Sixty-Seventh Year EDmTED AND MANAGED i' SlTuDwTs ow rTH UNVsmTT Or MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHOPiTT Or BoARD IN CONTROL Op STUDENT PUsuCATIONS STUD'ENT PUSLCATIONS BLD. * ANN ARBOK, MIcH. * Pbon NO 2-3241 "Boys -Please -Are You Listening To Me?" Washington -WbOPU40MAn ft" Today and Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This oust be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, JULY 2,1957 NIGHT EDITOR: RENE ONAM T elevision's Future Not Coming Ar Closer HE FUTURE of television, they said ten had from radio or, even more fully, from a years ago, is unlimited. They said it five newspaper. years ago, too, and they're still saying it, only The remainder of television's time is filled now they aren't saying it quite so loudly -- with "entertainment". The soap operas, the because TV's insipid day-to-day existence is variety shows, the quizzes and the like are all droning them out. part of an annoying mixture of valueless trash. There has been undeniable progress in the Watching television is like reading pulp maga- television industry, of course, but what pro- zines - when you've finished you've accom- gress there has been is technical and mechan- pushed nothing. ical progress. Those morning and early after- noon TV soap operas are the same as the old NDOUTEDLY there must be something radio soap operas of thirty years ago - except humdrum about an operation with a day- that now you can see them, reception is bet- -to-day existence - yet this humdrum exis- ter, and screens are larger. ence can still have some value to it. Material progress Just hasn't been - with What remains ignored by television are the the possible'exception of a very few news and political - national and international-events, special events coverages that represent one- also of a daily nature, but. of an importance time happenings and not the daily TV sched- warranting around-the-clock television cover- uleage. There have been no real efforts on the part; of television toward moving cameras into T ET.VISION'S uniqueness stems naturally Congress or the United Nations General As- mitsvisual properties. Yet these pro- sembly. The latter has often been covered by perties are the ones that are most continually radio - why not television? ignored in program presentation. There would certainly be some amount of Only recently have the news programs, for daily routine in such coverages, but the pos- example, begun to take advantage of this. A sibility of something's happening at any time, fifteen-minute newscast, in past years, has coupled with the realization that actual politi- been composed of two to three minutes (at cal history is being watched, will draw viewers the most) of newsfilm and eleven minutes of to the then educational medium. aJ suited newscaster's sitting and staring the Television, however, Just hasn't been trying viewer in the face and reading off the daily to accomplish anything more than keeping the news. (The remaining minutes are the cor- masses happy - and buying from day to mercial's.) day. Television may have a future, but at this , Occasionally news programs hang a world rate it will never realize it. map. behind the newscaster's head - but it's -VERNON NAHRGANG Just for atmosphere. Obviously, all this can be Editor Citizens' StudyN eeded MICHIGAN Republicans seem at last to have -ALTHOUGH Rep. Conlin has said that he in- found a strong issue in their fight against tends to call in a citizens' group when the highly-popular Democratic Governor G. Men- legislators have finished, this would seem more nen Williams. _ likely to result in precluding the Governor's - That issue is the claim that Williams' tax calling of such a body than to give any true policies are driving business out of the state. consideration to the problem at hand. It is And Republicans appear determined to exploit doubtful that there will be much left of a co- it to the fullest extent of its political useful- herent issue by the time the lawmakers have Hess. had their go. Ter n le.We would hardly presume to assign motives There can be little question that the first to the actions of Michigan's legislators. There great crisis has been reached in the pursuit appears little doubt, however, as to the pro- of the unemployngent and relief program - a bable effect of the recently appointed commit- program which is giving Michigan a position in tee: Little, if any, solution to the tax dilemma labor matters comparable in many respects to is likely to b.e discovered And, unless the gov- that of Wisconsin in political affairs in the ernor takes definitive steps of his own to re- days of "Fighting Bob" LaFollette. solve the problem, it may well appear that no While no really worthwhile quantitative solution exists. evaluation can be made, there is no denying Perhaps some will