Sixty-Seventh Year EDIrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Notice How Fluffier-Than-Ever White They Are?" : j 'hen Opinnfzs &A"Pm w Truth Will pre'vsW Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers o the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. )NESDAY. JULY 17. 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: RENE GNAM ...,...,... .. , ., ., r. _ _ . , _.. No Trusting of Administration In Budget Affairs NSTEAD OF ending the annual political feud over the budget at the usual time this year, appears that Republicans and Democrats ill be going into overtime in their battle for nd against tax cuts and budget reductions. The latest revelation, that the Administra- on in Washington has ordered certain overall onomies to be taken in government spending, as rightfully angered members of the House ppropriations Committte. This group had just finished the usual hear- gs on budget needs. It had heard members government agencies explain, as usual, that weir requested budgets were the rock bottom nounts on which they could operate for the esent fiscal year. The Administration's stand as that no more cuts in the budget could pos- bly be made. Now that the budget has been set, the Ap- ropriations Committee has had word of an, ,onomy order issued by the Administration, sking federal government agencies to keep heir spending down to the level of last year's. The result of the success of such an econo- iizing would result in a surplus which Repub- cans could claim for themselves and attempt engineer a tax cut with, again claiming all ae credit, undeserving as it may be. EMOCRATS, in turn, are rightfully angered at this. Such political maneuvering is not mly unethical but completely defeating of the urpbose behind the present system of examin- ig and approving the year's proposed budget. Republicans are obviously not too low to. oop to falsifying (for that is what it amounts ) budget claims and needs, not only in hopes E getting a larger appropriation for the year, ut also in the interests of deceiving the pub- lic on two counts-the figuring of the budget and allotting of funds equally, and the eventual turnabout and claims of money saved which are wholly false. This means that Republicans are putting their party reputation far ahead of ethical and honorable management of the Administration and the fiscal allocations of the 'government. Such a party, in control of the administration, presents the nation with a problem. THE SOLUTION to this problem is a tighter control of the administration through the purse strings. While Democrats control the legislative branch of the government, they should exercise a firm control. While they ap- prove the budget, they should make stronger cuts in appropriations where needed. No administration should be able to mislead the legislative in the way the present one has done. Obviously, the studies the Appropria-. tions Committee has done have not been pene- trating enough. Appropriations Committee members, then, should be even more skeptical of budget re- quests for federal agencies and branches of the administration. There should be an even greater attempt at checking and rechecking the amounts and costs specified in the numerous requests for expenditures. More frequent, more searching spot examinations of these proposed expenditures should be worthwhile and prob- ably would be illuminating. Democrats must be even more suspicious and more handy with the scissors in examining proposed budgets-there certainly can be no trusting of the Administration. --VERNON NAHRGANG Editor State Street Traffic ANN ARBOR City Council is currently con- idering a proposal to establish a "loop" system of traffic routing in the ever-congested State 'Street area. At the momenti, it seems worthy of endorsement. The State Street area from William to Liber- ty through the years has been one of, if not the, most crowded, perplexing, exasperating- for-drivers blocks in the City. Conditions are such that both University and high school stu- dents daily weave their way through bumper- touching cars to cross the street. Drivers of cars parked at the curb often are forced to wait 10 minutes before they can pull out. A cyclist / finds himself bumperd by fenders, blocked by pedestrians. S THE CITY embarked on Step A of the Clean Up State Street Congestion project. Bicycling and bicycle parking on sidewalks in the area was ruled out. City Council decided sidewalk cycling was a hazard to pedestrians and was not exactly profitable for area mer- chants who often found views of their show- windows restricted by parked bicycles. The bicycles were forced onto the streets, and traffic congestion increased. The bicycle ban did alleviate some sidewalk congestion, never- theless, it wasn't too popular to the motorist. Step B, establishing a "loop" system of traf- fic routing, seems to be the most sensible sug- gestion yet received by the