Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 hen opiwloms Ane reg TruthbvwW Preva" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. AY, JULY 24, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: RENE GNAM American Economy And Bargain Days [ODAY AND tomorrow in Ann Arbor - as if anyone could be so unobservant as to fail o notice - are those exuberant once-a-year lays when the local merchants try to snap ut of the summer sales slump by luring eager ownspeople into their shops with the aid of hat universally-attractive attention-getter, the bargain." These are the days the merchants clean iouse, the days they get rid of all the excess Lock that didn't sell at Christmas or Easter, he days they make a last attempt at getting ack some of the money perhaps not too wisely ivested in a poor hunch. All this is done on a wide .scale - indeed, hie whole town is in cahoots to make today nd tomorrow successful days for the few hun- red cash registers about the city. All the mer- hbnts have banded together, the better to atch the public with. ND THE public will be caught. The towns- people, after tomorrow, will have a good iany new or used items in their homes while heir pocketbooks will be correspondingly light- Ann Arborites' homes will be filled with ooks that will never be read, clothes that will ever be worn, and all the "gimmick" items hat no one really wants but which no one can eally pass up in the face of the "bargain" label. In addition, other non-bargain items will ross the counter, too. Many merchants will ndoubtedly have this closer to the fronts of heir minds than the unloading of undesirable Advanced CAN JOHNNY Read? is fast being replaced by the question of what our superior Johnnies should be given to read and which of them are the brilliants, judging from a recent campus forum. Last Monday the English. Conference series was brightened somewhat by a panel airing of "Literature for the Superior Student." We got the impression the problem is bound to grow, if only controversially. Ann Arbor High's Jean Reynolds set mini- mum standards for "superior" student: an I.Q. of 130, reading speed of 14.5 (which we under- stand to mean something better than the average college sophomore). She suggested (the plan is in effect in her school) that group tests be given to sift out the superiors; then segrega- tion of these for exposure to a core of Great Books which could be expanded at their in- clination. John E. Graves of Detroit's Northeastern High opposed elaborate tests and their implica- tion of line-drawing. He counselled teachers instead to be watchful for the "critical faculty" which he said is unveiled by the character of a student's "response," Graves did not favor segregation and he would not introduce more literature for recog- nized superiors. He reasoned that they would do more reading without being "bludgeoned." EACH PLAN has merit balanced by a flaw. Both are deficient in one significant detail. The deficiency is that neither of the teachers mentioned any part to be played by the su- perior's parents. For class segregation at least, they should definitely be consulted and even be asked to grant permission. Periodic evaluations of progress should be furnished with invitation for comment and further advice. The group test method does force line-draw- ing. It leaves nothink to the teacher's judge- ment and provides little more than a nucleus for a psuedo-sophisticated reading class. Segre- gation (with extra credit, as at Ann Arbor High) sets up just one more class standard, and we can't see how the element of superiority can be preserved: is a low-C superior student better than a B-plus "normal"? merchandise. For when the customer decides that the "bargain" items are completely un- wanted, he usually strays into the other de- partments and decides that he will acquire some other more desirable and more costly merchandise. YET ALL this is a recognized part of the American democratic system of free enter- prise. And; more important, it is an essential part of this country's economy. The present and lasting prosperity is due t a large extent to the extravagance of the American 'people. It is the buying of things that. aren't really needed that builds our economy to the point where everyone prospers. If Americans didn't buy all the books they do (instead of reading them at libraries), if Americans didn't pour money into soft drinks as they do, if Americans didn't buy all the clothes they do, then the industries producing these goods would find themselves making much less in profits. The American economy is geared to high- spending; the Ann Arbor "bargain days" mere- ly encourage more of it. Obviously, when one is faced with old clothes, or the same old books he has seen at every month's "birthday sales," he should try to re- member to avoid thinking of "bargain