even find it possible to that many businesses are doing their build- conclude that Michigan's unemployment com- ing outside the state as a result of Michigan's pensation system, the purpose for which. the heavier taxes. taxes were, for the most part, originally levied and a program in which Michigan's citizens AT THE SAME TIME, the political uses be- have every right to take great pride, is itself ing made of the problem in Lansing are un- at fault. likely to solve anything and may well give a -JOHN WOODRUFF severe setback to Michigan's promising liber- alsm Health Insurance Plan The Governor has gone on record as favor- ing a "blue ribbon" citizens' study of the type aj or SGC Achievement that has virtually solved similar problems in Minnesota under Governor Orville L. Freeman. STUDENT' GOVERNMENT Council must be The initiative for establishing such a commit- Scomplimented for having successfully com- tee, however, rests with the Chief Execiftive, pleted one of its important long-range projects. and it may prove highly unfortunate for his Last week's announcement of a voluntary program that he has failed to take such a step. student health insurance plan to be put into As a result of his hesitance, he has been at effect next fall saw the accomplishment of a least temproarily outmaneuvered by the Re- need many SGC members have seen since ear publican Legislature, which has chosen to ap- ly this year. point a bi-partisan House committee under Controversial only for a brief time as to the chair of Rep. Rollo D. Conlin (Tipton Re- whether or not it should be compulsory -or publican) and composed of the very legisla- voluntary, the program has fortunately avoided tors who.have indulged in so great and useless many political entanglements that other of bickering over the subject through the last SGC's undertakings have not been so success- few weeks. ful in eluding. While the intentions of the committee mem- The program is indeed one of the major ac- bers may well be the very highest, there is complishments of both SGC's Education and little real reason to believe these men will be Social Welfare Committee and its chief spokes- inclined to forget the quarrels in which they man, SGC member Scott Chrysler, who is ap- are now engrossed. What is more probable is parently not letting the summer interfere with that the hearing table will become a rostrutn Council work that needs to be done. from which each can get in his political licks. --VERNON NAHRGANG il "ANYONE coming.from Europe", said Lady Barbara Ward Jack- son at the Harvard Commence- ment, "must candidly. report that distaste for the Atlantic Associa- tion is widely expressed...the dis- trust, the envy, the fear of Ameri- can power and competition - which are inevitable given the na- tion's relative strengths-are now unchecked by any opposite sense of working with America to achieve any legal purpose and of experiencing first-hand the en- ergy, the vitality, and the imagi- nation which America can bring to any high task it proposes to itself. The high task, which Lady Jackson had in mind, would be one like the Marshall Plan ten years ago, in which a free coali- tion of nations would unite "in time of peace to achieve some great and constructive aim." Reading her sensitive and elo- quent words, I find myself won- dering what has happened in these ten years, why it is that Western nations are no longer united in some great, overriding, common enterprise. Have the peo- ple and their leaders deteriorated, and are they less high-minded and farseeing and bold than they were when they came together in the Marshall Plan? Or have con- ditions changed, and are the Western nations confronted with problems which are very differ- ent indeed from those which they dealt with ten years ago? * * * THE MARSHALL Plan was ad- dressed to the recovery of Western Europe from the damage and the dislocation of the war. All the na- tions participating in it, includ- ing the United States which fi- nanced the dollar requirements, were jointly and severally, as a community and as separate na- tions, vitally interested in making the plan a success. In Europe, the failure of the plan would have meant great misery, and in more than one na- tion social upheaval and perhaps civil war. For the United States, the failure of the plan might well have meant the loss of its best friends and allies. The Atlantic nations were, as Lady Jackson put it, working with America to achieve a large pur- pose. But that large purpose was the rescue and the salvation of the Atlantic nations themselves, and their vital interests were di- rectly engaged. What, we must ask ourselves, is the large purpose today which might unite them once more in "some great and constructive aim"? Y * 0 BY WAY OF answering this question, Lady Jackson made three suggestions. One would be