Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN . Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS th Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH.* Phone NO 2-3241 "Think The UN Will Do Anythine About Hungary?" Today and Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN ""4.J- ---".. wr~AR'"" K ' printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. I JGUST 10, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: RENE GNAM Ann Arbor Housing , -K"Deplorable Condition NN ARBOR'S most serious perennial prob- lem' is beginning to show the annual signs awakening again--and this time it promises >e even more serious than in past years. 'here is no doubt that the high cost of sing in this city is. directly resultant, from presenceof the University with its thou- ds of students and faculty members who, ause of their transient nature, take tempo-' y housing for periods of one to five years he most convenient and available facilities. Vith the annual increase in enrollments, the nber to be accommodated in housing grows dily. The expected 24,100 enrollment this would be an increase of 2,000 over last r's actual attendance. This brings 2,000 more sons to Ann Arbor, searching for housing in at has already.become a "tight" situation. HE UNIVERSITY makes a substantial at- tempt at housing a large number of those dents in attendance, but it capnot come near >mmodating all. Of the 2,000-student in- ase expected in the fall, 600 is the figiure n for additional spaces in the .Residence is systen to alleviate the rise in enrollment. There the other 1,400 students are to go is e conjecture-with additional numbers ex- ted to be commuting and finding quarters he "hinterlands" or outlying districts of the Z Arbor area. But the greater part of this iber will nevertheless have to suffer the mnveniences of Ann Arbor housing-if they find it. or the number that the University d'oes se, it does an admirable job. The Residence Is here are far superior to those at other Ten schools and they offer the resident tively economical living in highly attractive desirable quarters. rhether or not the University accommodates; .gh persons, howeyer, is a debatable sub- For in the light of the Ann Arbor housing ation, it would be generally concluded that University should be takinig a greater part lousing its students instead of leaving them crounge for themselves amidst the deplor- local conditions. HAT, THEN, are these conditions that ren- der housing in the city of Ann Arbor such a or problen for students-and anyone else- :Ling a room or an apartment? he facts are that Ann Arbor landlords (and iladies) obviously consider the student-or one else seeking housing-as fair game for easonable rents and ridiculously unkept ns, that these same property owners are position to say "take it or leave it" and m it, and that, as a result, Ann Arbor's of living is notoriously high, one of the highest in the United States. lready Ann Arbor landlords, we are told, e begun the annual summertime pastime of ing rents. One young couple was informed recently that their unfurnished three-room apartment in the campus area would cost them $115 a month from now on, a $15 raise in rates. Others have complained of similar $10 to $15 raises in less expensive and less attractive furnishings. These people need not pay, of course-they can move out. The landlord is not worried about finding another customer. In the process, he would probably take the advantage of hiking the rent another $5 or $10, too, while he had the opportunity. YET ALL this might even possibly be reason- able-although we don't seriously think so- if only the quality of housing to be found here were at least decent. But it is not at all decent. Probably some of the most dispicable housing in the country is to be found here in. Ann Arbor. Apartments may have running water, but the tenant never knows when the water will' be running-or when, if it runs, it will be hot or lukewarm. Electrical fixtures in many Quar- ters have been allowed to burn out completely without thought of replacement. Obviously the student at the University who is at all concerned about where he lives has no business being so concerned. In AnnArbor the attitude is one of beligerency and complete lack of care or interest. Then, add to this miserable picture the Uni- versity regulations on where its student shall live-regulations that are at best ignored today, --and the result is a perfectly confused picture of a drastic housing situation that sees stu- dents forced to fight for poor quality housing in order to stay around. Perhaps the best solu- tion for the student is to live as far from Ann Arbor as possible and commute daily-and this solution precludes the necessary transportation while excluding the atmosphere of the Univer- sity community. OWEVER, we feel the situation is needing of more drastic attention and less humorous retrospect. Housing in Ann Arbor is priced far above its negligible value and at present there: are no reforms in sight. What is needed is a set of rent controls, federal, state or local, through which the city's many property owners could get no more than a fair-to-good price for their run- down living quarters. Only through such gov- ernmental controls will the students and resi- dents who need housing in Ann Arbor ever receive a resemblance of a fair deal from this city's professional landlords. A second-best solution would be greater participation on the part of the University in housing more of its students. But this would almost ignore the real crux of the problem- Ann Arbor's overpriced, overvalued, overaged housing. -VERNON