Council. According to the plan, traffic would be kept moving at an almost continuous pace. State Street traffic from Williams to Liberty would proceed North. Liberty (from State Street to Maynard Street) would then be reserved for West-bound vehicles. Maynard Street would become the South-bound route and William would be reserved for cars traveling East. Merchants in the area, sponsors of the pro- posal, feel the "loop" system would eliminate needless, time-consuming, business -robbing traffic tie-ups. Traffic 'entering State Street from North University could be directed by an almost constant flashing green arrow. Other traffic entering the "loop" could be similarly routed. It would indeed be proper for the Council to take immediate action. We would like to look forward to a congestion-free State Street area on the football Saturdays almost upon us. -RENE GNAM' Today and Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN THE SOVIET government very much wants the outer world to understand that Malenkov, Moo- tov, and the others have been purged but are not being extermi- nated. As of now, we know definitely only about Malenkov, the chief offender, Khrushchev's most seri- ous rival. He is being sent far enough away from Moscow to be in political exile, and there he is to live with the charge hanging over his head that he has com- mitted capital crimes. It is a kind of parole before trial or conviction. This, as compared with Stalin's purges, is lenient treatment, and presumably Molotov and Kagano- vich, who are too old to be danger- ous, will get off at least as well. All the evidence we have, which now include's Khrushchev's story, but not Malenkov's, supports the view that the object of the purge is to get rid of the main opposi- tion to what might be called a more modernized Communism. The Soviet economy has grown too big and too complicated to be run without normal economic in- centives and to be managed by a highly centralized oligarchy, rely- ing principally upon the secret po- lice. The Communist world, what with the growing strength of Chi- na and the increasing nationalism of the European satellites, can no longer be held together, as in Sta- lin's day, by imperial fiat from Moscow. KHRUSHCHEV, who was a good Stalinist when Stalinism was the vogue, is not much of an ideolo- gist. He is very much of pragmat- ist. Insofar as he has turned against Stalinism, it is because, being a practical politician with an acute sense of the Russian realities, he knows that Stalinism will no long- er work. The purpose of his reforms is to make the Communist system work, to consolidate the regime within Russia and to hold together the al- liance with China and with the satellites. . There is in high places in Wash- ington 'some wishful thinking which supposes that we are wit- nessing the beginning of the break-up of the Communist sys- tem.' There is, it seems to me, no public evidence to support this no- tion, and even if, by some chance, it turned out that the Soviet prob- lems at home and abroad are in- soluble, it would still be a great mistake to make such an assump- tion now. We are least likely to mislead ourselves if we make the con- trary assumption, which is that the Khrushchev reforms are likely to make stronger both the Russian state and the Russian system of al- liances. There are no indications that the internal problems are so se- vere that the Russian ruling class is becoming desperate and may be- come violent. Nor is there any in- dication that out of internal weak- ness the government will now make substantial concessions to the West about Germany, Korea, Formosa, the Middle East, or disarmament. On the contrary, with Marshal Zhukov and the Army playing a larger role, we shall be dealing with a government which can be expected to be firmly opposed for military and national reasons to any- strategic retreat. We must bear in mind that while it has been the Communists who have pushed forward the Russian sphere of influence to the lines of the Iron Curtain, those lines have been for more than a century the objective, or let us say the great dream, of Russian imperial strate- gy. WE MUST suppose that there there will be no substantial retreat, nothing, for example, which brings the whole of Germany within the sphere of NATO, or takes Poland outside the military system over which Marshal Zhukov presides. What about an advance? Is it likely that a modernized Com- munist regime will try to expand -to absorb West Germany, South Korea, Formosa, South Viet Nam, or to make a physical lodgment say in Syria or in Egypt? There can be no certain answer to these crucial questions. We are dealing not in certainties but in probabilities. The most probably correct an- swer is, it seems to me, that Rus- sia and China will try to expand by all means short of overt, or- ganized, military action. It is highly probable that with the balance of power in nuclear weapons as even as it is, any or- ganized warfare which could in- volve Russia or the United States would be an incalculable risk for both of us. There is not likely, therefore, to be another limited war as in Korea. By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press Foreign News Analyst NIKITA Khrushchev will have a tough t i m e convincing the world Stalinism is dead, unless he changes the tune of Soviet propa- ganda. The big test of Khrushchev's in- tentions, so far as the West is concerned, will be whether he can obliterate the ghostly scowl of Sta- lin which still lurks behind the Soviet new look.