a Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "WIMen Oiions Anret Truth ww Prevag"~ Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of stag writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESbAY, JULY 3, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: RENE GNAM Semester Lecture -Themes Needed for School Year THE COMPETENCE and excellence of or- YET WHY the thematic approach should be ganization with which the "Asian Cul- limited to summer session is impossible to tures and the Modern American" theme is understand. The normal semesters of the being carried through the summer in lectures, school year are, because of their size in pop- exhibitions, films and concerts leads us to ulation, much less organized than the summer renew a plea made earlier in the year. session. % le fo suh auniiedsere I uring the summer many organizations This is the ilea for such a unified series prepare detailed and unified programs of of programs during every semester of the lectures and meetings - something only ap- school year instead of just the summer session. proached during the fall or spring semesters. Certainly the unification and organization Indeed, a lecture program is definitely needed of this semester's series is of high quality - to give more meaning to the normal semester. with more than 30 events and exhibitions Ideas for such themes are abundant; the throughout the summer and attractive, well- most obvious one for the coming year would designed programs and posters to supplement be, "The Geophysical Year and its Meaning and outline the individual happenings. for the World" - which, although of a morj' The advantages of such an integrated pro- scientific nature than some topics, certainly gram are obvious. Instead of - or in addition relates to many areas of interest. to - University lectures on varied subjects, all Other topics, like "Asian Cultures", are sug- unrelated, the student, or any member of the gested by areas of the globe. Periods of his- Univrstydcmudnithanythemeopportunity to tory, too, would provide subjects for all fields University community, has the pof learning. As a last resort, a program on concentrate his spare time attention on one "Religions of the World" might be used - it major topic and its meaning and importance would surely outrank all others in attendance. in many areas. But the time for planning such programs is Rather than individual programs on lim- necessarily now. It is not too late to organ- ited topics, the result is a series of related pro- ize semester themes for the coming year - if grams on specific but complementarytopics. the work is begun immediately. Such programs This leads to definite achievement in an area would certainly make the semesters at the Uni- of study of importance in itself - and yet versity more meaningful for all. an area often outside the individual's parti- -VERNON NAHRGANG cular field of study. Editor All-Star Player Selection THERE HAVE always been arguments - and the poll has been concentrated in certain sometimes violent ones-popping up around ayeas, Cincinnati the most active one. Be- this time of the year - time for the annual cause the promotion has been inadequate, fans All-Star baseball classic. complain about the choices and claim they Main reason for this has been that it is a .weren't properly informed about the voting. fan's game, played for the interest of the fans. Most recent outbreak has resulted from Frick Fans vote for the starting lineups (except for himself stepping into the picture and removing pitchers), and those sixteen men, eight on each three Cincinnati players from possible selec- side, must play at least three innings. tion to the starting team for the National The remainder of the team memberships League when it appeared there would be a are picked by the managers of the teams. Ar- Cincinnati player at each of the eight posi- gunents aplenty have resulted from managers' tions (excluding pitcher, of course). choices - but rarely from the fans' selections. Frick should have expected this, and should not have penalized the Cincinnati partisans WHEN Arch Ward, late Chicago Tribune and players for something which is really a sports editor and founder of the All-Star result of negligence on his part and that of game, passed away a little over two years ago, his staff. He should have admitted his mistake the Tribune relinquished the job of tabulating (which he may do, anyway), left the three the votes and performing the other necessary Redleg players in the tabulations and then tasks of organizing the contest. Ward was one sought a suitable alternative for All-Star of the greatest promotion specialists sports has choices in the future. ever known. It would have been difficult for What may happen anyway is what probably one newspaper to run the whole show without should have happened as soon as Ward died. a salesman of his stature at the helm. Either the managers will select their