A m $tjigatt lai Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSTY OP MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 RYAN: Refugees Present I "What Happened to That Plan for a House of Brick?" "Wtken COp~zviows* Aie f Truth w DPr"Wi Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all refprints. FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: RENE GNAM Usual Silent Unconcern Greets. Davis Verdict CHANDLER DAVIS, the former University mathematics instructor who refused to "co- opef ate" with a House Un-American Activities subcommittee in 1954, has been found guilty of contempt of Congress - with little evidence of concern on anyone's part. I Even the recent and current series of Su- preme Court decisions concerning the Watkins and other cases, which bear many similarities to Davis' case, have been relatively ignored in the long run. What discussion there has been of the high court's decisions has been limited to their con- sequence in terms of the court's position and influence in the United States. The politicians are more worried about the court's having too much power than they are concerned with the personal rights' arguments involved. These arguments, however, are interesting and important ones, both for the individuals involved and for the guarantees of free speech Americans enjoy under the Constitution. DAVIS, unlike the so-called "Fifth Amend- ment Communists", invoked the First Amendment in refusing to answer questions of the Un-American Activities subcommittee con- cerning his political activities. His case, actually an attack against that committee, has sought to prove that a commit- tee of Congress setting out to expose and publi- cize political ideas of individuals is actually violating the First Amendment and thereby losing its validity as a committee of Congress. Apparently, however, the United States gov- ernment, through its representative, Circuit Court Judge W. Wallace Kent, does not accept Davis' argument, as evidenced in Wednesday's decision. But this remains the only discussion, the only argument of the case - between Davis and the government. The public, the campus, everyone else remains anything but the con- cerned and outspoken citizens they should be. SHISin turn, is most surprising because of the reception which the events of the 1954 hearings met on campus. For most of the month of May there was great activity and expres- sion of opinion - at least relatively so for this campus. Now that the actual news happenings are far in the past and all the glamor of the hear- ings has faded, the University campus has for- gotten all about Davis and his argument; the campus has obviously little capacity for thought on the subject. Perhaps it is a result of the McCarthy scare -perhaps no one dares open his mouth for fear someone will criticize or, of all dire things, remember something that might be said. And yet they call this a University community, a place of higher learning. Right or, as the government decided, wrong, Davis' argument deserves discussion on a high- er level of meaning than the sensation given the 1954 hearings and the concern now alto- gether lacking. -VERNON NAHRGANG Editor Education's Goals Need Revision WHAT ARE THE goals of modern educa- tion? Is a student taught to be aware of problems worldwide in scope, or is he merely trained to be a specialist with little or no concern for global, or even national, affairs? Does a student geteducation of the sort that will enable him to cope with international and national problems, or will he be the baseball fan mechanic whose only concern is how the Tigers fared in yesterday's game? And, if the student somehow survives mod- ern educational methods and comes out with an awareness of major problems, will he be willing to do anything about them? Will he have gained initiative, stimulation, a want-to- do-it attitude? 'hiese are only some of the questions Oliver J. Caldwell, assistant commissioner for in- ternational education of the United States De- partment of Health, Education and Welfare, proposed at -yesterday's opening lecture of the "Asian Cultures and the Modern American" series. Caldwell rightly said that education must change its viewpoint. Rather than train a stu- dent solely to be a specialist, it must prepare him to take responsibility in the field of in- ternational relations. CALDWELL'S talk points up an interesting and important problem. Nations of the world are becoming increasingly interdepend- ent. They need each other, must have each other's resources, materials, technicians and know-how in order to survive. But this interdependence is knifed in the back by poor international relations, muddling foreign diplomats, unconcerned soldiers in for- eign ports and foolishly-passed laws restricting foreign travel. These darts must be plucked before the nations of