NAHRGANG Editor IT IS NOT, it seems to me, a true reading of what has happened about civil rights to suppose that the Senate has taken a good and a strong bill and has made it in- to a poor and a weak one. The Senate version is, on the contrary, a far better bill than the one brought forward by Mr. Brownell and accepted in the House. The radical vice of the original bill is that it promises more than the President and the Attorney General can in fact perform. It invests the Federal Executive with nominal power and an enor- mous mandate, that of compelling the Southern states to cease and desist from all violation of civil rights, including segregation in the public schools. Because the 'bill promises so much more than the Federal Exe- cutive can possibly, do, it is fair to say that it was drafted not by statesmen seriously concerned with the civil rights of Southern Negroes but by Northern politi- cians concerned with the vote of Northern Negroes. * * * FOR IF the President were to do what innocent supporters of the Brownell bill have been led to ex- pect him to do, he would find himself embroiled all over the deep ISouth in fierce legal battles and popular commotions. Such a massive Federal inter- vention, as the House bill calls for, would surely provoke a sectional resistance which would divide the country and would embitter the human condition of the South. And if the President hesitated and was cautious, he would be" charged with violating his oath of office. He would be subject to all man- ner of demagogic pressure and to popular, reprisals. If President Eisenhower had understood the problem, he would now be congratulating himself on the defeat of the House bill. He would have found himself obligated to do quickly by wide- spread legal coercion what can in fact be done, as he well knows, only gradually by the evolution of opinion. * . * I 4pp9 _ .. /I Wash" Merry- 4uo. lound , THE 'MARTY CYCLE' New Trend in Film,Litratur Cry of the Reactionary Press. T HE "Anti-Communism At Any Cost" cru- sade seems to be the last battle cry of the numbskulls. Although most University students and other reasonably normal individuals usu- ally avoid publications of the reactionary press like a sensitive nose avoids an open cesspool, it might be well to glance occasionally into the rubbish pile to see what the self-styled pro- tectors of America have to say. The Supreme Court's recent decisions have earned it the title "Tool of tle Kremlin." 'In- tegration is equated with cdmmunization. Nas- ser is the hero of the East. The UN is a dead- ly menace. Our best bet is electing MacArthur President, bombing China, calling in all for- eign aid loans, glorifying France, Trujillo, and other 'successful dictators, annexing Canada and Mexico, and above all, keeping that lqw tax rate for oil producers. BUT, AS THE integration movement makes fresh headway, foreign aid is continued, the UN shows no signs of disbanding, and other fond hopes of these neo-isolationists come to nothing, the "Anti-Communism At Any Cost" slogan is shouted still more loudly. Here, at least, is a statement of half-truth which may influence the gullible perhaps. somewhat more than talk of imprisoning Earl Warren for sedition. However, if one adopts this slogan instead of the more defensible "Freedom At Any Cost" which has guided this country until now, the result may be less than happy. For if the enemies of communism, whoever they are, must be our friends and leaders, we must embrace, among other curiosities, the ghost of A. Hitler. IN A RECENT issue of a nationally-circulated magazine dedicated to "Anti-Communism" there appeared an editorial on the subject of Germany, unsigned of course. A few choice sentences: "Germany as a people and as a nation has been unspeakably mistreated. Two promoted wars ravaged that country. "As a climax to the "conspiracy" came the tragic, unprecedented Neuremberg war trials. Then came the sinister division of that coun- try into East and West. "Godless Communism can only be defeated with a strong united Germany." So speak the defenders of Liberty, but their audience is difficult to imagine. -DAVID KESSEL THE GREAT virtue of the Sen- ate's bill is that it reduces the responsibilities of the Executive branch of the government to a manageable size. The responsibilities are man- ageable because the Senate bill registers an historic event-name- ly agreement with the big politi- cal leaders of the South that the time has arrived to secure and protect by Federal intervention the civil rights of qualified Ne- groes to vote. The reason the Senate bill is' really "stronger" than the House bill is that underneath the pow- ers granted to enforce the criti- cal civil right to vote there is the agreement to acquiesce and to comply in the acknowledgment of that right. The Senate bill can be enacted without a filibuster. What this signifies is that it can be used effectively without provoking the resistance of a more or less united South. Whether the Senate bill will be used effectively depends not on Congress but on the Administra- tionr-on whether it is disinter- ested, on whether it is lucid, and on whether it has the imagina- tion to make the most of what the Senate leaders have conceded. Led by Sen Russell of Georgia. and Sen. Lyndon Johnson of Tex- as, they have acknowledged the- constitutional right of qualified Negroes to vote and they have ac- cepted the principle that the Fed- eral governmentshas the right and the duty to intervene to protect this right. To. reject this concession, to treat it as uninteresting and un- important, would be stupid and foolish. The Senate