TWO THE MCHIGAN D A TI Y THI'RSD_1Y. Ji.'N'E 27, 1957 TWO TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY THVRSDAY, J1J~E 27, 1957 ECONOMICS IN ORIENT: Prof. Elgass To Join Marketing Research' Prof. George A. Elgass of the tion will join the Univeresity's School of Business Administra- industrial productivity research group at Waseda. University in Tokyo in July. Prof. Elgass will deal with mar- keting phases of the program at Waseda's new Institute for Re- search in Productivity. Last year Waseda contracted with tree University for assistance in developing an institute and in establishing r(earch ad training programs in this area. The contract was arranged through the United States Inter- national Cooperation Administra- tion. Particular attention is being given to industrial engineering and management policies by the insti- tute, and members of the staff are advtied on methods of establishing contacts with Japanese industries. Prof. Elgass, who will be in Japan for two years, will concen- trate on marketing practices and techniques of business and eco- nomic surveys and forecasting. He will be accompanied by his wife and three sons. Plant Experts To Meet Here The Midwest Section of the American Society of Plant Physi- ologists will hold its annual meet- Ing here beginning June 28. Representatives from several midwestern universities and other public and private institutions in the United States and Canada will read and discuss a series of papers. The groups will regiseter at South quadrangle today. An in- formal social evening at the Uni- versity Botanical Gardens will fol- low beginning at 7:30 p.m. PROF. GEORGE ELGASS ... Joins Tokoyo research Asia Course To .Be Given In .1958-5"9 An undergraduate course on the study of Asia has been planned for the 1958-59 academic year. These plans were disclosed by the University Study Committee on Undergraduate courses on Asia, headed by Prof. John W. Hall of the history department. The new course will be offered as a two-semester sequence, carry- ing four hours credit each semes- ter. It will be designed to serve both as an introductory course for stu- dents who wish to continue work on the study of Asia, and as a well-rounded unit for students not planning further work in the field. The course will follow the same general pattern of area study pro- grams now offered at the graduate level. Davis Tells Hopes For Reversal. (Continued from Page 1) Court's vindication of their re- fusals." His statement to The Daily fur- ther said: "Perhaps higher courts will in- terpret the Watkins and Sweezy decisions more broadly, so as to cover my case. If not, it will be necessary to seek from the Su- preme Court a new and firmer restriction on congressional com- mittee investigations. Decision 'Sound' ; "Such a decision would be sound, in my opinion; it would be an important protection to our democracy; it would realize the hope which led me to start my test case in 1954." Next stop in the legal fight for the 30-year-old Davis, now a mathematics instructor at Colum- bia University, is the Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati. He has sixty days after the Aug. 5 sentencing in which to file his appeals brief. At the hearings in 1954, Davis, under the First Amendment, re- fused to answer 26 questions put by the subcommittee concerning his possible Communist connec- tions at Harvard University and his activities here. Both Suspended As a result, the University sus- pended him for refusing to coop- erate with the committee. Former Prof. Mark Nickerson and Davis were subsequently dismissed. At last November's trial, it was revealed Davis had been called before the hearings because of his alleged connection with a pub- lication called "Operation Mind." The publication, it was con- tended, called for opposition to the work of the House Un-Ameri- can Activities Committee. 'U' Anniversary The University's 10th Anniver- sary Conference on Aging con- cluded yesterday with two ad- dresses, a panel discussion, and two surprise awards. The Conference began Monday. Wilma Donahue, chairman of the University's Division of Ger- ontology, received two surprise honors for her work in gerontol- ogy yesterday. Mrs. Donahue was presented a medallion "for distinguished work in gerontology" from the Mexican Academy of Gerontology and a resolution by the Conference praising "her farsighted percep- tion of the significance of aging in American life, and leadership in furthering research, teaching and exchange of knowledge in gerontology." Gets Letter William C. Fitch, director of the special staff on aging, pre- sented Mrs. Donahue a collection of letters from national and in- ternational experts commending