Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone No 2-3241 "I'll Be Glad To Come! - And I'll Set The Date, Make Up The Guest List, Select The Program, Choose The Menu, Pick Out The Music .. . iii i i LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Mid-East Discussion, Column, Draw Comment Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. )AY, JULY 26, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: LANE VANDERSLICE )efense Department Reorganization Attacks Bloated Bureaucracy' L'S ABOUT TIME the Defense Department is getting reorganized. The Air Force, on its best space-mouse expedition, had no trouble 'ing the rocket, but it.cannot seem to locate e mouse. The mouse was abandoned to the ements to be brutally tossed on the wide as after its successful 6,000 mile journey from orida to somewhere near the African coast. lips and planes have searched for the mouse; 's apparently lost forever. Defense reorganization may not make it sier to find mice, but it will clear up other oblems far more important to the nation's curity. "The result for America will be a more Of Words, 'HE LOCAL scene abounds with data for idle minds to dwell upon.; A recent letter to UniversiiV employees re- Inds them that the official name of this ace is "The University of Michigan", and nts that letterheads omitting that "The" ould be expunged. The psychological effect of a "The" in your ime cannot be ignored. I never thought much Ohio State until I learned it's name is ac- ally "The Ohio State University." Women are better grade-getters than men, :cording to the all-campus averages published sterday. It may be that women are naturally narter, but more likely'this means (as I have ways suspected) that men and women are aded on different curves. --David Kessel efficient and more economical national de- fense," President Eisenhower recently said. With the Defense Department annually taking over half the national budget, any economy will be striking at the roots of the massed bu- reaucracy, and any substantial saving should greatly aid the American pocket book. THE MORE important aspect of the reorgan- ization, however, is that it will enable the President to simplify the chain of command, speeding and coordinating the control of Amer- ican forces, should they be involved in war. The power of the service secretaries and the military heads of the services will -be reduced, while the power of the Secretary of Defense will be increased. This should tend to reduce inter-service squabbles, which have arisen over appropriations and, among other things, the space race. It will also make possible combined service units which are more effective, in case of battle, grouping the three services into one well-coordinated effort. PERHAPS also, the Secretary of Defense will be able to keep peace in his own house, in- creasing the public's confidence in the mili- tary. More unity can -also be expected in the mis- sile race, with the Secretary of Defense using his added powers, being able to more effective- ly enforce coordination in space development. With added cooperation and a more unified defense system, the country will not only be more prepared to repulse attack or fight a "limited war;" but mice will not have to b* lost in nose cones. This increased efficiency will be cheered by the rodent world as the greatest advance since limburger. --ROBERT JUNKER To the Editor: A FEW REMARKS are in order after the discussion of the Middle East problem in the Union on Tuesday evening. I was personally very surprised at the intellectual level of the re- marks that were expressed by most of the students. Except for Prof. Henry Bretton, Mr. Omesh Khan- na of India and Mr. Archie Sing- ham of Ceylon whose remarks aptly demonstrated their grasp of the entire situation, the pro- gram served orxiy to display the utter lack of knowledge and ability to think of the participants. Prof. Bretton spoke the truth when he said that he doubted whether most of the speakers and questioners wothldput their signatures to their statements. This is a university that is known for its instruction in theory. This'teaching is suppose to develop the powers of reason and thought in the individual. These qualities were not expressed in the meeting Tuesday evening. Some of the statements tended to remind me of something that I might read in a newspaper designed to sensa- tionalize the issues at hand. I have encountered many foreign students who do have a strong realization of the issues now under consideration. It is only too bad that more of them were not present at the meeting. - John W. Hubbard In France .. . To the Editor: A REMARKABLY good record of first class journalism received a big black eye today with the .publishing on the editorial page of a' "Letter from Paris." In his "Letter from Paris", Mr. Weicher has assembled the most complete and unabridged set of cliches ever printed in The Mich- igan Daily.: "Everybody seems to want to leave France in the summer" said Mr. Weicher, after seeing some Frenchmen in several travel agen- cies in Paris. Seeing Parisians leave Paris for summer vacation was sufficient to his unimpeach- able reasoning to conclude that Frenchmen were leaving France. It's hardly worth mentioning that New Yorkers leave New York in the summer, and this doesn't mean that they are leaving the country. Had our City Editor found it worthwhile to get off his American Express Tour bus for a while, and seen other s t r e e t s than the Champs Elysees, and Place Pigalle, he would have found many brand new and beautiful buildings that' he