THE MICHIGAN DAILY Surgery Department Chairman, Retires "We are way beyond the mech- anistic view that removal is the only treatment for cancer," he said. "Today we are treating many types of cancer successfully, and are working closely with other specialties in a teamwork ap- proach to this disease." He met his wife, Jessie, in Tacoma, Washington. They were married in 1917 and have two daughters who have reared seven grandchildren. He attended South Dakota State College, and graduated from Har- vard Medical School in 1912. In 1920, after service in the Army Medical Corps, Dr. Coller became assistant professor of surgery at the University. He was promoted to associate professor in 1923, to full professor in 1925. He is devoted to the classroom, and warns of hard work the medi- cal student must put forth. "The principle is the samd as in any other teaching - you can't 'teach' anybody anything; all you can do is give them an opportunity to learn. The student then has to do his own learning."; Document Safeguards Freedoms (Continued on Page 2) present and future disputes with its neighbor to a third party for arbitration. Pakistan has been ready to sign a no-war agreement on that basis. Believing that it cannot main- tain its independence by itself, Pakistan has signed a military agreement with the United States and Turkey and joined SEATO and Baghdad Pact. Pakistan believes that the Com- munist threat is not merely mili- tary but ideological and economic as well and it strives to raise the living standards of its, and neigh- boring, people, Pakistan became a republic on March 23, 1956, when her new Constitution w a s promulgated. The Constitution safeguards the life, liberty, religion, culture, and property of the people. Laws inconsistent with these basic rights are void. The constitu- tion enjoins on the state the duty to promote the social and eco- nomic well-being of the people. Little Known Species of Fly Found; Called Destroyer of Common Pests t helps them to Surgery Can be a Strain of Surgeons in 1949. A little known species of fly lignity of their "Having surgery can be a great Dr. Coller is proud of his organi- called the "ichneumon" is a de- chart their own strain on the human body," he zation of surgical service to three stroyer of insect pests such as the e," is his-advice. explains. "It can be as an auto mental hospitals in Michigan and common housefly. Museum accident. It is vital that the sur- the Southern Michigan Prison. He Dr. Henry K. Townes Jr., re- great interest geon know the status of the pa- informed that members of the search assistant at the University and its impor- tient's body and his ability to surgery department staff are doing Museum of Zoology, is currently have asked Dr. tolerate this trauma." more than 1,000 operations at experimenting with the ichneu- esponsibility for pr. Coller is much honored in Ypsilanti State Hospital, North- mon under a five-year grant by establishing a his profession. He said his most ville State Hospital, and the the Dow Chemical Company. useum here. ,prized salutation was the estab- Prison. The ichneumon that actually contribution to lishnent in 1947 of the Frederick .Beyond Meehanistic View destroys other insects is the fe- 1 not be halted A. Coller Surgical Society. Each Through this program, Univer- male. She has a long tube ("ovi- nt. of the more than 150 board-certi- sity Hospital is offering° a vital positer") which she inserts into internationally fled surgeons received his training service to patients and is gaining the host insect. She then lays her cian, diagnosti- under Dr. Coller, and number valuable knowledge in its surgery eggs. and humanitar- among the highest regarded in the training program.,Kalamazoo State When the eggs hatch, the young greatest single profession. Hospital is now being serviced with ichneumons act as parasites on the s work in the Among his honorary fellowships a surgical staff as a result of host insect, and kill caterpillars, body chemical is that in the Royal College of this program, grubs, beetles, and some relatives ry. In his study Surgeons of Edinburgh, received He is heartened by the growing of the common housefly. ysiology of the in 1954, and his admission in 1955 public interest in cancer. The mother ichneumon will also PLOYED IN RESEARCH: ev, nt inds Adventure, EXperience on Lake Erie IORDAN was put into the Lake, and will Water samples are checked for close conjunction with the states Tom Edsall, remain until ice prohibits furth- gaseous, mineral and chemical