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July 06, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-07-06

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Kahn Retires After 29 Years at'U'



In the sensational novels that
dot the best-seller market in the
past few years, one often runs into
a hero who has dedicated his en-
tire life to science and discarded
all outside interests not connected
with his field.
It isn't difficult to imagine Prof.
Reuben L. Kahn as being an auth-
or's perfect model for this role.
For Prof. Kahn, from the mo-
ment he entered Valparaiso Uni-
versity in Indiana in 1905, has
been a man devoted both to his
profession and to mankind, which
his profession serves.
Yale Graduate
Lest there be misunderstanding,
Prof. Kahn is not a doctor of
medicine, despite the fact that
he studied medicine his first two
years at Valparaiso and graduated
from Yale Medical School in 1913.
The Lithuanian immigrant de-
cided to forego .medicine in favor
of medical research, because, as
he puts it, "there were so many
questions to answer."
And the distinguished gentle-
man has accomplished so many,
many things to prevent those
questions from remaining enig-
Unknown to most pr6spective
brides and bridegrooms is the fact
that they are direct recipients of
Prof. Kahn's work.
The blood test for syphilis
which they must undergo in their
pre-marital physical examinations
has gained universal reknown and
usage, and bears the name of its
discoverer, Prof. Kahn.9
Medical Milestone
The discovery of a method oth-
er than the Wasserman test for3
detecting syphilis is ranked as one'
of the great milestones of modern]
medicine, but its discoverer has
expressed some regret that his
test is probably the only thing1
for which he will be remembered.
Author of six enormous medical
volumes and more than 250 p-j
pers, the doctor philosophized;
about this fact.
"When a man produces some-
thing practical it tends to mask
what else he has done," he said.
He continued with utmost sin-
cerity, "I am far more proud of
scientific observations I made
dealing with the phenomenon of
precipitation in immunity, which
laid the foundation for the prac-
tical so-called Kahn test, than for
the development of the test itself."
Fame Catapulted
However, it was the discovery
of the test when he was working
as an immnologist at the Mich-
igan Health Department in Lan-
sing in 1922 that catapulted him
to world-wide fame.
The test was published in the
Journal of the kmerican Medical
Society a year later, in 1923. For
the next five years it was used in
limited amounts, until in 1928, it
was brought up for discussion by
the League of Nations at a serolo-
gical conference in Copenhagen,
At that meeting, the Kahn test
showed the best record.
It was widely publicized, and as
a result gained wide-spread usage
it has never relinquished.
Prof. Kahn was very emphatic

Will Discuss
A "Hormones and Growth"
symposium will be held at the
University Tuesday through
Eighth in a series of annual
symposia sponsored by the Divi-
sion of Biological Sciences and
the Summer Session, it will in-
clude addresses by four distin-
guished endocrinologists.
Prof. Frederick L. Hisaw of the
natural history and biology de-
partments at Harvard will speak
on hormonal regulation of de-
velopment in the reproductive
Dean Roy 0. Greep of the Har-
vard School of Dental Medicine
will discuss the influence of hor-
mones on body growth in higher
Influence of hormones on the
growth of plants will be discussed
by Prof. Folke K. Skoog of the
University of Wisconsin's botany
department and on growth of in-
sects by Dr. Dietrich Bodenstein
of the Army Chemical Warfare
All sessions will be held in Aud.
C, Angell Hall.
Schwarz Talk
Dr. Fred C. Schwarz, who has
issued a challenge to debate with
any Communist on any subject, on
any platform, at any time, will lec-
ture on "The Moral and Ethical
Implications of Communism" at
4 p.m. tomorrow in Lane Hall.

. so they don't like poetry?
'So They Don't
Like Poetry ?'
-Talk Subject
Helen K. Mackintosh, president
of the National Council of Teach-
ers of English, will address the
third meeting of the Conference
Series for English Teachers here
Miss Mackintosh will speak on
the theme, "So They Don't Like
Poetry?" at 4 p.in. Monday in Aud.
C, Angell Hall. She has been with
the United States Office of Educa-
tion since 1938.
Following this address, three
meetings remain in the six-week
series: "Shakespeare in the Class-
room" on July 15; a four-member
panel discussion; "Literature for
the Superior Student" on July 22
with a panel of three teachers; and
"Teaching American Literature to
College Preparatory and General
Students in One Class," a demon-
stration and discussion to be given
by Eva A. Moore of Royal Oak
Kimball High School.