days" as a part of "commercialism" (nasty word!) and remember that the whole scheme is a healthy part of our healthy American economy. -VERNON NAHRGANG Editor Education Mr. Graves' response-hunt seems a more judicious method of selection, and is in line with what Miss Reynolds herself recognized as the "remarkable obligation" for honest ap- praisal. Non-segregation (awful words!) con- serves superiority for the benefit of the less fortunately endowed. That is, it is more equit- able. B T "SUPERIORS" should not be left to their ends in reading. The teacher's experience and wisdom (they have it too, to be teachers) Is shamefully wasted. Attention (perhaps private) should be given to draw out interests and instill values. "Bludg- eoning" is then replaced by the teacher's first duty-guidance. -ERNEST ZAPLITNY Civil Rights Sponsorship SOMEWHERE in this current Civil Rights Senate controversy, the original purpose of the legislation appears to have been diverted. It seemed at first that the plan was designed to eliminate local circumvention of constitu- tional rights in backward regions of the coun- try. Unfortunately, the situation has become a political issue of the first magnitude; something not entirely unforeseen by prophets and profi- teers. After many years of plugging away at the civil rights theme, a collection of senators has been dismayed and horrified to suddenly find the leadership transferred from the ex- perienced and calloused hands of Morse, Doug- las and Humphrey, to, the relatively new and inexperienced hands of Knowland, Nixon and Eisenhower. It would be naive to assume that the spon- sorship of this civil rights bill is a trivial matter. With elections approaching again, this issue will be extremely significant. Still, it is strange to see how many faults many of the onetime strong supporters of civil rights legis- lation can find in a Republican-sponsored bill. -DAVID KESSEL AT RACKHAM: Steamer. Diverse Program LAST EVENING the Stanley Quartet again played one of its typically diverse programs with a broad spectrum of music to please almost everyone, at least in part. The Haydn quartet in E-flat, which opened the affair is a rather gay but otherwise adequate, with a startling ending, for Haydn. This was given a suitable performance, i.e. occasionally dreary but other- wise adequate. Next came the Stravinsky "Three Pieces for String Quartet," which. dates from 1914 when Stravinsky was experimenting with an assort- ment of effects. The first movement was over so fast I missed it, but the other two were very curious indeed, with many strange tonal; effects, ap- parently lost upon a straitlaced audience, and certainly lost on me. Five pieces from Bartok's "Mik- rocosmos," a piano suite tran- scribed for string quartet by Serly, were very effective in this form. ESPECIALLY SO was the selec- tion "From the diary of a fly," a sort of latter-day flight of the bumble-bee, which sounds far more appropriate coming from strings than from a piano. Bartok's music is always well played by the Quartet, and even these "Mikrokosmos" fragments were given the high-powered treat- ment which distinguishes out- standing pereformances of this composer's work. The program concluded with Brahms Quartet in B-flat major, Op. 67. This is possibly one of Brahms' most effective composi- tions for four strings, with many hints of his symphonic manner, especially in the first movement. In this quartet, as in the Brahms quartet played at the last concert, there was heard to good effect the cello of visitor Robert Swenson from the University of Illinois. --David Kessel ids' n j \ w~. {4'Y' &* n1 z . crr4t }rrt6?,,2JIbsr ce. AT LYDIA MENDELSSOHN: Hours' Mild Success LETTERS to the editor ..-. *...-..: r:.: ::. : :::'. .:a.:........:............: (Editor's Note: Letters to the Edi- tor must be signed, in good taste, and not more than 300 words in length. The Daily reserves the right to edit or withhold letters from publication.) Man's Frailties . . * To the Editor: THE ARGUMENTS advanced by Mr. Willie Abraham, from the University College of Ghana to "keep women out of the Univer- sity" and which were reprinted in the July 18 issue of The Daily, are, to say the least, unfair and sel- fish. Reading through the article, one is palpably conscious of a young man who is wildly distracted by the exterior sensual beauty of "every passing woman." However, for reasons best known to him, he! has failed to fathom the depth of a woman's heart, though he vaunts at the same time that he hasI "developed a radar-like sense of discernment in all things femi- nine." He subtly camouflages all the selfish frailties of man as "those important items which all men cherish." He then strangely blames the University Education of a woman for her failure to satisfy these selfish whims of man. The selfish nature. of complete