her contributions to gerontology. Lt. Gov. Philip Hart talked briefly on her contribution to pub- lic awareness and understanding of problems related to aging in Michigan. Prof. Gordon F. Streib of the sociology department of Cornell University addressed the Confer- ence saying a study of 3,000 work- ers near or past retirement being conducted by Cornell showed that 55 per cent of those employed at 69 years of age had negative feel- ings about continuing work. "At the same time," Prof. Streib said, "older persons generally do not belong to many organizations which can help cushion the change following :etirement. Over one-third of those in the Cornell study belong to practically no or- ganizations." Streib explained: "Participation in leisure activities is a class- bound phenomenon enjoyed pri- marily by middle class Americans. Workers Don't Participate "Factory workers and the blue collar class generally are not par- ticipants in organized activities. With advancing age, lower income groups tend to participate even less in organized activities than do their middle class counterparts. "This is important, because in trying to organize activities for older persons, we are in danger of imposing ideas en people for whom the concept of belonging to an organization is somewhat for- eign. E. Grant Youmans of the United States Public Health Ser- vice said: "A very substantial pro- portion of healthy, retired men re- veal positive attitudes toward their leisure time activities and present life situation. Eighty-five per cent express varied and dis- WILMA DONAHUE-Chairman of the University Division of Gerontology and head of its annual Conference on Aging for the past nine years, Mrs. Donahue receives a surprise resolution from the 10th anniversary Conference. It was presented to her by Jordan K. Popkin, chairman of the Interdepartmental Committee on Agining, Lansing, who served conference. tant goals in their activities. Two- thirds register enjoyment and moderate to strong identification with what they were doing. Cites Family Support Youmans said strong family support can be an important fac- tor in giving retired persons posi- tive attitudes toward leisure. Conversely, he added that losses sustained through death have a reverse effect, making the indi- SPEECHES, PANEL AWARDS: Aging Conference Concludes as secretary pro tempore of the vidual feel less positive toward leisure. An important part of condition- ing for old age, he continued, is for people to make new friends outside the family in middle age so that they will be better equipped to sustain personal loss- es in their family and circle of friends later in life. Another speaker at the closing session, Warren A. Peterson, so- ciological research analyst, re- ported that special studies con- ducted in Kansas City have shown that gardening and home activi- ties increase w'th age. But Peterson pointed out there is a gradual shift in interests bc- tween men and women after .55, The period in which men and women seem to have the most stmilar patterns of participotion in group activities comes between age 35 and 55. Prior to that and in old age, the interests of indi- viduals in group activities tend to become much more closely dis- tinguished on the basis of sex. Peterson mentioned church at- tendance, spectator sports, and artistic interests as examples of activities which husbands and wives will share more in middle age than in later life. In summary, eight panel mem- bers agreed that no problem now familiar to the country's old people will be solved until our ac- tual way of thinking and living changes. The key to the problems as well as to their solution lies in our present culture patterns, the pan- el decided. Culture Patterns The panel also agreed that a whole lifetime of education before and after the formal schooling period would help ease problems of the aging. Also helping in this broad pro- gram could be the community's volunteer groups, churches, labor, management and health services. Panel members included: Dr. Arnold B. Kurlander, assistant to the surgeon general for Planning, Public Health Service. United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare; Dr. Maurice E. Linden, director, Di- vision of Mental Health, Depart- ment of Public Health, Philadel- phia, and associate in psychiatry. University of Pennsylvania Medi- cal School; Leonard Z. Breen, di- rector, Criteria of Aging Project, University of Chicago, and The Rev. Sheldon Rahn, director, So- cial Service Dept., Detroit Coun- cil of Churches. Also on the panel were Prof. Wilbur J. Cohen of the School of Social Work; Walter K. Vivrett, director, Planning Study/Housing and Care Facilities for the