MY, JULY 24,1957 2AN DAILY PA( SPEECH PROFESSOR RETIRES: Muyskens, 70, Working on 'Handbook' Student Reports See South American Affairs p Gig antic By ERNEST ZAPLITNY From the time he heard a speech by William Jennings Bryan, Prof. John H. Muyskens became aware of beauty in the human voice. Last September Prof. Muyskens retired as associate professor of phonetics in the Department of Speech after 37 years with the University. "Bryan was beyond question our greatest orator," he said yesterday. "Apart from his eloquence, he pos- sessed an ability of expression un- equalled since. I've heard him ' nany times, and his perfection was the great influence in my work" Prof. Muyskens lives quietly with his wife Mary on, tree-vaulted Wildwood Avenue on Ann Arbor's west side. Work Surrounds Him , Now 70 years old, he still sur- rounds himself with books and work. He is working on the manu- script for a third volume, "Herm&- neutics" (the science of language interpretation), in a series he is co-authoring with Prof. Emeritus Clarence L. Meader. Their'"Handbook of Biolinguis- tics" was published in 1924, in which the concept of oral gymnas- tics was first introduced after 20 years of stuy and research in speech defects. In this book, the workings of oral muscles in speaking was re- duced to a scienc. It is a stan- dardreference in schools and i- braries all over the world. Prof. Muyskens reports that Russia re- cently Purchased several volumes2 undoubtedly for translation and use. Volume Printing The second volume, "Seman- tics," a study on meanings of words, is now being printed. The value of his training in speceh was evident as Prof. Muy-. skens recounted with flawless ar- ticulation the highlights of his long career. Yet he has suffered several strokes severe enough to have im- paired the speech of a person not trained in phonetic sound-making. A fluent speaker of five foreign 4 languages, Prof. Muyskens spoke native Dutch in his birthplace of Orange City, Iowa. Besides Eng- lish, he picked up Latin, Greek and some German in the Orange City schools. He went on to Calvin College in Grand Rapids to study French and Hebrew and perfected his Ger- man there. He taught languages at Calvin before he joined the YMCA for service with the French Army during World War I. Given Medal Then he was chosen for vital liaison work with the War Work Council (an agency of the French Army which coordinated Ameri- can-French effort) in the Vosges sector. For his distinguished serv- ice and capability with languages, he was awarded the Medaille Mili- taire, the French decoration for civilian service in the armed forces. After the war, he taught in Ken- nedy School of Hartford, Conn. Again, his repertoire was valuable in teaching prospective foreign ,missionaries to master particular languages. He first taught phone- tics here where he set up a pho- netics laboratory. Prof. Muyskens came to the Uni- versity in 1920 as an instructor in French. It was here that he did extensive study in phonetics re- garding speech defects. Departments Changed His work with speech defective students while in the French de- partment led to his transfer to the speech department. Working in its phonetics laboratory, he developed OftGeography SOften Dealing With Unusual Finding the geographical center of Michigan's Thumb is just one of the "impossible" tasks which the University Department of Geography has been asked to do. They couldn't answer .the "thumb"- question, but have had a "hand" in answering hundreds of other unusual queries. Prof. Charles M. Davis, chair- man of the department, says in explaining the "loaded" question: Hard To Find "Trying to locate the geographi- cal center of the Thumb is like attempting to describe the geo- graphical limits of the Midwest. You just can't do it." Sometimes ingenuity has paid off in dealing with the unusual. During World War II, the de- partment received a letter from the father of a serviceman asking them to "please locate San Sor- igne -- that's where he wrote from." Puzzled staff members huddled and came up with, the fact that "San Sorigne" or "sans origne," as it should have been spelled, means "origin unknown" in French. This seemed appropriate since service- -men were not allowed to disclose their whereabouts. In April of this year transport fares were raised without warning in the city of Valparaiso, Chile. Students from the city's politi- cally conscious state university demonstrated against the 50 per cent incretase in orderly fashion. But professional agitation groups moved in swiftly to fan popular, discontent. Riots exploded throughout prin- cipal Chilean cities; countless in- juries, deaths and widespread de- struction followed. The increases were revoked. Rebellion Triggered In September of 1956, elements of the Argentine army triggered a rebellion against Dictator Juan Peron. The insurgents seized the city of Cordoba on the rolling plains of the interior Pampa. Loyal Peron divisions were con- verging on the stronghold when the rebel leaders sent out desper- ate appeals for volunteers. Students from the University of Cordoba, many already in the ranks, sprung to arms. These fresh reenforcements, white armbands their only insignia, saved Cordoba and the revolution. Peron Scurries Peron scurried for political asylum. Students figured prominently in both upheavals, but their relative positions in the chain of events differed. Setting about to examine the influence of students in the politi- cal makeup of eight South Ameri- can countries is a five-man dele- gation of the International Stu- dent Conference. Ralph S. Dellacava is the United States representative. The other four are drawn from Tunisia, Tur- key, Finland and the Philippine Republic. Their reports illuminate the political histories of the two coun- tries reported on so far. All universities in Chile enjoy autonomy from the state, the dele- gation informs. Both state and gations informs. Both state and private secular schools are ad- ministered by councils, which in- clude student