the world will be able to co-exist peacefully and interdependently. Caldwell suggested that education is the doc- tor. Education, he indicated, will teach people to get along together amicably, to respect the desires, the individual feelings, the strong and the not-so-strong beliefs of others. He said edu- cation would be able to help greatly in the battle against discrimination. Well, we don't know whethei education will be able to do all Caldwell seems to think it will. But this we do know: It is unestimably better to attempt to accomplish our objectives -in world peace through education, than it would ever be through force. We would also believe that, as Caldwell re- peatedly emphasized, American educational goals are horribly limited. The student major- ing in mathematics, for instance, learns only math and seldom if ever elects courses involv- ing studies of human nature, human relations, international problems. Even education majors, the future teachers of America's youth, lack a general awareness. A few sociology courses, a course or two in psychology, the required language curriculum, and several courses telling them how to instruct --these courses they take. How about political science courses dealing with governmental problems? How about the field of economics? Why not a few courses in business and person- nel administration? Is it that college programs are too crowded with required courses giving the student no time for elections? Not entirely, for some stu- dents having the time do not elect courses which could give, them an insight into interna- tional understanding. THE SOLUTION, it seems, is that courses in international problems and foreign re- lations, in psychology and sociology, in politi- cal science and history, and in journalism, should be required for all students. The student need not take many courses in each department, but if taught with the pro- per perspective - not necessarily to tell the student about other courses in the department as so many survey courses do, but to give him an insight into the problems encountered in the field - there would be less rebellion, and the student would be given the scope Caldwell recommends. Yes, Oliver Caldwell, American education is failing to prepare youth to understand and cope with international problems. Let's hope that American education will widen its goals. -RENE GNAM D ilemma By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press Foreign News Analyst United Statse policy faces a monumental dilemma in attempts to resolve a problem in the way of peace and stability in the Mid- dle East - the refugee question. If ever there was a time to aat- tack the problem of a million-odd refugees from Israeli Palestine, that time is now. If it is not at- tacked soon, with determination, the opportunity may be gone for a long time. The dilemma is posed by Egypt's President Nasser. The refugee question cannot be solved without his cooperation. Already Egyptian propaganda, probably spurred by the fear that some measures may be attempted without consulting Nasser, has loosed a torrent of abuse against the West, pitched to the refugee situation. In order to attack the problem at all, the West has the unpleasant prospect of finding, once again, some way of appeasing Nasser. Yet if it does this, it once again will be playing into his hands, building up his prestige even more * among Arab masses. Behind the new hones for a way out is one outstanding fact: the rulers of Arab nations outside the Egypt-Syria axis have rea.serted their leadership. These rulers, particularly in Jor- dan and Iraq, have a life-and- death interest in bringing about some sort of solution to the prob- lem. Nasser himself may have an in- terest in settling the problem and permitting a Middle East stability sufficient to permit him to build Egypt economically and crawl off his dangerous limb of Soviet in- volvement. Arab opinion is a shifting, elu- sive thing which can be changed rapidly, if a man with the prestige of Nasser attempts it. If Nasser could be persuaded that solution of the refugee prob- lem is in his own best interest. a way out might be found. Unless Nasser can be placed in the light of leading a way to a solution, Egypt and Syria likly will go all out to torpedo any at- tempts to tackle the problem. PRESIDENT: Formosa Rioting (Editor's Note: Following is a state- ment by Thomas w. 1. Liao, exiled president of the proisional govern- ment of Formosa, concerning recent anti-American demonstrations on Formosa. Liao obtained a master's degree in chemical engineering here in 1933.) By THOMAS W. I. LIAO TOKYO - It is sorry indeed to have the unfortunate incident of Anti-American demonstartion in Formosa May 24. On behalf of the Formosans, I have to make it clear that it was engineered by Chinese Nationalist officials from the China