LECTURE THEME FOR SCHOOL YEAR set Pagre 2 t-Sr ita Sixty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom :4Ia it# " e0 WARMISH VOL. LXVII, No. 7S ANN ARBOR, MiCHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1957 FOUR PAGES 'Red China Will U.S. Proposes To Ban H ests; Keep Ban': Dulles H-Bomb Pledge Would Be Honored Even if Mainlanders Do Not Sign WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary of State John Foster Dulles said yesterday he would expect Red China to abide by any East-West agreement banning production of atomic-hydrogen bombs even though it did not sign such a pledge. At the same time, he cautiously held out hope of American dip- lomatic recognition if the Peiping regime "conducts itself respecta- bly in the field of foreign affairs." Dulles expressed firm belief, however, that all Communist dic- tatorship regimes, including those in Russia and Red China, even- tually would be replaced by governments "responsive to the will of the people." Suspension Said a SLIDES ILLUSTRATE LECTURE: Influence of Chinese Art Cited Sassen Relates' Plan Conditions Soviet Decision Favoring Inispection Seen Hopeful by Western Powers LONDON OP')-The United States last night conditionally proposed a 10-month ban on all atomic and H-bomb tests. The conditions laid down by Harold E. Stassen, United States delegate, before the U. N. Disarmament subcommittee were: 1. That Russia and the West at the same time agree to stop producing materials for nuclear arms in 1959. 2. That the bans on both tests and production should be supervised and controlled. 3. That the bans should be written into a " t 4 Q.. Gradual Russia Changes in Russia more likely will be gradual, "evolutionary," he said, but there are "more revolutionary elements present in China at the present time." Dulles laid down his views at a news conference where he sought to explain how the American diplomatic boycott of Red China would " not imperil world hopes of a lim- ited East-West d i s a r m a m e n t Earthquakes agreement. Dulles made clear he counted upon Russia's leaders to persuade B litz I e - Red China's government to avoid upsetting any disarmament agree- ment by manufacturing atomic- 200 lhydrogen bombs. Won't Make Own Bombs By RENE GNAM True starting point of Chinese art as typically Chinese art is most difficult to determine, Prof. Max Loehr of the far eastern art department stressed yesterday. Speaking in the second of a series of nine lectures on "Asian Cultures and the Modern Ameri- can," Prof. Loehr said evidences of Chinese art works have been found dating back to 2,000 B.C., but emphasized that these works have an international character and are not usually considered true examples of pure Chinese art. Prof. Loehr, who spoke in Audi- torium B, Angell Hall, illustrated his lecture with several slides de- picting Chinese ceramics, paint- ings and architecture. In many instances he compared Chinese art with that of Japan and India, pointing out similari- ties and major differences. Addressing more than 200 per- sons, he pointed out how earlyj and sometimes little known Chi- nese art was as well thought out, and developed as the works of such recognized masters as Ce- zanne and Van Gogh. Prof. Loehr also described in- stances in which early Chinese art influenced later artists. He cited the pagoda. as essen- tially an Indian creation but, with the aid of slides, showed how the Chinese adopted, adapted and re- created the pagoda, giving it dis- tinctive, architecturally beautiful lines. The human torso, Prof. Loehr said, was not prominent in Chi- nese art until comparatively re- cently. Disaster Sweeps Caspian Villages TEHRAN, Iran (M)-Earthquakes spread death and destruction yes- "terday over a wide area of northern Iran adjoining the big Soviet Baku oil production base on the Caspian Sea. Hundreds 'were killed. The path of ruin-as known here -reached around and over the towering Elburz Mountain Range on a 500-mile arc and swept through at least 120 Iranian towns and villages. s All Ports Hit Every Iranian port and village on the Caspian was hit. What hap- pened in nearby Soviet Asia was a mystery. The are of destruction-as pic- tured in official reports here- reached from Mianeh, near the Soviet border in Azerbaijan in the northwest, to Veramin, south of Tehran, and to Curgan. near the Soviet frontie on the northeast. The toll in Iran last- night was counted as at least 200 persons killed, many hundreds, perhaps thousands, injured, and immense property damage. ' Dead Volcanic Peak The disaster apparently centered at the base of the eternally snow- capped, 18,600-foot Mt. Damavend, and in its ring of resort villages. The peak is a dead volcanic cone ' 45 miles northeast of Tehran. Reports' said m o s t villages around Mt. Demavand's great base were ruined by a quake lasting two minutes and three seconds. STehran was shaken but no deaths were reported there. Wilson