IDDLE EAST LANDINGS AID U.S. POSITION See Page 2 ., i r Sirp Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom ~Iaii4P PARTLY CLOUDY, MILD OL. LXVIII, No. 22S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1958 FIVE CENTS FOUR PAGES r n ed prisi As ague asse 1" Reorganization Bill Passed by Congress President Given Power To Change U.S. Defense Department Setup, WASHINGTON ()) -- Congress passed a bill yesterday giving President Dwight D. Eisenhower authority to reorganize the Defense Department and streamline the chain of command.. The compromise measured sailed through the House and Senate within a matter of hours. Passage in both chambers was on a voice vote. The compromise apparently silenced early bitter opposition to the legislation. President Eisenhower is expected to sign the bill into law quickly. It gives him essentially what .he asked for to make the * * * * * * * * * US. An swers USSR Note Pentagon changes. "The result2 U Students Attain 2.61 Grade-Point The over-all campus average attained by University undergrad- uate students during the spring semester of the 1957-58 academic year was 2.61, according to 'the University's Office of Registra- tion and Records. Breaking down the figure, wo- men earned an average. of 2.70, while the average grade-point at- tained by male students was 2.54. The new freshman class earned an average of 2.28. Freshman wo- men had an average of 2.30, fresh- man men an average 2.27 The residents of Martha Cook Building secured the top position among all residence hall groups, with a 3:05 grade-point average. The general sororities attained a' 2.77 average; independent wo- men earned a 2.68. Men's residence halls posted an average of 2.48 while general fra- See grade average breakdown' on Page 4 ternities earned an average of 2.50. Sigma Delta Tau sorority at- tained an average of 3.03, placing first among the general sororities. Phi Epsilon Pi's members and pledges earned an average of 2.73 which placed them at the top of the fraternity list. The report is the second report for a single semester ever issued by the University. for America," the President said -Wednesday, "will be a more effi- cient and more economical nation- al defense." While the reorganization bill progressed through Congress, Sec- retary of Defense Neil J. McElroy appeared before a Senate Armed Services subcommittee to report on the present state of defenses. Citing the recent landings of United States armed forces in Lebanon, McElroysaid "Our forces are ready and ... can move rapid- ly to those parts of the world where they are needed." The reorganization bill reduces the power of the individual service secretaries and their military chiefs. It provides a clear-cut command system for the kind of forces most often used in modern wars-teams composed of selected elements of one, two or more services. COmmittee OK'sFunlds WASHINGTON (M-The Senate Appropriations Committee voted yesterday to give President Dwight D. Eisenhower all the money he asked for defense-and $1,200,000,- 000 more. It approved a bill which would provide $40,032,000,000 to main- tain the military establishment during the fiscal year that began July 1. This is $1,600,000,000 more than is contained in a bill passed by the House June 5. Most of the increase approved by the committee would go for additional airpower. The senators added $108,700,000 for- 13 more long-range jet B52G bombers..The House had provided funds for 39. Another $111,189,000 would pro- vide 30 additional KC135 jet tank- ers of the type that recently set new transocean speed records. As the bill goes to the Senate for action possibly next week, it would provide these service funds: Army--$9,074,000,000 plus 325, million of transfer funds. Navy and Marines-$11,422,000,- 000 plus 160 million of transfer funds. Air Force-$18,160,000,000. The balance goes to Defense Department administration and inter-service activities. In the House, more than half a billion dollars was cut from mili- tary construction funds request- ed by President Eisenhower. By voice vote it sent to the Sen- ate a bill appropriating $1,218,- 815,000 to finance Army, Navy and Air Force construction projects. WASHINGTON (R) - President Dwight D. Eisenhower drafted a new letter yesterday to Premie Khrushchev which reportedly in- sisted that the United Nations Se- curity Council set the time, place and ground rules for a summit meeting. President. Eisenhower rushe his draft to British and Frencj leaders in an apparent move to win their acceptance to his plan to pin down Khrushchev to clear- ly-defined conditions for any summit conference. Some authorities said President Eisenhower felt the 11-nation Se- curity Council should meet or consult in advance to settle this problem. This would eliminate the need, it was felt, for Khrushchev to continue to