Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 .. ... ...... ..... .,." a^., .. . :4rr Priayer Rug 1 LETTERS to the editor f , 1 t /' ! "When opineins A"reer Truth Winl Preval" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: RENE GNAM Summerfield's Service: Four Years With A Smile THE MORE than four years of Arthur Sum- fensive - if special delivery service were quick- merfield's leadership in the Post Office de- ened 50 per cent. Indeed, the thirty cents partment has brought this country a solid might well be saved for the little difference i'ecord of progress in every area but one: it makes. A special delivery letter mailed late service. in the day in Detroit, for example, invariably Postal rates have gone up and are going arrives in Ann Arbor the morning of the sec- up, more mailboxes and mail trucks than ever ond day following - the same schedule as before have been painted red, white and blue, first class mail. talking postage stamp machines have been Deliveries, moreover, remain at best on the added to major post offices across the coun- old-fashioned one-a-day schedule. But there is try, "In God We Trust" has been daringly and no degree of surety or confidence in mail de- excitedly inscribed on some of our postage liveries. stamps, and other of our postage stamps have As for the large number of "improvements" taken on multi-colored hues. during his four years that Summerfield has Last week, In anticipation of his hoped-for recently been bragging about, we are sure that rise in first class mail rates from three to four one of them, if no other, has pleased countless cents, Summerfield came out with a four-cent numbers of sentimental, voting Americans. The adhesive depicting "Old Glory - Long May "In God We Trust" legend should undoubtedly She Wave" in her own true colors. snare some good, solid American votes for the An exceedingly attractive stamp, it may lay GOP ticket in future years. around in post offices across the country for many years before American citizens exhaust ET THE "improvements" in the service de- supplies by using the stamp to send post cards Epartment of the post office are still to be air mail within the country - the only cur- seen. In fact, Summerfield has shown little rent use for a four-cent rate. If, of course, evidence of being concerned with "service' Congress should decide to raise postal rates outside of the manufacture of talking postage again, the problem will have been solved. stamp machines. UT PERHAPS the average American would It will probably take Summerfield at least Bitlk oseaymr fta ido another four years at the country's expense to haot like to see any more of that kind of .. post office progress. A very recent rate-hike, learn finally that post office is not the game coming the first of this month, saw special he understood it tp be when a child. delivery rates boosted 50 per cent. -VERNON NAHRGANG This, in itself, would not nearly be so of- Editor A Model Conference IN THE SHADOW of the tense disarmament Asia's millions. The youngest nation there, talks, the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' " Ghana, badly needs money which Britain is Conference is quietly going on in London. hardly in a position to spare. The issues in that meeting are remote to Newer members have brought different and those of us who are so desperately occupied often opposite ideas into the Commonwealth. with more immediate matters, but it should India does not automatically second British be noted that problems of world significance foreign policy, and is in fact often vehement are being discussed in a sincere and friendly in its condemnation. Suez is a more recent ex- atmosphere so sadly lacking in other summit ample. Canada, too, is remembered as being or near-summit conferences. active in forming the United Nations expedi- Periodically, the chiefs of these self-govern- tionary force to the Gaza Strip. Ing nations gather to iron out internal diffi There is even strife within the Common- culties. In the days of the Empire, these were wealth. India and Pakistan have fought a war largely economic, concerned with preferential and are still embroiled in the Kashmir issue. trade agreements and the like. But the Empire But it is heartening to see their representa- Is now history, and the family has been re- tives sitting at the same conference table. christened the "Commonwealth". Its spirit is Perhaps nothing of immediate urgency will exemplified by the dropping of "British" from be resolved at the conference. We cannot hope the formal designation. for an easing of world tensions as its result, THE COUNTRIES represented in the confer- although a united stand may be taken on Red ence are no longer subordinate dominions Chinese trade. under London rule. Each has real problems of But the confidence and optimism