Attacks Foreign Trial Bill in House WASHINGTON (R) -Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson said yesterday the "practical effect" of a proposed congressional resolu- tion to end foreign trials of GIs would be to force "withdrawal of United States forces from all over the world." Wilson led an administration as- sault on the resolution by Rep. F. T. Bow (R-Ohio) as the House Foreign Affairs Committee issued sharply conflicting reports on the issue. A committee majority headed by Rep. o. Burleston (D-Tex) said Sthe time has come for. a basic re- view of international obligations undertaken when America's post- war alliance system was first hormed. Such agreements include those granting foreign countries juris- diction over serevicemen accused of off-duty crimes. 5Civil Rights ILaw Refuted CLAYTON, Ala. (I)-The Bar- bour County grand jury, taking its cue from the judge, urged local He said he doubted very much whether the Peiping regime would seek to make its own atomic bombs unaided because "it would be a very expensive operation" which could be detected by the' West. Further, he warned that any move by Russia to help Peiping secretly in an atomic bomb pro- gram would open the way for Western countries to renounce any disarmament a g r e e m e n t which had been signed. Dulles seemed to qualify his po- sition somewhat,dhowever, by say- ing in effect Red China could be included in some later stage of talks without the need of granting it diplomatic recognition. Firemen Will Check All Houses A complete city-wide inspection of Ann Arbor fire hazards starts next week. Fire Chief Ernest Heller has an- nounced that the check will be made by the Fre Department and will include every dwelling in the city. Chief Heller said such voluntary programs have been used in many American cities and resulted in great success in reducing house fires. The purpose, Chief Heller stated, is to "help local householders help themselves." Most residents will themselves take care of hazards in their homes, he continued. Voluntary Aspect Fire Marshall John R. Williams speaking with the chief, empha- sized the voluntary aspect of the plan. On a given day, a fire truck and a group of uniformed firemen will go to check an area of the city. Department members are to ask at the door of the dwelling to be allowed to inspect the house after briefly explaining the reason for which they have come. If they meet with refusal, nothing further will be said. The fireman doing the inspect- ing will fill out duplicate check sheets, sign at the bottom, and give the yellow duplicate to the home- owner. Citizen Cooperation Chief Helier said, "We hope every householder in every home we visit will grant the needed per- mission to inspect the dwelling." He added that the program, while not compulsory, is intended to save thousands of dollars and per- haps several lives. Printed instructions have been given to all firemen, and it is hoped that the check can begin Monday morning of next week. Chief Heller pointed out that the' truck will be on duty at all times. One man will stay with the truck, and if a call is received the vehicle and its firemen will proceed to the location of the call. Chief Heller said that while, the time the program will take can not be estimated, it is expected toj ha eniniim nnnra tin I -Daily-Allan winder PROF. MAX LOEHR *.. Asian Cultures lecturer Refugees Can't Decide About Tent City; Troubles Are Indecision, Stubbornness LAKE CHARLES La. (R) - The refugees of Hurricane Audrey may, be as slow in deciding how to get back into ravaged Cameron as they were in deciding to get out. "One day they want a tent city, the next day they don't," Donald W. Stout, who is directing Red Cross operations for the disaster, told reporters yesterday. "No decision has been made as to whether tents will be set up as a city or next to each lot as the' men rebuild or whether they will be set up at all." It was this indecision of the' calm French - speaking people, coupled with stubbornness, that contributed to the possible 500 deaths, most of which, as a report to President Dwight D. Eisenhower states, were needless. "I know on the basis of this ex- perience that few if any people needed to die down there in Lou- isiana," Val Peterson, the Pres- ident's peresonal representative at the scene, reported "because the Weather Bureau did a superb job of discovering this storm, tracking it and predicting it." Sheriff Ham Reid of Calcasieu Parish sad that his latest count showed 293 known dead. USAF Orders Jet Bombers WASHINGTON (R) - The Air Force disclosed yesterday that it has ordered quantity production of its Snark intercontinental guid- ed missile-a jet powered pilotless bomber. The Air Force said the eight- ton missile powered by a J57 turbo jet engine, is "designed to carry a, nuclear warhead at high speeds and high altitudes" over intercon- tinental ranges, which m e a n s about 5,000 