See page 4
, t i tl
Years of Editorial Freedom
Davis Plans
To Appeal
Ex-Math Instructor
Guilty on 26 Counts
Daily Editor
Former University mathematics
I Instructor H. Chandler Davis,
found guilty yesterday on 26
counts of contempt of Congress,
has said he will appeal his con-
In a statement to The Daily,
Davis cited the "wide applicabil-
ity" of the Supreme Court's recent
decisions in the Watkins and
Sweezy cases as hope for him in
an appeal.
Davis, who invoked the First
Amendment in refusing to testify
before Kit Clardy's House Un-
American Activities subcommittee
in 1954, was tried late last Novem-
District Court Judge W. Wal-.
lace Kent had been silent since
the two-day trial until yesterday.
Davis will be sentenced Aug. 5.
Amendment 'Violated'
Throughout his trial and the
legal maneuvers in what Davis
considers his "test case", he has
maintained that the First Amend-
4 inent "is violated by such hear-
ir gs as are customarily held by
the House Committee on Un-
American Activities."
A committee of Congress that
sets out to expose and publicize
political ideas, Davis has argued,
is violating the First Amendment.
"The Supreme Court, in the
Watkins and Sweezy cases," Da-
j vis told The Daily yesterday, "af-
firmed that legislative hearings of
this character could damage the
free speech of the people.
"The court reversed Watkins'
and Sweezy's convictions without
going so far as to declare all such
legislative hearing invalid," Davis
said. "However, it made clear that
these decisions had wide applica-
bility. It sent several other de-
fendents' convictions back to low-
er courts for reconsideration in
the light of Watkins."
Court 'Satisfied'
Judge Kent, in yesterday's
eight-page decision, said, "the
court is satisfied that the pre-
sumption of innocence has been
overcome and that the govern-
rment has established the guilt of
the defendant beyond every rea-
sonable doubt."
Davis, who had not seen Judge
Kent's decision as of late yester-
day, said the judge "handed down
his decision after the Watkins and
Sweezy decisions, from which one
gathers that he found my case
could somehow be distinguished-
hat my refusals to answer are
t covered by the Supreme
See DAVIS, page 2
ADA Official
Urges Ike
DETROIT (')-The convention
of the National Association for the
Advancenment of Colored People
was told yesterday the White
Related Story Appears on Page 2
House should throw its weight be-
hind the organization to halt "the
current effort in many southern
states to put the NAACP out of
' In an address in the Henry and
Edsel Ford Auditorium, Joseph L.
Rauh Jr., national vice-chairman
of Americans for Democratic Ac-
tion, said "the attacks upon the
NAACP are nothing less than a
broadside assault upon the consti-
tution of the United States."
Declaring the NAACP's "legal
fight must be supplemented by ef-
forts in other areas," Rauh pro-
posed that President Dwight D.
Eisenhower "use his great influ-
encc to call for an end to the
attacks upon the NAACP."
USAF Fires
:Wo Missiles
Canaveral, Fla. (VP)-The Air Force
fired two missiles from the test
Ca Idwe ii
Urges Changes in US. Education
Calls Global
Awareness F ve
1 'M "
A INecessity
"One of the most glaring weak-
nesses" of American education to-
-Daily-Eric Arnold day is its failure to prepare youth
ASIAN CULTURES LECTURE-Oliver J. Caldwell yesterday told for understanding of global prob-
an audience of 150 that American education is failing to prepare lems, especially those of Asian
youth for realization of global problems. nations, Oliver J. Caldwell said
Caldwell, Assistant Commis-
FIVE ESCAPE DEATH: sioner for International Education
of the United States Office of Ed-
ucation, opened a series of nine
Auger Frees Miners lectures on "Asian Cultures and
the Modern American," before 150
persons in Aud. A, Angell Hall.
TrappedMany Hours Caldwellsaid "Personal rela-
dtiens of Americans overseas will
STEUBENVILLE, Ohio (P-Five veteran coal miners were freed argelynde ermine whethe Asians
late yesterday from a tomb of rocks and dirt in a hillslide tunnel. gether. Our people," he said, "are
Two-score rescue workers and a great mechanical monster bored poorly prepared for this chal-
200 feet to reach them after 14 / hours of imprisonment. lenge."
A cheer rose from nearly 1,000 spectators in the flood-lit strip Proper education ,he indicated,
mine pit as the miners crawled out the rescue shaft behind a huge could reverse this.
auger. 0 New Strategy Needed
'It Was Cold in There'
"My God, it was cold in there," said Fred Sabol, 33 years old, of
Harrisville, the first one out. Doctors pronounced the miners in
Fiery Roar
To WInd U
Fire College
Firebugs, attention!