seems to have completely ig- nored. His statement about the building industry in France is an admission of total ignorance. Having just returned after sev- eral years' stay in France where I lived on a daily basis with French people of all walks of life, I must add that I have not found the Frenchmen lacadaisical, nor lacking in spirit. If anything, their sense of humor was better devel- oped than ours. In ending his epistle, Mr. Weicher said.: "The student could only shrug and finish off his glass of wine." I think that under the circumstances, the student exer- ciged remarkable self control. -Stephen G. Jaffe, Grad, MICHIGAN: 'Tahe Light' Biright WALT DISNEY, true to form, has come up with another winner. His latest full-length fea- ture, "The Light in the Forest," is a well done story of the Amer- ican frontier in the 1760's. "The Light in the Forest" is a refreshing change from the stand- ard blood-and-guts frontier ad- venture. It deals with people as individuals rather than simply members of warring armies, and manages t1o provide adventure without a full-scale Indian war. The story is that of Johnny But- ler, a young white man captured in early childhood and raised by a tribe of Delawares. It begins at the time when he is about to be repatriated to the whites inac- cordance with a treaty. In his years with the Indians, Johnny has come to accept them as his own people, and his new- found "freedom" is anything but welcome. Most of the film is de- voted to his difficulties adjusting to life among the hated white men. THE ADULT star of the movie is Disney's favorite frontiersman, Fess Parker, who carries off with characteristic aplomb his role as an army scout who wins the boy's respect and guides him through his worst trials. The real stars, however, are James MacArthur as Johnny But- ler and pretty Carol Lynley as Shenandoah. Miss Lynley, making her movie debut ,behaves already like a sea. soned actress. Her part imbues her with wisdom beyond her years, but she manages to Maintain her ,charm in spite of it. -Edward Geruldsen POLITICAL MACHINE LIKELY: Faubus Faces Voters Tuesday TODAY AND TOMORROW: Wyest in EDead End Bly WALTER LIP'PMANN AS THINGS STAND at this moment, the no- tion of a summit meeting in the heart of New York City has the characteristic of one of hose nightmares in which one feels compelled -o do what one desperately does not want to do. At this time, a public confrontation between President Eisenhower and Khrushchev would be a ghastly spectacle, almost certain to poison the air still further with charges and counter- charges. Moreover, there are great risks that the local police would not be able to maintain perfect law and order during the local visit of a man who has in the cosmopolitan city of NTew York so many embittered enemies. Beyond that, there does not now exist as be- tween Washington and Moscow a basis for ne- gotiation. Both have talked themselves into ex- treme positions from which it is Most awkward to make any concession. Yet the fact is that the President has been pushed and pulled by the British government, and by widespread public opinion in Germany, in Scandinavia, in Japan, and elsewhere, to a grudging acceptance of the idea of a summit. meeting on the 'Middle East. Why, we must ask ourselves, do President Eisenhower and Sec- retary of State John Foster Dulles find them- selves between the devil and the deep blue sea, between having a conference which would now, be dangerous and refusing to have one which Is dangerous too? THEY FIND themselves in this dilemma be- cause they have no Middle East policy and have therefore lost the diplomatic initiative. The right and effective answer to Khruschev's call for a summit conference was not to refuse it and leave it there, was not to accept it and to be entangled from there on. The right answer would have been to propose the terms of a settlement which included but extended beyond the withdrawal of the- Marines. Such a pro- posal would be something substantial to ta about in place of the talk about where and when to talk. Unfortunately, we do not have negotiable terms of settlement to propose The Anglo- American intervention in Lebanon and Jor- :an was carried out to prevent their collapse. But this was a hurried reaction to the unex- pected news from Iraq. It was not a deliberate act of policy. We find ourselves, therefore, in a dead end street. The presence of our troops not only does not promise a settlement of the revolutionary, condition which caused us to send them in- the longer the trops stay, the harder it will be Editorial Staff MICHAELKRAFTDAVID TARR Co-Editor Co-Editor ROBERT JUNKER ................... Night Editor EDWARD GERULDSEN..............Night Editor SUSAN HOLTZER . ... ........Night Editor LANE VANDERSLICE............... Night Editor RICHARD MINTZ..................... Sports Editor FRED SHIPPEY.................Chief Photographer to withdraw them without precipitating the disaster they are meant to prevent. THUS, IT IS true that neither Lebanon nor Jordan can be stabilized and made se- cure without a wide settlement beyond their frontiers. There is a school of thought both here and in Britain which argues that the only settle- ment which is acceptable and which will really settle anything will be one which followed a restoration in Iraq and the elimination of Nasser. They would do now what Eden and Mollet attempted to do at Suez some two years ago. They are prepared to defy the Soviet Union and they would by force of arms establish a British-American protectorate in the Middle East. There is