miles. But Peterson, in hs report, in- formed Presdent Eisenhower that as the waters receded more bodies would jut out of their mud graves. This might take weeks, perhaps months. At the end, Peterson said, the total would be about 500. Of the known dead, 110 are un- identified, most being buried in mass graves as Cameron refugees watch, unsure if their mothers or children are lying in the pine boxes. The threat, of disease appeared to be the main block in starting to rebuild Cameron but Sam Lynn, from the U.S. Health, Education and Welfare Department said "at the moment there are no threats to health in Cameron or the area and there is no danger to Lake Charles . .." Chinese masters, he indicated, used animals, nature and practi- cal objects as subjects of their work until Buddhism gained a foothold. Prof. Loehr commented that it wasn't until the turn of the 19th century that Chinese art actually developed a feeling for space. Next lecturer in the series will be G. L. Mehta, ambassador from India, who will speak Tuesday. Senate Votes, Military Bill Allotments WASHINGTON (A) -Defense- minded senators slowed down the congressional economy wave last night by passing a military money bill carrying more than 341/2 bil- lion in new funds. Passage was by a unanimous 74 to 0 vote. The Senate total was $34,434,- 229,000 - $971,504,000 more than the House voted on May 29. Back to House This biggest annual money measure now goes back to the House which is expected to send it on to a Senate-House Compro- mise Committee later this week or early next week. As the bulky defense bill left the Senate it included most of the defense funds. finally asked by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Less than a quarter billion dol- lars were missing. And these may be provided by supplemental ap- propriations or authority to trans- fer other unspent, funds. Carries New Funds The bill carries new annual op- erating funds for the fiscal year that began Monday. The Senate voted $16,384,093,- 000 for the Air Force; $10,054,255,- 000 for the Navy and Marines; $7,397,156,000 for the Army; $682,- 375,000 for interservice activities; and $16,350,000 for the office of the secretary of defense.. This was about $1%12 billion be; low President Eisenhower's ini- tial budget requests. But the Pres- ident had scaled those down by more than 11/4 oillion dollars. Voice Vote Before the final passage, a voice vote adopted an amendment di- recting that "so far as practica- ble" defense contracts be awarded on a competitive basis "to the lowest responsible bidder." But the Senate beat down 49 to 24 a last minute effort, led by Re- publicans, to chip more than $18212 million out of the bill. The Senate voted to ask the secretary of defense to eliminate any "overlapping, duplication and waste" in new defense funds. Earlier the Senate had beaten down a move by the Democrats to reduce the military appropriations. NEGOTIATIONS BEGIN; Cement Strike Spreads; Major Cutbacks Likely PHILADELPHIA WP)--A sharp cutback in construction projects appeared a strong possibility by the end of the week as a cement strike spread to plants in major producing centers yesterday. Negotiations were begin conducted at widespread points in an effort to prevent the shutdown from completely paralyzing the cement industry-and by-the same token bring a halt to road making, building construction and even do-it-your-O limited-isarmament treaty. Zorin Says Soviet Delegate Valerian Zorin said he welecomed Stassen's state- ment. He indicated it would be referred to Moscow promptly for top-level study. Before Stassen spoke, the four Western members of the subcom- mittee said a temporary suspen- sion of tests had been brought "within the realm of possibility" by Russia's decision to let. inter- national inspectors enter the So- viet Union to guard against cheat- ing on an international agreement. British Foreign Secretary Sel- wyn Lloyd and French Delegate Jules Moch gave full support to Stassen's proposal.k, Lloyd Spoke Lloyd spoke to the subcommit- tee just before Stassen made his statement. The British diplomat suggested that Soviet and Western experts should begin talks at once with the aim of designing a detailed system of controls and inspection. After hearing Stassen, Zorin said he was happy that the West- ern powers-the United States, Britain, France and Canada--had recognized the need to stop tests. Felt Gratitude He said he felt gratitude that the West was trying to get agreed solu- tions. His statement raised h o p e s among Western delegates about' the eventual outcome of the talks. The crucial meeting of the dis- armament group in Lancaster House began with Lloyd present- ing the four-power Western policy statement on ways of ending nu- clear tests. Adniinistration Requests Met WASHINGTON (P) - Admin- istration requests for authority to sell or barter farm surpluses with Communist Poland and oth- er European