46 Sixty-Seventh Yest EDITED AND MANAGED BY' STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLbG. 0 ANN ARBOR, MICH. " Phone No 2-3241 Candidates for Summer Reading- ins Are Free 11 Prevail" ials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Y, AUGUST 13, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR RENE GNAM Education Committee Report [as Important Recommendations EPORT to the president this weekend m the Committee on Education Beyond igh School served to underline the near- i situation in the colleges and univer- of the nation and offeied some suggestions, would well be followed through by the mnent. But the report as a whole pre- i nothing new; the ; conditions it de- d and forecast are ones already realized oreseen. major prediction in the report - that e enrollments in' 1970 would be double hree million of today-has long been ed. The University has already begun ing for the future with this and other s in mind. Certainly the whole picture of enrollments has been understood for time now. There just hasn't been any- done about that picture,, 'HIS WAY, the weekend report of the. catioi committee accomplished nothing. irnings of the weaknesses in the present; n as it becomes further caught up in the f student populations, e.g., the lack of led and decently-paid teachers, the quality ilities and their inability to hold up much ', and the smallness of the amounts being on facilities by the colleges of today, ally to make stronger the emphasis on the sness of our education system today. But eriousness, for the most part, is already 1 and needs -only to be acted upon. vever, along with the repetitious warn- the report of the committee also in-, 3'a strong list of recommendations which provide a good start toward solving the problems if. it were given that action-pri- marily through the government. Included in the recommendations were: tax deductions and benefits for students, parents of students, and, for those less able to support an education, greater tax benefits; increased college expenditures-threefold; continuation of federal aid programs; and raises in teachers' salaries by 75 to 80 per cent to place them in the competitive labor market, thereby raising the quality of teachers in general. The implication of the report is that all this is to be accomplished generally by a stronger participation of government in education. CERTAINLY if government is to take a real part in the country's educational system, it should start now by accepting this report with all its suggestions and beginning to consider and effect those suggestions and recommenda- tions. All the recommendations deserve immediate consideration. All are part of what could be a certain alleviation of our overcrowded col- leges problem. Those, that concern teachers' wages are especially serious, for it is known and accepted that the teachers-an integral part of this educational system-are greatly underpaid for the worth and quality of their work as compared to corresponding positions in industry. Coming as it does on the defeat of the recent school aid bill, this report should stimulate a quick resurgence of effort toward providing greater federal aid and encouragement to the greatly discouraged American school system. -VERNON NAHRGANG Editor Dulles' Diplomacy THE RANKS of administration "foot-in- the-mouth" boys it seems must now be' added the name of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. Dulles, in recently explaining State Department policy' to a Congressional committee, stated: "Not. for one minute do I think the purpose of the State Department is to make friends. Its purpose is to look out for the interests of the United States. Whether we make friends, I do not care." This statement would have been badly timed' enough in the light of the recent so-called' Peace Offensive if it had alluded to our ene- mies in the Communist Bloc. After all, how could our enemies be expected to make treaty agreements with a nation whose leading diplo- miat has stated that the sole purpose of the State Department is to "look out for the in- terests of the United States." However, Dulles obviously meant the state- ment to apply to our friends as much as our enemies. He made the statement in a closed- session of the House Appropriations subcom- mittee investigating new foreign aid proposals. Dulles was discussing the question of possible future friction when a foreign country can't repay a long-term United States loan, A long- term economic loan fund is included in the; new foreign aid bill. Since United States policy' precludes making loans to unfriendly nations, we can only conclude that Dulles was speaking with regard to allied and neutral nations. DULLES' statement reminds us of State De- partment philosophy in the "Big Stick" Era. In those days, the policy of the State De- partment was to put and keep as many friend- ly nations as possible (from Central and South American 'countries to China) under the "be nevolent" thumb of the United States. Even in the days of gunboat diplomacy, It was never quite stated that our foreign policy was designed only to "look out for the inter- ests of the United States." Instead, policy mak- ers called United States imnperialism the "white man's burden" or "the duty to help backward countries." From Dulles' statement, we can see that United States policy is no longer even justified' as "helping backward nations." Instead, we must conclude! that the. State Department means to blatantly label and treat loans to al- lies and neutrals as some sort of purchase agreement in the interests of the United States. It is unfortunate that Dulles does not realize, that the "interests of the United