9 2 Mtlgatt Batty Sixty-eventh Yesr EDrTED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Today and 'Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN a _'Whea OPlUlOMaAro Fr" Truth WMR PrevWr Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual o pinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: RENE GNAM Dulles' Viewpoint Narrow On Red Chinese Recognition JOHN FOSTER DULLES' statement of oppo- to solve common problems - not as an organ- sition to United Nations membership for ization trying to facilitate the carrying out Red China reflects his usual narrow view and of United States foreign policy, which, in the unwillingness to accept the present state of world's eye, is just one viewpoint. world affairs as anything but actuality. The secretary of state's position is reminis- DULLES' FAILURE to grasp such a world- cent of both his one-time "Brink of War" bull- wide concept is coupled with his die-hard headedness and the general (Motors and tenacity in maintaining the Nationalist China Bullmoose) theme, "What's good for the United myth. States is good for the world." Whether or not the Red Chinese should be In his talk yesterday, the world traveller's recognized as the legitimate rulers of the coun- attitude was made clear. The Soviets, because try is one question, but that they are the rulers they so often disagree with other nations and of the country in fact cannot be questioned. cast veto votes in the United Nations, are bad. The Formosan government, whether the Red China is on their side, would cast veto United States wants to be nice to it or not, is votes all the time, too, and therefore would no longer and never will be the actual govern- simply destroy the ability of the United Na- ment of China. It is a thing of the past. tions to accomplish anything. Yet whether or not Red China deserves Dulles apparently does not see the United United Nations admission is another question. Nations as a world order working for the good As a nation under an associated-nations of all through individual respect and coopera- theory, it would. As a warring nation under tion. Obviously, all nations should agree with the basic and primary concept of the United the United States on every political, social and. Nations as a peaceful organization, it might economic problem. not. If this attitude were carried further, and if As usual, however, Dulles has the wrong ar- other nations, including Russia, were to main- guments. He cannot see the inevitable recog- tain the same thing, there just wouldn't be nition of Red China, which has already been any, getting along among nations, at least partly achieved. What Dulles seems not to understand is that What's more, Dulles is not taking any there are nations other than the United States chances on finding out the real truth of what that- sincerely believe in a way of life and is going on in Red China - at least he is have every reason to assume that that is the keeping all those dangerous American news- right way. men from going there to report happenings. The United Nations should be seen as an --VERNON NAHRGANG association of such nations working together Editor The Baseball Reserve Clause k' 0kwi:umwSk u.; THERE ARE many signs that while Governor Stassen does have a mandate to negotiate in London, it is thin and weak and tentative. He is authorized to see whether' he can work out an agreement which, when it is brought back to Washington, will have the full support of the Administration, which is divided on the funda- mentals, and of the Senate, which is keeping itself aloof and un- committed. The negotiator of any treaty is, of course, in the position of not being entirely certain that the Senate will ratify what he may agree to. But Gov. Stassen's posi- tion is unusually precarious. For he has the Administration united behind him only in the sense that the President has made a ruling which must be obeyed, not in the sense that the opposition has been convinced and won over. The high officials who do not want an agreement at this time are being formally correct in not challenging the President's policy. But their real feelings ooze out in every direction, and are exerting a powerful influence in Congress and in the press. * * * WHAT HAS happened, I be- lieve, is that the great underlying issues of policy, which must in the end be decided by public debate, have been debated in secret with- in the Administration, and have been decided but have not been settled. The underlying issues turn on whether, if an enforceable agree- ment to limit armaments could be reached, it would be wise to make the agreement. Th really im- portant opposition is among those who think that an agreement to limit armaments, even though en- forceable, would be undesirable. The President has ruled against them, and has taken the position that if an enforceable agreement can be reached, the agreement should be made. But the serious opposition, though it is overruled for the time being, is likely to con- tinue to be very formidable in- deed. It is a pity that the case of the opposition was not debated pub- licly before the negotiations be- gan in London. It may well become necessary to debate the case before the nego- tiations can go much further. For it is not realistic to assume, as the, President does when he discusses the subject in his oversimplify- ing way, that the whole problem is whether the Russians will agree to some arrangement that they will not be able to violate. Although for my own part, I would make a limited agreement, say to suspend the nuclear tests for a trial period, I do not doubt that the case against such an agreement must be recognized and answered. Otherwise, we may find ourselves in the dangerous posi- tion of rejecting an international. agreement that the President has made. * * * THERE ARE, it would seem, two principal objections to making an agreement: First, that to suspend testing would be to sacrifice advantages that we now have and others that we expect to obtain in the future. Second, that any agreement, however limited technically, in a matter of such critical importance as nuclear weapons will have a profound influence on all the great issues which divide the world. No one knows for certain and it is foolish to be dogmatic. The future is not under our control. But as between the risks of stand- ing pat and the risks of venturing forward, why should we take counsel only of our fears? 