to develop a low tariff area for the Atlantic community as a whole. A second would be to fi- nance the foreign exchange re- quirements of the Indian Five- Year Plan in order to prove, by contrast with China, that it is possible in Asia to develop a coun- try without the totalitarian com- pulsion. A third suggestion was that the Western nations partici- pate in the development of West Africa, which is within sight of national independence. For myself, all these proposals seem to be excellent. But I can- not believe that lower tariffs or the financing of India or West Africa can generate in the West- ern World anything like the sense of high common enterprise which existed in the great days of the Marshall Plan. CAN ANYTHING develop it to- day? Or is the Western world spellbound by the great boom that now prevails almost everywhere? Ten years ago it was a vital ne- cessity that Western Europe should recover, and it was that necessity which inspired and ani- mated the common enterprise of the Marshall Plan. Is there today any similar ne- cessity, one which is central, which engages all the Atlantic nations jointly and severally, which catches the vital interests of the masses of the people? I think there is.hIt grows out of the race of armaments which is fast becoming a critical problem not only in international affairs but in the internal affairs of all the military powers. The great dispute over our own budget is really about the effects of our civilian life of the enormous and the mounting costs of armaments. In all Western countries public life is dominated by the same is- sue of military versus private and public spending. * * * WE NEED have no Illusions about the difficulty of coming to an agreement among ourselves and with Russia which would lim- it and stabilize the competition in armaments. But this is the cen- tral and overriding task today as was the recovery of Western Eur- ( *Owl E of E Rrs g16 ST CL PR Fo1[ow 7-t1E LEADER _ _...- S WqG ' aSTR a PR E arcs ua , eel rrrl . a l IV c el.. 1 ffi tt kt IXIA : ci r9x'77t/G w+tsuMt6rc Pmsr .co By DREW PEARSON Merry- Go. [found tV .r AT THE CAMPUS: 'Vintage' Not Very Tasty Mixture s ; ,. WASHINGToN - It was partly bad luck, partly inexcusable political ineptitude which led to the tragically deep cuts in the Voice of America-U.S. Inforna- tion Program. If U.S. Information Director Arthur Larson, Republican, hadn't made speeches in Hawaii, and If Congressman Abe Multer of Brook- lyn, Democrat, hadn't taken a trip to Hawaii to hear about those speeches, the cuts wouldn't have happened. Larson, architect of "modern Republicanism," went to Hawaii for a series of GOP fund-raising :sinners. En route by plane he wrote his speech, attacking the new deal as "inspired by alien philosophies imported from Europe." Multer flew to Hawaii to report on small business disaster loans following the tidal wave, was amazed to be met at the airport by a crowd of newsmen. Ordinarily newsmen aren't interested in small business. They told him about Larson's speech at the Hawaiian Village Hotel in Honolulu. "I think the head of USIA ought to be spreading information in for- eign countries about the operation of cur country," commented Mul- ter, "rather than preaching poli- tics within the confines of our country." Three days after his arrival in Honolulu, Multer flew to the island of Hilo. Again reporters met him at the airport. "Will you comment on the speech Mr. Larson of USIA just made here?" asked the reporters. "What, another speech?" asked~ the Brooklyn congressman. Larson, he found, had made not one speech, but two speeches, at- tacking the Democrats. THE FOLLOWING Monday Mul- ter flew to Kauai Island, and for the third time he was met by re- porters. Again he was asked for comment on a speech Larson had just made on Kauai. By this time, Multer was steam- ing mad. But he really blew his stack when he returned to Wash- ington. There he learned that Larson, during a National Press Club speech, had spoken of havirg given up political activity when he took over USIA in January 1957. Next day Multer rose on the floor of the House, reported to his fellow members about Larson's ac- tivity in Hawaii in behalf of "Modern Republicanism." "Obviously," said Multer, "The United States Information Agency is now the repository for 'grand old partisan' misinformation." When Democratic members of congress heard - about Larson's Hawaii speeches, the USIA budget was doomed. Note-If Multer had not decided to check on small business loans in Hawaii during the Easter recess of Congress, Larson's speeches would have gone unnoticed. WHITE HOUSE aide Gabriel Hague, who wrote some of the President's budget speeches, tried them out in advance on his own audiences. The material that went over in his speeches he later in- corporated into the President's