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June 27, 1957 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1957-06-27

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27. 1957




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Hamson Says Lawyer Needs
Comparative Law Education
A lawyer who is to know more look at them "from outside, from
than legal technicalities shoul another framework,"
have some background in legal in- aohngfrnto rk."
stitutions and customs of coun- Moving into a different vein, he
tries other than his own. adds, "Comparative law histori-
This is the vie wof Prof. Charles cally has generated many new
Hamson, who recently completed ideasand cot one by the direct
a stay at the University as visit- importation of legal ideas from
ing professor of law. another country nor by building a
To Prof. Hamson, lawyers ap- patchwork of bits and pieces from
pear among the most "stuck-in- rinany legal systems. It's the crea-
the-mud, unimaginative, nation- tion of new ideas or new combina-
alistic" of the world's creatures, tions of ideas from the various le-
and the best way to get a lawyer gal institutions found in different
to realize i b, strangeness of, his areas of the world."
own customs and give him some Among modern achievements of
idea "of the place of law and so this study, Prof. Hamson cites es-
ciety in tie world" is to make him tablishment of legal framework
for the European Coal and Steel
Seek T utors Administrative law, h con-
tends, is a major area in need of
new ideas and thus able to bene-
~ben-fit greatly from comparative law.
In this connection, he sees in-
cesdpwrofgvrmns91 na s both in America and elsewhere, as
Council Says ranking alongside growth of the
United Nations and increases in
demands for lawyers wel-versed
For eveiy new teacher the com- international trade as creating
munity expects to hire, at least in international law.
twopropecs soud b reruied Hamson hastens to point out,
from the local high school gradu- however, that such practical
ating class. knold wl fulfil
So urges a subcommittee on pnowedge wi not i la the pur-
teacher education of the Michi- poses of comparative law.
gan Council of State College Pres- A man can be an expert in the
idents in a recent report entitled natioaws,farinstance of severa
"Teacher Demand and Suppy incomparative law, he believes.
Michigan - 1954-1970." Tme trick is to make thestu-
Dean Willard C. Olson of the dent look at his own laws "in a
School of Education was active in more reflective, distant light." In
its preparation.mrerfetvdtntig.In
"Its eparis that way he is better able to dis-
"It is the primary responsibil- cover both weaknesses and vir-.
ity of every district to furnish its tues in his home system.
share of the raw material of It is Hamson's belief that, while;
which teachers are made," the re- many American schools arebe-
port warns. ayAeia shosaeb-
"It is a well known fact that coming active in comparativeastu-
"Iom isom ell.ommnies theisdies, Michigan's facilities, facul-
fromn some communities there is ty, and student body, when com-
a regular flow of high school bined with work of Prof. Hessel
graduates of good caliber to the E. Yntema, have brought her law
nearby colleges which produce school to the point from which,I
teachers. From other communities given the right impetus, it could
this low of new trainees is negli- emerge as unquestioned leader in
gible. And in neither case, ordi- the field.
narily, is this an accident. "Having that happen at Michi-
"After the basic question of a gan," he says in conclusion, would
competitive salary has been an- be a great thing.
swered each district must analyze ____g____g-__
all the factors which make for thej
personal and professional satis- TENSION:
factions of the teacher."
Attraction towards the teaching Girls' D orm
nrnf sri nn_ th t nnrd- tiniin.

