Slir Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom :4ai i44 CLOUDY, WARM ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1958 FIVE CENTS .......................... . FOUR, PAGI FIVE CENTS FOUR PAG Khrushchev Accepts Plai For Conference at Summi Industrialism, Most Sought Soviet Goal By GENNY LELAND "Industrialization is the obses- sion of the pre-moderns," Prof. George Fischer of Brandeis and Harvard Universities declared yes- terday. Speaking on "The Role of In- dustrialization in Soviet Politics" in the fourth of a summer lecture series, Prof. Fischer defined in- dustrialization as a shorthand ex- pression for a group of economic, sociological and psychological fac- tors. He pointed out. that countries such as India and Lebanon are pre-moderns because these na- tions have not reached advanced stages in industrialization. Beginning of Power Pre-modern countries look to industrialization as a beginning of national power, prestige and a good life free from superstition, poverty and oppressive ruling classes. This has become an all impor- tant single goal for these coun- tries, the professor said. "Industrialization produces, onj a cause and effect basis, a new type of society." The society con- tinues to increase in the complex- ity of its structure. It produces ur- COMBATS 'FOOLISH SEEDLING DISEASE': 'U' Rice Research Brings Success Millions of Asians may find relief for aching backs and even enjoy longer lives through results of basic research on rice at the Uni- versity. University scientists, led by Prof. Peter B. Kaufman of the botany department, have found a way to increase the height of rice stems nearly two-fbld--from about two feet to four feet-without dimin- ishing quality or yield. For centuries, Asian farmers have toiled and bent their backs over the Orient's oldest and most important staple-an aquatic grass known as rice. They may not have to spend their lives stooping over much longer. Result of Research The accomplishment of stem elongation is the result of basic research in rice physiology and of Prof. Kaufman's intense interest in the plant, which spans nearly a decade. He has directed the Uni- versity study, backed this year by $4,300 from a Horace H. Rackhamr faculty research grant, since com- ing here two years ago. Ironically, the answer to in- creasing stem height is directly linked to a fungus that normally attacks rice, causing what Japa- nese scientists call "the foolish seedling disease," Prof. Kaufman says. The results are often disas- trous-the plant grows too fast, its leaves grow out of proportion, and its stems become weak, often top- pling into irrigation waters. Can Control Growth The Japanese have found, how- ever, that gibberellic acid that comes from the fungus can be used to control growth in various plants and much interest has been stirred up among botanists. Prof. Kaufman's is the first large-scale attempt at using the acid on rice in the United States, however. To his knowledge the University is the only institution actively engaged in basic research on rice physiology and hormones. How did Prof. Kaufman get on the trail to a successful means of stem elongation? During 1954-56, while serving with the Army, the young scientist helped devise a method of determining successive stages of development in rice. He also experimented with ir- radiated rice, testing it for hard- ness, size, and effect of radiation. Both of these studies were to prove valuable to him at the University, U.S. Unveils New Bomber WICHITA, Kan. (P)-What the Air Force describes as its first truly world-range nuclear bomber rolled off the production.line yes- terday without much fanfare. The plane is known as the B- 52-G. 'Yesterday's showing was conducted for news and camera- men at Boeing Airplane Co.'s as- sembly plant. Without being too specific, the Air Force says the B-52-G will fly higher, farther and faster and carry a more lethal punch than the earlier model B-52s. RAISES RICE-Prof. Peter B. Kaufman of the botany department, director of the University project through which a way has been found to increase the height of rice stems without impairing quality or yield, is shown with some of the rice plants grown at the Botanical Gardens. This is perhaps the first rice ever growne in Michigan. PROF. GEORGE FISCHER ... industrialization an obsession banization and standardization and specialization. Because of changes and innovations in all aspects of life, human institutions and individuals in the society ad- just themselves, Prof. Fischer ex- plained. Describes U.S. Image Our image of industrialization is the development of industry in England, which came to America gradually, so that laissez-faire had a chance to develop. We see this development in the pale, dim past and as the ideal development, he said. "In recent years we, the United States, have watched Germany and Japan industrialize. It was abrupt, violent and incomplete. The change took place under di- rect government policy because large parts of the population were not prepared, socially, psychologi- cally and religiously for the ma- chine age "Thus follows extreme dictators," Prof. Fischer said. Need Central Control The economic, political and cul- tural jumps could only be handled with a central control, he ex- plained. "The Soviet development can be explained more plausibly with these aspects in mind." Prof. Fischer declared that the Russian Revolution succeeded be- cause the revolutionary leaders offered the quickest way to indus- trialization. "In effect this has' produced a harsh, poor, unconfident society. with a focus on the one single goal of production, the professor said. WUOM To Air UylA u-n. . To study rice, however, one must grow some in the research area. This was simple when Prof. Kauf- man worked with rice in the Sac- ramento Valley as a doctoral stu- dent at the University of Califor- nia.But rice doesn't especially care for Michigan's climate; so here was Prof. Kaufman's first prob- lem. It was during the winter of 1956 that he and Prof. A. G. Norman, director of the University botani- cal Gardens, tried to grow rice in the heated greenhouses at the gardens. They obtained seed for the experiment