"There'll be a hot time in the
old town tonight."
At 4:30 p.m. today an automo-
bile will burn on Ferry Field and
tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. the house
at 1945 West Liberty will be set
ablaze with the assistance of the
Ann Arbor Fire Department.
No. the town hasn't been affect-
ed by the heat. These proceedings
will climax the 29th annual Mi'h -
gan Fire Colege, which has beern
in session &ruce Tuesday under the
sponsorship of Extension Service.
Beginning the ist two days tf
the meeting at 9 V m in Raclkrmx
Lecture Hall, 1'. t Bergn x,
chief of the Fire Administration
Division of the Department of
Conservation will speak on "Rural
Fire Control Problems."
"Investigating Automobile Fires,"
will be the subject of the next
speaker, William Davis, manager
of the National Automobile Theft
Bureau. To make his point clear
he will give an automobile fire
demonstration in the afternoon.
Friday's sessions begins at 9
a.m. with Lloyd Layman, director,
Fire Office, Technical Advisorly
Service, Federal Civil Defense Ad-
ministration, lecturing on "Look to
the Future."
Harry Wolff, field representative
of the Western Actualial Bureau,
will then speak on "Developments
in Fog Fire Fighting."
Closing the Fire College session
Fire Chief Ernest Heller, and the
Ann Arbor Fire Department, will
participate in the "Experimental
Burning of a Building Demonstra-
tion Several Methods of Fire At-
<good health. All were allowed to
go home.
Hank Horvath, 35 years old, said
he was the only one of the five
who had given up hope. All the
others were confident they would
be rescued, he said.
Martin Kovalski, 40 years old,
of Mount Pleasant, said, "I just
prayed. I knew you guys would
reach me." The others are Joseph
Supinski of Mount Pleasant and
Kenny Hamilton of Adena.
They were trapped at 8:15 a.m.
yesterday in Betsy Mine No. 3 of
the Powhatan Mining Co., at Fern-
wood, about seven miles southwest
of Steubenville.
Shaft in Pit
The mine shaft is at the base of
a 56-foot deep pit at the edge
of a 100-foot high cliff.
While the men were in the tun-
nel, the walls and ceiling crumbled
for about 60 feet near the en-
Robert Davis, of Cadiz, one of
several miners who escaped, said,
"I heard the timbers cracking and
the earth squeeze. I turned and
Play To Open
With Mercer
Marian Mercer and Robert Lo-
gan will star in Ted Heusel's pro-
duction of "Born Yesterday,"
opening at 8 p.m. today in the
Little Theater, Ann Arbor High
The story of a chorus girl who
learns right (her newspaper
friend) from wrong (her junk-
dealer boyfriend). "Born Yester-
day" has won many honors, both
as play and as film.
Russ Aiuto, G. Davis Sillards,
Bob Cottingham, Terry Seilback,
Allan Schreiber and Pat Gillet
also have parts in the Garson
Kanin play.
"Born Yesterday' will continue
nightly through Saturday.
"A new strategy and new tech-
niques are needed" if we are to'
have peace.
Educational institutions should
adopt a new "curriculum to in-
clude information about the
whole of the world and its people,"
he said.
While "The welfare of the world
depends on what happens in the
United States," Caldwell indicated
that Asian nations held the key
for a necessary interdependence
between nations.
Caldwell said Americans must
take the lead in sending appro-
priations, machinery, technical
know-how and trained technicians
to Asian nations.
"A universal Asian culture
armed with Western techniques,"
he emphasized, "should be an ir-
resistable force."
U.S. Needs Markets
Caldwell said the United States
needs Asian markets and raw
We have progressed towards in-
terdependence since World War
II, Caldwell said, but he warned
that "war is too attractive, too
hallowed by tradition to be easily
Consequently it is necessary to
train youth to avoid war, else man
may eventually "destroy himself."
Caldwell strongly slammed dis-
crimination. "There must be no'
distinctions of race, creed, color or
wealth." This, too, he said, can be
instilled in youth through educa-
Asians Are Proud
"Effective cooperation with the
peoples of Asia" is necessary if
we are to survive. Caldwell said
we must "assist Asian cultures to
gain access to the standard of
living created by our industrial
American knowhow, he indi-
cated, is necessary to combat over-
population and widespread dis-
ease in Asian nations.
"The peoples of Asia . . . are"
proud people who have learned to
live with a minimum of posses-
sions." Caldwell said these na-
tions "potentially ... have enor-
Red KoreanI
Plea Denied
PANMUNJON, Korea (A)-The
United States Command,' with
modern weapons on the way,
brushed aside yesterday a demand
by Commnunist North Korea for
an international conference to ar-
range withdrawal of all foreign
troops from this divided nation.