continent. As evidence, Chinese policemen, gendarmes and fire brigades stood by in trucks without taking action to prevent the mob's invading the American embassy, turning it into a shambles, burning American cars and trucks parked in the em- bassy motor pool and ripping down an American flag and hoisting the Chinese Nationalist flag in its place. The Ta Hwa Evening News, Chiang Ching-kou's paper, had published that morning an article instigating the people with a statement that ten-billion-dollar United States aid could not patch up Chinese anti-American senti- ment. * * * I WANT to state herewith that Ino Formosan particapated in the demonstration and riot, for which I had instructed them previously. WeFormosans are grateful to United States economic aid as well as mi.itary protection of the island from the Chinese Communists and invaston. Chinese Communists had im- medlately broadcast from Peiking that the people of Formosa had stood up to fight the "American Imperialism," etc., for which I have also ordered our people to watch out for-for Chinese Com- munist sneakly Instigation - and to cooperate with the United States to protect the island from falling into the hands of the Chinese Communists. * * * I DO NOT want to predict the outcome of the incident, but at least I want to state that For- mosans were not responsible for it. On the other hand, they are It, J~ ~ 13 U t :~~o ~M)R~ .. . . a 4t t, r f 1. 3 S.. . ;fit i ; r tir"( . . , ._ V' , ""' ,.. _,, = 4 t/h ' , ! ,x Ci.. :._ AT LITTLE THEATER: 'Born Yesterd ay Begins Season THE LITTLE THEATER, a new summer stock company, has opened its first season with a pro- duction of Garson Kanin's play "Born Yesterday" at (appropri- ately enough) the Little Theater of Ann Arbor High School. "Born Yesterday" was a surpris- ingly popular play in New York, certainly not because of the play itself, which is a collection of all the dumb-blond and rich-slob rou- tines boiled down to three acts. But actress Judy Holliday some- how turned the play into a great success, and it has achieved a fame not entirely deserved. Briefly, this is the story of a rich and vulgar junk tycoon, Harry Brock, his blond chorus girl playmate Billie Dawn, his lawyer, hired Senator, and a bright but honest newsman hired to teach Billie right from wrong and other intellectual pastimes. The humor is derived from Billie's gay and uninhibited dia- logue, Brock's crude practical phi- losophy and the pompous Senator. Paul Verrall, the newsman, even- tually shows Billie the moral and ethical code; she renounces her life of sin, and they run off to- gether to study. * * * MARIAN MERCER, as Billie Dawn, is in fine fettle. If the role does not make the most of her talents, she makes the most of the role. Robert Logan (Brock) is loud and convincing. Logan and Mer- cer, together on stage, are excel- lent. One scene, at the end of Act I, when they play a supercharged card game, is easily the best in the play. But when Logan and Mercer are joined by the other members of the cast, the effect is sometimes depressing, often tragic. Russ Aiuto (the newsman) is generally adequate, but cannot quite convey the impression thart he is well-suited to the role of a, sincere young idealist. Not idealis- tic enough. Alger Crandall (the Senator) could have underplayed this role slightly to better effect. He was just too much of the old windbag to be realistic although this exag- geration did lend itself to occa- sional moments of comedy. G. Davis Sellards (the lawyer) portrays a once-famous lawyer, now dishonest and alcoholic, but misses many of the lines he was given and sometimes distorts the others with unfortunate results. Others in the cast were ade- quate; Robert Cottingham (Brock's brother) was amusing in a bit part as Brock's flunky. * * * THE SET bore the distinctive imprint of Robert Maitland. Two huge drawings on either side of the stage were vaguely suggestive of a hideously ornate room; a grotesque chandelier precariously hanging over the set was just about the most incredible object that could be imagined. Also apparent was the charac- teristic imprint of director Ted Heusel who, it seems, can always get a good performance out of his stars, and then squeeze what he can out of everyone else. * s * NOW THAT the Saline summer theatre is no longer" operating, it is fortunate that Mr. Heusel and his players will provide this area with summer entertainment. It is hoped that the Little Theater will improve with age for it fills a significant gap in the local scene. -David Kessel , ' kt c - .Q . ,c . ,.,, M i i {!