from Beaumont Rice Experiment Station, Texas. Rice Grows in Michigan Nitrate fertilizers were tried without success. Ammonium ferti- lizers worked better and soon the seeds germinated and began to sprout and rice was grown in Michigan perhaps for the first time. Now .Dr. Kaufman's work in growth development was ready for a test. He sprayed gibberellic acid-the substance causing rice to grow too rapidly-on the rice leaves at iari- ous stages of development. Some plants remained normal (short), depending on when sprayed, and others shot up with no apparent loss of quality and yield. The an- swer to adding height to rice stems had been discovered. It is now up to governmental and agricultural 'agencies to put the ideas to work. Already interest has run high. OVER PROTESTS: Ask Study On Loants WASHINGTON () - The Sen- ate called on the administration yesterday for prompt study of a U:roposed new international loan agency to make long-term, low- interest development loans re- payable in "soft' currencies. It adopted, 62-25, over the pro- tests of Sens. Homer E. Cape- bart (R-Ind.) and John W. Brick- er (R-Ohio), a resolution recog- nizing "the de.Irability of promot- in; a greater degree of interna-' tional development by means of multilateral"'loans." It calls on the United States National Advisory Council to study the feasibility of establish- ing an International Development Association as an affiliate of the World Bank, which is limited to making bankable loans repayable in dollars. The passage came after Cape- hart assailed Eugene R. Black, American president of the World Bank, for endorsing the proposed study in a letter to Sen. Prescott Bush (R-Conn.), although he re- fused to testify before a Senate Interstate Commerce subcommit- tee hearing on the proposal. Agreement To UN Talks Conditional Demands Invitation of India, Arab Bloc MOSCOW W) - Nikita Krsh- chev last night snapped up the Western proposal for a summit conference on the Mideast within the United Nations Security Council. He offered conditionally to at- tend such a session in New York and suggested that it start next Monday. This would be his first trip to the Western Hemisphere. The Soviet Premier - Commu- nisms foremost traveling sales- man - specified that his personal participation depended on two things: Makes Conditions 1) Invitation of India's Prime Minister Nehru and governments of the Arab countries concerned to take part in the discussion with the 11 nations on the Security Council. 2) Attendance by President Dwight D.- Eisenhower, Britain's Prime Minister Harold Macmillan and France's Premier Charles de Gaulle - the Western Big Three whose approach to the Macmil- lan-sponsored idea of a UN sum- mit meeting lacks the unanimity they usually show in dealings with Russia. Urges Quick Action Urging speedy action, Khrush- chev said, "We cannot afford to belittle the danger of this dispute because there are certain forces which wish to widen the area of aggression and which are plan- ning a military attack on Iraq." A revolution toppled Iraq's roy- al pro-Western government July 14. Subsequently, American forces landed in Lebanon and British forces in Jordan at the request of the Lebanon and Jordan govern- ments. Responds Rapidly Khrushchev's response came less than 24 hours after Macmil- Ian, and Eisenhower - somewhat less enthusiastically - proposed the extraordinary Security Coun- cil session in the big glass-walled house overlooking New York's East River. Khrushchev's willingness to un- dertake a history-making flight to New York was announced in sep- arate communications to Presi- dent Eisenhower and Prime Min- isters Macmillan of Britain, de Gaulle of France and Nehru of India. Ike Refuses To Conunent On Conditions WASHINGTON (JP) -President Eisenhower held back any coi- ment last night on Premier Nikita Khrushchev's conditions for sum- mit talks at the United Nations. Many diplomatic officials were convinced such talks would take place. A number, however,'voiced strong doubts that any such par- ley as Khrushchev proposed - to begin Monday at UN headquarters in New York City-could be ar- ranged as quickly as that. Ike Delays Eisenhower deliberately delayed any reaction overnight until Sec- retary of State John Foster Dulles and diplomatic officials put Khrushchev's words under the microscope - figuratively reading the fine print for gimmicks. The White House press secre- tary, James C. Hagerty, gave no indication when the United State's reply to Khrushchev might be ex- pected. He said he would be in his office early today (7:30 a.m., EDT), but gave no hint that a reply might be made public at that time. Forecast Jockeying Some diplomatic sources forecast' . te-harngo te -roosl If Khrushchev Visited U.S. 0@900 WASHINGTON (M) - Suppose a summit conference was set up to be held at the United Nations in New York. And suppose Nikita Khrushchev did attend. What kind of a reception would he get from the United States public? This is not an academic question. Thinking About Problem Even though the chances for holding such a conference in this country appear to be slim, those who would have the job of making sure that Khrushchev would be unharmed have been thinking about their potential problem. Their appraisal seems to be reasonable: It would be the tough- est task they have ever tackled. other individuals, who may feel they have a personal score to set- tle with the Soviets. When you add in the crackpots and the down- right crazy, whose dreams of glory often seem to include assassina- tion, the protection job looks formidable. Formidable, but not impossible, say those who would have to do it. It's not usually understood how much preparation must be made for the visit of any distinguished guest. Weeks of planning, charting, and timing every move, dry runs, fretting over traffic control, wor- rying over what someone in a large crowd might do, checks and double checks. Other Precautions All this, and more, would be! done if Khrushchev were to come to this country. A couple of things that might be done to add to his protection: Have him land at a military airbase rather than at a commer- cial airport. where crowds might :" ::,