own The office of Ford Frick, Commissioner of teams, including the starters, or the players Baseball, took it over when no other organiza- will vote. It will take the fans out of the pic- tion would. The outstanding job of promoting ture, but this apparently can't be helped. the All-Star game which Ward and his asso- ciates had done was too much for Frick's staff, WE FAVOR the latter method, although the however. They had too much else to do to former will probably be used. Players bother with an exhibition game, should be permitted to voice their favorites, Thus the stimulation of interest which be- for who is better qualified to judge ballplayers comes an annual necessity in order to get fan than those who play against them every day? votes, and get them on an evenly-distributed It would balance the selection out, for there basis throughout the country, was lacking. are an equal number of players on all of the It was noble of Frick's office to undertake major league teams and partisanship would this, but because the office of baseball was un- be over-ridden by this equal distribution. willing to try to do a complete job of drum- At any rate, one thing is certain - there can beating, it should have known better than to be no more incidents like the most recent one take it. involving the Cincinnati players, or the All- Star game will lose much prestige. THE RESULT has been a fan vote of only a --JOHN HILLYER small percent of the previous participation, Sports Editor INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Red China'S influence nToday and Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN zuYJ :i" \ah a THE ROLE Mr. Stassen has to play in the London disarma- ment talks is a very difficult one- that of negotiator for a group of governments all with diverse opin- ions among their own people. This is the great advantage of Mr. Zorin, who speaks for a gov- ernment that can take quickly de- cisions that will not be quesioned at home. It is not surprising, then, that in the give-and-take the Rus- sians have gotten the initiative and have the ears of the world. There is reason to think that the four leading powers on the Western side - Great Britain, France, Germany and the United States-have not come to a full understanding on a fundamental question. This was revealed re- cently, I think, in the letter which Mr. Macmillan sent to Marshal Bulganin, Speaking of a Soviet proposal for "immediate full-scale reduc-. tion in the armed forces of the major powers," Mr. Macmillan said that his government could not agree to that unless it were at the same time "assured of par- allel settlements in the political field" - particularly a settlement which could end on Western terms the division of Germany. Then at the end of his letter, after repeating that "great prob- lems still divide us" about Ger- many, about Hungary, about the Middle East, Mr. Macmill-n said in his last paragraph that "among the major international questions the one where there is most need for progress is the field of both conventional and nuclear disarm- ament." * * * WHAT WE HAVE here are two propositions: the first, that exten- sive reduction in armaments can- not be agreed to until there are political settlements of the great world problems; the second, that among all international questions the one where there is the ir ost need of progress is disarmament. My own view is that both propo- sitions are true, and that the real, and as yet unresolved problem of disarmament is to work out an allied policy which reconciles them. All the major Western Powers are beset by the conflict between these two propositions. The practical question is how to make some progress towards disarmament without becoming substantially disarmed Iefore the great political issues are settled. On the whole, the conservatives do not want to go far towards dis- armament until they feel assured that Germany will be reunified on the terms proposed by the West. Briiish Labor and the German Social Demicrats, on the other hand, want to move faster and further towards disarmament, and they are willing at the same time to modify the terms on which they would settle 4 political issues, like that of German reunification. * * * HOW MUCH disarmament would be enough to meet the "need for progress"? How much disarma- ment would be too much if there is no political settlement of the German question? These are hard questions. Yet it is not impossible, I think, to see the general principle of an answer. What all the nations need in the near future is not so much to re- duce the armaments they now have as to put some limit on the competition which threatens to 'cecome intolerably dangerous, ex- pensive and nerve-wracking. The crucial fact is that the cur- rent race of armaments, which begar with the Second World War, is radically different nit only in degree but in kind from any which has preceded it. For miitary technology is ad- vanczing sc. rapidly-is