{ b " ' t , / ({ i y, 1 p . t4 : ,,c ' .;. t . _ ' .. ' '' Washington Merry=m Mound By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON - Government scientists who tried to circu- late a petition against continued H-bomb tests suddenly found their constitutional right of free peti- tion yanked from under them at the National Institutes of Health last week. About half the scientsts and medical experts at the Health In- stitutes, a government agency at Bethesda. Md. had signed the petition when suddenly Dr. Fran- cis Arnold, a dentist working with the Institute of Dental Research, seized it. He refused to return the peti- tion on the ground that it was be- ing circulated on government pro- perty and on government time. This aroused a terrific back- stage furore at the Health Insti- tutes, where many scientists have seen how strontium 90 in H-bomb fall-out increases leukemia and other forms of cancer. Many doctors also felt strongly regarding the Eisenhower position taken last fall against Adlai Ste- venson's proposal to ban H-bomb tests-if Russia would agree. Dr. Arnold was not available for comment. However, Dr. James A. Shannon. director of the National Health Institutes, confirmed the fact that the petition had been confiscated by Dr. Arnold and that it had not been returned. He said he had supported Dr. Arnold's confiscation of the pe- ion because government scientists scientists should not be allowed to circulate a political petition. Asked whether scientists lost the power of engaging in politics mere- ly because they worked for the government. Dr. Shannon re- treated somewhat. He said he was in a delicate po- sition, but that he would return the petition to the scientists if they agreed to circulate it only in their homes and no on government pro- perty. Dr. Shannon did not mention the Eisenhower-Stevenson debate last fall regarding the banning of H-bomb tests. * * * THE CIVIL Aeronautics Board, which decides who shall operate which prize air routes, has been conducting an investigation of "leaks." It should. Priceless tips on new air routes have been leaking to the stock market. Simultaneously, the CAB has been suppressing certain secret documents, some of which the public has a right to read. One such document has just come into my hands, and I intend to pub- lish r,1rt> of it. It pertains to alleged wire-pull- ing with the Mexican government by Pan American Airways to keep other American airlines out of Mexico. This document is stamped "con- fidential," and the CAB issued a. specia lsecrecy order, No. E-11109, March 11, 1957, stating that this document "shall be segregated from the public record and with- held from public disclosure." One reason for secrecy is that Pan American Airways pressured the CAB for secrecy, and Pan Am employs people with influence in Washington. It has hired, among others, the nephew of the President, Milton Eisenhower, Jr.; the former CAB official Carroll Cone; Ike's former undersecretary of commerce Bob Murray; Ike's former undersecre- tary of the Air Force, Roger Lewis; former CAB Commissioner Rus- sell Adams; and former CAB Com- missioner Clarence Young. The reason for Pan Am's desire for secrecy is that it denies having used any influence with the Mexi- can government to keep Braniff Airways, Eastern Air Lines, or any other comeptitors out of Mexico. Pan Am owns 42 per cent of companis Mexicana de Aviacion and 20 per cent of Aeronaves de Mexico, which, through Mexican directors, have influence with the Mexican government. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin IS arU official publication of the Oniversity of Michigan for which the Michi- gan Daily assumes no editorial re- sponsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, be- fore 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1957 VOL. LXVIII, NO, 4 General Notices The following student-sponsored so- cial event :s approved for the coming weekend. Social chairmen are reminded that requests for permission to hold social events are due in the Office of Student Affairs not lraer than 12:00 noo~n the, Monday prior to the event. I 1. f * ~1 AT THE STATE: 'Is land' Uninspired WHAT compulsion is it that forces Hollywood producers to make all of their movies look the same? No matter how different the original plots of the screen- plays may be, no matter how di- verse the personalities of the starring actors and actresses may appear, somehow the finished pro- ducts always seem to have been efficiently turned out of some great distinction-obliterating mold. "Island in the Sun" is an unfor- tunately representative example of this trend. 