-' A Khrushchev attempt to revive the 1955 "spirit of Geneva" can be expected. But it will have little effect upon Western statesmen so long as Soviet propaganda con- tinues in its present vein. At the time of the latest big So- viet purge, the Soviet press and radio had just about reached the height of a violent hate-America campaign which recalled the iciest days of the Stalinist cold war. * * * FOR THE past year and a half, the echoes of Stalin's time have been so pronounced that one got the impression of a Kremlin hier- archy of divided and confused men who, even if they wanted to, did not dare abandon Stalinism in their domestic propaganda. The world will watch for the effects of this development on Soviet propaganda attitudes. As of now, the Kremlin's propaganda still has the harsh sound of Sta- lin's trumpets of hate. The collective leadership added some touches of its own to Stalin's foundations forpropaganda. Its frequent glad-handing tours abroad, its accessibility and will- ingness to be seen and quoted, stand out in sharp contrast to Sta- lin's secretiveness. BUT IN the propaganda field, Washington Merry- (o- By DREW PEARSON I; any Kremlin claim to have repudi- ated the dictator falls down. The bulk of this propaganda is made up of tested Stalin cliches, with no detectable difference in content or tactics. The dizzying old formula of attack and retreat, of simultaneous threat and bland- ishment, of alternating sniles and scowls, never has been abandoned. The cornerstone of Soviet pro- paganda at home and abroad re- mains, as in Stalin's day, an in- sistence that only the U.S.S.R. stands for the prohibition of nu- clear weapons and world, peace. While Soviet negotiators give the impression of moving toward agreement on such portentous is- sues as disarmament, Soviet prop- aganda attacks American propos- als as mere smokescreens for ag- gression, and American spokesmen are warmongers plotting war on the U.S.S.R. IN STALIN'S time, the Commu- nists were infuriated by things like the Truman Doctrine, The Mar- shall Plan and any other obstacle to bloodless Red aggression. Today's leaders are infuriated by the Eisenhower Doctrine for the Middle East, by schemes like the European atomic energy pool and the European Common Mar- ket, all of which might tend to block Red expansion. Today the principal devils are Secretary of State Dulles, Ameri- can generals and American indus- trial leaders. President Eisenhower is not attacked personally. Often, his Mid-east plan is dubbed the "Dulles-Eisenhower Doctrine." The anti - American campaign internally, a hallmark of the Sta- linist cold war, produces savage cartoons depicting American lead- ers as men with bloody hands plotting atomic war. AS IN STALIN'S day, the Rus- sian people are told many times over that capitalism is doomed. Russians are told the American rmilitary leaders are bestial men who plot to use humans as guinea pigs. The Soviet people, longing for consumer goods which have been sacrificed to the military and po- litical potential of heavy industry, are told they will surpass the United States soon economically. They were told exactly the same thing 10 years ago. Externally, Moscow radio car- ries the word in many languages. Communist parties, Soviet em- bassies and field offices of VOKS (All-Union Society for Cultural Relations Abroad) elaborate the line according to l]ocal conditions. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin Is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michi- gan Daily assumes no editorial re- sponsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPE WRITTrEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, be- fore 2 p.m the day 'preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m Friday. WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1957 VOL. LXVII, NO. 16y General Notices Regents' Meeting: Fri., Sept. 20. Com- munications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than Sept. 11. The University Summer Session pre- sents "Bhaskar and Sasha," the well (Continued on Page 4) I RYAN AND THE*NEWS: Soviet Propaganda Unchanged W ASHINGTON - Senator Rich- ard Neuberger, Democrat of Oregon, is all set to make an ex- tremely important demand of Con- gress-namely, the removal of to- bacco as one of the six basic crops entitled to government