"How Do We Put Down This Uprising ?" Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone No 2-3241 Today and Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN "hnopinion an&I.Pm Truth ww PUwaa Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mnust be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: RENE GNAM Uited States Should Take Stand on Algeria SENATOR John F. Kennedy, the Massachu- Nations. Such a position makes it hard for setts Democrat, has made several startling other nations to continue to look up to the but important observations concerning Al- United States as the world leader it strives to geria's position in the world today. be. In a Senate resolution, Kennedy called for France, at the same time, is failing to com- the United States to take a strong position prehend the actual position of Algeria, and is backing Algerian independence against the letting herself be weakened by the incessant French. Algeria, the senator pointed out, is battle she is waging there. In trying to main- no longer France's problem alone. tam something of an empire and yet in rec- ognizing areas in which independence is. im- Indeed, the "Algerian question" has reached minent, her decisions are being made hastily far greater proportions than France can handle and being held to with some tenacity. herself. The mixture of nationality groups in 'The United States, by taking a more active the African nation is too great and too aroused part in the Algerian problem through the to maintain dependency. Yet the number of United Nations, would, in the long run, be bol- Europeans in the country is not sufficient, stering International relations and eliminating either, to uphold French domination.strnineaiolrltosadeimaig minor world conflicts so that the major ones However, the French have thrown them- may be given greater attention.. selves into the fight with strong determina- -VERNON NAHRGANG tion - only to keep, at best, a shifty status Editor quo. The affect on France, as Senator Ken- nedy pointed out, has been immense: More than 400,000 Frenchmen have occupied them- Driving, S eeding, selves in Algerian warfare, severely limiting the NATO forces in Western Europe and ham- And The Fourth pering economic organizations. HE NEVER CAME home. He was a University THIS PROBLEM concerns the United States . student who was receiving good grades. He as we are a member of the United Nations. had a girl. He had a bright future, or so every- In this capacity, our nation has opposed con- one thought. Then he didn't come home. sideration of the Algerian situation in the His father didn't sayna word about it - just General Assembly. roamed listlessly, stunned, struck by the po- To continue to maintain such a position liceman's words. His mother fainted, then was would be unfortunate for all the Western na- revived and sobbed quietly on the living room tions. Thq United Nations, after all, exists just sofa, her body shaking, her mind confused. for handling such international problems. A She, too, couldn't grasp and then was hit nation overtaxed with a situation like the Al- by the policeman's words: "He was speeding." gerian one should be eager to submit it to Last week the National Safety Council re- the United Nations for help - and the other ported "Too much speed is involved in seven mnember nations should be willing, indeed, eag- out of ten fatal traffic accidents on holidays." er, to aid their sister country. One cannot be overly cautioned against ex- The United States in this respect has been cessive speeds, especially on this long, July neglecting its duty and actually contributing to 4 weekend. Do drive carefully. a weakening of France, NATO and the United --RENE GNAM INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Khrushchev Position Stronger By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press Foreign News AnaIrt SOVIET COMMUNIST boss Nikita S. Khrush- chev may finally have succeeded in bury- ing Stalin. If he has, it is a good omen for peace in our time. The removal of Georgi Malenkov, Lazar Kagonovich, V. M. Molotov and others from the ruling party Presidium, and the makeup of the new membership, indicate a mighty Khrushchev victory. They suggest the party itself has had a belly- ful of Stalinism. Those formerly humiliated by the Stalinists now will run the show. Those responsible for such dark deeds as assisting Stalin in his latter-day oriental plotting have been pushed out. The shakeup has these overtones: FIRST, it appears to be a show-down be- tween the Stalinists and the anti-Stalinists in the Kremlin. Second, it suggests there has been a bitter quarrel over Khrushchev's program to reor- ganize the Soviet economy. Khrushchev seems to have won. Third, the elevation of Marshal Georgi Zhukov to full membership in the Presidium suggests confirmation of the steadily increas- ing - and steadying - influence of the