States" neces- sitate making and keeping friends and allies. The time for "gunboat" diplomacy, even by economic means, is long past. Any statements' o actions which indicate that the United Sates makes loans for any other reason than to demonstrate friendship with allies and neu- trals by strengthening their economies can only injure our position in the eyes of the world. SECRETARY of State who is asked wheth- er loans- to foreign countries, if not able to be paid off, would not make enemies instead' of friends and replies, "Not for one minute do I thinkk the purpose of the State Department is to make friends,'' is no asset. If Dulles can not in all honesty say that a loan bill under his sponsorship is designed to avert any possible friction with friendly na- tions, Congress should certainly hesitate a great deal before passing such a bill. Perhaps, if that is the case, Dulles would be well advised to join his two foot-in-mouth colleagues in leaving office. -LEWIS COBURN Low Tells- How He Drew It LOW'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY. By David Low. 387 pp. Illustrated. New York: Simon and' Schuster. AUTOBIOGRAPHY is more often than not a history that trans- cends the individual and draws into its scope a period, a place,. a time. It is especially true with autobiographies - even collections of personal reflections and biogra- phies-of political cartoonists. When the cartoonist, or carica- turist, reviews his life, he ,must review it in terms of his work and therefore in terms of the time in which he lived. David Low, one of the all-time greats in his field, has done just this in his new' life's history. "Low's Autobiography" is the story of the first half of this cen- tury as seen by a Britisher; it is the history of all that impressed the New Zealander from youth to maturity. FROM beginning to end, Low's story is intimate and revealing as he tells of the people he met, the people he wrote and those who wrote him. Fame, it seems, drew a large fan mail to his doorstep, with letters from H. G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, and some of the more colorful and well-known fig- ures in British politics. And, too, there is the ncessant gloating over his work, his best drawings that fill the book with admiration before the reader even begins to turn the pages. This, perhaps, is the sole dispar- agement in all of "Low's Autobi- ography." Everything is just too good, everything comes out too well for the book's central char- acter and hero. There is always that feeling that Low is keeping things back from his audience, for no one could, we assume, lead such an eventful and yet, in the end, entirely favorable life. THERE are, however, some hints of hard times in the Low house- hold. They managed to mar his early manhood 'slightly; yet they were always, balanced out and added to by the resultant good fortunes that never seemed to be far distant. As a youth, Low implies, he was brash and forward. Always think- ing ahead of how he might further his personal position in his pro- fession, he schemed and watched and waited and somehow always managed to move forward into a new and better position. Yet his brashness furnished many mo- ments of pleasure, made just as pleasurable to today's reader. He tells of the self-taught art with which he groomed himself in adolescence and which made his name in the years before, during and after the second world war. Certainly that is the period in which Low excells, a period recre- ated in his Autobiography with ready illustrations of his more popular cartoons (". . . which caused my cartoons to be banned from Germany," ". . . which caused my cartoons to be banned from Italy.~) THROUGHOUT the Autobiogra- phy, there is a high personal esteem that holds Low above everyone else and presents the conscious feeling that he is not telling everything. It is echoed in his personal codes that prevented his drawing, early in life, the opinions of others-or at least without sly alteration-,and in his wit, humor and arrogance, Which seem to blend here delightfully. For the reader accepts Low on these terms of wit, humor and ar- rogance. When he says, in con- cluding a chapter, "By the end of the 1920's I felt I knew my London and most of the people in it," the reader accepts it as part of Low's nature. And that nature is one that can review a life and a period at the same time, with tongue in cheek and pen on paper, and with a good-natured smile in view. Vernon Nahrgang DAILY OFFICIAL. BULLETIN The Daily official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michi- gan Daily assumes no editorial re- sponsibility. Notices should be sent In TYPE WRIT form to Room 3519 Administration Building, be- fore 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices forrSunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1957 VOL. LXVIII,, NO. 34 General Notices To All Students Having Library Books: I Rt,,A'..+ -.ntfi r , ing in thir.. noesion 'FINEST STORIES': O'Faolain Draws Vivid Irish, Pictures THE FINEST STORIES OF SEAN O'FAOLAIN. By Sean O'Faolain. 385 pp. Boston: Atlantic-Little, Brown. $4.75. TWENTY-SEVEN of "The Fin- est Stories of Sean O'Faolain," some of them taken from the author's earlier collections and some of them appear ing in book, form for the first time, present a very readable volume of short tales and narratives of' the Irish and of Ireland. Coming as they do from all periods of O'Faolain's more than 30 years of writing, these short istories also indicate a changing author as theydthemselves evolve in nature. 