of even its own, often outside the orbit of immediate holding such a meet, with a genuine effort to British interest. South Africa is plagued Ly solve important-enough problems, is h happier violent racial discord; Australia and New Zea- example of foreign relations. land are islands of "white supremacy" among --ERNEST ZAPLITNY INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Russia and the West (Editor's Note: The Daily makes every effort to print signed Letters to the Editor not exceeding 300 words. The Daily also reserves the right to edit or withhold all letters.) Civil Rights .. . To the Editor: IN TUESDAY'S Daily an editorial by Vernon Nahrgang headed "Civil Rights Issue Lacks Real Understanding" points out cor- rectly that the question of civil rights is "crucial . . . a problem that calls for deep understanding and careful consideration." However when Mr. Nahrgang states that the particular piece of legislation which has passed the House and is now before the U.S. Senate is perhaps "too demanding from one side" and when he ad- vises a general go-slow policy "even at the cost of ..'tolerating undemocratic practices" he ex- hibits a great lack of understand- ing himself. Mr. Nahrgang completely over- looks tie demonstrated fact that today American citizens of other than white pigmentation are not willing to pay the cost of tolerat- ing undemocratic practices. While he writes that this "is a problem that will never be settled in the foreseeable future" thousands and thousands of southern Negroes are walking rather than ride busses on which they are insulted, are sending their children into ade- quate and decent schools for the first time despite threats of mob violence, and in many, many other ways are challenging the evils of the status quo with a force, a vigor, with a particular technique of non-violent direct action which puts timid northern editorialists to shame. It is Mr. Nahrgang's lack of understanding of the currently- demonstrated courage and deter- minations of America's minorities to end their shameful second-class citizenship which makes possible his timidity. And just what is the particular piece of legislation be- fore the Senate on which he sounds his warnings? Essentially it is a bill providing that all American citizens shall have pro- tected their right to vote, their right to exercise their franchise. Really this is a very mild and tiny step. It makes one wonder about the current generation of college editors to find such timidity and pussy-footing amongst their ranks! -Bob Marshall Human Rights . . To the Editor: IN YOUR editorial of July 10 on the Girard case, you stated that the Supreme Court "should not by- pass the fundamental issue-that an American soldier, on duty in American occupied territory, is not subject to the government of a foreign nation." I agree that the fundamental issue should not be bypassed, but I do not think that you have found this issue. If we deny the Japanese the jurisdiction in the case, we are in effect saying that they have not the ability to try the case justly. To say this not only refutes an old and fundamental principle of American democracy, but one that more recently has been confirmed by the United Nations in the Uni- versal Declaration of H u m a n Rights: namely, that all men are created equal. To discard this principle at this time would be to throw away much that America has stood for. The main objection to a Japa- nese trial is the fear that it would not be a just one. Fear grows from ignorance. The way current opin- ion is rnnning, one would think that the Japanese are a barbarious people without any law whatso- ever. As the injustice was done to the Japanese people rather than the Army, the jurisdiction naturally lies with the former. If we begin to discard our own principles, there is no telling where it may stop, and we may become such a people without law. -Eric B. Arnold DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Off icial Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michi- gan Daily assumes no editorial re- sponsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to' Room 3519 Administration Building, be- fore 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, JULY 12, 195, VOL. LXVIII, NO. 13 General Notices Delta Kappa Gamma. Members of all chapters are invited to the summer session tea at the Hall farm on Sat., July 13, from 3:00-5:00 p.m. Please 0l. 1J J { ~I Cp * '' ° r ,o 'mss J . v V Idcast 1 L Fc~cc < AT MUSIC CIRCLE: 'New Moon' Shining Bright Washington Merry- Go- Mound By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Some weeks be- fore he left Moscow, Ambas- sador Chip Bohlen reported deep- rooted churning inside Russia. He connected this with industry and domestic economy, predicted that because of this inner turmoil there was no danger