fire messages to West- ern Big Three leaders on the final arrangements for such a meeting in New York. President Eisenhow- er's main goal was understood to be to get Khrushchev on record as willing to follow the existing rules of the Security Council dur- ing the meeting. Khrushchev proposed a summit conference to start Monday but President Eisenhower and Secre- tary of State John Foster Dulles obviously were seeking to slow the rush by a couple of weeks. May Announce Today White House press secrtary James C. Hagerty in announcing the United States draft had been finished said there was a good chance it might be delivered to Moscow and made public today. Some authorities thought Sat- urday might be the earliest this could be done in view of the need for the American, British and French governments to settle dif- ferences about ground rules for any conference with Khrushchev. Hagerty gave no hint to news- men whether President Eisenhower would agree to a-swift New York parley. He reported the reply to Khrushchev was written after a second meeting between the Presi- dent and Dulles at the White House. Will Have Restrictions Congressmen who attended a late-afternoon briefing by Asst. Secretary of State William Ma- comber quoted him as saying President Eisenhower's reply would not be a simple acceptance of Khrushchev's terms. Continuing objections of France's Premier Charles de Gaulle clouded the outlook anew during the day. Rear Admiral Lost at Sea SAN FRANCISCO (P) - Rear Adm. Lynne C. Quiggle, 52 years old, disappeared at sea from the liner President Cleveland and ar parently jumped overboard in a "fit of mental depression" the liner's master said yesterday. "From information I know I can see no other answer to it," Commodore H. D. Ehman said. A Navy board of investigation, headed by Rear Adm. John Q. Owsley, medical corps, started a formal inquiry into Quiggle's dis- appearance. NASSER'S GLAD HAND-Gamal Nasser (left) President of the United Arab Republic, has a big smile and a handshake for Emir Abdullah Sabah, ruler of oil-rich Kuwait in Damascus, Syria. The Emir rules the little country just south of Iraq with British protection. Diplomats Say Khrushchev May Seek Private Meetings UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (_ - Many United Nations diplomats say the key phrase in Premier Nikita Khrushchev's latest message on a summit meeting is his reference to consultations outside the Security Council chamber. The feeling is that whatever achievements come from any pro- posed high-level gathering will be the result of private talks among -East-West leaders and not from Britain Says Middle East Not in Peril LONDON tAP) - Britain rejected last night Soviet charges that the peace of the Middle East has been imperiled by American and British landings in Lebanon and Jordan. Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush- chev's agreement to attend a special summit conference of the United Nations Security Council on the Middle East crisis got an official welcome from this country. But a government statement- seeming to reflect American and French thinking-rejected as un- realistic Khrushchev's idea that the talks should start Monday. Britain Wants Delay It pledged Britain's readiness to participate "as soon as a special meeting of the Security Council can be conveniently arranged." The trend of thinking seemed to be that would be in about 10 days, or during the first week in August. However, the United States Em- bassy in Moscow is taking no chances. It made preliminary ar- rangements for quick American clearance of Khrushchev's jet plane whenever it receives formal notification of his plans. Russians Confident Self-confidence was reflected among the Russians at Khrush- chev's decision to accept the. West's challenge. Government and Communist party newspapers made fresh at- tacks on the United States and President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Izvestia said the United States is so accustomed to settling all problems from positions of strength that it interprets military intervention as peaceful foreign policy. When President Eisen- hower speaks of human dignity, it said, he is thinking only of crowned, feudal heads of colonial states. Stop Search For Mouse F Temporarily CAPE CANAVERAL (A')-Wickie the mouse apparently was lost at sea yesterday after a violent 6,- 000-mile in the nose cone of a Thor-Able missile. The nose cone was a dot in a wide expanse of the Atlantic to search units patrolling waters1 near Ascension Island, some 1,000s miles off the African coast. l The Air Force announced the search was discontinued tempo-t rarily due to darkness in the areac and the absence of any radio sig- nals from the nose cone.f Present plans call for one more< day of searching, officials said. The recovery fleet was com-k posed