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July 10, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-07-10

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A wareness
Helps Child
In Hospital
A child about to enter the hos-
pital for an operation should be
prepared for the experience by his
parents, a University pediatrician
Dr. James L. Wilson, chairihan
of the Department of Pediatrics
and Communicable Diseases at
University Hospital suggests that
in this way parents will save
themselves unnecessary grief and
He states that if they are honest
with the child, and try to explain
things to him in a matter of fact,
simple way, the child will be much
happier about the whole experi-
Be Prepared
Dr. Wilson says the child who
is going to be away from his par-
ents for the first time should care-
fully be prepared for this situa-
Role playing may help, he adds,
but "remember, the child has a
vivid imagination, and too much
information too early may place
things out'of proportion in his
Dr. Wilson recommends that
parents consult their pediatrician
or family doctor on explaining the
need for an operation to their
Benevolent Fibbing
He suggests that a little benevo-
lent fibbing is not unadvisable, but
warns that the parents must be
certain they know what they are
talking about.
Uncertainty on the part of the
parents is likely to create fear in
the mind of the very dependent
The pediatrician recommends
the book "Johnny Goes to the
Hospital" by Josephine Abbott
Sever of -the Children's Medical
Center in Boston, Mass., for par-
ents of a child about to undergo
Four to Ten
It is specifically designed for
explanation for children from four
to ten.
Dr. Wilson advises parents to
visit the child as often as pQssible.
"If you can accompany the child
through the routine of getting es-
tablished in the children's ward
it will be helpful. At least one
parent should be with him in the
ward when he awakens from anes-
Normal Living
The doctor recommends that
hospitals try to make ward care
for children as much like normal
living as possible.
For those children whose par-
ents are not able to accompany
them to th hospital, there should
be a "hospital friend"-a nurse, a
nurse's aide, or a volunteer, to get
acquainted with him and be with
him when he goes to surgery, he
Dr. Wilson's pet project is a
"motel" like ward where mothers
would be able to stay with their
children and prepare their meals,
while they receive the highly
skilled and technical care of a
Lectures Set
On Hormones
Speakers in the eighth Summer
Biological Symposium will be
available this morning for consul-
tation and campus visits.

At 3 p.m. Dr. Roy 0. Greep will.
lecture on the "Primate Hypo-
physeal Growth Hormone."
Following the discussion at 4:45
p.m. Dr. Frederick L. Hisaw will
speak on the "Hormones Regulat-
ing Growth of The Female Repro-
ductive Tract of Primates."

Television Audiences Need Better-Balanced Diet


Emphasizing the need to pro-
vide television audiences with a
better-balanced diet of entertain-
ment and education, Prof. Garnet
R. Garrison of the Speech Depart-
ment and director of the Univer-
sity's television program, ad-
dressed the third weekly Speech
Assembly of the Summer Session

in Rackham Amphitheater yes-
terday afternoon.
Speaking on "Television in the
Modern World," Prof. Garrison
referred to the current age as the
"tele-lution." He told the almost
capacity audience of faculty mem-
bers and students present that
television has ". . . great powers

Surveillance Problems
Viewed at Willow. Run

for public service, as well as pow-
ers for selling soap-suds."
Prof. Garrison, a former Na-
tiona1 Broadcasting C o m p a n y
production executive, clearly de-
fined the role television plays in
our society.
the major effects of television on
He described good-hugnoredly
entertainment, education, poli-
tics, sports, and industry.
He pointed out that competitors
of the industry which suffered
losses with the advent of TV have
been forced to raise the quality
of their efforts, to speed-up and
introduce technical advances, to
rely on "gimmick" attractions,
and to generally adapt to the
high-tension competition TV im-
poses on the entertainment indus-