Aging, University of Minnesota; Ethel Shanas, senior study director, Na- tional Opinion Research Center, University of Chicago and James f. Woods, executive director, The Golden Age Center of Cleveland. "Pre-retirement counseling be- gins before a child is born," pointed out Dr. Kurlander. "In his earliest months and years a child learns his attitudes toward people." Dr. Linden, one of Monday's major speakers, said he believed "Much of American culture and attitudes are shaped for us in our advertising. Maybe if we brought advertisiiit into gerontology we could gie people a healthier out- look toward our elder citizens." Where should financial respon- sibilities lie in any program that would undertake to relieve hous- ing. employment, and leisure time problems of the aging? This question brought no single answer from the panel. League-- Lists Summer's, Recreationl Monday, June 24. was the start- ing date of the Michigan League's annual schedule of summer events, sponsored for recreation and extra curricular activities of students enrolled in the University's sum- mer school, Already an exciting and fun- filled square dance has been held, For those interested in improv- ing their bridge game there are bridge lessons on Tuesday night of every week from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Mrs. Walter McLean, the guid- ing force in this segment of the calendar teaches a combination beginner and intermediate bridge class for both the learned and the novice in this area. Also on Tuesday nights from 7:30 to 9:00 beginning dance class- es with instruction in such dances as the waltz, tango, foxtrot, rhum- ba, samba will be held. Instructor for those who wish to improve their dancing abilities is Josef Edyder. Eder, a professional dance in- structor, has taught men and women to dance in Europe as well as America. Any student who plans to enter any of the dance courses listed are encouraged"to bring partners with them. Indi- vidual men and women are also welcome. Students wishing to participate in the agenda of events may sign up through July 3 at the social director's office at the League. Senators' Vote on Civil Rights Brings Rebuke from NAACP DETROIT M) - A feeling of "strong resentment" was reported to send the House-approved civil among delegates at the convention rights bill to the Senate Judiciary of the National Assn. for the Ad- Committee headed by Sen. James vancement of Colored People Eastland (D" Miss.) (NAACP) over the way six north- The Senate defeated the move ern Democratic senators voted on 45-39 and the bill is now on the civil rights legislation last week Senate calendar. But the NAACP's Washington Mitchell also noted that Sen. legislative representative, Clarence Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.) voted Mitchell, said this "was not a per- against the NAACP position. sonal resenntment." He added, "We In a statement issued after the want to make certain that on the regional meetings, Mitchell had a next vote they will be with us." pat on the back for Vice-President In regional meetings, the dele- Richard Nixon, Sen. William gates stuied voting records. Knowlanq (R-Calif.) and Sen. Mitch.ell, who was discussior Stuart Symington (D-Mo.) and a leader, vaid, "there was a lot of rebuke for Sen. John Kennedy and anger when they saw the number Sen. Estes Kefauver. of liberal democrats voting with Mitchell said the Democratic the south on this important issue." ballot in Alabama has at the top He referred to the vote last "a male chicken with the words Thursday on a Southern maneuver white supremacy." V; Organization Notices Use of the Student Organizations Column in the Michigan Daily for an- nouncement of meetings and use of meeting rooms in University buildings will be restricted to officially recog- nized and registered student organiza- tions. Student organizations planning to be active during the summer session must register in the Office of Student Affairs (2011 SAB) not later than June 28th. . . . Deutscher V e r e i n, Organizational Meeting, Thursday, June 27, 1957; 7:30 p.m.; Room 3S, Union; German news- reel, movies on German painting and architecture. "i A I iji . Better Than Ever! FILIPIAK'S MATINEE Steve Filipiak 3 P.M.- 6:30 P.M. "G er ection. in ,flodern Gooling' DIAL NO 2-2513 . . . Pi Lambda Theta - July 1 Picnic; meet 6:00 p.m. at Rackham Bldg.; members from all chapters invited. THE NEW WHRV "Top Spot On Your Dial" WHRV I 1600 I DIAL NO 2-3136 I I ,t Ending ' ~i jDIAI Today NO 8-6 Supplementing the University Summer Session Asian Cultures Program! L 5416 I "EXCELLENTI" FOUR STARS! HIGHEST RATINGI %-Daily News -N.Y.Post I Y "EXTRAORDINARY AND EXCITING!" N.Y. Times i I ,: , S pu I