of more than a dozen tele-t metry ships aied by C54 planes.v said the Communists, al- though outlawed by Nasser, organized 50-man groups to shout "Down with Nasser" in the streets. They said more than 200 were arrested. Transportation Union Strikes The informants reported that on July 5 the leftist transport union went on strike in Aleppo. Nasser brought in troops and op- erated public transport, breaking the strike. Northern Syria has fallen on hard times since the union of Egypt and Syria in February. The Communists are trying to blame the depression on Nasser, the travelers said. But the real trou- ble, they added, was a bad crop year that cut buying power. This forced industry layoffs. Quote Iraqi Officials Two higher officials of the Iraqi regime were quoted by a Cairo newspaper as saying nego- tiations for a union with Nas- ser's UA.R are being prepared. Iraqi Deputy Premier Abdel Salam Aref told the newspaper; Sabah el Kheir he is "looking for- ward to the day when union will- be achieved between all liberated Arab countries." Nagy Taleb, Iraq's new minis- ter of social affairs, said union with the UAR is "our only guar- antee for independence." Aref said UAR-Iraqi commit- tees are being formed to discuss military, political, ecQnomic and educational matters "with the aim of uniting similar institutions in all these fields." In Beirut, attention was cen- tered on the hope that next week's parliamentary electionof a new president would end the 76-day-old rebellion, clearing the way for withdrawal of United States troops. Will Call Off Strike The Lebanese Association of Industrialists indicated it will call off a threatened general close- down of allindustry until it sees what Parliament does.1 The association had threatened to close down unless Parliament picked a president who could re- store peace. Parliament post- poned the election session until next Thursday to give negotia- tors for both sides time to agreet on an acceptable candidate. The rebels have been gunning for pro-Western President Camille Chamoun, whose term expires int September. If a candidate cannot1 be found acceptable to both sides, this little nation faces real civilf war. Iraqi Insurgents May Enter UAR Outlawed Pro-Communist Groups Active in Syrian Industrial Ceiter BEIRUT, Lebanon (R) - President Gamal Abdel Nasser is reported 'as being plagued by Communist disorders in his province of Syria just as Iraqi rebel leaders began talking of joining his United Arab Republic. The Iraqi rebel regime professes to be anti-Communist. It is said to have stiff-armed Red elements trying to climb aboard the revolutionary wagon. So it may follow events in Syria with interest. Reliable informants returning from Syria said the Com- munists were active in Aleppo, an agricultural and industrial center in northern Syria. They ! sen. Capehart Blasts Ethics f Roosevelt, WASHINGTON (M)--Sen. Homer apehart (D-Ind.) questioned the thics of Rep. James Roosevelt {D- alif) yesterday, It set off an uproar in the Sen- be Banking Committee. Roosevelt, son of the late Presi- ent Franklin D. Roosevelt, went efore the committee to oppose gislation dealing with savings nd loan advertising, introduced r Sen. J. Glenn Beall (R-Md.). Capehart, one of the hottest- mpered of Republicans, accused oosevelt of reflecting on the in- grity of the men who drew up e legislation and said: "If you e going to attack these gentle- Len, we want to know who is pay- g you for the attack." Warmly, Roosevelt replied: "I' n not being paid for testifying." Roosevelt disputed Capehart's iggestion that in appearing ainst the legislation he was rep- senting a company which op- sed it and had put him on the yroll after it was introduced. The legislation would forbid vings and loan associations to [vertise that their certificates of posit, etc:, were insured-unless ey were insured by the Federal eposit Insurance Corp., or the deral savings and loan system. Under Capehart's questioning, oosevelt said he became board airman of a Baltimore savings Hussein Says Plans To Halt Shift to Russia LONDON () - Jordan's King Hussein said in a BBC-TV inter- view last night he is preparing with free world help to save Iraq from becoming a Soviet satellite. He declined to say what active measures he proposes against the regime that overthrew the mon- archy in Iraq last week, set up a Nasser-style republic and declared an end to the Arab federation of Jordan and Iraq. Britain sent parachute troops to Jordan last week in answer to Hussein's plea for help against any such coup in Jordan. The young monarch accused the Soviet Union of inspiring. revolution in the Middle East as part of a grand plan to destroy Arab nationalism and turn Arab. countries into Soviet satellites. "The plan, it seems, also calls for the Communists to control the oil fields of the Arab