Michigan's tourist busiress is
being increased by her small ani-
mal kingdom.
Prof. William H. Burt, curator
of mammals at the University,
says these animals are an asset
which cannot readily be trans-
lated into dollars and cents.
By shining flashlights a tourist
can watch the animals come and
go without scaring them. These
tourists are thrilled in seeing deer,
bears, bobcats, or porcupines in
their own natural setting.
In Wilderness State Park
campers place food on the tables
and then sit back with their flash-
lights to watch the raccoons or
skunks helping themselves.
The tourists who have been in
this natural contact will surely
return to the same spot again.
They may even include their
friends in on the fun and excite-
ment, Prof. Burt said.
"The levers of mankind-these
are the superior men, of what-
ever race, creed or nation they
may be." --Baha'u'llah
Monday, July 8, 10:30 A.M.-
2:00 P.M.
Children's Workshop in World
Religions-Ages 6-12
(Children bring picnic lunch.)
735 Fountain St. NO 2-9248
Baha'i Holy Day Observance
Tuesday, July 9 8:30 P.M.
'The Martyr-Prophet of a
World Faith"
1421 W. Liberty NO 2-3548
Friday, July 12, 8:30 P.M.
Informal Discussion & Social
735 Fountain St. NO 2-9248

--Photo Courtesy University News Service
PROF. REUBEN L. KAHN-The discoverer of the universal Kahn
test for syphilis, Prof. Kahn has r&hently retired to devote "full
time to science."

in pointing out that the test it-
self was not what was being
sought, but rather a specific
method, that of precipitation.
Through the development of this
process, which gives a positive re-
action when blood specimens from
a person having syphilis is mixed
with a reagent, the test was ac-
It has done much to get away
from the more cumbersone Was-
serman test, which is based on the
method of "complement fixation."
Immediately following the Co-
penhagen conference, Dr. Kahn
received an invitation from the
University to accept the position
of assistant professor of bacteri-
ology and Director of Clinical
Laboratories in the University
Here 29 Years

ficial as far as his being relieved
from administrative duties is con-
cerned, he will continue with his
research "as long as I can."
One of his present projects is
the development of a universal
serological reaction in healthy
persons, to which he has already
greatly contributed.
His latest book, published in
1951, delves into this problem. It
is titled "An Introduction to Uni-
versal Serologic Reaction in
Health and Science."
Stipend Granted
In recognition of his ability and
-willingness to continue research
as consultant in the Department
of Dermatology and Syphilogy,
the University has granted him a
special $2,500 stipend in addition
to retirement benefits.
V On Thursday, Prof. Kahn and
his wife departed for Italy where
he will address an international
The source of vitality in this
slightly-built scientist is puzzling,
but it can perhaps be found in one
word: devotion.

To Present Marriage Skits

Nagging wives and selfish hus-
bands will be featured on this
week's University Television hour.
Prof. E. Lowell Kelly of the
psychology department and Prof.
Robert Blood of the sociology de-
partment will voice some of the
chief complaints cited by 800 Cal-
ifornia married couples in a re-
cent study of marriage at 10 a.m.
tomorrow over WWJ-TV.

Several dramatic vignettes will
prove Prof. Kelly's point on minor
annoyances which are normal in
every marriage but can lead to
serious tension.
The chamber music portion of
the Television Hour will present
the well-known University's
Woodwind Quintet.


1 --


St. Clare of Assissi Mission (Episcopal)
2309 Packard Rd.
10:00 Holy Communion and Serman.
Reverend Philip L. Schenk
Entrance to Parking Lot off Eastover Place.
120 S. State St.
Merrill P. Abbey, Erland 3. Wangdahl, William
8. Hutchison, Eugene A. Ransom, ministers.
9:00 A.M. Dr. Merrill Abbey.
10:45 A.M. Dr. James Brett Kenna.
(Sponsored by the Christian Reformed Churches
of Michigan)
Washtenaw at Forest
Rev. Leonard Verduin, Director.
Res. Ph. NO 5-2665; Office Ph. NO 8-7421
10:00 Morning Service.
7:00 Evening Service.




Three cheers for
"Summer Sheers"
Remember those h'ot days last summer?
We've sheers to cheer about . . . and to
cheer your summer days . . . because
here are dresses that are blissfully cool,
fashion right and styled to fit and flatter
you . . . We've a wide and wonderful
choice. Sizes 7-15, 10-44, 127/-24/2,
tall 10-20.

1833 Washtenaw Ave.
9:30 A.M. Sunday School.
11:00 A.M. Sunday Morning Service.
8:00 P.M. Wednesday, Testimonial Service.
A free reading room is maintained at 339 South
Main Street. Reading room hours are: Mon-
day 11:00 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. Tuesday - Sat-
urday 11:00 A.M. to 5 P.M. Sunday 2:30 to
4:30 P.M.
State and William Streets
Rev. Leonard A. Parr, Minister.
Church School at 10:45 A.M. The Junior and Jun-
ior High Depts. meet in the Douglas Chapel for
Public worship 10:45. Sermon by Dr. Parr.
Student Guild at the Guild House at 7:00 P.M.
Folorunso and Tinu Bamijoko, from Nigeria,
speaking on "Nigeria's Rise Toward Independ.
306 North Division Street
8:00 Holy Communion (with breakfast following
at Canterbury House and discussion led by the
9:00 Family Communion and Commentary.
11:00 Morning prayer and sermon (Holy Commu-
nion first Sunday of month).
8:00 P.M. Evensong in Chapel of St. Michael and
All Angels.
502 East Huron

AT RIGHT, Wamsutta's pima
voile with rows of matching lace
bands, fully crease resistant and
washable. Another flattering
"Betty Hartford" cool pastel.
10-i8 at 12.95.
Choose from hundreds of other
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from 8.95. Better dresses from


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