of war with Russia for many years to come. In another report, Bohlen ex- pressed the conviction that the Russian people had become so sold on peace that it would take inten- sive propaganda for their leaders in the Kremlin to convert them to war. He also expressed the view that the leaders in the Kremlin were convinced modern war would be so suicidal to both sides that no one would win; therefore Russia's futura lay in a peaceful though vigorous struggle to control men's minds. These reports had already been used by Harold Stassen as a guide- post for his arms talks, were one reason Stassen has believed the Russians are ready for a genuine arms agreement. The reports are now being re- viewed further in the light of the Kremlin crisis. Net conclusions: that deep trouble is stirring inside Russia; that the Russian people as well as the satellites must be given the alternative of more free- dom or else strict Stalinist sup- pression; that the more-freedom school has won out. U N I T E D STATES diplomats have been stung so often, either by McCarthy investigations or by the changeable Kremlin, that they are extremely hesitant about express- ing public optimism about our fu- ture relations with Russia. However, if, as seems almost cer- tain, the current Kremlin ferment stems from a stirring of the Rus- sian people, then this presents a heavensent opportunity to the . United States. The opportunity is to win closer friendship with the Russian people. As this writer has frequently emphasized, and as President Eisenhower pointed out at the Geneva summit conference, the best guarantee against war is friendship among people. For years the United States has not worried about war with Eng- land, France, oi Canada for the simple reason that our peoples have too much common sense, plus friendship, to make war. They understand each other. But the hurdle of different poli- tical systems, different language, plus the Iron Curtain, has made friendship with the Russian people difficult. LIKEWISE .the Soviet system of dictatorship was built for speedy decisions for war or peace with- out consulting the people. With no free press, no free churches, no free radio, there were no brakes 'on the Kremlin's ability to declare war anytime it wished. Today, however, there is a stir- ring inside Russia-and a golden opportunity for an intensive cam- paign for people-to-people friend- ship. When Nikita Khrushchev pro- posed on television that we lower the American Iron Curtain, the only man who took him up vigor- ously was Sen. Lyndon Johnson of Texas, who got slightly slapped for his pains by John Foster Dulles. (Copyright 957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.) r ,,;'.. i A Ai MUSIC CIRCLE passed a difficult test in putting on its fourth musical of the new summer season. To date, the three successful shows have, been of very recent vintage, none older than "Plain and Fancy." The trial of a theatrical group which stages musicals - in - the - round surely must come whenl it undertakes to follow up a series of lively recent shows with one of the "oldies." The "oldie" in this case is "New Moon," Sigmund Romberg's time- worn classic about French-Axperi- cans on and off the coast of Florida in the 1790's. The show is heavy on memor- able songs, to be sure, but it re- quiresa lively cast to keep up the pace in between old favorites like "Wanting You," "Softly, As In A Morning Sunrise," "Stouthearted Men," "One Kiss," "Lover Come Back to Me," and still others. Well, pace was'exactly what the young and exciting Music Circle people had on opening night. Led by Betty McNaiara as Marianne and Richard Armbruster as Robert, and with Jon Cypher (the Prince Charming of the Cinderella TV spectacular) as an added attrac- tion, the cast carried the show to the audience all evening long. Miss McNamara, who is strik- ingly a combination of all that is good in Debbie Reynolds blended with her own talents (which in- clude a wonderful singing voice), was a lovely heroine whom the audience applauded enthusiastic- ally at her bow. Richard Armbruster, who played opposite her, had an impressive stage bearing, a, fine voice well- matched to Miss McNamara's, and a female teen-age following that clapped and cried at his every ap- pearance. Jon Cypher had a minor role which he handled with dignity; his delicate voice, while no match for the talents surrounding him, seemed to fit in well with his role. Phil Green, who played tie part of the inept French Captain, hap- less suitor for the hand of Mari- anne, gave up the best single ren- dering of a song with his "Inter- rupted Love Song" which he direct- ed to his amused lady-love. It could never have been better. And as Alexander, the knuckle- headed valet of the noble Robert, James Moore pulled the lion's share of the laughs. He had the itchy stage