Soviet army in Kremlin politics. Along with him, however, there will be oth- ers in the Presidium representing a more mod- ern Soviet Union and a more moderate out- look. All this is a conservative influence which turns away rash risks. THUSFAR this purge is not a bloody one, like Stalin's or those of the post-Stalin era in which police boss Beria and his alleged ac- complices were dispatched. The violence of Pravda's language in de- nouncing the oppositionists, however, . hints the victors in this struggle have an ominous threat to hold over the heads of any dissenters. Malenkov, Molotov, Kaganovich and the oth- ers who are humiliated may be roughly handled from the point of view of their humiliation, but it seems doubtful this shakeup will go so far as to spill the blood of men who have held high posts in the so-called "collective leader- ship." However, the indications in the Soviet press are that this purge is likely to go deep. Editorial Staff VERNON NAHRGANG, Editor JOHN HILLYER......................Sports Editor Having rooted out Stalinists at the top, Khrushchev and his followers must also root them out in the party ranks. Then Khrushchev will be in an entrenched position to go ahead with his vast plan for re- organizing the Soviet economy, decentralizing industry and doing a number of rational things which could not be done under Stalin nor with the resistance of Stalinists. THIS CAN mean peace for some time to come, because in such an enormous program the Soviet Union must have peace - perhaps, as Mao Tze-tung has suggested, for at least 15 years. By that time the face of Soviet society will have changed tremendously. The new order of younger technocrats, businessmen, managers and the like will have taken over. The revolutionaries, the old Bolsheviks, those with the memory of violent days which re- quired violent measures, will have passed away. The U.S.S.R. will be moving toward a more stable social structure in which there will be a large stake in long-term peace. One of the major considerations behind the shakeup must have been Khrushchev's econ- omic program. There had been much evidence of resistance to this project from those in the Kremlin who would have considered it a long-range threat to the central power of the Communist party. THE ACCUSATION against Molotov, of hav- ing hindered the policy of "peace among peoples," carries a strong hint of things to come in Soviet foreign policy - perhaps al- ready developing in the apparent willingness of the Soviet Union to make some concessions in international conferences. This does not mean an end to the world political battle. It can mean, however, that when the worlda political battle over ideas becomes too hot and too dangerous, the Soviet Union will pull back. In Communist countries the shakeup has big meaning. From across borders the Krem- lin has heard rumblings of discontent with the old Stalinist line and there was a suggestion in this that those who hated and feared Stal- inisn wanted some insurance that it would not return. The revolution in Hungary and the rebel- lious resistance in Poland among Communists who sought more autonomy were danger sig- nals for the Kremlin. In China it was clear that Mao Tze-tung and his party were aligning themselves on the side of anti-Stalinism. Khrushchev gave plenty of indication te was willing to bend with the political hurr - canes of the post-Stalin era, and that he was ready to concede there were various "roads to socialism." He might even be able to convince Yugosla- via's Tito of this now. He never could have done it while the old Stalinists remained in THERE IS a remarkable resem- blance between Gen. Eisen- hower's handling of the disarma- ment negotiations and his hand- ling of the budget. In both cases, that is to say, he has launched a proposal and embarked on a course, not having made up his mind about just where he wished to go. The deliberation, the weighing of alternatives, the hard work of making a firm decision, would in an orderly and rational conduct of government have preceded the presentation of the budget and the sending of Mr. Stassen to London to negotiate with Mr. Zor- in. But in the case of the budget, it took nearly two months before it was reasonably clear whether the Chief Executive was for or against the executive budget. Only after much confusion and contro- versy did the President begin to make clear where he stood. In the case of disarmament, it has now transpired that he started the diplomatic exchanges with no real agreement within his own official family, with no ade- quate understanding with our al- lies, and with his own mind still fluid. During the past few weeks, with Mr. Stassen abroad in London to speak for him, the President has #cted the part, not of a states- man who has a policy but of a puzzled man who is thinking out loud. NO DOUBT the problems of daisarmament are extraordinarily