Maj. Gen Chung Kook Rook
presented the North Korean de-
mand, which is bo cked by Red
China, at cn acrimonious meeting
of the Joint Military Armistice
Commission in this truce village.
The present situation stems
from what the United Nations
Command calls consistent and re-
peated violations by North Korea
and her Chinese ally of an armis-
tice ban on the introduction of
new weapons since the shooting
stoppedi in 1953.
The UN Command notified the
Communists last Friday that, be-
cause of the Red violations, it
would no longer ce bound by that
provision of the armistice.
New planes, tanks and-guns are
to boister the armed forces south
of the armistice liae.
About 80.000 An ericaJn tiroops
and 5;000 others from UN nations
stand guard with South Korea's
700,00-man army.
According to South Korean in-
telligence, the North Koreans have'
a re-equipped army of 400,000 men
and Chinese garrisons totaling
350,000, backed by at least a mil-
lion Red Chinese troops across the
Yalu River in Manchuria.
Hospital Plant
Probe asked
A governor's commission on
prepaid hospital care has again
asked theUniversity to investi-
gate the Blue Cross-Blue Shield
hospital plans.
Controversy and the resignationI
of research director Prof. Samuel
J. Axelrod of the public health
school brought an earlier study to
a standstill.
Walter J. McNerney, new Uni-
versity Hospital Administration
program director, will head the
new study, according to Circuitj
Judge George E. Bowles, head of
the governor's commission.
Prof. Axelrod cited a "lack of
cooperation of interested parties"
for the lack of success he had as
research director.
Labor witnesses 13
Red Probe Postpon
WASHINGTON ()-A Senate Inquiry in the field
Communist influence was put off a second time yesterday
of recent Supreme Court decisions.
Two witnesses refused to testify.
The Senate Internal Security subcommittee postponed
hearing until today after two members of a labor union
its right to question them.4
The closed-door Inquiry was to have begun June 181
off then to let a lawyer for the two men study the impli
high court ruling.
The balky witnesses are Howard
V. Trautman and Salvatore Testaioverilo
of New York, members of the
American Communications Assn.,
which the subcommittee contends
Their chal'enge yesterday was O ppos
ani iated dhe s c m eT og
stated in advance that the hear-
ing was to edetermine whether
Congress should make it easier to
establish an official finding that a WILLIAMSBURG,V
%nion is Communist infiltrated, nation's governors call
Such a finding denies a union dent Dwight D. Eiser
the services of the National Labor Congress yesterday to
Relations Board to lower interest rate
RAC Communications, Inc., of dollars worth of s
which employs the two men, said and local bonds
in a statement they "will be sus-
pended" if they persist in refusing conference, thegovern
to testify. Republican Gov. VS
Atom1C Grants
To 'U' Staff
Total $30,382
The Phoenix-Memorial project
on peaceful uses of atomic ener-
gy has donated 11 research grants.
totaling $30,382 to University staff
Dean Ralph A. Sawyer, direc-
tor of the project, said the new
grants bring to 141 the number
of investigations supported by the
memorial program.
Individual research project su-
pervisors include:
Prof. Richard B. Bernstein,
Prof. Wyman R. Vaughn and Wil-
liam G. Robinson, all of the chem-
istry department; Prof. Alfred S.
Sussman, of the botany depart-
ment; Prahlad C. Rajam, of the
medical school; Prof. Felix G.
Gustafson, of the bsotany depart-
ment; Prof. Norman E. Kemp, of
the zoology department; Wells I.
Bennett, dean of the College of
Architecture and Design; Prof.
George H. Lowrey, of the medical
college; Prof. Makepeace U.- Tsao
of the chemistry department;
Prof. Carl E. Badgley, of the med-
ical school; and Prof. Jerome W.
Conn, of the medical school.
Stratton of Illinois as
man, succeeding Dem
Thomas B. Stanley of
They voted to hold
conference in Florida.
In the conference's
sion. the governors wb
series of resolutions.
One of these me
Eisenhower's personal
request for appointm
resentatives for a ta
survey the possibility
back of federal goverr
tions to the states.
But in a surprising
governors also ends
amounted to an attack
enhower administrat
money" policy.
Although conferen
were taken in closed
the Republican gove
along with a stateme
ing President Eisen
Congress take some a
"alleviating" the bure
interest rates.
Expect Pa
Chou Waj
Chou En-lai told R
Parliament yesterday
three-year purge of "
lutionaries," and wa
to behave.