possession of a woman by a man in every respect-spiritually, emo- tionally, mentally and bodily-is deeply ingrained in the author's mind. Mr. Abraham, sad to say, knows very little of "noble friendship." Matrimonial status does not pre- clude a wife from either making new friends or continuing her "noble friendship" with her friends -both men and women-of her youthful days. A woman has much right to enjoy true friendship as a man. Theauthor confuses this true friendship of his wife with other men with his own selfish idea of total possession of her. A woman is entitled as much as any man to know and enjoy the world of today. And a University campus affords the best oppor- tunity for this purpose, Though a University Education may be use- less (a debatable point, though) to a woman later as a wife, yet shemhas a right to enjoy it in her young days. Though man is still the main bread-winner, he should not grudge his wife the "elegant and expen- sive habits" of smoking and beer- drinking, if these give her plea- sure. If a man can acquire these costly habits on a University cam- pus and is entitled to enjoy them later, so a woman too. PHE THIRD summer production y of the Department of Speech opened last night with mild suc- cess. Neither as energetic as "Charley's Aunt," nor as generally, outstanding as the Moliere play, Joseph Hayes' suspense drama, "The Desperate Hours" is, never- theless, well produced and, for the most part, competently acted. The story focuses on a few cru- cial hours in the lives of three panic-stricken men: a police offi- cer, an escaped convict, and a mild mannered executive. These three, bound to each other's fortunes by some quirk of chance, struggle throughout the play to conquer their own weak- nesses and to define the nature of obedience to the established law. The convict, Glenn Griffin, suf- fering from some delusions of criminal honor and driven by the memory of a policeman's insult, takes possession of the suburban home of Dan Hilliard. Using the place as a temporary sanctuary from police pursuit, he and his two companions use two guns, two women, one small boy, and nuimer- ous threats to maintain the pro- tection of anonymity until their escape can be guaranteed. * * * HILLIARD, valuing the lives of his wife and children, is forced. to go along with the demands of the criminals. After being called a coward by his 10-year-old son, he attempts several futile subterfuges, but in "Just A Little More Watering Down" -- 4 I .' the end is physically persuaded to remain cooperative and helpful. The nature of his decision is inter- esting. What is more important to the average man; honor or safety? Griffin cannot leave the premises he has chosen for a refuge until he obtains money from his girl, friend through the a mail. His primary aim in breaking out had been to kill the man who had socked him on the jaw after his previous apprehension. This man, Bard, the police offi- cer in charge of the present case, was the' infernal magnet that drew Griffin to the area of the Hilliard's house and made him risk capture for revenge. The situation grows increasingly intense. A rivalry springs up be- tween the criminals: Griffin's young brother becomes scared and sentimental; Robish, the other es- capee of the party, is jealous of the leader's power. It would be unfair to reveal the ending in any detail, but a satis- factory resolution does take place and the curtain aptly falls at the proper moment of realization. * * * THE PLAY itself, although not unimpressive, is an amorphous one, depending upon the quality of its actors for success. The at- mosphere of tension and conflict, present in the movie and presum- ably in the Broadway production, was noticeably lacking, but this may undoubtedly be attributed to the unprofessional nature of the dramatic group. The majority of the main char-. acters were interpreted with ac- curacy rather than inspiration. Donald Shanower, as Bard, was unfortunately mealy-mouthed and over-histrionic and Lloyd Kaiser, as another denizen of the law, sounded too much like the Lone Ranger for comfort. Their weaknesses were almost balanced, however, by a few skill- ful portrayals among their less respectable counterparts. Fspeci- ally notable here is Donald Wood in the part of the oaf, Robish. The mechanical side of the pro- duction was equally satisfying. The set, built on two levels, success- fully created an impression of verisimilitude; its use, if noisy, prevented annoying scene changes. The few obvious technical diffi- culties are not important and might be smoothea out with little trouble. The use of offstage sound, for instance, might be more im- pressive if the audience could hear what is being said. -Jean Willoughby Financial, Roundup NEW YORK (P)- The stock market slipped further into the doldrums yesterday with prices mixed on the lightest