complicated. They are fraught with uncertainty and with risk, and there is an awful responsibil- ity on one who, like the President, must make the final decisions. But there is no reason why he had to enter into the negotia- tions; why he had to send Mr. Stassen to face Mr. Zorin, until he knew for certain whether he was in favor of reaching the kind of agreement that might conceiv- ably be possible. He should have waited until he was ready. There was no use talking with the Russians if the President him- self had not yet thought through his policy, no use if high officials in Washington were convinced that they must nullify what Mr. Stassen was supposed to do. * * * IN THE field of diplomacy, this has been like committing unpre- pared troops to a great battle, while the generals have not yet arranged for their supplies or ceased to argue with one anoth- er about the objectives of the battle. This is the way to demoralize an army, and during the, past week there has been a very con- siderable demoralization in Wash- ington. The greatest doubt has been raised as to whether the President wants in agreement, or whether he could now persuade the Senate to ratify an agreement. Mr. Gromyko is wrong in say- ing, as he did last week, that the United States is using the disar- mament talks as a "screen con- cealing its striving to continue tnd intensify the arms race." The truth is that the United States is not really using the dis- armament talks at all because the President and his administration have a policy to which some are opposed, and about which the rest are not convinced. Unless the President can find some way to clarify and then to make firm the American position, we shall find ourselves either with a treaty that the President does not really wan,t or with one that the .Senate will reject. In either event, we shall bring down upon ourselves the onus of blocking the path to a limitation of armaments. * * * I HAVE heard it said that this will not happen because if and then Mr. Stassen really starts to negotiate about the details with Mr. Zorin, he will find the Soviet Union is quite unwilling to reach a good agreement. But if we remain in our pres- ent position, where the probabili- ties are against the ratification of a disarmament agreement, the Soviet Union can go very far in its offers without running the risk of having to make good on them. We had better assume that the Russians do want an agreement, and that they are prepared to pay a considerable, though not an enormous, price for it. We had better assume, too, that we shall have ourselves to clear up the confusion in our own posi- tion, and that we must not count upon the unreasonaoleness of the Russians to save us from the con- sequences of our uncertainty and indecision. _...' Y 4 y 3 , w J'l: "-? S. 1r. _ t ' . '' r : - . .. - . - _ - -- '" . e..ti - . 1 ; a +,. ,+, 3 R_ +, Ir mp, r; r s x 1 l w rye : 014 ii b < 1C R -43 L 7 i.Laa t { RYAN: America's Leadershi Challenged By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press Foreign News Analyst 7fHIS FOURTH of July finds American world leadership faced with a grave challenge. Such portents as the outbreak of anti-American rioting in For- mosa and the steady undercurrent of anti-Americanism in under- developed areas point upthe de- velopment of a new phase in a fateful battle of ideas. At stake is a vast well of good will and influence built up over nearly two centuriesoftAmerican democracy and enhanced by the enormous impact of the United States abroad since World War II. World communism recently threw out new challenges to the spread of the American idea. Principles embodied in the De- claration of Independence, to which the signers pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor, are being brushed aside by the Communists as mean- ingless. COMMUNISM'S chief spokes- man, Nikita Khrushchev, has told the world Americans a generation or two hence will cast aside the belief that all men are entitled equally to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and will vol- untarily adopt a Soviet-like sys- tem. The Soviet military machine has crushed a Hungarian revolution sparked by a notion that govern- ments instituted among men de- rive their Just powers from the consent of the governed. The United States remains a beacon for the yearnings of people in less lucky lands. But in the maze of cold war politics-bitter- ness has provided ammunition for a stepped-up attack on the American idea. * * * THAT IDEA took shape 181 years ago. in a square, high- ceilinged room in Philadelphia's old State House on Chestnut Street. There a group of patriots signed a document which set a world revolution in motion. The revolution is still going on. The world was then divided among imperial powers. Britain, Spain and Portugal ruled much of it. Ottoman Turkey held all the Middle East. Russia had Alaska, The American rebellion had imn- mediate impact in France. From the two revolutions, along with the example of British parliamen- tary government, the world revo- lution began its ceaseless progress, To Spanish Americans, the ex- ample of their northern neighbor was electrifying. As country after country hacked away colonial shackles,ptheir constitutions fre- quently copied that of the United States in form. .1 AT THE CAMPUS:. 