A "secret-level" symposium on
problems of combat surveillance
involving several hundred mili-
tary personnel and civilian re-
search leaders is being held here
this week.
The conference, which will con-
tinue through tomorrow, was ar-
ranged by Project Michigan, the
University's classified study of
combat surveillance problems.
The symposium is designed to
outline the special missions of
agencies working on combat sur-
veillance systems, to report on re-
cent progress in systems develop-
ment, and to indicate the nature
of the work to be carried out in
the immediate future.
On the agenda for tomorrow is
a tour of the University's Engi-
neering Research Institute's re-

search facilities at Willow Run,
where most of the Project Michi-
gan work is done.
Project Michigan was estab-
lished through the ERL in 1953
under a Department of the Army
contract administered by the Sig-
nal Corps.
It is sponsored by the Army,
Navy and Air Force.
Project Michigan's objectives
are the development of improved
means of detecting targets and
obtaining other information of in-
terest of military commanders,
and the development of'a coordi-
nated system for gathering, pro-
cessing, displaying and dissemi-
nating such information so that
rapid and effective use can be
made of it.


Movie Industry

Specifically, Prof. G a r r i s o n
pointed to the movie industry
which has presented the public
with what appears to be an un-
ending list of new projection tech-
niques including stereophonic
sound, wide screens, and longer,
more elaborate productions.
The press also has been forced
to rely on TV to regain circulation
lost at its outset, he said.
By including lengthy TV pro-
gram listings, and reviews the
newspapers have increased read-
Turning to politics, Prof. Gar-
rison suggested that politicians
have used TV to good advantage
both for campaign purposes and.
to promote public interest in cur-
rent political issues.
The speaker observed that un-
der the direction and grooming
of the TV production staffs, the
nation's politicians have acquired
the "Madison Avenue Look."
TV in Classes
Turning to education, Prof.
Garrison spoke with enthusiasm
concerning the uses now made of
television in the classrooms
throughout the country, citing
particularly the work done at this
He explained proposed methods

-Daly-Rene Gnam
... gives TV impressions
of television-aided instruction to
be employed by the University.
In an appeal for more "quality"
programming, Prof. Garrison re-
vealed that most elementary
school children spend more time
viewing television than they spend
in class.
At an informal discussion period
following the lecture. Prof. Garri-
son answered a student's query


Michigan's Civil War .Diary
Tell Time Out for Coffee

about television writing saying,
"Never fake! Take the time to
write it well ,and prove yourself.
It is better to do fewer programs,
and do them well."
To underscore his remarks con-
cerning higher standards of tele-
vision production, Prof. Garrison
leaned slightly _on Shakespeare,
"The program's the thing."
t. J ,

; -.-

A new story in the history of
the coffee break can be found in
the University Historical Collec-
A Marshall, Michigan boy who
served throughout the, Civil War
left a lively account of getting the
coffee to boil during the thick of
the Battle of Chickamauga.
An entry in his diary for Satur-
day, Sept. 19, 1863 reads: "Leav-
ing a picket at the ford we fell
ba-k to the edge of the cleared
field, about 80 rods from the ford
and there built a fire, and the
men sent back to their horses for
coffee pots and rations."
Despite prospects of coffee and
food, the Michigan youth soon fell
asleep. His slumbers were shat-
tered, however, for "about this
time, 9 o'clock, the battle com-
menced on the left with a terrific
In the true spirit of the coffee
break, the soldier decided, despite
the uproar, to have a. snack and a
cup of the warming liquid.
He remarks in the diary, "I got
our mess coffee pot filled and
nearly boiled when jist as the
Captain was inquiring if my cof-
fee was done we were saluted with
three or four shells in rapid suc-
cession from a battery at very
short range."
The first shells proved harm-
less but the company was instant-
ly ordered back into the woods and
out of range.
Not to be deprived of his coffee,
the Michigan boy "snatched it
from the fire." Heshad only re-
treated a "few steps after the
Company when another shell
burst close to or directly in the
fire scattering the brands in ev-
ery direction."
About this time, the pickets in
front were attacked and "fell back
followed closely by a Regiment or
more of Rebs."
The "Reb" battery was still fir-
ing at the Union forces and the
soldier relates "we retreated rap-
idly across the fields to the cen-
ter of the plantation."