1957 New York Herald Tribune Inc. 6 - .1 3J I1:; a : F "! + AT THE CAMPUS: Excellent Undersea Film Shown 'IS BASEBALL a sport or a business? Is our na- tional pastime, when indulged in profession- ally, in violation of anti-trust laws? Answers to these questions are currently being sought by Rep. Emanuel Celler (D-NY) and his House Anti-Trust subcommittee in Washington. These answers-have been sought for some time. Major league clubs have in their contracts what they refer to as "reserve clauses." When a player signs a contract, he is forbidden by this passage to offer his services (or render them) to any other big league club. In addition, parent major league teams con- trol a vast number of players in the minor leagues, who are, for the most part, developing their talents to the point where they may some day meet big-league standards. The parent club may control a minor league player for five years, after which he is a free agent. THERE IS an old saying, "Them that has, gets." This is true in baseball, but it is, difficult to imagine how much more vastly a certain number of teams would exemplify this adage if it weren't for these rulings. It is difficult to imagine anything more monopolistic that a situation in which the re- serve clause did not exist. We can picture the New York Yankees-al- ready a baseball dynasty-as owning nearly every outstanding ballplayer in existence. The Yanks are the richest team in baseball-they probably have the financial backing to outbid any two other teams in the big leagues for a player's services. This sort of competition would take place among all the teams, and baseball would evolve most quickly into a shameful circus.of barter- ing blocks--that is, if the reserve clause did not exist, S FOR the minor league issue, it is the pur-,. pose of the minors to maintain the high standards of performance exhibited daily dur- ing the warm months by major league base- ball teams. It has been obvious to any trained observer that the minors have been effective in doing this, and thus their affiliation with major lea- gue clubs should remain. If all minor league players were free agents, the richer teams would buy them and the other teams would be left out in the cold. It is significant that the players themselves, called by opponents of the reserve clause "pawns" of the owners, defend their employ- ers so openly. Some have testified to the sub-committee and have, as a group, endorsed the present baseball setup. It shows that they realize the absolute necessity for the existence of so- called monopolistic rights in order for the majority of teams to survive-in order for baseball to survive. And before too long, we hope Rep. Celler and his group will realize it, too. --JOHN HILLYER Sports Editor Words of Wisdom "HUNTERS of the Deep" is an exceptionally well filmed and narrated story of ocean life, with suitable accompaniment of back- ground music composed by George Antheil. After a early succession of films portraying oceanographers as fat evil old men who seek only to grow monsters in the ooze, it is with welcome relief that we see, fi- nally, just exactly what sort of people go roaming about the ocean floor with compressed air tanks, spears, cameras, and nose-clips. Much of the photography here is quite remarkable, especially since many of the shots were tak- en at hundred foot depths with only natural lighting, and often with a hand-held camera. The parade of curious fish and plant life is most interesting too; it is obvious that these sea-scien- tists can observe almost as many obscure specimens undersea as they could, for instance, up among the humans. One old lobster, for instance, has a stupid and fatuous expression not unlike a certain well-known cabinet member. A whole collection of other un- dersea creatures flash by: porcu- pine fish, moray eels, giant turtles, squid, a timid octopus, a yard-long lobster, and two tame bass who follow the photograph- ers about. Although "Hunters of the Deep" Financial Roundup NEW YORK (RP) -Late selling pared some pretty good gains by steels and motors yesterday but the stock market remained slightly ahead on average. For the second straight day, volume was at the lowest level since April 1. Turnover dwindled to 1,770,000 shares from 1,800,000 Thursday. An early range of advances run- ing to $2 or so was cut by the close to around $1. But specialties sprinted to wider gains. represents about an hour of pro- jection time, it never drags; in- terest is always sustained with a minimum of effort, it seems. Of course the amount of time and care which went into the filming of these underwater scenes must have been enormous. TWO OTHER short features are also presented. "Down Free- dom Road" is a tiresome Warner Brothers affair vaguely designed to convince theatre audiences that this is a pretty good country, after all. With the aid of an endless as- sortment of ham actors, the scenes of early US history are, re- created for the