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June 27, 1957 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1957-06-27

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Ron's Newest Teammate

Hoad Seeks
Tennis Title
WIMBLEDON, England (/P) ----
Lew Hoad blew over another op-
ponent yesterday in his rush to-
ward a second straight Wimble-
don championship.
He defeated Trevor Fancutt of
South Africa in the second round,
6-4, 6-2, 6-1.
As the 71st Wimbledon Cham-
pionships moved through the
third day without a major upset,
another all-Australian final ap-
peared shaping up with Hoad and
Ashley Cooper as the principals.
Cooper Impressive
The second-seeded Cooper had
everything-power, finesse, speed,
positioning, rejuvenated forehand
and the other shots - in his 6-1,
6-3, 6-3 victory over aging Jaro-
slav Drobny, the 1954 champion.
. Vic Seixas of Philadelphia, the
1953 winner who is seeded sixth,
and seventh-seeded Herbie Flam
of Beverly Hills, Calif., defeated
a pair of upset-obsessed Indians
to keep America's standard flying.
Two of America's most promis-
ing youngsters, Miami's Mike
Green and Myron Franks of Los
Angeles, and three comparative
old-timers - 1950 Wimbledon
winner Budge Patty, Gardnar
Mulloy and Hugh Stewart-picked
up second-round victories to prove
the American game still is second
only to Australia's in world class.
Mrs. Knode Wins
Mrs. Dorothy Head Knode of
Forest Hills, N.Y., seeded fourth
in the women's division, won her
second-round match from Chris-
tiane Mercelis of Belgium, 6-4,
5-7, 6-4.
Karol Fageros of Miami, the
"pinup girl" of the tournament,
rallied to defeat Ilse Buding of
Germany, 4-6, 6-3, 7-5, in a sec-
ond-round match.
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds


AA Housing Undergoes Changes
Within a two-year period beginning in 1056,there have been 2,200
edicts issued by the Building Safety departfment of Ann Arbor to land-
lords violating Michigan housing lawcs.
These violations were found in 800 single and multiple dwelling
structures located in the heavily populated area around the Univer-
sity campus which is gounded by Fifth Ave., Forest, Kingsley and
John E. Ryan, director of Building and Engineering for Ann Arbor,
said about 75 per cent of the violations have already been corrected.
He added that the continued strict application of housing laws would
make the problem negligible in two or three years.
Frequent Violations
Ryan listed six regulations which were the cause of most hous-
ing violations. In their order of frequency they are egress (accessible
exits in a dwelling), electric wiring, sharing of bath, storage of com-
bustibles, unenclosed stairway

KRAMER AND WIFE - Ron Kramer, Michigan's All-American
end, and his new bride leave Jackson's First Methodist Church
after their wedding June 22. Kramer recently signed an estimated
$15,000 coptract witl the Green Bay Packers. The brilliant ath-
lete, who earned nine letters at Michigan - three each in foot-
ball, basketball, and track - would also like to play pro basketball
with the Detroit Pistons, from whom he has received offers. Mrs.
Kramer is the former Nancy Cook of Jackson.
Dodgers Would Re11i
If1Plant Were Developed

... testifies before Senate
Williams Says
Clause Needed
BOSTON ()-"If you can show
me how baseball can get along
without the reserve clause, you're
dealing in miracles."
Ted Williams, slugging Boston
Red Sox outfielder, thus touched
on the congressional investigation
into professional baseball yester-
Since the Supreme Court deci-
sion that professional football
comes within the scope of the
antitrust laws, Congress has been
looking into the baseball picture.
A newsman asked Williams if
he thought baseball should con-
tinue to handle its own affairs
without interference.
"Well, it's done all right for over
a hundred years," he replied.
"Look, who is against it? Talk to
any of the players. None of them
are unhappy with it."