turnover since June 27. Washington Merry= Round By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON - In reviewing the bitterness stirred up at Clinton, Tenn., it's important to remember that the confused young man who stirred it up, John Kas- per, is a close friend of Ezra Pound, who broadcast for the Axis during the war. Pound escaped trial as a traitor only on the plea of insanity. Kasper also was on such in- timate relations with Negroes that he attendedbNegro dances in Har- lem, and brought a Negro girl, Florette Williams, from New York. to Washington to visit Ezra Pound at St. Elizabeth's Hospital for the insane. With this background, Kasper, who has spent most of his life in the north, went south to organize White Citizens Councils and to stir up trouble againstethe race with which he had been so in- timate in New York. . * * * LAST WEEK the House veterans committee considered a bill by which the estates of incompetent veterans dying in veterans hospi- talsc would be paid to their wives, dependent parents and children. The bill was considered because some aged veterans, either insane or incompetent in VA hospitals, have, been leaving fairly large estates, and it was proposed that these estates go to the wife, parents or children-or in case none of them was living the money would go to the United States Treasury. Congressman Carl Anderson, Re- publican of Minnesota, proposed an amendment to include brothers and sisters in the list of benefi- ciaries. Later it developed that Anderson has a brother who has been in a VA hospital since World War L The congressman is the brother's guardian and handles his estates. Note-The bill was beaten. The law now remains as is: the estates of incompetent veterans go to next of kin, no matter who. NINE REPUBLICANS have noti- fled Senator Knowland they will not vote to shut off the filibuster. The list includes Goldwater (Ariz), Jenner (Ind.), Young (N. D.), Ma- lone (Neb.), Mundt (S. D.), and Williams (Del.). This means that the filibuster can last interminably unless there's a compromise. Only 60 votes can be raised by Republicans and northern Democrats for cloture-- which is four short of the neces- sary two-thirds. Knowland has promised to de- liver 35 Republican votes against the jury-trial amendment. He has told Senator Douglas of Illinois, the Democratic civil rights leader, that all he needs to do is to raise 15 votes to defeat the jury-trial amendment. Northern Democrats, however, are having trouble finding even 15 Democratic votes. Such senators as Jackson and Magnuson (Wash), Mansfield and Murray (Mont.), and O'Mal'oney (Wyo.) have indicated they Wvill vote with the South for trial by jury. Vice-President Nixon has been/ using his influence with Repub- licans to stop talk of compromise. He is probably the toughest nego- tiator for a strong civil rights bill. Southern senators have agreed to let the debate roll along without, any undue obstruction for the first couple of weeks until they see what kind of compromise they are get- ting. They are convinced they will get some important compromises. * * * UNITED NATIONS troops in the Gaza Strip are now so completely under Egypt's thumb that they had to smuggle in new furniture from Israel. They couldn't buy it openly. The Egyptians have forced the UN command to bring all its sup- plies through Cairo and across the Sinai Desert instead of the short route through Israel. This has run expenses so high that recently UN headquarters secretly bought new furniture in Tel Aviv and smuggled it across the border into the Gaza Strip. (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin Is an official publication of the University of Michigan for w cb the Michi- gan Daily assumes no editorial re- sponsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPE WRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Buiding, be- fore 2 p.m the day preceding publication Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1951 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 21 General Notices Exhibit of Children's Art: Fifty paint- ings of Paris scenes by French school I .4. lk SCREEN'S-EYE VIEW : Confession and Suppression A' INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Dulles Assuming By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst SECRETARY of State Dulles made a big assumption when he said the United States is ready to open up its entire territory to Russian aerial inspection. The administration may be ready, but in the country and in Congress there are still grave and .widespread doubts. This extends not only to inspection, but to the whole\ disarmament offer as it appears Editorial Staff VERNON NAHRGANG, Editor JOHN HILLYER. ................Sports Editor RENE GNAM..........................Night Editor Business Staff STEPHEN TOPOL, Business Manager against the