'The representation is unfortu- nate because the movie contains many of the elements of a fine production. The social problems that it confronts are interesting and important ones. The actors, with a few excep- tions, are extremely competent. The story, as it was written, was skillfully constructed and finally absorbing. The film, however, is no more and no less than an aver- age, expensive, and not too color- ful CinemaScope pillow. AT NORTHLAND PLAYHOUSE: 'Holiday' Passable THE LOCALE of the picture is the island of Santa Marta in the West Indies. The conflict between the white businessmen and plan- tation owners and the Negro labor- ing population is an old and seem- ingly insoluble dilemma. The main plot spins the island's people around and around the racial problem without ever let-. ting them come to a final peace or acceptance. There is no resolu- tion to the story, no completeness. Harry Belafonte, in the role of David Boyeur, an energetic labor organizer, stalks enigmatically through the movie and ties all the sub-plots together. His relationships with the vari- ous protagonists of the plot are poorly defined and a little confu- sing, but they undoubtedly exist, Mr. Belafonte does a passable job of acting, -and his fans will be pleased, but a more careful char- acterization might have been ad- visable. THE MOST interesting of the many episodic minor plots of the story is one involving James Ma- son, the eldest living son of the Fleury plantation family. Erroneously jealous of his wife, he kills a man and for the rest of the movie, the audience suffers as he tries to conceal and expiate his guilt. Echoes of "Crime and )Punishment" seem to resound throughout the halls of his man- s:on as he develops a strange friendship with the police inspec- tor and finally forces himself to confess. Thesrest of the sub-stories are too numerous to describe. Inn all of them, the question of racial boundaries is in some way essen- tial. Too many things are crowded into too short a time, and all the color, all the pictures of the Carib- bean, and all the calypso music notwithstanding, the final result is unsatisfactory. -Jean Willoughby Financial Roundup f. ,y XA INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Arms Talks Just Propaganda By 3. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst PRESIDENT Dwight D. Eisenhower and Har- - old Stassen have added new evidence that propaganda, rather than the prospect of- any real agreements, is the main thing in the cur- rent disarmament talk. The President, speaking as a doubtful and worried man, sounded as though he could easily switch back to his former position that atomic tests are necessary. But, he said, that doesn't mean the United Editoriat Staff VERNON NAHRGANG, Editor JOHN HILLYER..........Sports Editor RENE GNAM ....................... Night Editor States won't go right ahead negotiating with Russia about stopping the tests because of "psy- chological factors" and "fears of the world." At the same time, in London, Stassen pre- sented another facet of his "package deal." He suggested that lists of heavy weapons be prepared showing what each country was will- ing to sequester in an arms limitation move. That opens the door to interminable argu- ment. How many tanks and submarines should Russia sequester in order to match American mothballing of a big aircraft carrier? Disarma- ment could be stalled for years and years while such lists were being agreed upon. The President obviously has been impressed by a report from two of the nation's chief atom bomb experts that they need more tests to pro- duce a "clean" bomb and also for peaceful atomic purposes. That shows, said the President, that it's not all black and white. Nuclear bombs are now the world's chief hope AS THE inaugural show in its second summer season bill of Broadway hits, Northland Play- house has staged "Holiday for Lovers". The big tent theater on the grounds' of Detroit's North- land has opened with a cast head- ed by.Donald Woods and Edith At- water and will run through Sun- day. Woods is a fam'!iar Hollywood and TV figure, and Miss Atwater was most recently seen by Ann Arbor audiences in ber local ap- pearanc= with Albert Dekker in "Two's Cvmpany" ** 4 FOR HIS opening presentation, Producer Kenneth Schwartz has not picked an especially strong show. "Holiday for Lovers", written by Ronald Alexander who also penned the more successful "Time Out for Ginger," deals with the adventures of a well-heeled Am- erican family on the Grand Tour The family problems are more entertaining anyway, what with the girls and their romantic ac- quaintances being matched in coyness by the parents who (we see as the play develops) also know how to make the most out of a "second honeymoon" vacation. Donald Woods is smooth and pure perfection in his role as the still youthful and understanding father. Edith Atwater, as the mother, was disturbingly rather cool and reserved throughout the course of spectacular events. Yet one would not wish to dispute her ly portrayed by Suzanne Eden and great dignity on the stage * * *- THE TWO daughters were nice- ly portrayed by Suzanne Eden and Kim Townsend. Miss Eden is a pleasing personality and an es- pecially poised young actress. The play, performed op the arena-type stage, seemed to come off well under the stagin* and . z r h-