'The earlier tales are set in the revolutionary period and concern themselves Nith revolutioiaries- chased, hunted and even captured. The later tales turn out, much wider in scope, telling of the Irish -the middleclass Irish--in dif- ferent situations and with dif- fering problems. BUT throughout the whole col- lection is a flavor of 0. Henry- not in the endings of the stories, for O'Faolain prefers the plausible naturalness of the Irish people he deals with to the surprise element --a flavor of 0. Henry, in that- the tales are simple tales of people with dreams, people with set ways and daily tasks who pause at night to think of someone, something else, perhaps far away.. The daily character, the deter- mined character of the people being dealt with tells(the story of the country and its people, just as 0. Henry told of the people in "The Four Million" and his other collections. In the same way, the tone of each of the O'Faolain tales is firm and apparent. In "Fugue," the story is just that. Its subthemes intertwine to play a strong melody of flight that thins out, in a burst of poetry, to meet the dawn. ALL O'Faolain's tales, but par- ticularly the early ones, ai'e con- cerned in some way with nature. Vivid portraits of the Irish coun- tryside at all hours of the day fill the pages and paragraphs of "The Finest Stories." His preoccypation with nature_ in all its forms 'is often so great that it draws the reader away from the people entirely, later to return with a changed outlook and a sense of newness. Yet no one of these stories stands out. Like O'Henry's "Four Million," the present collection has its moments, but the sum to- tal"is one of sustained energy. Like O'Henry, O'Faolain catches up the spirit of the people and is sometimes good and usually com- petent. -Vernon Nahrgang NEW DETECTIVE NOVELS: Paris, Hitchcock Brighten Field ON THE BEACH. By Nevil Shute. 320 pp. New York: William Mor- row. $3.95. , NOVELIST Nevil Shute has proven to be a prophet of sorts with his early novels. He has pro- posed in' the wraps of fiction events which later came to be fact. One shudders to thintk that Shute is again proposing the fu- ture and gambling his prophet's cloak in his new, powerful, sober- ing novel, "On the Beach." "On the Beach" is not a story about the end of the world. Itis the story, of the end of the people on the world. This seems worse,, does it not? That we humans are all killed and the world goes on, as if totally unconcerned, with rabbits, cats and dogs still alive- temporarily (until their extinc-, tion) masters of our great earth? The end that Shute portrays comes very soon - in 1962. Every- thing we need to accomplish the total destruction of the human race we have in our hands, at our disposal now. 'The cobalt bomb, of course, cheaply produced and 'utilized in an all-out radiological warfaring* will handle the job - in the way the- author describes. He names' not only the time, but the places as well. * * * THE LAST, all-encompassing War has its beginning in Albania, spreads to Israel and Egypt, the United States and Britain jump in, then Russia. But the greatest devastation ,the gravest pollution of our atmosphere with the deadly radioactive "dust" comes in the sudden conflict between China and Russia. Their struggle climaxes the total BUNNY LAKE IS MISSING, By Evelyn Piper. Harper. FOR those readers familiar with the classic mystery plot re-/ volving about the young girl who "loses" her mother in Paris while attending the French Exposition, Evelyn Piper's new novel will strike the sound of a distant echo -for, essentially, this is the same story. The alteration of details in the story, however, presents us with the problem of an overprotective and mentally unstable young mother who takes her little daugh- ter Bunny to nursery school only to return in the afternoon and discover to her horror that every- one absolutely, denies the exis- tence of the three-year-old child. The story, in its entirety, is very well done. And the first few chapters es- pecially are memorably written' in a frantic, agonizing manner per- fectly fitting the mother's -itti- tude of psychotic, disbelief, The reader will'surely be kept guessing -abou6 practically everything - and will find at the end, follow- ing a nerve-racking pursuit after the truth, a completely gratifying denouement. STORIES THEY WOULDN'T LET ME DO ON TV. Edited by Al- fred Hitchcock. Simon & Schus- ter. These days, anything associated with the name Hitchcock is guar- anteed immediate success. The Ironical but affable English movie director has effectively captured the affection and attention of mil- lions of TV watchers and has di- rected them to a series of gener- ally well-handled short mysteries ,on film on his "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Sunday-night show. It is to be expected that a man so long in the business of alter- nately puzzling and petrifying his audiences would have come across a number of mystery tales which,, for any number of reasons, would violate the so-called "ethics" of the movie and television indus- tries. Never a man to disappoint, Hitchcock has gathered together a group of his (and very likely your) short mystery favorites - all "unpresentable." Take my as- surance, the collection is not so gruesome .as one might think. Really, you'd be amazed at some of the innocuous little things that shock the censors! There are 25 stories in all. Rep- resented are old favorites like John Collier and Ronald DahlI of the New Yorker boogeyman crew, Thomas Burke and Saki, Q. Pat- rick and Richard Connell. There's not an ,unsatisfying story in the lot. The reprinting of Connell's in- comparable "The Most Dangerous Game" will delight the reader on Nevil Shute Portrays End of Everything destruction of the northern hem sphere. All life there