PLYMOUTH, Mass. O)') - He
square flaxen sails have carrie
Mayflower II across the Atlanti
Ocean at twice the speed of he
Pilgrimi predecessor of the sam
Skipper Alan Villiers has hi
craft in Massachusetts waters
now, having clipped more than
week from the 66-day passag
time of the original Mayflower ix
There is no record of the cours
of Mayflower I. However, "dea
reckoning" navigation of the 17tl
century probably led Christophe
Jones, its master, to sail sotuh to
wards Spain and then cut adros
the Atlantic on the same paralle
of latitude as Cape Cod.
Southern Route
Australian-born Villiers, tookK
more souhtern route.
The original Mayflower pro
bably sailed 3000 miles. Mayflowe
II logged about 5000 miles fron
Plymouth, England, averaginf
four miles per hour against ap
proximately two m.p.h. for her pre
Villiers left Plymouth, England
April 20 and tried for several day.
to hold to the short northerl:
great circle route used by modern
liners. Unfavorable winds forces
him to put about on another tac
and head for the Canary Islan
off Africa before starting acros
the Atlantic.
In common with all square-sai
vessels, Mayflower II cannot tack
close to the wind like a moderr
fore-and-aft rigged sailing ship.
William A. Baker of Hingham
Mass., naval architect who drem
the plans for Mayflower II, esti-
mates the 90-foot vessel can sal
about six points or 68 degrees or
either side of the wind.
An unfavorable slant of wind foi
the northwest course was utilize
by Villiers to head southwest an
pick up the trade winds off Africa
for the long haul across the At.
17th Century Sailing
Seventeenth century navigatior
was "dead reckoning" because
mariners lacked even a reasonably
accurate method of keeping time
Skipper Jones of the first May-
flower probably headed south un-
til a sight of the sun with hi
cross staff sextant indicated he
had reacheJ 42 degrees north lati-
This was about parallel to Cape
Cod on charts sold the voyagers by
Capt. John Smith who had ex-
plored this part of "northern Vir-
ginia" six years earliel.
It was probably this part of the
voyage during which the Pilgrims
"injoyed faire winds and weather
for a season," as recounted by Wil-
liam Bradford.
Later. probably in mid-Atlantic
the ship was so buffeted by a
storm that a main deck buckled
pouring water on the 102 passen-


Mayflower II Clips Week Of f 1620 Crossing

la2,ardozl l3 'iti
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p* s l uieaA, tie reporL conJ nues,
is a direct reflection on the pro-
fessional pride of the local teach-
ing corps and the prestige which
the community accords its edu-
cators; but most significant is the
leadership which the school ad-
ministration gives to an organized
program of encouragement to its
prospective teachers.
"A major responsibility rests
upon the administrative official
to whom the community has en-.
trusted the task of obtaining and
retaining' a corps of competent
The report notes that some dis-
tricts profit by the availability of
competent teachers who are
spouses of university students, or
of military personnel or employes
of local industry,
School Board
Will Change
Job Forms
Ann Arbor Board of Education
4agreed last week to a four-point
change in applicaton forms for
hiring city public school teachers.
Purpose of the revision is to
bring the local forms in line with
the Fair Employment Practices
Act by removing or changing ques-
tions that might be discrimina-
f Examples: "Citizen of what a
country?" will be changed to 1
read, "Citizen of U.S.?"
"Are you a member of a
church?" will be deleted.
Inclusion of fraternal or-
ganizations will not be asked.
The decision to change the ap-
plicatien forms followed consul-
tation with Roscoe D. Bonisteel,
Jr., shool board legal consul.

Riot Target
At Illinois
University of Illinois students
staged an eight-hour riot on Me-
morial Day.
It took 200 police officers and
150 volleys of tear gas bombs to
quiet the outbreak.
Members of two neighboring
fraternities, got fed, up with study-
ing for their exams and released
tension, they said, by starting a
water fight. It spread rapidly. and
soon 5,000 of the University's 25,-
000 students were involved.
Sherwood Lodge, a women's
dormitory, became theamain tar-
get, and two coeds were badly
injured, one when a wastebasket
crashed through her window.
. Illinois President David Dodds
Henry threatened expulsion of
'U' To Provide
Gym Courses
Physical education courses are
now being offered for all women
enrolled at the University.
Students may register for these
courses at Barbour Gymnasium
from 8 a.m. to noon and from 1
to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow.
Courses may be elected in ele-
mentary and intermediate golf,
tennis, elementary, intermediate
and synchronized swimming, ele-
mentary modern dance, diving,
and posture, figure and carriage.
Equipment will be furnished.