representatives, elected from within the university. Under these conditions, it is not surprising that Chilean students are unusually expressivI in extra- scholastic matters. Groups Present Student groups are present in all universities, and are organized independent of one another. All students of the University of Chile in Santiago (the capital) belong to the 50-year-old Federa- tion of Students of Chile. This group has always taken a leading position on national social questions, and maintains close links with other social groups. It was the comparable organization in the University of Valparaiso that initiated the protest against the increase in transport fares. Peron Regime A very dfferent situation existed in Argentina during the Peron regime. University officials were political appointees, and students were of course not permitted to assemble or organize. United action was quite impos- sible even in the face of an armed uprising. .The delegation reports that stu- dents are not entirely satisfied however, since the expected laws stipulate that faculty members shall be in the majority on gov- erning councils. The delegation is currently in Bolivia, and will cover Peru, Ecua- dor and Colombia in its three- month tour. 10,00 publishers' brand-new, original editions - notionally advertised at $2.00 to $5.00 ! They're sensational bargains at this low price. NOW$10 BUY NOW FOR CH RISTMAS PROF. JOHN H. MUYSKENS .. .in the face of everyday speech, the memory of Bryan .....,''"' *' the science of palatography, con- cerned with, the shape of the mouth and position of teeth as they influence speech. His instruction was restricted to defects in speech, and he was in- strumental in forming the Uni- versity's Speech Clinic, now a part of the Institute for Human Ad- justment. It was during this early associa- tion with the speech department that he collaborated with Prof. Emeritus Meader, then with the Latin department, in beginning the "Handbook of Biolinguistics." Grads Studied Many linguistics graduates stu- died under Prof. Muyskens, in- cluding some 45 who took their doctors' degrees with him. His pu- pils are in universities and colleges all over the country. He feels that there is much room for improvement in vocal expres- sion. "Everyday speech is too care- less," he explains. "You can tell where people come from far too easily." He advises teaching of phonetic elocution at an early age. Foreign language instruction should be- gin in elementary schools, he adds. "Oral movements are basically. similar in all languages," he said. "The proper phonetic instruction in any language is bound to trans- mit good speech to other tongues. Relatioi Sought "If we can achieve a closer re- lationship between the production of sound and its memory as it is formed, we'll go a long way in eradicating regional patterns of pronunciation," he said. Prof. Muyskens has no plans for travel because of his health and regrets that he is no longer able to enjoy fishing and duck-hunting. He wistfully recalls hauling 60- pound salmon out of Washington State's Columbia River. "But as long as I can work and contribute to the art of human ex- pression, I shall be content," he observed. Gtq*. o R1 Originally Published at $2.50 Ts U' RESEARCH INSTITUTE: 'Fog Box' Tests Ways of Road Lighting to $10.00 00 A "Fog Box," recently developed at University Engineering Re- search Institute, tests new meth- ods of lighting highways and ways of placing headlights so that dan- ger of driving in fog will be re- duced. The fog box, a long box-contain- ing a model of a highway is located at the Vision Rtsearth Labora- tories. Artificial fog-a fine spray of wateir-of any density can be. held uniformly for any length of time. The model was developed by Prof H. Richard Blackwell, anI Benjamin S. Pritchard, of the ERI., through years of research. Measure Fog First, instruments were made to measure how fog scatters, ab- sorbs, and transmits light, Now that the fog box has been perfteted, Prof. Blackwell says scientific research of highway lighting in the fog can be readily done. He said, "We can start with a standard situation, and make whatever changes we want, then scientifically record the results." Peep, Hole The fog box has a peep hole in the end, and from that viewpoint, the model -of the highway inside appears as it would from the driver's seat of a car. Already, quite a bit has been learned about highway lighting. Prof. Blackwell says, "Highway lighting has been designed for use in clear weather. We have calcu- lated-and this model shows-that instead of improving visability on foggy nights, present methods have just the opposite effect: they reduce visibility tor a high degree." Thee low seats and high head- lights in modern cars rae increas- ing danger in fog, because drivers' eyes are almost on the same plane as the beam of light, where they receive a high percentage of light reflected back by fog. Make Seats Lower If. the lights were lower, or the stats higher, the driver would re- ceive less "back scattered" light. Vertical overhead lighting is an improvement, because less light is scattered in the drivers' eyes. But tail lights and reflecting road signs and markers, intended for clear weather, fail to do the job in the fog. From what has been learned so far by the "Fog Box," the best remedy is two sets of lights on cars and highways, one for clear weather, and one for fog. Cars, for driving in fog, should have intens narrow-beam head- lights locate at bumber level, and crossed so that the one on the right would point toward the middle of the road and the other toward the reflectors at the right edge of the pavement. This ar- rangement would not blind on- coming drivers. Tail lights too should be in- creased in intensity, and they could be made to swing in a circle to attract attention. Overhead lights can be made more effective by slimming down their beams, or even doing away with them altogether on the open highway. This is NOT a Typographical Error. 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