In a 30,000-word a
accused the United St
paring for war, heape
the Soviet Union and
Communist camp's uni
er than before the Hu
The speech came a
of a "rectification'
which has stirred rum
between Peiping and
also loosed a torrent
upon the Reiping r
sources the Communs
Chou said a purge(
revolutionaries" after
munists seized powE
brought execution of1
of the accused-abou
of them-by 1952.
is Plan
ailkSu pervision
ed In Proposal
I of alleged
y as a result Stassen Responsible
For Forming Policy
a scheduled LONDON ()-The Soviet Un-
n challenged ion and four Western nations
agreed in principle yesterday on a
but was put method of reducing non-nuclear
cations of a weapons by placing specific lists
of armaments under international
The method was proposed in the
rs United Nations Disarmament sub-
committee by United States rep.
l resentative Harold E. Stassen.
Its acceptance - at least in
principle -- by Britain, France,
Russia and Canada appeared to
remove one logjam to agreement
on a partial disarmament treaty.
Previous Suggestions
Va. (JP)-The Both Russia and the United
led on Presi- States previously hadhsuggested
nhower and that the reduction of conventional
take action arms be carried out on a percent-
s on billions age basis, with initial cuts of 10
state, school to 15 per cent.
Britain and France had ob-
49th annual jected that flat percentage cut
hors elected would work to their disadvantag
illiameG. because of their smaller - and
their chair- possibly less amply equipped ar-
ocratic Gov. mies-
Virginia. Stassen's plan would work this
next year'sway:
. erLists Made
closing ses- Britain, France, the United
ipped out a States and Russia would draw up
their own lists of the planes, tanks
tt Presidentheavy guns, missiles and other
Sdelierednarmaments they were willing to
ly delivered surrender.
gent of rep-sred.
nsk forcep- Each of these lists would be
of a roll- presented to the United Nations
nent fungi- subcommittee, where all would be
subject to further negotation and
action the Once each nation was satisfied
orsed what that the others were making a
on the Eis- fair and proportionate reduction,
ion's "tight the disarmament treaty could
proceed, provided agreement was
ice actions reached on other points.
session, all Weapons In Depots
~rnors wentWepninDpt
nt suggest- After the disarmament treaty
hower and came into effect, each nation
tion toward would place the specified weapons
den of high in depots on its own territory but
under international inspection.
At the end of one year, provided
-- the international inspectors
agreed that each nation had ful-
1r2,'e, filled its commitments, the wea-
pons could beedestroyed or con-
rn 'S verted to peaceful purposes under
international agreement.
- Premier Staen made no attempt to set
Ied China's out precisely what type of weap-
od Chnvs ons would be involved.
of a vast
rned critics Senator Says
ddress, Chou
ates of pre- Dulles To Tell
y ass ong-London Plans
ngarian rev-
WASHINGTON {k') - Sen. Hu-
t the height bert Humphrey (D-Min) said to-
campaign day Secretary of State John Fos-
ors of a split ter Dulles has promised to "hold
Moscow and nothing back" from the Senate
of criticism on the crucial disarmament nego-
egime from tiations at London.
t press calls Dulles appears before a secret
session of the Senate Disarma-
of "counter- ment subcommittee today to begin
the Com- virtually daily briefings on the
er in 1949 five-power talks.
16.2 per cent Sen. Humphrey, chairman of
t one in six the subcommittee, a p p l a u d e d
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
for standing by the United States
offer to suspend atomic weapons
Lost estsas part of a first-stage dis-
armament agreement.
But he said he was concerned
Thailand Students Inaugurate Summer Series
A "glimpse" of Thailand re-
vealed to the 125 people present
last night at Rackham an Asian
country of charming people and
a culture of many traditions.
The program was the first of a
series of "Cultural Glimpses" in
conjunction with the summer ses-
sion theme, "Asian Cultures and
the Modern American."
The Thailand Student Associa-
tion at Michigan presented an ex-
hibit of Thailand's most beauti-
ful craftsmanship, a short orienta-
tion of Thailand, a film on the
country, and several intriguing
native dances.
Jewelry Familiar
Observers might have found the
traporn, master of ceremonies,
said the secret of this lacquered
process is jealously guarded by a
very few families.
Also on display were hand-
woven, brilliantly colored silks
from northern Thailand (or Siam,
as it was formerly called.)
Tantraporn briefly gave some.
facts on Thailand's language, its
religions (80 per cent Buddhism),
and its education system.
Language a Pride
"The people of Thailand are
very proud of their language."
said the genial host, "for it is the
only thing that separates them
from other Aisian countries." The
difficult alphabet consists of 32
vowels, 44 consonants, 5 tonal
handmade jewelry on display last
-Daily-Ian MacNiven
one of the beautiful pieces of
night by the Thailand Student
I mv I