of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, n the school of er work, probably by next Novem- content. There are other devices and Michigan, all of which border is having an ber. which measure the depth that on Lake Erie. Canada is brought lot of good ex- The Cisco carries several types light penetrates into the lake, lake into the picture through the sing the length of trawls - s p e c i a 1i z e d nets current, and the "drift" of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, ,ke Erie in a 65- used for catching fish. There are lake. which was established by govern- d ship three "bathythermographs" which The Fish and Wildlife Service mental treaty. ed the "Cisco," ,make vertical records of water also has a station at Sandusky, Costs $80,000 vessel for the temperature. Plankton nets are Ohio, which works the year 'round In 1954 and 1955, the Cisco h and Wildlife used to capture - microscopic or- searching for answers to some of made a similar study (on Lake se of this sum- ganisms floatin gin the water. these problems. They work in Michigan), which was concerned c find out what mainly with the conditions of the tick." fish population after the lamprey had wiped out the lake trout. At great Lakes. It W present, the Fish, and Wildlife ns of fish an- Service is doing research in Lakes st of the Lakes lue of the fish Michigan and Superior on meth- tes o thsh eods of exterminating the lamprey. sates ports alone Research is also being carried on )l ~in Green Bay and Saginaw Bay, major portion ">both of which are very produc- ue, Yellow, and oive areas. ell as perch and Moffet says "We hope to learn. the abundance, age, composition, ue. Seen and habits' of commecial species such as the before they reach a legal size so! bass, carp, shad that we can prepare fishermen lot of potential Y in advance for some of the fluc- but have not { mean poverty or prosperity to I. Markets can ~ tuations in catch which often eloped. them. hie Cisco comes ~ comeC W.o comes "The Cisco is enabling us 'to Cd States Fish learn the inner workings of the lakes and their influence in pro- ducing sudden abundance or scar- gical entity" as city of fishes. There are countless delicate balance questions which the vessel will e~h us answer." <> 1 V* v "sting" the egg sack of spiders, and the young will eat the spider eggs. After ten months in the Immature stage, the ichneumon spins a cocoon and then emerges as an adult with wings, "One reason people haven't been concerned with these flies, even' though they flit around every- where,' says Dr. Townes, "is be- cause they are nice little fellows, who relish attacking certain pests and then mind their own business." Dr. Townes has been studying these flies for almost a quarter of a century. He has collected, identi- flied, and classified more than 3,000 of the estimated 7,500 species of the ichneumon in North America. Dr. Townes says "Collecting the ichneumon is not hard, but classi- fying each new species is time consuming and difficult because each one must be checked with others that share some of its char- acteristics. Then a detailed de- scription of its morphology, geo- graphic distribution and host in- sects must be written in such a manner so that it will be useful to other researchers." Although at first glance the dif- ferent species of ichneumon ap- pear alike, Dr. Towne says there is as much difference between them as a Ford and a Buick. The size of the insect ranges from that of a gnat to several inches long. Its wings are trans- lucent, it is thin-bodied, and col- lored brown, black, red, or yellow. SHOPPING: Centers Seen As Expanding Shopping centers comparable to Northland will spread throughout Europe, believes Wells Bennett, retired dean of the College of Architecture and Design. Bennett noted that the centers will spread as middle and lower classes enjoy greater prosperity. Writing in the summer issue of The Michigan Alumnuis Quarterly Review, Bennett says the Lijnbaan center in Rotterdam and the Len- bachplatz center in Munilch "are in a sense hopeful symbols." "They represent not only the determination to rebuild in the architectural sense, but the will to have the amenities of life," he stated. I rinsing makes the difference Clothes are never any cleaner than the last rinse water. That's why our laundry rinses your clothes with four to six changes of water. To the final rinse, a special rinsing agent is added. It removes dulling soap film from clothes just as a lemon juice rinse gives added luster to a shampoo. I A+ +h;< r\c re-,mniflfAI .ii- vor Iashalesclener. .v;, I