CLOSET OR ROOM?-This room measures approximately 8x10x-
81/2. A single window opens out into the street. The bed doubles
for a desk when not being slept in. Closet space is unavailable.

approaches (in a building more
than two stories in height) and
cellar rooms or apartments.
As defined in thq housing law
Act 127 provision 2488 Sec. 2 (la).
a "'Sub-standard dwelling' is a
dwelling of any class which is not'
so equipped as to have each of the
following items: running water,
inside toilets; or a dwelling which
has either inadequate cellar drain-
age, defective plumbing, an in-
side room having no windows
therein, impropersexits orde-
fective stairways so as to make
such dwelling a fire hazard."
Poor Conditions
It has been estimated by ob-
servers that the above conditions
exist, in varying degrees, in at
least 25 per cent of the rooming
The same observers attribute
this laxity of conforming to reg-
ulations to the housing shortage
which has existed periodically in
Ann Arbor since World War I.
They claim landlords are negli-
gent in repairing their buildings
since they know they can always
get tenants during the fall rush.
Over half of the University's
students presently live in private
dwellings of one kind or another.
These dwellings range from room-
ing houses to cooperatives. Not
listed in this grouping are resi-
dence halls, fraternities and sor-
This Old House
One roomer complained that af-
ter walking into "this old, run-
down rooming house" the first
thing striking the sense of the
visitor is a peculiar "musty odor,
reminiscent of an Egyptian tomb."
After the eyes have become ac-
quainted with the "dim lighting,"
one can see a "rickety staircase"
leading up to a "narrow hall with
a single, naked lightbulb at the
far end."
The doors, sporadically located
along the walls of the hall, open
into "dingy, over-crowded gar-
rets" whose depressive atmos-
phere cannot help but "affect a
guy's outlook," the roomer sighed
in describing his temporary resi-
Stark Reality
To at least 25 per cent of the
total number of students living
outside of residence halls, fra-

ternities or sororities, conditions
similar to the above are a stark
Next fall, the student enrollment
at the University is expected to
reach 24,100, an increase of more
than 2,000 over this fall. By 1960,
enrollment is expected to soar to
30,000 and by 1970 to 40,000.
'U' Plans Ahead
Anticipating this swelling, Uni-
versity administrators have made
long-range plans intended to ab-
sorg the future influx. In No-
vember, 1956, ground was broken
for a new women's residence hall
on campus which will accommo-
date 1,200 students.
The huge North Campus pro-
ject calls for shifting certain Uni-
versity schools and colleges, as
well as establishing new residence
facilities, in that area. Four' hun-
dred apartments are now in use
for married studenta.
Fraternities and sororities are
making room for part of their
share of the increase by building
annexes to the main houses. How-
ever, their greatest period of ex-
pansion is expected to occur be-
tween 1961-1970 when many chap-
ters will shift their residences to
North Campus.
Increase Looms
The Ann Arbor community, an-
ticipating the tide of enrollment,
will provide space for 1,100 more
students before 1961. Construc-
tion work on four apartment
buildings, the largest of which will
accommodate 300 residents, is
scheduled to begin this summer.
Cooperative housing a r o u n d
campus is also on the up-swing,
In the last five years three houses
were added to the co-op system,
bringing their total number to
Photo Feature
Story by
Pictures by

Brooklyn Dodgers would stay in,
Brooklyn if they could develop the
right kind of physical plantl
quickly, President Walter O'Mal-
ley told investigating congressmen
Seeks Site
O'Malley testified he would be
satisfied if New York City would
provide him with a site on which
he could build a 50,000-seat Stadi-
um for his National League base-
ball team. Ebbets Field, present
home of the Dodgers, holds about
Another "must,' he made clear,
is a parking facility for 4,000 cars
at Atlantic and Flatbush avenues.
where there are good subway con.
National League club owners

last month gave the Dodgers per-
mission to move their franchise
to the West Coast.
Rep. Celler (D-NY), chairman
of the inquiry group, asked the
Dodger boss whether he would re-
main in Brooklyn if all that were
available, even though he has in-
vested two million dollars in the
Los Angeles ball park.
"Yes," O'Malley said. But he
quickly added:
"Time is definitely running out
on that."
O'Malley's lease on Ebbets Field
expires at the end of the 1959 sea-
O'Malley appeared before the
House Anti-trust subcommittee,
which is studying the legal status
of professional team sports.

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. The Universityi of Michigan Summer SessionG
Go Presents inG
Internationally .Famous India .Dance Team0
Authcqitic Dances of their Native India

MICHIGAN HOUSING LAW ACT 127-Article IV provision 2556
Sec. 68, "No room in the cellar of any dwelling ... shall be occu-
pied for living purposes."


DANGER AHEAD - Unlighted
and unmarked stairways pre-
sent continual hazards. This
one, in addition, has no railing.

CROWDED BUT COMPACT-A three-room apartment for two people with a total floor area of
approximately 152 square feet. The kitchen, consisting of a hotplate, is located in a converted closet.
The rent, however, is low.


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