In the shelter of the plantation,
the Union forces rallied and coun-
ter-attacked the C o n f e d e r a t e
The coffee "break" had an un-
happy ending for the Michigan
lad. Running gave him a "severe
pain" in the side and he never did
get to drink his coffee.
As for the coffee, he speculated
that it "had afforded a refreshing
and unaccustomed draft of "Cof-
fee Sure' for some of the 'John-

OPEN: 8-9 Daily
9-9 Sunday


Foreign Language Program: Public
Lecture: The second in this series of
lectures will be given Wed., July 10,
at 4:10 p.m. in Room 429, Mason Hall.
Mrs. Angel del Barrio of Cody High
School, Detroit, will talk on: "High
School Language Teaching: Tech-
niques, Frustrations, Rewards." Pub-
lic invited.
Asian Cultures and the Modern Amer-
ican: "India - Problems, Plans and
Prospects." G. L. Mehta, Ambassador
from India. 4:15 p.m., Tues., July 9,
Hill Auditorium.
Moliere's The School for Wives, sec-
ond play on the Department of Speech
Summer Playbill, will be presented at
8 p.m. tonight in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
I Notices
Cercle Francais: Bastille Day celebra-
tion for all French students, faculty
and local French colony held Sunday,
July 14 at private residence Persons
speaking French and desirous of join-
ing group call French Dept., Ext. 406 or
Prof. O'Neill, Ext. 2181.
Deutscher Verein: Weekly meeting.
Mr. Todd of Romance Languages Dept.
will show slides which he took in Ger-
many, Thursday, July 11, 7:30, 3-8, Un-
Hillel: Israeli Folk Dancing - New-
comers welcome, July 11, 8:00 at Hillel.

La Sociedad Hispanica of the Depart-
ment of Romance Languages will hold
its weekly summer meeting on Thurs.,
July 11, at 7:15 p.m. In the East Con-
ference Room, Rackham Bldg. Senor
Antonio del Monaco,- economist and
historian, long-time consul general of
Ecuador in Venezuela, will speak in
Spanish on "Ecuador, su actividad
economics, su actuacion historica." All
those interested are invited.
The Language Exam for Masters Can-
didates in History will be given July
12, 4:00 p.m., 439 Mason Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Morris
Samuel Ogul, Political Science; thesis:
"Reforming Executive-Legislative Rela-
tions in the Conduct of American For-.
eign Policy - The Executive-Legislative
Council as a Proposed Solution",
Thurs., July 11, East Council Room,
Rackham Building, at 2:00 p.m. Chair-
man, M. M. Knappen.
Doctoral Examination for Morton
Zarcoff, Speech; thesis: "An Investiga-
tion of the Correlation of Filtered,
Band Limited White Noise and the
Speech Reception Threshold", Thurs.,
July 11, West Council Room, Rackham
Bldg., at 7:30 p.m. Chairman, George
Placement Notices
The following vacancies are listed
with the Bureau of Appointments for
the 1957-58 school year. They will not
be here to interview at this time.
Fairfield, California - Physical Sci-
ence: General Science; Mathematics;
English; English/Social Science; Span-
Fayette, Ohio - Music Director.
Flint, Michigan - English/Social
Hudson, Michigan - Early Elemen-
tary; Late Elementary; High School
English; Someone -to head- the English
Oak Park 37, Michigan - Elementary
(Kdg. through 5th); Art Consultant;

Personnel Requests:
Ward Howell Associates, Inc., New
York, N.Y. is currently recruiting a man
to work as Director of Systems Plan-
ning in a utility organization in the
Midwest. Prefersa man between 34 and
38 with a degree in Elect. E. and with
five or more years of experience.
Matson Navigation Co., San Francis-
co, Calif.-serving U. S., Hawaii, Samoa,
Fiji, Tahiti, New Zealand, and Aus-
tralia, has a vacancy for a Naval Ar-
chitect in the Engrg. Development Sec-
tion. Candidate should have B.S. or
M.S. in Naval Arch., but a man in Civil
or Mech. E. will be considered if he has
courses in Naval Arch.
Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich.,
needs men with B.S. degrees in the Bi-
ological Sciences for the Veterinary
Dept. and to test ultraviolet radiation
of polio vaccine.
Joe Brown & Sons, Steel and Supply
Div., Grand Rapids, Mich. - wishes to
find an Engineer to work in estimating
and structural detailing.
United Cerebral Palsy Center, Cedar
Rapids, Iowa, is interested in a woman
with training in Speech Therapy.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.,
Ext. 3371.


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