'One Summer of Happiness' IN THIS era of ulcerated press agents and over-worked super- latives, it sometimes seems that the simple, unadorned adjective has no place in movie criticism at all. A film must be either tre- mendous and colossal or else com- pletely unimportant. Words like good, fresh and fra- gile appear to be outmoded; in Hollywood they have no place. It is only importations like "La Stra- da" and t e movie presently at the Campus, "One Summer of Happiness" that one can apply such terms with any measure of safety or conviction. "One Summer of Happiness" is a Scandinavian film first pro- duced in 1952. Its original open- ing in the United States was marked by a mild flurry of excite- ment among American censors, but the picture went on to win the Grand Prix International at the Cannes Film Festival. The movie is a story of adoles- cent love, but undercurrents of nmore serious themes run through the picture frequently enough to prevent sentimentality from drowning sensibility. The plot is well constructed and effective; the acting naturalistic and believable. Its refreshing fi- nal impression is one of una- shamed delicacy and beauty, * * * THE YOUNG lovers, of the movie, Kirstin and Goran, seem to personify the inevitable confu- sion and disaster that result in a romantic film when two back- grounds, two societies, attempt to meet. Goran, a rich and handsome student, comes to the country to spend some time relaxing at his uncle's farm. Almost immediately, he falls in love with Kirstin, the daughter of a neighboring farmer, and the remainder of the movie is concerned with the gradual de- velopment of their relationship. A strong subsidiary theme of "One Summer of Happiness" is that of religious bigotry. The old- er citizens of the rural commu- nity, led by a stern and over- zealous pastor, oppose the ro- mance as they seem to oppose all things concerning the young. Kirstin herself is caught with- in the struggle between her rea- son, her emotions, and the laws of the church. The resolution of the struggle and its effectiveness is left to the, audience to accept or reject, but the conflict is, in the long run, the thing which limits the lovers' hap- piness to a single summer. The pastor takes the will of God into his own hands, and Kirstin dies in an accident. * * * , THE PRESENCE of a "village idiot" throughout the film is a. rather frightening enigma. Con- vinced that he too is an agent of Divine Will, he burns down a barn which the young people have ap- propriated for their own amuse- ment. He is berated as a familiar of the pastor, but one cannot help but associate him with Lennie in" Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men". Hollywood would undoubtedly have turned him into a sex ma- niac. Despite the recent revival of black and white, back-to-reality films, the element of simplicity found within "One Summer of can-made movies. Happiness" is lacking In Ameri- It is a pity that all the resources and techniques available to our producers cannot be used to create a domestic film as graceful as this one. -Jean Willoughby #' 4 AT THE MICHIGAN: A frican Conflict + 1. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michi- gan Daily assumes no editorial re- sponsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, be- fore 2 p.m. the day preceding publication, Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1957 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 8 General Notices The following student sponsored so- cial events are approved for the fol- lowing weekend: Thurs., July 4 Kappa Alpha Psi, Bar-B-Que, 1702 Hill. Sat., July 6 Michigan Christian Fellowships Picnic, Silver Lake. Phi Chi, Record dance, 1541 Washtenaw Phi Rho Sigma, Record dance, 220 N. Ingalls. Women's Pool - will be closed July 4. Plays Charley's Aunt, first play on the De- partment of Speech Summer Playbill, will be presented at 8 p.m. today and July 5 in the Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre. Concerts Student Recital: Peter Van Dyck, or- ganist, in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music, at 4:15 p.m. Sun., July 7, in Hill Auditorium. He is a pupil of Rob- ert Noehren. Open to the public. Academic Notices The Language Exam for Masters Can- didates in History will be given July 12, 4;00 p.m. 439 Mason Hail. Placement Notices The following vacancies are listed with the Bureau of Appointments for the 1957-58 school year. They will not be here to interview at