Congress Approves Funds
For St. Lawrence Seaway

-es Inu -a pe Vede Is
,ZI', Z ' ~AP Nwsfeaturs
d gers huddled below. The safety passengers before anyone stepped summer in New York provoked
k of the ship was in danger until ashore after the long voyage. weeks of windy oratory in the Mas-
d crewmen used a "great iron scrue" Mayflower II is scheduled to sachusetts legislature until $50,000
s brought from Holland by one of spend 12 days in Plymouth before was finally voted to help finance
the artisan passengers to make re- going to New York where it will the arrival celebration,
1 pairs. be di layed at a Hudson River Mayflower II is to spend next
k Centuries Ignored the si mmer. winter in Boston before being per-
n Except for a modern compass, Plans to have the ship spend the manently berthed at a Pilgrim
sextant and small radio required pier as a tourist attraction during village being built on Eel river two
by law Villiers made almost no miles south of Plymouth Rock.
concession to either comfort or The million-dollar project is
i three centuries of nautical science Bodenoraver sponsored by Plimouth Plantation,
on Mayflower II. "' a group of local businessmen.
HThe radio was used for only 11ieHistory, has usually confused
Thdai w s ue or ol ;l n t a ethe robust passengers of May-
r three minutes at a time to send po- floe wt hte dour uri s
d sition reports. 1I M * rw iho settled a few years later in
d The original Mayflower was M usic Walks the Boston area
a steered y a whipstaff, a crude ex-
-tension of the tiller under the Po.Pu a oegae Notic Unnotced
halfdeck in the stern. The helms- Prof. Paul Van Bodengraven, Historically neither Plymouth
man was unable to see where he chairman of the Department of nor anyone else took muc notice
was going. Mayflower II had the . Etof the Pilgrims until about a cen-
wsm gig. Mafloe ste- University, Awi speak at 3A p m tury ago. They were lower class
same rig but a removable steer- today in Auditorium A, Angell nftnilieaelrianlo
y ing wheel was installed for the Hall on "The Fabulous Future of ani often illiterate artisans not
Atlantic crossing. Music Education" given to writing heroic tales of
. Probably the greatest comfortMsiEdctn. their exploits.
P the modern voyagers had is the His lecture will open the series Incerest in the Pilgrims revived
hrun of the tiny ship a"Music Education Looks to the when the long-lost manuscript of
s The original Mayflower had Future," which consists of 10 lec- Bradford's History of Plymouth
e more than 100 men, women and tures sponsored by the University Plantation was discovered in Eng-
children huddled in every con- School of Music. land and published in 1856.
ceivable space on the lower deck. A nationally known guest con- Subsequently the rash of Pil-
Mayflower II will stop for a ductor and speaker, Prof. Van grim history that stemmed from
few hours in Provincetown Harbor Bodengraven is author of several this source seemed to picture the
at the tip of Cape Cod before mak- texts on elementary music and forefathers as anemic Victorians
ing the last 24 miles across the music education, including a new despite Bradford's vigorous ac-
Bay to Plymouth. The ceremony series of instrumental methods count
of signing the Mayflower Com- scheduled to be published this Modern Plymouth hopes that
pact will be reenacted and cus- year. Mayflower II will dramatize to the
toms and quarantine officials will Prof. Van Bodengraven has world that their ancestors were
board the craft. served as president of Missouri flesh and blood people who worked
Music Educators Association and and fought against great odds to
Compact on Boat vice-president of New York Music build their settlement in the north-
The original Mayflower Compact Educators Association. ern wilderness.
or agreement was signed in the______
ship's cabin by most of the men
i' Survey Sees BOARD in CO-OPS
y Duel in 19+60
$8.15 Per Week-Three Meals a Day
nalists listed themselves as inde-
pendents, while the remainder
were split evenly between the two at the following addresses:
1 major parties.
J MVa y Have LESTER HOUSE, 900 Oakland
ROTC Center OSTERWEIL HOUSE, 338 East Jefferson
University officials said last week NAKAMURA CO-OP 807 South State
they had been approached by
R0TC officers concerning con- OWEN HOUSE, 1017 Oakland
struction of the proposed Army
Reserve Training Center on can-
pus. For Information Call
Indications are the Center would INTER CO-OPERATIVE COUNCIL 8-6872
be used to centralize training of
the three ROTC units at the Uni- Student Activities Building
versity and also provide facilities
for Army Reserve training.

