GIRARD VERDICT CONSIDERATION C, 4c Sixty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom :43ai4 FAId See Page 2 VOL. LXVII, No. 118 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1957 FOUR PAGE /Izvestia Invokes Lemni Injunction Central Committee Empowered . To Utilize Extreme Measures MOSCOW (P) - The Soviet government's official newspaper yesterday cleared the way for the expulsion of V. M. Molotov, Georgi Malenkov and Lazar Kaganovich from the Communist party. In a major editorial, the government newspaper Izvestia again invoked Lenin's 1921 injunction that in cases of violation of party discipline the Central Committee is empowered to useaextreme mea- sures,.including expulsion. Without party membership, a Soviet citizen cannot participate India EnvoylI Has Hopes For Peace India's Ambassador to the United States yesterday asserted his country's hopes for peacetime progress and understanding in the world. "Let us strive for a peace that can give meaning and significance for democracy," Gaganvihari L. Mehta urged in his discussion of "India-Problems, Plans and Pros- pects." The talk, third of the summer's Asian Cultures and the Modern American lecture series, examined India's international relations and good neighbors, then glanced at the country's backgrounds and democratic tendencies. Mehta emphasized his country's drive toward economic expansion under democratic ideals. Develop- ment of resources and control of wealth in India, the ambassador Russell: Wrong" Senators )ebate Bill Civil Rights. In any signifcant government or White Jury Completed For al KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (/P)-An all white jury was completed yester- day in United States District Court for the mass contempt trial Of 16 defendants in the Clinton segregation case.: Defense lawyers called it a "his- tory shaping" trial. The 12 jurors included two women. Four alternate jurors remain to be chosen before the federal gov- ernment begins presenting its case today. Criminal Contempt The 16 are charged with crimi- nal contempt of court, on grounds they violated United States Dis- trict Judge Robert L. Taylor's permanent injunction against in- terfering with court-ordered inte- gration of white and Negro stu- dents at Clinton High School. The trial is based on outbursts of violence in November and De- cember which rocked the little town of Clinton, 20 miles north- west of here, after 12 Negroes were admitted along with about 800 white students in August. The jury trial was granted in response to a defense motion. Fifteen Residents On trial are Frederick John Kasper, a White Citizens Council leader from Washington, D.C. and 15 residents of the Clinton E area. The defendants, including a 19-year-old Clinton housewife, are on trial in what is described as a major test of the power of federal courts to enforce peaceful inte- gration through the injunction process. Syrian Forces KRll Seven Israeli Police party activity. Expulsion amounts -to political annihilation. Molotov, Malenkov and Kaganovich, have been ousted from the party's rul- ing Presidium by a unanimous vote of the Central Committee. The Central Committee's an- nouncement July 3 referred to the 1921 Lenin credo on discipline. Yesterday's underscoring left little doubt that the minimum fate facing the Stalinist triumvir- i ate is expulsion from the party. W h e t h e r the party leaders headed by Nikita Khrushchev, will 1 be satisfied with the political de- struction of their opponents re- mains to be seen. Molotov, Malenkov and Kaga- novich so far have been stripped of their high party and govern- ment posts but not dismissed from the ranks of the party itself. The three have not been seen publicly in Moscow this week. Moscow radio said last week they attended party meetings on Fri- day - two days after the action against them was announced. The campaign of denunciation against the ousted Itremlin lead- -ers expanded yesterday as Pre- - mier Nikolai A. Bulganin and Khrushchev, victors in the up- heaval, traveled leisurely 'through Czechoslovakia on a goodwill visit to Prague. The Literary Gazette, organ of the Soviet writers union, linked Molotov, Malenkov, Kaganovich, and former Foreign Minister Dmi- tri T. Shepilov, dropped as alter- nate member of the Presidium in the purge, with two of the worst crimes in Communist ideology, "revisionism and nihilism."* l - Engine Fuel Developed NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. (JP) - The Defense Department revealed yesterday the first steps leading to production of a high-energy jet engine fuel it says will enable the giant B58 bomber to fly around the world without refueling. The fuel, produced by the Olin Mathieson Chemical Co., is called HEF-2.. It will increase the effiicency of of a jet engine by up to 50 per cent, the company said. -Daily-Eric Arnold G. L. MEHTA .. hopes for peace said, is being done in the best interests of the people, for the "public good." But, he said, with the anniver- sary of the Indian republic coming up next month, a decade is not yet time enough to "judge and ex- periment on historic perspective." I'et all countries have their greed, their lust for power, wheth- er big or small, the diplomat