results of Tuesday's primaries begin to ome in.3 The GOP nomination for the Washtenaw County seat is being ontested by Mrs. Beth Milford of Ypsilanti, former economics teach- r at Eastern Michigan College, and incumbent Sen. Lewis Christman,. who has held the office since 1954. On the other side 0. Thomas Law, of *the University's Mental lealth Research Unit, is running unopposed for the Democratic nom- branches have grown up, Rus- sell said, "not in general as the result of any specific planning or firm policy consciously adopted by the Legislature or the educational. leaders of the State." He said that it was rather an expedient in re- sponse to local conditions. To Education Main Issue Mrs. Milford, and the Republicans who are supporting her, on in general and the University in particular stand out as the Tmost crucial issues of the year. And it is on these issues, she said, that Sen. Christman has regis- tered his worst failures. Tuition, both in, and out-state,' expansion of facilities, and faculty salaries, she said, are some of the critical areas, and all are being hurt by the recent budget cuts. Higher . salaries, for instance, are the vital ingredients for, the maintenance of University lead- ership,. Mrs. Milford said. And this, she declared, "should be one of Sen. Christman's main con- cerns." County Needs Leadership For, although "every legislator must use his own conscience," Mrs. Milford said, "he must also keep in touch with his constituency and its needs." And one of Wash- tenaw County's primary needs, she. said, is leadership by its represen- tatives in the State Legislature. Mr,. Milford 'sharply criticized Sen. Christman on this score. Re- ferring to his abstention on the first budget proposal, she declared, "a representative must: not wait for a roll-call to vote on a bill. We need lc 'dership in Lansing." Sen. Christman, however, said that although "the need is here, the money simply is not. "The University wanted a ter- tain amount," he explained, "but so did others. And state revenues were down." Under these condi- tions, he said, the Republican ma- jority decided they had "better treat lightly this year,' keeping appropriataons near the expected revenue amount. The University's protests are, to some extent, "propaganda," Sen., Christman remarked. "Isn't it possible that there are unnecessary things being done?" he asked. "Mightn't there be cer- tain non-essentials, as in every. See CANDIDATES, Page 4 Khrushchev Rejects UN Conference MOSCOW 0P)-Premier Nikita Khrushchev yesterday rejected British-American proposals for a United Nations Security Council meeting in New York to arrange a summit conference on the Middle East. He urged five-power talks among heads of government be held in some European city, perhaps Mos- cow. In sharply worded letters to President Dwight D. Eisenhower and British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, Khrushchev accused them of trying to scuttle a summit meeting with protracted proce- dural discussions. "The United States government is doing everything possible to frustrate the meeting of heads of government which is to put an end to the armed intervention in Leb- anon and Jordan," he charged in his letter to the President. "Consequently, you are not work- ing for a settlement of the military conflict, which has begun in the Middle East . . ,. but for an ex- pansion of the area of military. conflict and confronting mankind with the threat of a world catas- trophe." Swift Reply given by Ike WASHINGTON WA) -- President Dwight D. Eisenhower swiftly re- buffed yesterday. Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev's new demand for a special five-power summit conference outside the United Na- tions framework. The White House made known, the President's views less than four hours after Khrushchev firedf off the letter. The White House comment ap- peared to deadlock President Ei- senhower and Khrushchev on terms for such a, meeting, clouding the prospects of any kind of a get- together in the near future.d I Press secretary James Hagerty made clear PresidentEisenhower was standing firm on his insistence that any emergency Middle East talks be bound by the established rules of the Untied Nations Se- curity Council.Hm "These.views remain the same," .Hagerty told newsmen. To Irn, 4> VALA ANI-S: Former Murdered By JUDITH DONER Steven Valavanis, a former Uni- versity student whom Prof. Ken- neth Boulding, .of the economics department, described as."probably the most brilliant student I ever taught," was found murdered in his roadside tent near Mount Olympus in northern Greece. The 30-year-old Harvard Uni- versity instructor, who as a stu- dent went under the name of Stefan Vail, obtained a master's degree from the University in 1952 and a doctor's degree in economics in 1955. Had Great Charm "He was a person of great per- sonal charm and wit," Prof. Bould- ing said. "He had a great technical ability, yet exhibited a wonderful playfulness of mind."' "He would have had a great future ahead of him," Prof. Bould- ing noted.. During his years at the Uni- versity he was president of the Inter-Cooperative Council. During his term of office Brandeis Co- operative House. was purchased and outfitted for six apartments at a cost of $36,000, according to Luther Buchele, Executive Sec- retary of the Inter-Cooperative Council. Discussed Traffic Safety Reviewing some of his accom- plishments, Prof. Boulding par- ticularly noted his "The Theory of Traffic Safety," which showed to advantage his "most original mind." He was about to publish a book on econometrics. Special Greek police and army forces are currently combing the region in search of the murderer. suspected to be an. army deserter. TurkeyPakistai y F West Signs Y As Partner FF F ,' {In New Pact S rOverthrow of Iraq Sets 'U p Reaigumei Dull s Promises U. S. Hel CONDOLENCES-Jordan's King Hussein, second from right, receives tribal leaders offering con- dolences after the formal announcement of the slaying of his cousin, King Faisal, of Iraq. With the group in the royal palace at Amman, is Hussein's brother, Crown Prince Mohammed, extreme right. Faisal was slain in the royal palace at Baghdad during the military coup, July 14. MOON TRIP PLANNED: Explorer IV Gathering Information 4 0. THOMAS LAW .. Democratic candidate 700 TRUE': TU' Faculty Raids Cited By Niehuss, Marvin L . Niehuss, University e-president and dean of fac- ,ies, pointed yesterday to a story a national magazine as further dence that University faculty mbers are prime targets for iiders" from other schools. Niehuss called "all too true" a >ort in "Time" magazine that expanding University of Call- -nia is looking to universities h as "Harvard, Princeton, chigan, Chicago et al" for new ulty members. 