subsidy. Neuberger will make this demand on the ground that the public health service has officially warned that cigarettes induce lung can- cer. "Why, therefore," asks the Sena- tor from Oregon, "should the American taxpayers be subsidizing a crop that contributes, to the most terrible disease known to man?" "Eggs, oranges, apples, milk, and meat are not included in the ba- sic crops," Neuberger has pointed out to close friends, "yet they are health-producing crops. Now that the Public Health Service, an of- ficial arm of the government, has spoken regarding cigarettes, I do not see why another arm of the same government should be spend- ing money to spread disease." FEW PEOPLE know it, but Neu- berger is the man who prodded the Public Health Service into taking a stand dn cigarettes shortly after the British Ministry of Health got into action. Note 1-The six basic crops en- titled to government price supports are wheat, rice, corn, peanuts, cot- ton. and tobacco. Note 2-Secretary of Agriculture Benson will probably welcome Neu- berger's move. A devout Mormon, Benson does not believe in the use of tobacco in any form. However, it'h Congress, not he, who rules on which shall be the six basic crops. * * * IF CONGRESS really wants to to investigate the Girard case It should take a look at the part played by a certain energetic, op- portunistic public relations man. If it hadn't been for him, there would have been no Girard case, no special summons of the su- preme court in mid-summer, and no worsening Qf relations with Ja- pan. Significantly, other GI's have been in trouble with foreign courts at exactly the same time, but the public hasn't cared too much about them. Airman Marion Musilli is in iaIl in Athens, Greece, for killing Gen- eral Sarefis, and the American embassy has ruled that he should be both tried in a Greek court and kept in a Greek jail. Army specialist DeWayne Mc- Cosker is also in jail in France charged with killing an Algerian in a honky-tonk in an argument over paying for American cigar- ettes, which the GI was selling in the black market. IN NEITHER case is the Supreme Court being summoned into spe- cial session, nor have the secre- taries of state and, defense been hauled before Congress, nor have their cases been discussed between the President and the Prime Mini- ster, as in the case of Girard. For no public relations man seized upon their case as pregant with headlines. The public relations man who pounced on the Girard case and represented him free is John DaY- id Griffin, son of an even better known public relations man, Wil- liam Griffin, a leader of the Chris- tian front, whose activities during World War II caused him to be indicted for sedition. (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.) 1# t '. 11 + v Civil Rights and the Voter CURRENT political trends indicate that the Negro voter is gradually shifting his loyal- ties back to the party of Lincoln after an un- satisfactory 20-year interlude with Democrats. This political realignment seems a logical result of the wholly inadequate record of the Democrats in the area of civil rights. The Democratic combination of seemingly contradictory elements, Northern "liberals" and Southern "dixiecrats," forged by Roose- velt and held together by Truman, appears to be falling into decay. A new alliance, led by Vice-President Nixon, minority Senate leader William Knowland and liberal spokesman Senator Paul Douglas, and made up of Northern Democrats and an al- most solid front of Republicans, promises to be successful in enacting legislation to better the political status of the Negro. Although the "new look" of the Republicans on the civil rights issue may be attributed to political expediency and their desire to cap- ture a substantial portion of the supposedly crucial Negro vote, it must be realized that legislation -- once enacted - does not need sincerity of intention in its formulation to be effective. Editorial Staff VERNON NAHRGANG, Editor JOHN FLILYER........................ Sports Editor RENE GNAM. .........................Night Editor 131,ccsee af f THIS NEW burst of "equalitarianism" on the part of the GOP does not come easily. Re- publicans, tending to come from upper income strata, have little affinity with the needs and problems of the predominantly lower-class Ne- gro people. In 1956, the party organization found, in many instances, that it was difficult to make an effective personal appeal to Negro voters. Perhaps, if the GOP had been able to "prole- tarianize" itself more, they might have been more successful in their drive to recruit those numerous Negro voters who were dissatisfied with the Democrats, but who still clung to depression-day loyalties to FDR. Now, without a glamorous leader to perpetu- ate their brief two-term tenure in the White House, thie Republicans are literally "running scared." They know that they must develop a solid party philosophy