ate, within a matter of minutes,
yesterday duplicated action of the
House in passing a bill approvins
the borrowing of an -dditional 35
million dollars to complete con-
struction of the U.S. portion of
the St. Lawrence SeawayE
The bills. with minor exceptions,
are virtually identical. The deffer-;
ences, however, must be reconciled
by a Senate-House Conference.
Passage in the Senate. about 10
10 minutes after the House hadl
acted, was without objection.
May Borrow Millions
Each measure provides that the
St. Lawrence Seaway development
Corp., the agency created by Con-
gress to construct the 27-foot-deep
international waterway, may bor-
row a maximum of 140 million
dollars from the treasury depart-
ment to complete construction of
the project.
The corporation's previous max-
imum borrowing authority under
a bill passed in 1954, was 105 mil-
lion dollars.
Supporters of the bill said the
increase in costs was due to price
rises, planning and design
changes, and added construction
One difference in the two meas-
ures is that the Senate, in approv-
ing deferment of interest pay-
ments by the corporation during
the construction period, specified
that after June 30, 1960, "pay-
ments so deferred" shall bear
-Will Open in 1959
The seaway is scheduled to be
opened early in 1959.
The Senate Foreign Relations
Committee's report on the bill
contained one sentence that ex-
plained its prompt passage. It
Michigan Mena
Author Book
On Poetry1
"The Major English Poets," aC
new book published by Southern=
Illinois University Press, contans
the w,)rk of two University fac-
ulty members,
The book was planned . and
directed by Prof. Clarence D.
Thorpe and Prof. Bennett Weaver,
both of the English department,
and Prof. Carics Baker chairman
of the Department of E-ugiish at
Princeton University.
The editors asked a series of
questions to 20 British and Ameri-
cn scholars arid critics, each a
recognizea authority tn his lezd
to set the grot ndwork for a re-
appraisal of the work of the lead-
hjg English romantic poets.

"IUnless the bill is passed. work
on the American portion of the
seaway will come to a halt, and
the 100 million dollars which has
alrt ady been conmmitted to the
prolect will be lost."
Undler the teris of the bill
passed by the House. loans are to
be repaid from toll collections
during a period not to exceed 50
yEa °rs.
The seaway, a joint enterprise
vith Canada, will provide ocean-
going shipping direct access from
the Atlantic to the Great Lakes.
Sets Events
For Sumer
The Univ-ersity's; Summer Ses-
sion French Club has planned an
interesting schedule of summer
events for the public enjoyment
and participation.
Yesterday, an organizational
and "get-together" meeting of
those interested in attending some
of the activities was held in the
Michigan League. It was designed
to acquaint the public with the
The meeting was the first in
the list of events which are to
continue through July 30.
Sunday, July 2, Robert Courte,
violist, and Lydia Courte, pianist
will present a program of French
music for the viola and piano.
Following this tete a tete on
Tuesday, July 9 a TV film on the
French concept of liberty will be
shown. After the film a panel will
discuss the movie.
Thursday, July 18, "La Regle
du Jeu", a french film by Jean
Renoir will be shown.
The event scheduled for Tues-
day, July 23 will feature Prof.
Robert Niess of the French de-
Prof. Niess will give a talk en-
titled "Zola and his Times" in
connection with an exhibition of
related documents and photo-
Tuesday, July 30, the closing
dite of the program, schedules the
Evocation of Paris featuring films
and songs.
In addition to the scheduled
events, two special events will also
be held by the French club.

College Editors
Nixon, Kenned
If the consensus of campus
editors is any indication of the
public's thoughts, Vice-President
Richard M. Nixon and Senator
John F. Kennedy (D-Mass.) will
be opposing each other in the 1960
battle for the presidency.
This opinion was reached in the
fifth annual College Editors Poll
conducted by journalism students
at New York University last week,
Nixon and Sen. Kennedy amass-
ed more than twice as many points
in the poll as the two second-
place finishers - Senator William
F. Knowland (R-Calf.) and Sen-
ate Majority Leader Lyndon John-
son (D-Tex.).
The 58 student leaders from
.coast to coast were about evenly
divided on whether the GOP can
win without President Dwight D.
Eisenhower at the head of the
When asked which political
party they favored, twelve jour-

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