THE MICHIGAN DAILY 2 DOOLIE HATS?-These may look like giant coolie hats or huge inverted lily pads, but actually they are the tops of ,three metal farm granaries protruding from floodwaters covering farmlands near Triplett in north central Missouri. The Grand River, fed by heavy rains, has spilled over thousands of acres, ruining some crops and damaging farm buildings. Lighting Influences Mind, Emotions 60 Projects Conducted By Institute Approximately 60 research pro- jects valued at more than one and two-tenths million dollars were conducted by The University's In- stitute for Social Research during 1957-58. In his annual report to President Harlan Hatcher, Institute Director Rensis Likert noted that approxi- mately 100 books, journal articles, and miscellaneous research docu- ments were added to the Insti- tute's list of publications during the year. Of these, five were major books reporting specific research projects and summarizing meth- odological and theoretical ma- terials. Facilities Lacking Several significant possibilities for additional research were aban- doned or postponed for lack of facilities, Likert said. As in past years, more than 90 per cent of the Institute's income came from sources outside the Uni- versity, about equally from private organizations, research-supporting foundations, and government agencies. Among the projects conducted by the Institute for 1957-58 were: The 13th annual "Survey of Con- sumer Finances;" the use of bank- ing services by business firms; ad- ministrative and management practices of 12 Michigan hospitals; analysis of relations between job satisfaction and general life ad- justment; and analysis of political behavior in the 1956 presidential election. Other Projects Other projects included: Mental health and illness in the adult population; new nation-wide studies on youth in 9 - 13 age bracket; studies of delinquency; the impact of social organization on members of information and communication teams; and as- sessment of factors influencing moral and ethical values of youth. Conn To Give Lyons Lecture Dr. Jerome W. Conn, professor of internal medicine at The Uni- versity Medical Center, has been selected to give the 1958 Chalmers Lyons Memorial Lecture Aug. 1 at the annual meeting of the Ameri- can Society of Oral Surgeons in Chicago. Dr. Conn will sketch the rapid advances made in recent years in the field of endocrinology and their significance for oral sur- gery. Director of the University division of endocrinology and metabolism, Dr. Conn has spoken widely to professional groups on the effect of glandular secretions on bodily function. The annual memorial lecture honors Dr. Chalmers H. Lyons, a former professor of oral surgery at the University. Enrollment Falls Below Past Record This year's summer enrollment failed to top the previous record for summer enrollment in graduate school, Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of the graduate school said yesterday. Both the spring and fall semes- ter enrollment set all-time records both in campus and off-campus units. Higher standards of admission for non-Michigan students were imposed to keep enrollment within the limits of the educational fa- cilities, Dean Sawyer said. The increase indicates, accord- ing to Dean Sawyer, that an in- crease in enrollment is to be ex- pected which will be accented "within a few years," even though the "great wave of students has not yet come through the under- graduate colleges and entered the graduate school." Enrollment for the 1958 spring semester exceedeI 5400. A total of 264 doctor's degrees and 1,636 master's degrees were conferred. Fraternity Head On Campus Today Dr. Dorothy Veon of State Col- lege, Pa., national president of Delta Pi Epsilon, honorary fra- ternity in business education, will be on campus today. A luncheon is being planned for Dr. Veon with members of Kappa Chapter of Delta Pi Epsilon. There will be a coffee hour at 3 p.m. in Rm. 3021 University High School. . THE HAWK - These are the first released Army pictures of the Hawk, a low flying, homing anti-air- craft missile now being tested by the Army. In this sequence, the Hawk, alerted by radar, takes off and homes in on a radio-controlled F-80 jet fighter over a southern New Mexico missile range. The F-80 was destroyed by a direct hit. Sequence shows Hawk firing, approaching and destroying plane. .4 11 Investigation Techniques Streanlined Ultra minute quantities of ele- ments-sometimes one-fifth part per billion-can be detected in meteorites with facilities of the Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Pro- ject at the University. Information thus gained is add- ing to the fund of knowledge on how elements were built up in the formation of the universe. The technique utilizes the pro- ject's Ford Nuclear Reactor, most powerful at any educational in- stitution, and a pneumatic tube system which enables a powdered sample of a meteorite to be ex- posed to intense radiation and then returned seconds later to the fingertips of the chemist making the analysis. Quantities Too Small The quantities of elements such as rhodium, silver and indium are so small they cannot be detected by "old-fashioned" s t a n d a r d chemical means alone, since the presence of equally small amounts of the elements in the supposedly pure test chemicals invalidate the results. Prof. W. Wayne Meinke of the chemistry department reports that exposure of a meteorite sample to nuclear r a d i a t i o n makes the sample radioactive. Then, when the element being investigated is isolated from all others by chemi- cal means, the amount of the element present can be measured by instruments sensitive to radio- activity, even if the chemicals used in the isolation process have added an additional quantity of the element. Test Speed Increased The radiation technique has re- duced the time necessary to make such tests from hours or days to 15 to 30 minutes, as well as in- creasing their accuracy and sen- sitivity. Such high speed handling has enabled scientists to measure more easily elements with very short half-lives - the time it takes for one-half the volume of an element to decompose, and lose its radio- activity. Some elements have half-lives of just a few seconds or minutes, which leaves little time for analysis. Returned in Three Seconds The pneumatic tube system re- turns the sample in three seconds after it has been exposed to ra- diation in the reactor for two to three times the length of half- life. The Phoenix Project was begun 10 years agoas a memorial to stu- dents and faculty members killed in World War II and is dedicated to finding peacetime uses of atomic energy. A campus-wide ac- tivity, it has attracted interna- tional attention for its diversity and uniqueness. U.S. BUSINESS IN EUROPE: Four Professors Study Legal Problems Abroad Legal problems confronting American business firms in the European economic community are being studied by four University law professors. Eric Stein, professor of interna- tional law and international or- ganization, and Alfred F. Conard, professor of business organization law, are now in Europe collecting information and opinions for the project. L. Hart Wright, professor of taxation, will go to Europe in Sep- tember, and Alan N. Polasky, pro- fessor of taxation, will probably arrange to visit Europe during the course of the school year. Several papers also will be prepared by European scholars. Financed by Endowment Their research is financed pri- marily by the William W. Cook Endowment, but is also aided by a Ford Foundation grant to the law school for international legal studies, according to Prof. Allan F. Smith, director of research for the school.- The central theme of the proj- ect is the effects of the develop- ment of a unified Europe on Aierican businessmen's legal problems. The European Economic Community with its "common market" is in the forefront of the unification movement, which has as its ultimate objective the for- mation of a United States of Eu- rope. petition, patents and other Ihtan- gible rights, labor relations and labor standards, taxation of Amer- ican enterprises, evolution of tar- iffs and quotas, foreign exchange regulations, and public relations of American enterprises in Europe. Fi The GOLDEN APPLES Restau rant ..0 features for your enjoyment N 0 STEAK0 SI CHICKEI EAFOOD SMORGASBORD also BUFFET LUNCHEONS 11 A.M.-2 P.M. ALL YOU CAN EAT for $1.00 TOWER HOTEL NO 2.4531 300 South Thayer 1 1 1 y* "1 1. '.y{ " '{".N