as- serted. "There is a hint of un- conscious arrogance on the part of some nations," he hinted. Mehta also lauded the Univer- sity for Aits Asian Cultures summer theme and the country for its awareness. The summer program, he said, shows "there is an intel- lectual ferment in this country." University President Harlan Hatcher, in introducing Mehta, commended the summer session's Asian Cultures theme as "a stim- ulating and timely topic" of great interest for "our extra-curricular" activity. Further in his "good will" ad- dress, Mehta traced influences on India-to America and agricul- ture. Zlatovskis Raise Issue Of Asylum PARIS (P) - George Zlatovski raised the issue of political asy- lum yesterday as a possible de- fense against return of himself and his wife to the United States to face charges of spying for the Soviet Union,' "The French have given us po- litical asylum," the Russian-born former United States Army In- telligenc officer told reporters who found him in a walk-up Left Bank apartment. "We are their guests." French Denialm I But the French government im- mediately denied this. "The question has not yet arisen," a Foreign M i n i s t r y spokesman said. "The United States has not yet asked for extradition." No Formal Request The United States Embassy said no formal requesthas yet beensmade for custody of the couple, indicted by a federal grand jury in New York Monday as ac- tive members of a Kremlin-di- rected espionage ring for which three others face sentencing July S29 In New York, Federal District Judge Thomas F. Murphy signed bench warrants for their appre- hension. State Department United States Attorney Paul W. Williams announced the warrants will be forwarded to the State Department with a request that the department "take steps for- mally to notify the French gov- ernment of the indictment against the Zlatovskis, stating in effect that we would like to have them back in this country. "Theirstis notuinyextraditable offense and it must be stressed that the French government is technically under no treaty obli- gation to extradite the couple," Williams said. "But there is noth- ing to stop the French government from acting on its own." New Element Discovered CHICAGO (P)-An international research team announced yester- day they produced the heaviest element yet discovered by bom- barding another synthetic element curium, with carbon ions. It is a solid and is unstable, losing half its radioactivity in 10 to 12 minutes. The scientists have proposed that it be named Nobelium after the Nobel Institute. The experiments were carried out successfully on the Nobel In- stitute's cyclotron in March and the discovery was confirmed by chemical analysis in June. WASHINGTON (;P) - The State Department dismissed as unfound-j ed yesterday a complaint by a Chinese that he was mistreated' while studying at Purdue Univer- sity. The graduate student, 38-year-' old Tseng Juan-Chih, arrived last Saturday in Canton on the Com- munist-held China mainland. He was quoted by Communist officials over Peiping radio as com- plaining that he was handcuffed and confined for 14 hours at an Indiana mental hospital.j Lincoln White, State Depart- ment press officer, denied any mis- treatment.j He cited statements Monday by a Purdue University official at Lafayette, Ind. Prof. A. H. Tichenor, Purdue adviser to foreign students, saidj Tseng "would have been a bril- liant student if he .. . had not felt that the world was against him." Dr. John Southworth, director of the Logansport State Hospital, said Tseng was given ground priv- ileges and visited friends in La- fayette and received visitors dur- ing his 14 months hospitalization. He denied Tseng's statement that he was placed in solitary con- finement. Stite Department officials said Tseng had a long history of emo- tional disturbances. They said he was committed to the state hospital May 25, 1956, by the Superior Court of Lafay- ette. They said he was "in a very dis- turbed state of mind" and "under restraints" when hospitalized. The NO FIGHT: House Revises Soil Bank Program WASHINGTON - The H o u s e' yesterday reversed its stand of two months ago and voted to continue the Eisenhower administration's soil bank farm program for one more year. There wasn't even a fight about it. The switch came on a voice vote which passed and sent to the Sen- ate the annual agriculture appro- priations bill. Approval Certain Senate approval seems certain. On May 15 the House voted 192 to 187 to kill the major part of the soil bank plan at the end of this year. Critics charged it was marked by waste and mismanagement. Supporters argued it went into effect so late in the spring of 1956 it hadn't been given a fair trial. Senate Balks The Senate balked at this House action and voted funds to continue full operation of the soil bank. A Senate-House conference commit- tee then drafted a compromise bill, including the soil bank money which was voted on today, As passed by the House, the bill gives the Agriculture Department some $31/2 billion for the fiscal year which began July 1. Acreage Reserve This was some $365 million less than President Dwight D. Eisen- hower had requested and nearly 100 millions less than the House voted originally. The