benefit of a way- ward busload of cross-country travelers. Every possible stereotype is present: Ben Franklin with blond bangs, a goofy Abe Lincoln, etc. And all these apparitions appear at the command of a ghostly trav- eler on this bus, probably one of the Warner brothers. The other feature tells how the Air Reserve is protecting the country. -David Kessel Washington Merry- Go- Round By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON - With sum- mer vacations 'coming for mil- lions of Americans, Congressman Earl Chudoff, Philadelphia Demo- crat, is starting a congressional probe of Eisenhower policy regard- ing recreation spots. Specifically he Is looking into the fact that areas around the big dams and reservoirs owned by Uncle Sam are no longer set aside for recreational purposes, but kept by private interests. Harold Ickes, the old curmud- geon who served as Roosevelt's Secretary of the Interior, and Oscar Chapman, his successor un- der Truman, acquired the land around federal waterways. Naturally when the government builds a dam or improves a water- way, the land around it becomes more valuable, and the federal government took advantage of th's increase. Chudoff's preliminary probe, hovever, has found that on Oct. 12 1953, nin' months after Ike took office, this policy was chang- ed. le has also discovered that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce was the prime instigator of the change. It claimed that the public play- grounds around dams and reser- voirs were "saxialistic." * * * FROM OCTOBER 1953, there- fore, the Bureau of Reclamation and the Army Engineers have not purchased the land, but acquired "flowage easements" through land surrounding dams and reservoirs. Actually, these easements cost about as much as the land would cost the taxpayers; little money was saved. But here has been the result when it comes to vacation lands for the American public. Three big federal reservoirs are under construction: Garrison in North Dakota, Fort Randall in South Dakota, anddOahe, which straddles the border between North arid South Dakota. In all three cases the Army has been barred from acquiring title to surrounding land for use by the public. CONGRESSWOMAN Edna Kel- ly (D., N.Y.) had an unpublicized brush with Russia's Deputy .For- eign Minister Mikoyan the other day while both happened to be staying at the Ambassador Krantz Hotel in Vienna. One evening, Mrs. Kelly stepped into the hotel's telephone booth- sized elevator just as Mikoyan's party arrived. The hotel manager, obeisant before Mikoyan. beck- oned to Mrs. Kelly to vacate the elevator and make room for the Soviet big shot. Mrs. Kelly firmly stood her ground. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" she said. Then turning to the elevator op- erator, she ordered: "You take me to the third floor." Mikoyan was flustered for a moment, then shrugged and walked up the stairs while the Congresswoman from Brooklyn rode. (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc) F AILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin IS an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michi- gan Daily assumes no editorial re- sponsiblilty. Notices should be sent in TYPE WRITEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, be- fore 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1957 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 5 General Notices The Summer Session Choir I open to all students enrolled in or employee of the University. Rehearsals are held Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and T:ursday evenings, 7:00-8:00 p.m., In Aud. D, Angell Hall. Auditions at 8:00 p.m. at the above time and place. Recreational Swimming - Women's Pool. The Women's Pool is open for recreational swimming as follows: Women Students: Mon., Wed., Sat., 2:30-4:30 p.m., F. 3:00-5:00 p.m., M. through Thurs., 5:20-6:10 p.m. Mon., 8:15-9:15 p.m,, Tues., Thurs., 7:15-9:15 p.m. Co-Rec Swimming: wed. 8:15-9:15 p.m.; Sat. 7:15-9:15 pm., Sun., 3:00- 5:00 p.m. (women students may invite gentlemen friends.) Faculty Night: Friday 6:30-8:00 p.m. (Families with children under 8 years) Friday~ 8:00-9:30 p.m. (For other fac- ulty families) American Society of Plant Physiolo- gists, Midwestern Section, is holding its annual meeting at Rackham, third floor. All interested persons on the campus are invited Today's program: 8:30-10 A.M., concurrent round table discussions (I): Apparent Free Space, Nitrogen Fixation, Giberellin. 10 A.M.- 12 Noon, concurren round table dis- cussions (II): Foliar Absorption, Bio- 14 RYAN AND THE NEWS: Moscow vs. Peiping Seem To Be Echoing WE SEE WHERE Vice-president Richard M. Nixon is a staunch defender of America's security. Speaking before the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce Tuesday, Nixon, a man with original ideas on defense said "anyone who would make substantial cuts in the de- fense budget below the amounts recommended" is risking the nation's security. This same individual also said the billion dollars we are spending for economic assist- ance to uncommitted countries is "an invest- ment in our freedom and independence." The Vice-president's partner in original ideas, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, has been saying the same things these past few days. r Their words seem like good ones; they con- tain advice well worth heeding and express doctrines essential to our countries well be- ing. Seems, though, like we've heard the same words before. Wasn't it when a Mr. Barkley and a Mr. Acheson were in office? --RENE GNAM By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press Foreign News Analyst RECENT developments indicate the Soviet bloc