rendering obsolete today what was thought to be highly advanced yeste day-- that statesmen and people no lon- ger understand their own arma- ments sufficiently to base stable policies unoon them. THE NET of it all is that arma- ments are no longer the mere re- flection, as they were in the past, of the political tensions among the powers. Because of the galloping, indeed runaway, technological rev- olution, the race of armaments has become not a secondary but a primary problem. That is why Mr Macmillan, we may take it, after adhering to the traditional position that arma- ments must reflect the political situation, went on to declare that something must be done about armaments even though nnthinĀ° is doije about the political situa- tion That something, which most needs to be done is what, if I have understood him correctly, the Pres- ident advocated in a recent press conference. It is to work an agree- "When Do You Think the Preliminaries Will Be Over ?" a to ror ((6. Washington Merry- Go- Bound By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON - Mrs. Joe Wil- liams, wife of the chief of staff of the submarine force of the Atlantic fleet, remarked to her husband the other day: "You've spent the day on a submarine. I can smell you," Captain Williams, who had been cruising off the Atlantic coast near the U.S. Navy's submarine base at Groton, Conn., did not smell of French perfume. His clothes had a peculiar, but not unpleasant odor of clean steel and fuel oil. Sniffing my own clothes as I got home from Groton, I kissed my wife and expected to be smell- ed too. I was disappointed. Mrs. P. asked no suspicious questions that might have given me an opening to tell her of my deep-sea exploits on a killer-submarine, the USS Tiranfe. Despite that. I'm going to write about them. Maybe she'll read the column. ,' 100 AT LYDIA MENDELSSOHN: - Where Dgo The Nuts Come From? ' LAST EVENING, the speech de- partment's summer playbill opened with ' a production of "Charley's Aunt", a so-called nineteenth century farce which might have passed, in an earlier day, for a Mozart libretto. This comedy is well known to theatre audiences both in its ori- ginal form, and in the derived mu- sical comedy "Where's Charlie" which starred ?day Bolger as Char- ley. It is difficult to imagine any reasonably competent group fail- ing to amuse its audience with this play since it is more than the usual well-written comedy. The speech department has been more than reasonably competent in this production; the audience was well amused. THE STORY here is doubtless on the tip of everyone's tongue, but perhaps a short summary might aid expectoration: Jack Chesney and Charley Wykeham are Oxford-type stu- dents, atixious to win Amy Spet- tigue and Kitty Verdun before these ladies are trotted off to Scotland by their Uncle and Guardian, old Stephen Spettigue. Charley's rich Aunt, Donna Lu- cia, is expected to visit the boys, but doesn't, so Lord Babberly is disguised as the Aunt to provide a chaperone for a tea party the boys have arranged with Kitty and Amy. Jack's father and old Spettigue arrive and both attempt to win Aunt Donna because the rich old lady is rich and old. After an assortment of scenes too assorted for description here, the genuine Aunt arrives, every- one is married off, and the audi- ence collects its wits and goes home, still laughing. PATRICK SMITH (Jack Ches- ney) has quite obviously made a great deal of his role; often eclip- sing Gary Filsinger's Charley. This is something of a. change from the usual arrangement, but not disagreeable. One can almost imagine Brandon Thomas, view- ing this production, saying "So, it can be done that way, too." John Szucs (Lord Babberly) misses few opportunities in the play. His characterization of Charley's Aunt is well put forth; guaranteed to induce mild hys- teria in impressionable onlookers. Jean Whitehurst is a charming eye-fluttering Amy Spettigue who makes more of her part than Anne Woodard, Kitty, who takes matters too seriously at times. So does Le-Anne Toy, who plays Donna Lucia's companion. Play- ing a farce without appreciation of the necessary departure from normality is never satisfactory. Albert Philips presents a good picture of an "old goat" well de- parted from normality. As Ste- phen Spettigue, he has provided many memorable moments in the role of a greedy man chasing a supposedly wealthy lady. Phillip Zussman (Jack's fath- er) and Marilyn Pearce (Charley's real Aunt) are suitably elegant in their more or less straight roles, with i m m e n s e ? y distinguished voices, especially Miss Pearce's. William Hawes, the servant Brasset, is servile s a hungry cat, which is as it should be. THE AVOWED intention of the Department of Speech in presen- tation of its series of plays is both the education of the participants in the lore of stagecraft, and the education of students and other interested individuals who attend these plays and become familiar