section df the soil bank in- Nickerson Reprimanded ATLANTA, Ga. (RP) - The 3rd Army commander yesterday ap- proved the court-martial sentence of Col. John C. Nickerson who was fined $1,500 and reprimanded for misuse of secret defense informa- tion. volved in the House reversal was the acreage reserve feature. Under this farmers are paid for taking out of production land which has been used to grow basic crops in surplus supply. The House originally voted noth- ing for this plan while the Senate voted $500 million. The Senate figure was accepted in the com- promise. Compromise Measure Some changes in the soil bank would be ordered by the compro- mise measure. C One would limit to $3,000 the amount of soil bank payments that could be made to any one farmer during 1958. Another would re- quire that all benefits be paid by Sept. 15. 1958. The compromise also calls for tightening up administration of the second part of the soil bank- the conservation reserve. The bill directs the secretary of agriculture to "give careful con- sideration" to the value of land converted to trees, grass and other long range conservation purposes. Farmers receive payments for such practices. Conservation reserve payments in 1958 under the bill could total $325 million. The House voted 250 millions and the Senate 350 mil- lions. restraints were removed on his ar- rival at the hospital, they said. State Department records show Tseng came to the United States Jan. 30, 1948, on a student visa to study chemistry and biochemistry. He studied during 1948-50 at the University ofrMaryland. Dur- ing 1949-50, the records show, he was treated for emotional disturb- ances at the Johns Hopkins clinic. Tseng took his master's degree in science at Ohio State, where he studied during 1950-54. He attend- ed the University of Illinois during 1954-55, and Purdue during 1955- 56. Officials said Tseng's last visa expired in September, 1955. Since then he technically was illegally in the United States. CHINESE STUDENT:-l Stt eatetCacl opan JERUSAL JM, Israeli Sector (P)' -Israeli an Syrian forces bat- tled with rifle, machinegun and mortar fire for 10 hours yesterday along the borders of the upper Jordan River. Israeli sources said a shepherd was killed and seven Israeli police were wounded. A United Nations spokesman said there also were casualties on the Syrian side. The number was not estimated. The firing halted after the UN had issued four cease-fire orders. Israel charged 'he clash came after Syrians opened fire on the Godot settlement and on Israeli vehicles traveling north to the Sea of Galilee. It was the latest of a series of clashes that began in June. i. House Committee Passes Eased Gas Priee Control WASHINGTON P) -- A bill to ease federal regulation of prices charged by natural gas producers was approved yesterday by the House -Commerce Committee. The ultimate fate of the controversial measure remains a question. House Speaker Sam Rayburn (D--Tex. told newsmen he believes the bill has a good chance of House passage this year, if everyone who has voiced support for the bill "puts their oar in " - There was considerable doubt, however, that the Senate would get to the bill this session, what with the developing marathon debate on civil rights legisla-- John L. Lewis Insists More Honesty Needed WASHINGTON (I)-John L. Lewis told the House Labor Com- mittee yesterday there is no necessity for federal legislation on welfare funds. / He talked about the liberty and free enterprise on which this nation was founded, of labor unions as free voluntary associations, and observed: "Yet we speak calmly here today of our government - adopting measures from which our OK 'd forefathers fied to populate this BarterO 'dcountry." He offered some philosophy: W ith Satellites "You cannot achieve virtue merely by the enactment of sta- tute, because enactment of a WASHINGTON W)-The House statute does not change the char- agreed yesterday to permit the acter of 'men." government to barter surplus farm The 77-yr.-old president of the United Mine Workers of America, commodities with Communist sat- started off saying: ellite nations. "We find ourselves opposed to A b a n d o n i n g a long stand the plan for the Congress to en- against Red barter, the House act regulator or punitive legisla- yielded to Senate insistence and tion affecting welfare funds as accepted the barter provision as established in American industry, part of a compromise bill extend- more or less in reprisal because ing the Agricultural Trade and dishonest men have committed Assistance Act another year. dishonorable deeds as affecting certainofethe welfare funds.' "If there are criminals about that are pilfering from these wel- f are funds, prosecute them--we an d have the laws-we have the agen- N ave ILa d cies-we have the information- it's just that simple." Lewis insisted what was needed was more honesty, not more laws. Nixon Rules Correction Of Mistakes. Clerical Error- Amendment Printed On Wrong Page WASHINGTON '(P)-Sen. Rich- ard Russell (D-Ga), challenged yesterday a ruling by Vice Presi- dent Richard Nixon that the Sen. ate is debating the correct version of a civil rights bill passed by the House. After the House passed the bill, a clerical