will refuse to see any deviation in Chinese lead- er Mao Tze-tung's statement that "contradictions" between rulers and ruled, can exist in a Commu- nist-run society. But there are signs of a real, underlying conflict, removed from the abstractions of Marxist-Len- inist interpretation. The Chinese have adopted a dee- vious means of underlining it and give the impression they want this developing breach to be healed. Premier Chou En-lai this week went down the line point by point for Soviet leadership of Commu- nist affairs around the globe. * * * THIS SPEECH, and events pre- ceding it, appeared to point up a difference between Moscow and Peiping over the extent of econ- omic and other aid the Russians have given and are prepared to give to their impatient neighbor. This conflict is based on hard r& alities, Mao's request for criticism killed two birds with one stone. It showed the regime where re-. sistance was coming from. It also brought out a charge of Soviet niggardliness in supporting Red China economically. Some of the critics spoke bit- terly about China's repaying loans for prosecution of the Korean War. While the Red Chinese re- gime may pretend not to go along with this criticism, it nevertheless has brought it out for the Rus- sians to hear. THE RUSSIANS are not too anxious to see rapid economic de- velopment in China. That would mean a mighty in- dustrialized nation of 600 million camped on Soviet borders, shar- ing or even overshadowing Soviet influence in Asia and other un- derdeveloped areas. But neither the Soviet Union nor Red China can afford any open split. Red China, with her economic and political conditions, is in no position to assert leader- ship in the Communist world. She must play second fiddle to Mos- cow. For China's brand of "so- cialism" has its own peculiar problems. If there truly were a split along ideological lines, you'd not ex- pect Moscow to export the Mao embellishments of Marxism-Len- inism. 'THE PAPERS OF CHRISTIAN GAUSS': Warm, Life-Like Portrait of an Outstanding Man INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Dulles Even GTougher' By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst N THE MATTER of Red China, everybody's out of step except the United States. Secretary Dulles has made a most impas- sioned explanation of why the United States cannot and, he says, Neill not, recognize Red China, trade with Red China, or permit Red China's entry into the United Nations. Editorial Staff VERNON NAHROANG, Editor Dulles bases a part of his argument on the belief that Communist rule in China will not prove permanent, and that the United States should do nothing to prolong its life. He says recognition would do that, and would weaken the will of Chinese abroad, as well as the will of other Asiatics, to hold out against ceommunism. At the same time, the British Common- wealth, led by Great Britain, America's most important ally, were agreeing that Red China has come to stay as a nation and tust even- tually be admitted to the United Nations. France has adopted the British view that the Western nations should resume trade with Red China at least within the higher limits THE PAPERS OF CHRISTIAN GAUSS, Edited by Katherine Gauss Jackson and H ir a m Haydn. New York: Random House, 1957 By JUDITH ANN PRIOR THE PAPERS of Christian Gauss is a collection of commentar- ies on life by a man of many in- terests and enthusiasms. The late Dr. Gauss was for many years the Dean of the College at Princeton University. His daughter, Kather- ine Gauss Jackso , fiction editor of Harper's Magazine, and Hiram Haydn. editor-in-chief of Random House, Inc., have presented parts of his diaries, lectures, notes and correspondence, with no intent of compiling a biography, but rather perception of the beauties of the world give the most pleasure: "The sun had just set and light had gone out of the trees where for a long time it had hung gold- en. It was that delicious moment when the air turns blue and the skies are gray. The streets grow wider, the passers-by are farther apart and silence seems to fall out of the evening skies." This is one of the dozens of beautiful word-paintings that re- veal the aesthetic sense of a high- ly complex and intense man. Also included in this section is a long letter to an undergraduate, discussing the intellectual atti- tude of the "lost generation," why it had come about, and how it should be combated. Here the reader sees the man concerned with his students' prob- lems of adjustment and action, and also there are interesting sidelights on his love of football. This man, who was a president of Phi Beta Kappa, was also the chairman of the University Coun- cil on Athletics, and never missed a Princeton football game. The lectures show what Edmund Wilson later called his immense range of intelligence and infor- mation" and "peculiar simplici- ty and ease at generalization." Throughout he book the reader is tremendously aware of the scope of his man's knowledge, yet his writing never becomes obscure or esoteric. COMRTNED WITH the fact that noting the imperfections of the work these writers sent to him, he goes on to praise their valid and substantial virtues. His engaging spirit is displayed in this excerpt from a letter to Edmund Wilson: " .. . to a By- ron fan like myself who is willing to take doggerel if it makes your pulse beat faster, in general James' characters have too much lymph in their veins. Let's quarrel about it later," * * * THE BOOK concludes w i t h Gauss' views on retirement, for he disliked the idea of useless old age. The epilogue, an account of his last evening, is written by a woman who with her husbaAd had shared the Gauss' home for sev- 0..,