satellites cleared a major congressional hurdle yes- terday. A Senate-House committee agreed to boost by $1,300,000,000 funds available for the farm sur- plus deals. The legislation now goes back to the House and then the Senate for approval. Poland recently signed an agreement for nearly 49 million dollars in United States products, including farm surpluses. Bonn Drops Atonlic Bill Amendment BONN, Germany (A-Chan- cellor Konrad Adenauer's own fol- lowers deliberately sabotaged a government atomic power bill yes- terday because they feared it would stop the West German armed forces from having nuclear weapons. By abstaining from voting in the Bundestag (lower house of Parliament) they killed a consti- tutional amendment providing for development of nuclear power for "peaceful purposes." The amendment was needed to replace Allied laws, dating fr the occupation, prohibiting atom- ic research. Both the Christian Democrats and opposition Socialists had promised to support the bill. After defeat of the bill Chris- tian Democrat floor leader Hein- rich Krone told reporters that the rebel group in his party feared national security would be endan- gered by constitutionally restrict- ing atomic development to "peace- ful purposes." They believed it would prevent the equipping of the armed forces with A-weapons and even stop the NATO allies from having them on German soil, he said. The 497-member Bundestag failed to give the necessary two- third majority for a constitution- al amendment. The vote was 328 in favor, 27 agatnst, and 45 abstained. Earlier this week, Russia sent a note to West Germany threat- ening that acceptance of United States arms would make reunifi- cation an impossibility. Logic Related To Linguistics By Professor Prof. Joseph H. Greenberg of Columbia University explained how the axiomatic method, as used in mathematics, and symbol- ic logic, is related to linguistics last night in Rackham. Prof. Greenberg's talk empha- sized the nature of the axiomatic method. He said that in geometry, all theorems had to be proved by previous theorems, but originally there had to be an axiom or self- evident truth with which to start. Similarly, in logic, something must be taken as "intuitively ob- vious" to start with. "Schwa secundum: A Problem in Reconstruction," will be dis- cussed at the Linguistic luncheon this noon at the League. Prof. James Marchand of the German Department at Washing- ton University will be the speaker. Professors Get Awards self home projects. The walkouts on a plant-by- plant basis began last week in Pennsylvania's Lehigh Valley-the nation's top cement manufactur- ing area-and for the past five days have been creeping into other states. Neither union officials nor man- agement spokesmen have esti- matedthe full scope of the strike but the Lehigh Valley segment of the cement industry yesterday was just about at a standstill with all 19 major plants affected, involving some 6,000 workers. The only real break in the strike situation came Monday when settlement was reached at the Og- lesby, Ill., plant of the Marquette Cement Manufacturing Co., where 500 workers were granted a wage package increase of 16 cents an hour. Dance Class Scheduled Beginning a n d intermediate dance classes are available from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on Tuesdays andj Thursdays in the League Ballroom. Beginners will meet on Thurs- days and intermediate dancers on Tuesdays. The charge for men will be $4.00 for six lessons. Women will be admitted free of charge. There will also be dancing from 9 to 12 p.m. every Saturday in the ballroom. Music will be played by Paul Brodie's dance combo. The League's dance class pro- gram will continue through the summer session. SPRING ROLLS, ALMOND COOKIES: Native Cooking Featured in 'Glimpse of China' By FRED KATZ A memo to super-market man- agers: Better stock up on all your Chinese delicacies. Viola Chang last night had the, "Glimpse of China" audience at the Rackham A s-e m bly Hall imagining themselves seated at a Chinese banquet as she gave a discourse on cooking from her homeland. Pangs of hunger must have been developed in the most well- fed individual, but they were par- having tried grasshoppers before, she bought a can, opened it at home, found that they smelled as bad as they looked, and discarded the whole mess. However, she said that sharks' fins and the nests of sea swal- lows are considered to be great delicacies when they are served as the contents of soup. She ended her talk with some timely advice by quoting the an- cient proverb, "Peculiar dishes result in extraordinary diseases." A brief recital on the "Erho" (Chinese violin) was given by James Chao who demonstrated the plaintive music characteristic of China. The instrument is a simplified version of its Western "cousin," containing two strings made of a combination of animal gut and silk. The entire wooden structure & -,rn:;, , II