error was made in print- ing the bill. An amendment was placed on the wrong page, and this erroneous version reached the Senate side of the Capitol. Nixon Rules But Nixon ruled that the mist'ake had now been corrected in a rou- tine way and there was no need to send the bill back to the House. At first Sen. Russell said he would appeal Nixon's ruling to the Senate itself and demand a roll call vote, but later he withdrew his point of order against the ruling.. Sen. Russell explained he knew "the Knowland-Douglas axis" had the votes to prevail in the present situation. Will Wait He said he would wait for "a calmer day" to settle the issue, which is intertwined with the Sen- ate rules, By the "Knowland-Douglas acIs" Sen. Russell meant the supporter; of Sen. William Knowland of CalI- fornia, the Senate's Republican leadei, and Sen. Paul Douglas (D- I11). Sen. Knowland and Sen. Douglas have joined forces to push 'for passage of the civil rights bill. Fresh Attack Se,. Russell's protest topped an afternoon in which Southern sen- ators launched a fresh attack on the bill-legislation which threat- ens to involve the Senate in eight weeks or more of clashing debate. Sen. Sam Ervin (D-NC) asserted the bill would make the United States attorney general "dictator of all the Southern States," while Sen. James Eastland (D-Miss) de- scribed the measure as "a slick, devious scheme to by-pass the Bill of Rights." The Senate recessed for the dy at 6:15 p.m. Before Tuesday's debate began, Sen. Knowland pictured President Dwight D. Eisenhower as receptive to some changes in the bill, Ike Receptive The Senate GOP leader told re- p o r t e r s President Eisenhower hadn't closed the door to "clarify- ing" amendments to the legisla- tion. "The bill may need some addi- tional clarification," Sen. Know land said. "I have not closed my mind against changes in it. If it goes beyond what was intended, then It will be up to the Senate to change it. But the Senate cannot consider such changes until it gets the bill actually before it." Knowland Moves Sen. Knowland moved Monday to make the bill the Senate's pend- ing business, If a vote on this motion is not in sight by tomorrow, the Cali- forniansaid, he and his supporters may try to force the Senate into round-the-clock sessions to speed up a decision. Southern Democrats are deter- mined to fight the civil rights bitter filibuster is in prospect, Ike Opposes Home Trials WASHINGTON (A) - President Dwight D. Eisenhower was des- cribed yesterday as "strongly op- posed" to a House resolution aimed aot nrventinLr trials of' Am-. Democrats, Need More Fund Drives WASHINGTON )-Four Dem- ocratic fund-raising drives this year have brought in "barely 14 enough" to pay for normal oper- ations of the party's national com- mittee Chairman Paul M. Butler said today. Butler said in an interview, however, that he expects drives in the last four months of the year to bring in enough to meet weekly payrolls. A special plan will have to be devised to reduce the committee's two-month-old deficit of $660,000, ha gno~d 'tion. The Commerce Committee voted 15 to 13 to recommend the bill. Once its reports are drafted, it will ask the Rules Committee to clear the measure for floor action. Further opposition is expected within the rules group. Chairman Oren Harris (D-A'k) of the 'Commerce Committee' wrote the bill, which would free natural gas producers from util- ity-type regulation by the Federal Power Commission. Producers still would be subject to rate regulation, but on a "rea- sonable marker value" basis rath- er than under the cost plus a rea- sonable profit formula applied to utilities. Opponents, m(,!t of them from urban areas. argue that the bl : would permit producers to charge all the traffic would bear. /^ I i 3 GLIMPSES OF ASIA: Indian Students Portray Intimacy of By ERNEST ZAPLITNY India is often pictured as the land of hunger, of teeming millions, of rigid social structure - but a much warmer view was given here last night by her student citizens. Some popular fallacies were dispelled by Thomas David, presi- dent of the India Students Association, as he gave a look into the life of modern India. Hinduism,whatswe believe to be the religion of India, is not strictly a religion he said. It is a way of life for its millions of adherents. Happiness while on earth is the compelling theme; there is no inquiry into the here- after. Touching upon the caste system, David traced its roots to the earliest Aryan society in India, dating between 2000-3000 B.C. The original division of men into priests, warriors, farmers and laborers was economc. Unfortunately, it became imbedded in the social structure in succeeding ages, he said. Modern India, he reported, is wearing down the caste system, and he expressed hope that within a decade, castes will be "a thing I f the Dast." City Plannersr Will Consider Project Later Ann Arbor City Planning Com- mission decided last night to post- pone until next Tuesday consider- ation of a proposed shopping cen- ter. Discussion of the center was put off in order to obtain a study by the Police Department concerning effects of the plan upon traffic conditions and the enforcement of jeitin ra .affin ,-oo'nl a tinn,_ - '.- '