a kind of logic in this view, But those who hold it are living in the wrong century. Relatively speaking, particularly in the Middle East which borders on Russia, the Soviet Union is incomparably a stronger power than was Czarist Russia in the 19th century. The Arab revolution, of which Nasser is the most con- spicuous but not the only champion, did not exist at all in the imperial days of the last century. Moreover, and this must not be over- looked, the democracies of the North Atfantic Treaty Organization must be considered. They cannot be counted upon to go all the way iA -case of a military showdown over an Arab country in the Middle East. I F THEREFORE, the day is past and gone for- ever when the Middle East can be stabilized by Western military power, we must seek an accommodation with the new powers in the Middle East-namely with the Soviet Union and with Nasser's Confederation. What other line of- policy is conceivable? None, unless it can be called a policy to do noth- ing but dig in where we are in Lebanon and in Jordan, and for the rest to trade insults with Nasser and Khrushchev. We shall get the worse of the exchange of insults, in that it is always easier to denounce intervention than to defend it. Let us have no illusions then that we can dig in, and sit it out hoping that something better will turn up. Unless there is a reasonably prompt settle- ment in Lebanon with the Marines with- drawing, their continuing presence will embar- rass us everywhere in the world. They were sent in in order to prove to the Turks and the Pakistanis and others that our military prom- ises will be honored. But if the Marines stay on and become an army of occupation, there will be some serious second thought nbt only among the -nations guaranteed but also here among ourselves who must provide the guarantees. It is, therefore, a very great interest, one might without exaggeration call it a vital in- terest, of the United Staates to work out by ne- gotiation an honorable exit for the Marines. This may be impossible, given the revolutionary character of the Nasser movement. But it may not be impossible, if it is seriously and thor- oughly attempted, given on the one hand the military weakness of the Arab states and on the other their great need of the West in the By CLIFTON WELLS LITTIE ROCK, Ark. (1') - A crucial test at the polls is ap- proaching for Orval E. Faubus, the Arkansas governor whose name ripped across the nation last fall when he ordered National Guard troops to block court-decreed inte- gration at Little Rock Central High School. A third - term victory in the Democratic primaries July 29 and Aug. 12 could place the 48-year- old mountaineer at the helm of the strongest state political organiza- tion since the collapse of Huey Long's iron rule in Louisiana. Even his critics here conr.ede him a good chance to emerge tri- umphant from what promises to be a long hot summer. He faces two opponents in the nominating primaries - tanta- mount to election in Arkansas- with two strikes against him. The strikes most emphatically do not include his stand on integration. IN FACT, national criticism he received as a result of the Central High fracas may enable him to maintain his residency in the gov- ernor's mansion, despite the two ordinarily grave political liabili- ties: State tax increases he spon- sored and the traditional opposi- tion to third-term gubernatorial candidates. Southern touchiness to outside criticism could override these issues and make him Ar- kansas' first three-term governor in 54 years. Gov. Faubus' statements indicate he feels his order to the Arkansas National Guard to keep nine Ne- gro students out of the Little Rock high school has been completely vindicated by United States Dis- trict Judge Harry J. Lemley's recent order permitting a 211- year suspension of integration at the school. "I have always maintained that any court sitting here on the scene of the problem, and who took the time to learn all the facts regard- ing the situation, could not help but arrive at the same, or similar, conclusion reached by Judge Lem- ley," Faubus said. THE VETERAN of Arkansas' brand of rough and tumble per- sonal politics let his current op- position get nearly a month's head start. He is opposed by Chancellor Lee Ward of Paragould, a 52-year- old jurist who lost a race for chief justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court two years ago, and Chris Finkbeiner, 38, of Little Rock, a personable meat packing company executive niaking his first political race. A fourth candidate, retired Little Rock lawyer Robert . J. Brown, dropped out of the race saying he could not get adequate financing. Should one of the aspirants not poll a majority of the total vote in the first primary, a runoff be- tween the two top would be neces- sary two weeks later. Ward, launching his throw-the- rascals-out campaign early, has attacked Faubus on a number of fronts, including tax increases and the racial issue. Stumping the state in a helicopter, the chan- cellor describes himself as a seg- regationist who believes courts should be obeyed no matter how distasteful compliance might be. Finkbeiner, well known in Ar- kansas for his addiction to cowboy clothes and his many civic en- deavors, also calls himself a seg- regationist. He recently observed that the Lemley ruling had "re- moved the integration issue from the race." Both 'Ward and Finkbeiner praised the federal judge for per- mitting a delay in Little Rock school integration. .'