bearing of a pixie out of next week's "Peter Pan." "New Moon" will run through Sunday under the big striped tent on Grand River, with performance time at 8:30 p.m. Next week, when "Peter Pan" flies in for its six-day stay, Peter Floy, the chap who kept Mary Martin "up in the air" on the stage and on the TV showing of "Peter Pan," will be on hand with his apparatus to see that the "flying" goes well. --Donald A. Yates .x . LIBERAL POLICY: Hungary's Farms By CARL HARTMAN BUDAPEST (4P) -- Today's Hun- garian regime denounces for- mer Premier Imra Nagy as a trai- tor, but it has kept his liberalized policy toward the farmers. Nagy in his two weeks of power abolished the hated system of forced crop deliveries, and Pre- mier Janos Kadar has not re- stored its most objectionable fea- tures. What the peasants used to dis- like most was the government's way of setting a delivery quota in the spring on the basis of past crop yields and then holding them to it, no matter what their luck with the weather and other risks. This often resulted in farmers, having to buy grain to hand over to the government. The quota sys- tem is now out. Almost "s important, prices to farmers have been raised an aver- age of 35 per cent-more in the case of wheat, Hungary's basic crop. This year the peasant will get the equivalent of $2.30 to $2.80 per bushel for his wheat, figured at the official exchange rate. In terms of the real value of the Hungarian forint on world mar- kets, the true price would be only about one-quarter of that but on the Hungarian market he will be quite well off. Peasants are still forbidden to trade for resale except to author- ized government buyers. This measure is designed to curb speculation. They may, however, sell to other farmers for their own use. Hungary is no longer one of Eu- rope's prime producers of bread grains. Low prices and forced de- liveries combined to drive farmers to other crops, or to leave surplus land fallow. Since 1953 Hungary has had to import wheat and this year is expected to need 400,000 to 500,000 tons again. Most of it will probably come from Soviet Russia. ,/I By J M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE ATOM BOMB gets so much attention as a deterrent to war that people frequently overlook another very important one. That is the Western world's lead over Rus- sia in industry. World War II demonstrated as no other such conflict ever has the definitive relationship of productivity to conventional war. It might not be so important to atomic war, where it is conceivable that victory might be won quickly by surprise air attack of sufficient magnitude. With two sprawling nations such as Russia and the United States, such an attack would have to be massive indeed.' If the nations ever, by any long chance, outlaw atomic war, then a preponderance of industrial potential would return to full force. as a deterrent. For a long time authoritative estimates have led the world to believe that Russia is catching up rapidly on the Western potential, and that within 10 or 15 years she might feel herself capable of challenging it. News reports indicate that is more of a pos- sibility than a probability. They also indicate why Russia is always so careful to present her industrial progress by percentages rather than giving actual figures. Where Russia is worst off, when considering war potential, is in consumer production. That has been sacrificed to heavy industry, and may prove to be the Communist Achilles heel either in war or political conflict. Editorial Staff VERNON NAHRGANG, Editor JOHN HILLYER............ . .....Sports Editor RENE GNAM..............................Night Editor Business Staff STEPHENrTOPOL. R nes~ - a. ye Russia went to the wall in World War I and was forced to make a separate peace with Ger- many because a hungry, cold and downtrodden people and a poorly supplied soldiery had no stomach for continuing the conflict. This was prevented in World War II only by the 20 per cent of her total needs which' was supplied by the Western powers - a source which will not be open to her again. At that time it represented the margin by which she was able to turn the tide when she was at war only with a beleaguered Germany. INTEREST IS high in whether Nikita Khrush- chev will climax his purge pf Molotov & Co. with murder. Probably not, but }n history the really im- portant matter will be his motives and intent after the purge. The communique announcing Russia's lat- est political upheaval stressed issues - rigid communism rigid xenophobia and plotting. Since then it has appeared that nine-tenths of the trouble, at least, was that the losers in- sisted on their right, under collective govern- ment, to disagree with Khrushchev. "They thought they could take over power and you know how it ended," brags Khrush- chev during his visit