with "representative plays from the complete cycle of theater his- tory." If this first production is an indication of. the general quality to be expected during the summer, both intentions will be fulfilled. For this' Thomas' dialog is excel- lent, the acting and Jack Bender's direction generally competent, Ralph Duckwall's scenes, espe- cially the last two, very pretty, Marjorie Smith's costumes are real gay. So we recommend that all those in pursuit of amusement, humor, and even (Heaven help us) cul- ture, go see this story about Char- ley's Aunt from Brazil, "Where the nuts come from." -David Kessel DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin Is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michi- gan Daily assumes no editorial re- sponsibility. Notices should be sent In TYPE WRITEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, be- fore 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1957 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 7 General Notices The General Libfary and all Divi- sional Libraries will close at 6:00 p.m., Wed., July 3, and will be closed all day Thurs., July 4, a University holi- day. Women's Hours: All women students will have a 12:30 a.m. permission on Thurs. night, July 4, Women's Pool-Will be closed July 4. Voice Lessons: There is opportunity for a limited number of persons to re- ceive private voice lessons without charge during the summer session. In- structors will be graduate students in vocal pedagogy. Teaching will be super- vised. Come to 202 School of Music at 9:00 or 10:00 a.m. today or see Prof. Har- old Haugh to make arrangements. Lectures Foreign Language Program: Lecture by Prof. Sol Saporta of Indiana Uni- versity, "Languages and Cultures in the Southwest" Wed., July 3, in Room 429, Mason Hall. Public invited. A Symposium on Stellar Evolution and Abundance of the Elements, spon- sored jointly by the Departments of Physics and Astronomy, will be held during the week of July 8-12 in Aud. A, Angell Hall. The lectures will be giv- en every day at 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. .Plays Charley's Aunt, first play on the De- partment of Speech Summer Playbill, will be presented at 8 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Academic Notices Preliminary Examinations in English: Applicants for the Ph.D. in English who expect to take the preliminary examin- ations this summer are requested to leave their names with Dr. Ogden, 1634 Haven Hall. The examinations will be given as follows: English and American Literature, 1550-1660, Tues., July 9; 1660-1790 Sat., July 13; 1790-1870, Tues, July 16; and 1870-1950, Sat., July 20. The examinations will be given in the School of Business Administration Building in Room 41 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 m. Schools of Business Administration, Education, Music, Natural Resources and Public Health. Students who received marks of I X. or 'no reports' at the end of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of "E" inrthe course or courses unless this work is made up. In the School of Mu- ACTUALLY the anti-submarine work of the U.S. Navy is one of its most important jobs. For with Russia having a known total of at least 450 submarines, and with subs now able to fire R guided missiles off the American coast, this is the most dangerous potential attack faced by the United States. Hitler, incidentally, had only 5 subs when he started World War II, and he almost put allied ship- ping out of commission, Actually, however, diving under. water on a killer-submarine is a humdrum affair-at least in peace- time. It's still and motionless, ex- cept for the hum of the motors, No waves. You'd think you were sailing on an absolutely calm sea. And since there are no portholes to look out, you haven't the ghost of an idea where you are. When the sub first starts to dive, you feel a gentle, tilting mo- tion, and you wonder what would happen if the Tirante should keep on diving, smack into the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean Yo. also wonder when you start coming up, what would happen if the sub should bump into a fast- rushing liner, headed for New York. After all, you're right in the transatlantic shipping lane. * - * BUT Lt. Coi. George Hecker skipper of the Tirante, doesn't seem 'worried about any of these things. He gives orders in a quiet voice as if taking one of his three children out for a stroll on the streets of Baltimore where he used to live.' "Take her down, Jim," was his command to Lieut. James O'Keefe of Nutley, N.J. O'Keefe barked a couple of quick orders in the zonn- ing tower. Two enlisted men jumped down the hatch into the control room, sat beside two wheels which con- trol the fins and we nosed our *ay' gently down toward the bottom of the Atlantic. Keeping the boat exactly on the same level after diving is ordinar- fly quite simple. However, we were diving with television camera focused on the crew, and once, when we rehearsed a shot, a mall at a wheel forgot it was just a re- hearsal and started to "take her down" deeper. Commander Hecker quickly reversed him. (Copyright~1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.) 