~ 'I WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND:. yOrva l's Clod Record By DREW, PEAR SON W ASHINGTON-In some parts of the south, Negro-hating has become good politics. It can some- times cover up a multitude of sins. Take the case of Governor Fau- bus of Little Rock, Ark., who has probably done the United States more damage in Asia and Africa than any other one American. For- getting this, however, let's take a dispassionate look at the Faubus record right where he lives and operates-in Arkansas. Faubus was elected on a plat- form of opposing higher taxes and higher rates for the public utilities. Just before he was elected, the public service commission, appoint- ed by his predecessor, Gov. Francis Cherry, had refused a rate in- crease to the Arkansas-Louisiana Gas Company. The gas company is run by Jack and Witt Stephens, two smart gray-flannel-suit boys who have started tossing money around in - politics and have become the big- gest political power in Arkansas. What their hold was on Gov. Fau- bus, the people of Arkansas at first didn't know. But when the Public Service Commission refused a rate increase and the Supreme Court of Arkansas also refused an increase, Gov. Faubus, despite previous campaign pledges, rushed to the rescue. The Supreme Court's decision came on a Monday. By Friday of that same week Gov. Faubus had rushed a rate increase through the legislature for Arkansas-Louisiana Gas and signed it into law. Later it became known that his Executive Secretary, Arnold Sykes, had recently acquired stock in the gas company; that 'the new at- torney he had appointed for the Public Service Commission, Claude Carpenter, had recently acquired stock in the gas company, and that his Revenue Commissioner, Orval Chaney, also had acquired stock. All three helped push the rate increase through the legislature. * * * LATER, when Witt Stephens hired a special car to come to Washington for the big Truman dinner, Gov. Faubus was a guest in that car, occupied a fancy suite at the Mayflower and a $100 seat at the dinner. His friends of the gas company picked up the tab. Gov. Faubus had campaigned as a hillbilly and a moderate on inte- gration. He came from a part of Arkansas which had few Negroes. He attended Commonwealth Col- lege, listed as a communist in- stitution, and, contrary to his own statement that he was there only a short time, the record shows he was President of the Student Council, a member of the Dis- ciplinary Council, and made the May Day speech, a day significant to Communists. However, the Stephens brothers needed to have Faubus run for a third term in order to keep the Public Service Commission under Faubus appointees. .=No governor of Arkansas has been elected for a third term since Jefferson Davis, namesake of the President of the Confederacy. But Faubus decided to run for a third term. Simultaneously he wrapped himself in the race issue. Gov. Marvin Griffin of Georgia came to Little Rock for an im- portant, confidential visit, and shortly thereafter the issue of nine Negro children at Central High School hit the headlines all the way from Tokyo to Tuscaloosa, Ala., from Moscow to Meridan, Miss. - So the people of Arkansas, for the most part, will vote not on whether Faubus has been a good governor, but on whether he has been a vigorous opponent of the Negro. (Copyright 1958 by Bell syndicate, Inc.) % I :4 : ' FAUBUS x seeks third term THE MIDDLE ROAD: Nasser Follows 'Critical' Neutralism :L.11 I (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following Is the last of " a series discussing the national leaders who have tried to steer their countries on a neutral course between the West and East. Previous articles described Nehru and Tito.) By WILTON WYNN Associated Press Correspondent CAIRO - Egypt's Gamal Abdel Nasser sometimes is called a "Tito in reverse." Tito shifted from the Soviet bloc to the neutralist camp. Nasser ar-" rived among the neutrals from the Western side. When Nasser seized power from King Farouk in 1952, he considered himself pro-Western, and so did the West. The embassies of great- est influence in his country were the American and the British. He was regarded as a bulwark against extremist and leftist elements. SIX YEARS LATER, Nasser says he is following a policy of "positive neutrality." Yet there is little doubt that his relations with the Communist bloc are far better' "Being neutral does not mean that we treat both sides exactly alike. It means that we are free to criticize those who attack us and praise those who befriend us. "The Soviet Union has been our friend in critical moments, and so we say good things about them. When they become hostile to us, we will criticize them." Nasser has tried to play one power off against another, and thus maintain a semblance of genuine neutralism in his policy. When he shocked the West by buy- ing arms from the Soviets in 1955, he turned to the West for fi- nancing of his high dam, and so on. EVEN MORE important is Nas- ser's "Samsonian" complex. He is ready to pull down the pillars on himself as well as his enemies if he is pressed too hard. If he gets sufficiently annoyed at the West, he is capable of spitefully going straight into the Communist camp. Western leaders pretend they don't believe he really would do it, but they are not sure enough to risk it. Nasser seized power in a mili- tary coup and has retained his ' position by controlling the ma- chinery of power in the country- the police, army, and propaganda organs. He has never been in- tensely popular in Egypt, but his foreign policy seems to be sup- . _,,. .. -,- - .w C. .. ,. .- ' A '.... z I