to Czechoslovakia. That is a revelation of what is uppermost in his mind. Regardless of the front he tries to put on it, he is beginning to feel himself both infallible and secure. That's just what success did to Stalin. There is no indication that the Kremlin shakeup had anything to do with the stale- mate which has developed in London over dis- armament. That was foreordained by the fact that none of the powers are ready for disar- mament, and that it is something to be con- sidered by friendly nations, not avowed ene- mies. Khrushchev, with regard to war, said in Czechoslovakia that Russia would never use her might for war "except against aggressors as we used it when the British, French and Israeli aggressors attacked Egypt." 'M - . -E.7.,, .. .- , .z. ,, ,,--- - -4- - . ; - SALVATION OR DISASTER? Disarmament Talks Raise Many Key Questions By RELMAN MORIN WASHINGTON (MP-A great and dangerous maneuver, reaching ,into the future of every living be- ing, is unfolding with tortuous caution around a conference table in London. The objective is to slow the race between the United States and Russia for more, and more terri- ble, nuclear weapons. Salvation or disaster? This is the fearful question that broods over the meetings of the United Nations subcommittee on disarmament. On the one hand, there is the hope, of diminishing the risk of a nuclear war, of 'cooling off the world," as a top Pentagon off i- cial put it. On the other, the dan- ger of walking into a Soviet trap. Hence, Washington is a mosaic of feelings, watchfulness, deep suspicion, some hope-only a thin thread of optimism. The stakes are enormous. Rid- ing on every move is nothing less, potentially, than the survivalof the United States and the free world. This could be the supreme penalty for error. Yet, after 11 years of iron dead- lock, a develonment has come. It Kingdom and "Pacific Ocean areas." Operating them would be -an international commission, re- porting to the United Nations. In short, the Russians said they will permit watchmen to come in- to their territory if the free na- tions do the same. For years, this question-on-the- spot-monitors-has been a major roadblock to controlling the wea- pons race. No agreement would be "rascal proof" without it. Now the Russians seem to have conceded the point. Thenwhy not snap up their proposal forthwith? S * * FOR ANSWER, consider the following key questions- 1. "Can a nuclear device be exploded without detection?" American scientists say "yes,', if on a small scale, deep in the earth or the sea. On April 1, Britain's Prime Minister Macmillan said, "Our sci- entists believe that if a deliberate attempt were made to run a test explosion in such a way to avoid detection it would almost cer- tainly be successful." Soviet boss Khrushchev dis-' agrees. On June 19, he said it is ment-and perhaps even test them on a small scale-without being hampered by inspectors. "There aren't enough trained technicians alive to watch every rathole," said a Pentagon tech- nician. 3. "What is the communist rec- ord on honoring agreements?" Korea is the latest example, a miniature of the global experience. Since the 1953 armistice, UN in- spectors have been stationed in five points in North Korea. But they were cooped up there, not permitted to see what was go- ing on all over the country. A buildup in new airfields and equipment took place, the UN Command charges. It notified the Reds, June 21, that it would now take steps to redress the military balance. On a global scale, in such case, would there be time? These are some of the main technical problems and dangers. * * * EQUALLY complicated are ques- tions of halting the production of nuclear w e a p o n s, sequestering those already in the armories, controlling fissionable materials and the effect of the "clean" bomb, world. That doesn't mean to let ourselves become weak. It doesn't mean appeasement. We are 'not dragging our feet, but we don't think it can all be accomplished in a year or two either. Direction, not speed, is the important thing.' 2. There is a unanimous 'opin- ion that "the Russians seem very anxious to get an agreement." Why? Several answers are pos- sible. It may be the cost of continu- ing the race. Maybe they like the heavy expense even less than w& do." Or the Communist objective may be to slow American arms develop- ment long enough to give them a chance to catch up. 3. They were unanimous also on the effect of stopping the test- ing of nuclear devices. "It would largely destroy our weapons program. ,It is possible to stop the tests for a year without perceptible ef- fect on morale. But two or three years would adversely affect it. "There's no question that it would be hard to keep the sci- entists working at the present pace. There would be a morale problem. After all, a scientist's I A A I