background of continued enmity between Russia and the free wrold. Dulles was aiming to allay this doubt inyhis address to the nation Monday night, and certainly its was one of his better efforts. The public has been fed American disarma- ment policy in such piecemeal form that it was not even understood, much less approved. Dulles pulledit together so that it could be seen as a whole. Dulles has stolen a march on the remainder of Harold Stassen's report to the London con- ference, by making public the extent to which the administration is willing to submit the North American continent to inspection if Russia will reciprocate. Congressional agreemenit may be as hard to get as Russian. So far, Russia has suggested inspection for Siberia and western United States, although both sides have considered that this could begin in the arctic and gradually be expanded, with the development of mutual confidence, to the rest of the two continents. By WILLIAM HAWES Daily Television Writer HIDE, or not to hide: that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to tell every- thing you know on television or keep your mouth shut. The an- swer seems to be: tell all, hide nothing. Psychonanalysis king- size. Confess all to Mike Wallace or a raft of story-eager reporters while the nation eavesdiops on the conversation. Two kinds of people are inter- viewed these days. One is the pub- lic official. He should be quizzed about his job and about his per- sonal life if it influences that job. ABC-TV's "Press Conference," now off the air for the summer, is excellent'at this. Recently Senator Bourke Hick- enlooper was repeatedly grilled by reporters concerning H-bomb fall- out. No probing on the part of re- porters can be too deep or too se- vere. It's the reporters' joo to ask questions. More important though, it's the Senator's job to know the answers. * * * THEN THERE'S the second kind of interview program. This program pretends to get at the truth, too. Actually, however, it's a game to determine whether the inter- viewer can lure the person being interviewed into making some near libelous committal, or whe- ther he can distort or belittle what the interviewee said. In other words the program is designed for bers is Mike Wallace (ABC-TV). His intention, as near as I can make out, is to display a person at his worst. And if his worst isn't bad enough, then Wallace concen- trates on the worst of his guest's good side. With Steve Allen he probed the Sullivan-Allen feud. Apparently Wallace hopes to get his guest to commit himself to the point of legal jeopardy. There was a lot of network ballyhoo about Mickey Cohen getting to this point. * * * AT ANY RATE such publicity keeps this otherwise shallow pro- gram before the public. How long could this show last if notoriety- hungry celebrities were not willing to sacrifice their privacy by dis- cussing their intimate troubles be- fore a milieu of people equally hungry to listen? One of the most recent exhibi- tionists was prodigal Diana Bar- rymore who has done about ev- erything she could to disgrace the tradition of her family, some of whom are still acting. Miss Barrymore actually had nothing beneficial to tell. Her tes- timonial is just'another of a long list of alcoholics whose life stories seem to be the profitable basis for much of TV's dramatic literature. (Helen Morgan and Gene Austin to mention a couple more.) Of course, Miss Barrymore hopes to sell her autobiography, which promises to be smuttier than the watered-down interview. She also hopes to reenter the elite. "energy" but rather that of hypo- chondria. Big money and little minds. The entertaining arts con- centrate on pumping the harcotic of self pity into each of us. Psy- choanalysis and self-examination has focused the spotlight on the individual all right and in doing so minutiae has consumed the at- tention of man. * * * WHILE some people are telling all they know, others are trying to hide less agreeable aspects of their background. I refer to Fos- ter L. Barnes' complaint that an attempt is being made by the net- works to censor Stephen Foster's songs. (Barnes is superintendent of Florida's Stephen Foster Mem- orial). New words are being substituted for "darkies" and "Old Black Joe," he said. I suppose this is an at- tempt to erase a stigma of "Ne- gro inferiority." If so, it's a good idea; but is this the way to do it? I got to thinking if "My Old Kentucky Home" and "Way Down Upon the Swannee River" are cen- sored, then what about "Dark- town Strutters' Ball" or "Basin Street" - two of my favorites? The result is they'll never be played on TV. And what about minstrels? This will probably mean no more blackface comedians. I'm glad now the wonderful Al 'Jolson has passed on. What, about Negro slaves in "Show Boat?" Or the really slovenly Negro language used in "Green Pastures," the I