speeches. (Copyright 1957 by Bell syndicate Inc.) I "THE VINTAGE", now playing at the Campus, is about four pleasant peasants (Mel Ferrer, Pier Angeli, John Kerr and Mi- chele Morgan) who live in the south of France. Occasionally they make wine and then on other occasions they make love. The plot goes something like this: Two Italian brothers (Fer- rer, Kerr) flee to France because Kerr in an innocent act of chi- valry killed a husband beating his wife in a cafe. Kerr seems about as innocent as he can be and yet be guilty. Well, just as luck would have it, these guys find work on a farm where Angeli and Morgan live. The moment they meet, they pair off. This is expressed very subtly. In fact, there is little dialogue. Instead there are "looks" and mu- sic - Kerr looks at Morgan, Mor- gan looks at Kerr, then music gushes forth drenching the couple in ecstacy. And so it goes for Fer- rer and Angeli too. Morgan, however, happens to be married; therefore her husband, who has been neglecting her late- ly, is the bad guy. That's essentially it. The music crescendos and fades away for over an hour as they pick grapes, dodge police, and make love. Fi- nally, Kerr's doting passes at Mor- gan convince her husband to pay more attention to her; and so he does. Meanwhile almost everybody tries to help this good-looking, young fellow escape the police. Alas, however, the police kilt him anyway. This proves, I guess, that chivalry is dead and implies that the police are really badmen after all. * * * THE PLOT is typical, tiresome fare. At times it dips into some promising ideas but never devel- ops them. For example, a hail storm threatens the crop, which is the life blood of these farmers. I thought this presented a real problem, but after the first ten minutes of the movie the storm disappeared and was never heard from again. Then too, Ferrer tells Angell that she doesn't love him, that she only wants to break away from the routine of her rural life. He assures her life in the city is ordinary, too. Nevertheless, she claims she loves him and that ends that. Kerr's slovenly diction mixed with Angeli's Italian accent, Mor- gan's French, and Ferrer's Eng- lish, together with the wandering Spaniards, gives the film an in- ternational tourist-like flavor. It's unfortunate so many talented people are asked to do so little. THE MOVIE made successful attempts, though, at portraying the zestful spirit of a group of Spanish workmen whose singing and other antics provided .comic relief between crescendos. For the record, Metrocolor looks like Technicolor. The production is also in CinemaScope but I can't imagine why, inasmuch as there i* little necessity for panoramic views. Not so incidently, the comedy ab.out Foghorn Leghorn and his back-slapping, athletic school chum, Rhode Island Red, is an old one.I -William Hawes DAILY IOFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michi- gan Daily assumes no editorial re- sponsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration= Building, be- fore 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1957 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 6 General Notices The General Library and all Divi- sional Libraries will close at 6:00 p.m., Wed., July 3, and will be closed all day Thurs., July 4, a University holi- day. Women's Hours: All women students will have a 12:30 a.nm. permission on Thurs. night, July 4. Automatic Late Permission: All wo- men students may take three automat- ic late permissions during the Sum- mer Session. voice Lessons: There is an opportu- nity for a limited number of persons (Continued on Page 4) 'DIFFERENTIAL' AND DISAGREEMENT: 14, The Problem of Trade with Red China I SATE" ^Y, June 29, was a red-letter day in Ann. Arbor. On that fateful day, the Ann Arbor police department first began us- ing its new "Mail-In" traffic tickets. No longer must motorists use their own stamps and valuable envelopes for the sordid purpose of mailing fines to the traffic bureau. A thrilling new style of traffic ticket, developed after years of painstaking research, occupying the full time of over a dozen doctoral candi- dates in sociology, makes it possible, for the Editorial Staff' VERNON NAHROANO. Editor JOHN Hf1YER ......Sports Editor RENE GNAM .....................Night Editor Business Staff first time in this city, for parking violators to pay fines postage-free. The new tickets have little pouches, like underfed kangaroos, in which the wicked over- time parker can slip his money. Then there is a big blank where he can sign his "X", and a tastefully-gummed flap for sealing up the whole mess. The tickets are already addressed to the bureau, and even stamped. Officials have said that comments from local residents about the ticket change would be welcomed. THIS SHOULD quickly divide local residents into two classes: those with garages and those without garages. The people who have garages, or fabulously expensive parking stick- ers, probably won't care much either way. But those of us who must play the hide-and- seek parking game with America's most effi- cient violation spotters wish the same effort had been used to declassify some of the big. By RELMAN MORIN WASHINGTON (M)-The China mainland groans under the burden of feeding 600 million people. Most of them work the land. They farm with wooden ploughs, primitive fertilizers, and the water- wheel. All but a few are bitterly poor. Moreover, the population is con- stantly increasing, an estimated 12 to 13 million more births than deaths per year. How will Red China support its multiplying millions? This is the great problem-ever more food and jobs--that the Communists. must solve. It is po- tentially the most dangerous of all their problems. And this is the crux of the de- bate in the Free World today over the move to ease controls on trade with Peiping. BRITAIN and West Germany have announced that they intend to broaden the base of their ex- ports to Red China. Other major trading nations may follow. The United States so far is hold- ing fast to the total embargo on trade with the Reds. But there is talk in Washington about a shift in American policy. The Senate Committee on Inter- state and Foreign Commerce is preparing to review all the pros and cons of the question. It has By contrast, the British feel that the ebargo has not seriously hurt the Communist program in China, and that ending it will not materially assist them to solve the perennial problem of want. * * * HOWEVER, a highly placed State Department officer said in an interview: "The Chinese Communists are in terrible shape. "At Geneva, the very first thing they asked was that the American embargo be lifted. Why? Because, to build factories and industry, they need things that they can't get in quantity anywhere but in the free world. "In short, our policy is just be- ginning to pay off. It's too bad if any government eases up on the Chinese at this point." He said some important British officials, on the basis of late in- formation from China, have come around to the same point of view. The officer declined to be identi- fied. He said he did not wish to disagree publicly with President Eisenhower, * * THE BACKGROUND of the "differential" is this: In December, 1950, after Peiping sent 'volunteers" into the Korean War, the United States clamped the lid on all exports to China, regardless of the nature of the THE PATTERN of this trade is highly illuminating. One item keeps reappearing as a major import -- fertilizer. The Reds are buying it in' quantity from at least seven Free World sources. Along with chemicals, it amounted to nearly 40 per cent of Japan's 67 million dollars in ex- ports to Red China last year. Is this a reflection of the Com- munists' desperate need to pro- duce more food? A sign of the race against time for Chinese re- gimes? In one month alone, Hong Kong police caught smugglers with high- speed cutting tools, auto brake plates, ball bearings, smoked rub- ber, steef plates, 78 tons of tin plate, copper tubing, 2,712 pounds of iron cuttings, 1,750 large bottles of ecetic acid, three trucks, and 1,195 volt meters-among other things. This illicit trade-far more ex- pensive and usually small in quan- tity-shows how badly the Reds need such items, American officials argue. * * * THE SOVIETS are under a dif- ferent control system, adminis- tered by the Western nations. That is, the Russians are permitted to buy many items that Red China can't buy. This is the so-called "China differential." Last May 30, Britain announced country buy items that China can't buy. * * * THAT IS one argument for ap- plying the same trade controls to Peiping as are applied to the So- viet bloc. Here are some others: 1. That commercial intercourse with the West may tend to draw the Chinese Reds further away from Russia by weakening their dependence on the Soviets. 2. That the present control -ys- tem may delay the Chinese five- year plans for building industry, but can't halt it entirely. 3. That nations such as Britain, Japan and West Germany are far more dependent than the United States on an export trade and mutt find new markets wherever they can. * * * AND HERE are some arguments American officials advance for continuing the "differential." 1. That Peiping is tied to Mos- cow both by ideology and eco- nomics - about 80 per cent of China's trade today is with the Soviet bloc and that these bonds are not likely to be loosened by trade. 2. That any change in relations with the Reds will tend to throw the 12 million Chinese who live outside metropolitan China not in- cluding those in Formosa, closer to Peiping because it will be seen as a step toward world recogni- x, , ,. t