is destroy And the southern hemisphere h only a brief reprieve - a mat of months - until the air ci rents carry the death-dealing pa tiles gradually, inevitably lout ward. The people of Shute's novela located in Australia. They kn of their fate. They are pictur facing extinction bravely, nob But for no one - neither 1 coward nor the hero - is th escape. A matter of months, ti is* all. The author undertakes hones to portray the reactions of a si cast of characters to their grad annihilation. Given their circu stances, he shows them to brave, optinistic, impractical almost to the man. Yet there d not 'sound within, the novel t note of high tragedy; and this because of the given circu stances .. . * * *' THE BOOK, carries a gen moral with it, in the final pag But it is an eloquent appeal tot people of 1957 - for the plea so pathetically understated. "On the Beach" is - by defi tion - a work of fantasy. S only the realization of the ba circumstances - a total war tween present nations, utiliz present weapons-stands betwi fiction as Shute once 'again ci ceives it and fact as once more could turn out to be. The audience for this bi should be every responsible p son on this earth. En masse, ma kind should rise to challenge realization of a novelist's set "given circumstances." -Donald A. Yate the one hand (for it's a gem of story) and will anger him on t: other for being deprived (for sot mysterious reason) of the joy seeing it televised. This reviewe to start an argument, heard a pe fectly thrilling and harmless ve sion of it on radio around 10 yea ago, and can give reasonable pro he's not been corrupted. Real someone ought to get taken in court on this! * * . IN THE DARK NIGHT, By Ma garet Page Hood. Coward-M( Cann, The scene of this mystery nov is Maine, and its detective is M: Hood's favorite character Gil D nan. This formula is one whi produced favorable critical opi ion when applied in the autho: two earlier Donan novels, "T Scarlet Thread" and "The Sile Women." "In the Dark Night" the newest and the least deservi of praise of the Donan trilogy date. The evocation of Maine, r strong and integral in her earlii books, is vague and splotchy in t 'new novel. Miss Hood has ded cated herself more to her cast rural Maine characters than the local color and the novel i suffered appreciably. The- tale has to do with t murder of a provocative you wife (unfortunately, the most a pealing individual in the boo and her adolescent brother-in-la More violence follows. The hu band of the dead girl is a prn suspect, but there are some othe too. Things carry on under the si veillance of detective Gil Don and ultimately reach a climax a: the solution. A forced and unlike ly murderer's confession at t conclusion fails to salvage t novel, and only adds to the leve ling of an unfavorable judgeme: THE BUSHMAN WHO CAl BACK, By Arthur Upfil Crime Club. Arthur Upfield is one of t most talented regional Australi mystery novelists to appear print in this country. He kno how to spin a good tale, has fine knack for characterizatio and inevitably does a crackerja job of describing the little-kno' backland regions of ;Australia. "The Bushman' Who Cal Back" is in keeping with what have come to expect from auth Upfield. It is a tightly-knitl tale about the murder of ranc wife Mrs. Bell and the appare kidnapping of her seven-year-o daughter Linda. Upfield's sleuth, Inspector M poleon Bonaparte (just pla "Bony" to everyone) is called on the case and proceeds to,- about for motives - which hard to come by. The investigati "Rise Up !" Another Battle Lost i1 I THE WORLD Youth Festival at Moscow has ended, and 30,000 delegates from all over the world are slowly finding their way home after a.fifteen-day propaganda orgy which cost the Russians about 20 million dollars. The delegation from the United States, un- official and indeed deplored by State depart- ment proclamation, was the center of much at- ten'tion. State department opposition to the trip virtually assured us of dubious represen- tation, which is apparently what we got. , Now fresh horror, some of the United States delegation is going to the imaginary country of Red China. This could be dangerous because Red China is supposed to disappear if we ig- nore it, and then where would all these trav- elers be?. Perhaps the State ,department might have made a better showing if they had selected the Editorial Staff VERNON NAHRGANG, Editor JOHN HILYER. ...........,.......Sports Editor NE :NA::... : :....................Night Edtor Business Staff lucky youngsters to make this trip to Moscow. However, this would have created a new prob- lem: who to send. We could have sent 150 child prodigies to persuade the Soviets that this is a nation of great mental power. We could have sent 150 bathing beauties and demoralized the whole Festival. We could have sent 150 student leaders and overthrown the Russian government. We. could have sent 150 Evangelists and brought religion to the Godless Communists. WHAT A wealth of opportunity was lost here! How tragic that the Russians have beaten us again on the propaganda front, and even now entice our citizens into Red China. Typically, the United States equivalent of the World Youth Festival, this NSA conven- tion, is held in Ann Arbor, where you must t- over 21 years old to buy ginger ale. And after delegates are bored to death with vague speeches and resolutions favoring Good Cheer, they can go look out of Burton Tower at the traffic jam. How sad that we must always bungle these propaganda efforts. -DAVID KESSEL New Books at the Library ms_. - - rv r_ s .a_ 1 . N a 7 , ~4 - { . r , - :. , y - 1f . -. V ;' .. , n < ' y Y t4 .3 : . y _ .. r :" . B :- a . L..' :,.