this time. Bound Brook, New Jersey -- High School French. Cleveland 14, Ohio -. (Cuyahoga County Schools) - Several vacancies through Kdg. and all Elementary grades. Groton, Connecticut - Elementary (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th); Jr. High Sci- ence; Jr. High Mathematics; Jr. High Special Education (Mentally Retarded Educable Class); Sr. High Mathemat- ics; Sr. High Arts;Crafts; School Psy- chologist. Marinette, Wisconsin -EEnglish/ Speech; English/Spanish; Elementary (2nd or 3rd); 5th). Newberry, Michigan - Vocal Music; Elementary (1st, 2nd, or 5th). Quincy,yMichigan - Kdg; 1st grade; 4th grade. San Bernardino, California - Home- making; English; Girls' Physical/Eng- lish: Spanish/academic subject; Latin/ academic subject; Metal Shop/academ- ic subject; General Math; General Sci- ence; Special Education (Some Mental- ly Retarded and Some Normal). Shelby, Michigan - Sr. High Eng- lish/Speech or Jr. High English/Speech or Social Studies. AFTER extensive revision, Rob- ert Ruark's novel "Something of Value" has emerged much im- proved, almost a first class film. The subject is the recent Mau Mau uprising in the British Af- rican colony of Kenya. Reduced to its essentials, this conflict stems from ideological differences between British settlers, who have come to look upon the land as their own, and native nationalists, who want it back. The arrival of British-type law and order was something of a ma- jor shock for the natives who lost, almost at once, their leaders, their religion, and much of their free- dom. What they gained was a quasi-symbiotic relationship with the British who gave them medi- cal care, pants, shoes, and radios in return for work, work, work. Or so the story goes. Most of the British had come to treat the natives fairly well, like the simple but honest folk they are. But a hard core of reaction- aries would always use force to settle disputes. This provoked the extremists who now had an excuse to fight for their "freedom" with disastrous results. "Something of Value" has over- simplified the situation some- charming if simple wife, Dana Wynter, cannot understand his basic love for the region. She only wants to get out with a whole skin. Sidner Poirtier plays a native who grew up with Hudson, but eventually finds that the equality which once prevailed is no long- er existant as they grow older. Rebelling at this treatment, and angered at the imprisonment of his father, a tribal leader, for some minor infraction of British law, murder, Poitier turns Mau Mau, and leads the army, after a time. Hudson eventually brings peace of a sort, but not before much bloodshed, and many reappraisals of the old regime. THE ACTING is generally ade- quate, with Poitier and most of the supporting actors quite ex- cellent. With a minimum of shock treatment, "Something of Value" makes its point in a well man- nered way. No one but a person isolated from present day prob- lems could fail to appreciate this. Hudson suffers from his usual defect: he looks too clean, and too old for a twenty-year-old, in the early part of the film, not a significant drawback. f t 1 IN THE Eastern Hemisphere, the real United States impact was not felt until the 20th century. It reached huge proportions after World War II. The good will to- ward the United States was so pronounced in Asia and Africa just after the war that any hint of American support for a colonial power would bring a wave of bitter disilltision. If admiration is reflected by emulation, there is much evidence of it around the world, even in Communist countries. It was after Japan was stunned by the defeat of World War II that the American impact was felt in full. The occupation set in motion processes which still are changing the thinking of Japanese people. As one Japanese put it, "The real fruits of the American occupation are still to appear, when a new generation translates the new thinking into action." The vast power of the American economy saved Europe from naz- ism in World War II and from communism after the war. The same power spreads American in- fluence around the globe. * * - WITH POWER and influence came responsibilities and prob- lems. Deep dilemmas plague American policy. Throughout the world the United States stands for liberty and independence, for self-deter- mination and freedom. But the United States has allies in the cold war. Some of these allies have colonies. North African upheavals pointed up the dilemma. There and in other areas after World War II, the United States was accused by leaders of newly spawned inde- pendence movements of dragging its feet with regard to self-de- termination. The cold war had brought cold realities. To build defenses against steady Communist encroachments on free nations, it would be neces- sary to have the wholehearted suupport of allies. At the same time, to ward off Red encroachments on former' w; :I