'THE MASTER': Children And Adults' THE MASTER. by T. H. Wit. New York: Putnam & sons, 957. 256 pit. By LAURA DURAND T H. WHITE'S newest novel, Th Master, is one of those rare books that can be read by adults and children to the delight of both. t An ingenious adventure story set on the tin' island of Rockall in the North Atlar' the book con- tains suspense and tight plotting with what the author calls "a sup- pressed moral." The protagonists are Nick and Judy, a pair of 12-year-old twins who become captives on Rockai l and are pulled (literally) into adult intrigues for domination of the world Mysterious work is in progress on the island, under the domination of the Master (age: 157 years). The children's efforts to resist that domination and outwit the Master in the midst of plots and counterplots are recounted with the humor, insight, and narrative A skill that one expects from this author. Those unfamiliar with Mr. By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst TWELVE YEARS ago the community of na- tions, in order to give form to the United Nations,, swallowed some dream stuff. They decided for purpose of organization that the Ukraine and Byelorussia, states of the Soviet Union, were nations entitled to member- ship, and that Nationalist China was a major power entitled to a permanent seat in the Se- curity Council. Part of the dream was to keep Russia from feeling too lonesome and partly to give repre- sentation to the Far East while keeping con- trol firmly for the West. It hasn't made an awful lot of practical dif- ference, except to complicate UN relations with Red China. Now Secretary of State Dulles propounds the theory that a world wide disarmament system can be worked out while ignoring Red China. Editorial Staff VERNON NAHRGANG. Editor JOHN HILLYER ......................Sports Editor RENE GNAM,.,...................,.. Night Editor Just the other day Dulles held Red China up as the prime example of a nation which openly threatens to use war as a part of policy, in her determination to conquer Nationalist China. , Tuesday he said it can be presupposed that Red China would cooperate in disarmament and that Russia would try to assure such co- operation. Yet it is such a brief time since it was pre- supposed that Red China would not intervene in the Korean War. And that was a situation especially prepared for Red China by Russia. The free nations found then that Red Chi- na's military ability was not something which could be ignored. On the basis of the records, it is much safer to assume that the firm Russian intention to advance against the West through the East would be aided by maintenance of military power in Red China while that of the West is weakened. Indeed, what would prevent Russia herself from establishing nuclear testing grounds in the vast and remote reaches of China? "Clean" explosions would be far from detec- tion stations which depend heavily on recog- nition of "fallout." There is a feeling in Washington that Red China is very, very far from production of RYAN AND THE NEWS: Tito Dangerous By WILLIAN L. RYAN AP Foreign News Analyst PRONOUNCEMENTS of world Communist leaders frequently exhibit a contempt for the ability of Westerners to comprehend what goes on before their eyes. President Tito of Yugoslavia, in an interview for a U.S. audience, laughed at the idea of Communist infiltration ir the Middle ' st. After going down the line in favor of most major points of So- viet propaganda, Tito taunted the United States for attempting to "fill a vacuum" in the Arab world and for fearing the rise of Com- munist influence there, "If somebody says that there is a danger of an ideological influ- ence in the Middle East then I must say it is absurd, because in some Arab countries there is still feudalism, and how could com- munism infiltrate these coun- tries?" Tito asked. "It is abso- lutely impossible.", tially was backward, had many features of feudalism and no in- dustrial proletariat to speak of. The revolution in China devel- oped in a country which was large- ly feudal and lacking in any in- dustrial proletariat worthy of the name. IG was, like the Russian one, im- posed by a disciplined, hard core party. Hungary was feudal, but that didnot stop Soviet arms from im- posing a "people's democracy," a blanket arrangement which can :over all conflicts with fundamen- tal Marxism. Even in Yugoslavia, there is little to commend Tito's estimate. It was a backward, agrarian coun- try when the armed Communists took over after the war. Western worry would not be cver the spread of communism as basically defined by Marx It is over penetration and rising influence of those who call them- selves' Communist, but who work