world," Hus- sein said. the formal sessions of the 11-na- tion Council. The Council prob-' ably would do little more than put its approval on agreements, if any, reached by the big powers. Suggest Agreement First Khrushchev and British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan al- ready have suggested that no resolutions be submitted to the Council unless they arise from previous agreement. This clearly indicates private Negotiations are envisaged. UN secretary General Dag Hammar- skjold, who has agreed to take part in any high-level meeting, is a strong believer in quiet diplo- macy. Advantages Given Advocates of private consulta- tions see these main advantages: Private talks minimize the oppor- tunity for propaganda, they can be limited to the few key leaders whose agreement is essential, and they are much more speedy. Diplomats doubt whether there will be more than two or three meetings of the full Council. Whether these meetings will be' open or closed is one of the first questions to be decided. There is not even enough room to take care of the UN diplomats and the press, radio and television representatives. Arrangements are being made to install television sets in nearby conference rooms to take care of the press overflow. But just where any private meetings would be held still has not been disclosed. There were hints that the idea of private meetings might run into some difficulties. Diplomatic circles reported some heads of government are not happy over the prospect of com- ing to New York just to sit at a few formal meetings of- the Secur- ity Council and then sit around while the big powers negotiate in private. PJrfa T A romo a Jones Plans Russian Trip on Sunday Leslie M. Jones, lecturer in the aeronautical engineering depart- ment and research engineer for the University's Engineering Re- search Institute, will leave for Moscow Sunday to attend the fifth General Assembly of the Committee Specale De L'Annee G e o p h y s i q u e Internationale (CSAGI. He will be accompanied by Nel- son W. Spencer, of the electrical engineering department, also a_ research engineer for the Insti- tute. Led by Prof. Joseph Kaplin of the University of California, Jones and Spencer are among the 25- member delegation which will represent the United States at !the meeting. Delegates from 60 countries will attend to discuss and share the results of experiments in 14 dif- ferent fields of science which have beencarriedeoutin each country over the last few years. The Assembly will be presided over by Prof. Sydney Chapman, well-known astronomer, physicist and mathematician from England. He will be a visiting professor at the University this fall. The Assembly will start on Monday. City Churches Plan Prayers For Mid-East Prayers and meditation for world peace will1be given in at least 21 local area churches on Tuesday in response to the Middle East crisis, according to Prof. Kenneth Bould- ing of the economics department. "In view of the precarious na- ture of the international situation and the desperate straits in which the human race finds itself as it contemplates the possibility of atomic warfare ... churches have agreed to open their doors for all those who wish to offer private prayers for peace," Prof. Bould- ing's announcement indicated. Agreeing to open their doors from 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday are nineteen local and two area churches, although others are expected to join after they'are contacted. It is stressed that all persons, whether regular church goers or not, can at that time offer their private prayers for peace, accord- ing to Prof. Boulding. Minister Asks oil Controls WASHINGTON (A )-Prime Min- ister Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana proposed yesterday that the major powers guarantee the sovereignty of each country in the Middle East. Nkrumah told a National Press Club luncheon audience that under this nlan the nil rensoresnf th Sobelov Attacks Delegate World News Roundup By The Associated Press DAMASCUS, Syria-An official Syrian announcement said Syrian anti-aircraft guns yesterday shot down an unidentified jet fighter plane intruding on air space of the United Arab Republic. It added the plane was seen falling in flames into Lebanese ter- ritory after being hit over Syrian soil. The United States Defense Department said in Washington it had no information on the identity of the plane. CIUDAD TRUJILLO, Dominican Republic-Juan D. Peron said yesterday he will return to his Argentine homeland whenever he con- siders it necessary and opportune. The exiled ex-dictator made clear in an interview that he was not worried over a recent declaration of Argentina's President Arturo Frondizi that he would not be able to return. Frondizi said the Argen- tines did not want either old or new dictators. -w wu