based on current social trends. All this time, the cognizance of political re- ality seems to have by-passed the Democratic Party. It is still living in an illusion that the "solid south," substantial portions of which de- serted their party in 1952 and 1956, is essen- tial to Democratic victory. Actually, in all four Roosevelt victories, and the single successful campaign of Truman, the electoral votes of the South were not necessary for Democratic triumph. IT IS DIFFICULT, at this point, to determine what exactly binds the Northern and South- ern elements together in what almost seems to be an illicit relationship. If the Northern Democratic leaders honestly believe that the continual coddling of South-I ern hard-heads will result in a gradual democ- SCREEN'S-EYE VIEW: America's"Warbling Wonder Boys 1 By WILLIAM HAWES Daily Television Writer A FEW YEARS ago every young boy wanted to grow up to be President. Today I've no doubt that same young fellow would want to be one of America's sing- ing idols, swooned over by teen- age girls, gossiped about in news- papers,-and the recipient of vast sums of money. Best of all it's so easy. Singing ability isn't neces- sary. Neither is a knowledge of music. There are two kinds of enter- tainers called "singers": those who can sing and those who pri- marily do something else while singing. The chief characteristics of the latter are a state of per- petual motion (or the scenery or somebody behind them is moving) and a quavering voice. Once singing consisted of words and music; now it is only music, usually loud and rhythmic. More- over the performer, often in tight pants, emphasizes his singing with physical punctuations. It's a misnomer to call this group of moon-eyed squirmers singers. They're warblers. Most of them don't try to'sing. They spe- cialize in a h.nn-rdut: romana gan, a girl. She tried to warble louder than the orchestra was playing. This was impossible and so was her singing. Next Damone introduced Em- mett Kelly - "the great clown in a great, great act." Kelly panto- mimed a tight rope walker which I thought was pretty funny. Later Damone quoted a lot of lovely things about Mario Escudaro, a guitarist, who stood in front of Spanish-looking scenery wearing Spanish-looking attire. After his solo, Escudaro accom- panied Damone who sang "A Ri- vederci Roma." Fortunately Da- mone did not dress up as an Italian for this number. This was his opportunity to do a splendid job. His voice, however, sounded shallow and thin. Maybe Damone rehearsed too long and was tired, or maybe there was mike trouble. Whatever it was, the richness of Damone's voice was completely obscured. The audience had little time to think about it though because the Spellbinders got all bound up in that frantic bit of vocal nonsense, "Little Darlin'." As the climax of this conglom- eration, Jimmy Dean and his. devoted to the temple of song is' Jimmy Dean (CBS-TV at 7 in the morning-I haven't gotten up that early yet), Georgia Gibbs (NBC- TV), and The Julius La Rosa Show (NBC-TV). Jimmy Dean also has a Saturday evening flim on CBS-TV. I'm under the impression the network is trying to make a big new star out of Dean. Putting him on film. isn't the way to do it. Film made a very old star out of Jackie Gleason. (P.S.: If, Dean must -be on film, the least that can be done is synchronize sound and picture.) NBC-TV has a series of 15 min- ute programs at 6.30 p.m. daily filled by prominent singers. On Monday it's Georgia Gibbs. Miss Gibbs' show is produced very sim- ply. For instance, a shadow effect and a few words introduced Tom- my Leonetti. Leonetti is sched- uled for Your Hit Parade this fall. He will be a big improvement over Snooky Lanson. Georgia Gibbs, on the other hand, is not what I'd call a TV personality. The inti- macy of TV emphasizes every vo- cal flaw, especially in the less Boisterous numbers. him) the show progressed smooth- ly. Transitions were well inte- grated. The Four Step Brothiers breezed through their tap dancing tricks; the Andrews Sisters sang (La Rosa testified how friendly they are despite being big stars); and Lew Carter sang two hysteri- cally funny songs: "Mabil" and "I Got a Rose Between my Toes from Walkin' Through the Hot House to You." NBC-TV was having problems with sound transmission so I didn't catch the name of a bar tone who did a beautiful job sing- ing "This Is My Beloved." The se- quence had the finesse of grand opera until Julie embraced the performer at the end of his song. I didn't object to cordiality be- tween artists, but this was over- doing it. Donn Tannen, another new face, did a funny and original ventriloguist act. Well, after this parade of refreshing routines and lesser known faces, the program was climaxed with a conservative- ly designed production. number. Half dozen dancers in raincoats danced in the rain on a floor which resembled a large pool. Ju- luns La Rasa sannz "Startnv Weao ~.1 4