'We are both pleased and dis- iraged by this situation," Nie-. ss said. 'We are pleased that our faculty held in such high esteem by lifornia and other leading insti- ions, but we 'are .discouraged t our financial situation is such t it is becoming increasingly re difficult to retain or attract ulty members of such high ibre." At a time when college and versity business is booming, re is an unprecedented demand thes outstanding teachers and earchers on our staff. Yet this ,r the average faculty salary rease at the University was Sixth Fleet Aids U.S. Forces CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (P) - Satellite Explorer IV continued its brilliant space show yesterday as the military forged ahead with elaborate plans for the next big adventure - a trip around the hoon. America's newest and heaviest satellite more than lived up to ex- pectations as it raced around the globe every 110 minutes gathering vital information on an intense field of radiation some 600 miles in outer space. But with Explorer IV now his- tory, the Air Force and Army rushed ahead with new plans. Indications are that the Air Force will attempt the first moon shot between Aug. 15 and 17 while the Army's chance will come in November. Officially the dates still are se- cret, but reliable sources here hinted the Air Force plans to take advantage of the moon's close proximity to earth during the third week in August. At that time it will be only 221,463 miles away. It has been reported that the Church Music Program Set Two more programs dealing with "Music and the Present - Day Church," will be presented today and Monday in conjunction with the University's Summer Session theme, "Religion in Contemporary Society." A nnn al dr1 cinn n nriA a.a Pr Air Force will attempt a one-way, trip aimed at orbiting an instru- mented satellite around the moon, using a three-stage Thor-Able rocket. The flight is expected to take 211 days. Once in orbit, scientists hope the satellite will relay elec- tronic photographs and other World News Roundup I I 1 By The Associated Press NEW ORLEANS - Tribute poured in from all parts of the na- tion yesterday for Lt. Gen. Claire Lee Chennault, the jut-jawed schoolteacher who formed the Flying Tigers and helped turn the tide of battle in World War II. The 67-year-old General Chennault died Sunday afternoon at Ochsner Foundation Hospital following a long fight with lung cancer. At Taipei, Formosa, Nationalist China President Chiang Kai-shek hailed General Chennault's Flying Tigers as the "epitome of American heroism" and said the Chinese %- data before it is lured back into the earth's gravitational field and disintegrates. The job will be enormously dif- ficult, because it involves shoot- ing well ahead of the moon to compensate for its motion around the earth and the overlapping gravitational limits. LONDON (,P) - Secretary c State John Foster Dulles las night committed the United State to defense of Iran, Turkey an Pakistan as a virtual partner i the Baghdad Pact. The pact is being realigned t take into account the apparen loss of Iraq. Dulles signed up after twic talking with President Dwight I Eisenhower in Washington b telephone. American backing wa thus pledged for security of West ern-allied Moslem nations on o near the Soviet southern frontiers Automatically, the Unite States became more deeply in volved in the Middle East tha: ever before. Virtual Member Without technically joining th pact, the United States virtuall became a member through thi new obligations undertaken in th declaration that Dulles signe with leaders of the four activ members - Iran, Turkey, Pakis tan and Britain. With this dramatic stroke, th United States immensely in creased the strength and power o the alliance weakened so badl after the violent overthrow of th pro-Western royal government o Iraq, the fifth member. Iraq was not represented at th Baghdad Pact Council meeting. Had Been Keystone The late King Faisal's govern ment had been the lone Arab key stone of the pact designed, amon other things, to bar communise from the Middle East. His capita city of Baghdad originally gay the alliance its name. The declaration provides tha the United States will prompti enter into two-way agreement with Iran, Pakistan, Turkey an Britain. The document expressed deter minatioi: of the signers "to main tain their collective security an to resist aggression-direct or in direct." Some Western statesmen hav accused the Soviet Union of in directly bringing about unrest an revolution in the Middle East an threatening other nations in ad jacent areas. They feel there may be a bar chance that Iraq will continue it membership. Arkansas Sees F a ubusictory people "share profound sorrow and grief." Mme. Chiang visited General Chennault July 11 and the old soldier seemed to rally after her visit, one she "had promised a long time." General Chennault was re- moved from the critical list only last Friday, but succumbed to a massive arterial hemorrhage. WASHINGTON - A federal aid-to-education program which would provide more than 20,000 cdllege scholarships annually was approved by a Senate subcommit- tee yesterday. The bill is aimed chiefly at Speech Play ToOpen Here To morrow "The Philadelphia Story," the fourth In the Summer Session Playbill series, will be presented by the speech department players at 8 p.m. tomorrow, Thursday and Friday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. In past seasons a Briadway hit, Phillip Barry's "Philadelphia : ..