bill, precisely be- cause it is based on such wide consent in the South, differs not in degree but in kind from the. Brownell draft and the House bill. THE BILL has certain defects, which are quite incidental, most importantly, the jury trial amend- ment should be limited to the field covered by the bill itself- namely the protection and the se- curing of the right to vote. Without sacrificing anything of principle 'or of substance, the Senate should agree to correct this mistake. If that is done, there will be no ground on which the House can reasonably reject the Senate bill. There will be none on 'which the President can veto it. For the bill is not only a great a'dvance in the civil rights of the Southern Negroes. It is a very great advance in the concurrence on a dangerous issue of the nation as a whole. (Editor's Note: David A. Munro, an instructor in the English Lan-, guage Institute and a past contri- butor to The Daily, writesthe. fp- lowing article as a look at a, new trend in film making.) By DAVID A. MUNRO THIS IS written in the belief that what might be called the "Marty cycle" evidences a new trend not only in movies but in literature as well. First, let us look at the research data. The accompanying chart lists the array of films to be con- sidered. And, lest the criteria of selection appear too subjective, theymay, be stated or approximated as:.1) a certain tightness of plot, 2) a re- liance on writing to attract audi- ences rather than, a reliance on stars, color, wide-screen, and the like, and 3) a certain personal- drama realism. This listing is more typical than conclusive. Certainly there are many which should be on this list. Possibly the cycle should have started with "The Wild One," or with "The Oxbow Incident," or with "The Informer." Every de- cade has had at least one. .But we can say, to justify be- ginning with "Marty," that with this film "they" have come tum- bling out, one after the other. They have become a "cycle," as Hollywood says it. * * * AND cycles are a familiar fea- ture of the production pattern. There is the biography cycle, or "biopic." now at the tail end of its run but not quite played out.' Gangster pictures were a cycle that came and went. According to some guesses the success of "Island in the Sun" assures us that the interracial picture is the upcoming cycle. The fact is that in this highly competitive industry, strictly a slave to popular taste, cycles are an inevitable evidence of the studios' unwillingness to take chances. Studios would rather pro- duce a pale copy of a notable suc- cess than try something .new. And this is no discredit. Publish- ers of books and magazines oper- ate the same way. Broadway plays follow cycles and there were clearly marked cycles even , in Shakespeare's time. , * * * - Title Marty The Catered Affair Bachelor Party Crime in the Streets 12 Angry Men Dino Edge of the City Patterns The Young Stranger Reginald Rose Reginald Rose Reginald Rose Robert Alan Aurthur Rod Sterling Robert Dozier Reginald Rose, Reginald Rose Reginald Rose Robert Alan Aurthur Rod, Sterling Robert Dozier New York New York New York New York indeterminate Los Angeles Members of the "Marty Cycle" with Original Authors and Screenwriters in the face of the vague nature of the criteria defining it. That is, many lay and profes- sional critics will concede that'the listing above is accurate while questioning the stated criteria of its selection. In contrast, biopics, westerns, cloak and dagger and the" like, all are clearly marked as to their cycle membership. We therefore take upon our- selves the task of dispelling some of the vagueness surrounding the "Marty" cycle and of getting at, possibly thereby, its importance in contemporary literature. A first point, which does not look like a literary point at all at first blush, is that nearly all the "Marty" cycle pictures are movie adaptations of TV dramas. IN SOME measure this indicates that TV has changed American taste in films. It comes about be- cause TV drama is necessarily limited to techniques effective on the small TV screens. The closeup in general is pre- f erred to the scenic. Perfect for the art is the arresting face con- torted by pain, sorrow, anger, love, or open-mouthed wonder. This implies, at least for the "Marty cycle," that violence is avoided and that if there are scenes of horror or term these are best told by looking at the faces. of witnesses. However, this is new only in, emphasis., But having stated and established this emphasis, we have, made a literary point. We are say- ing that the TV technique com- pels writers to use indirect devices for, their more powerful effects, the devices of Koestler, Faulkner, Tennessee Williams andothers. BUT the most important influ- ence.of TV is quite different. It is the testing mpdium for its-by comparison -'highbrow sire, the movie. TV is vast and omniverous. There is a place on it for old movies and new movies, for would- be and never-could-be movies, for the good, the bad,'the indifferent, for scripts with water-thin plats, but also for scripts that are sin- cere and solid.. We are told that most Ameri-" cans sit uncritically before their, TV sets two and three hours a day, and this is consumption in un- dreamed-of quantity. Now, if we go back to look 'at our criteria, we find other things emerging. The primaiy.import- ance of plot, for instance, comes from the necessity for the kind of drama which can be told so largely in closups and can be mirrored in facial expressions. And here we must tie into a related influence now emergent in the New York theater. * * * THIS is the school .of acting which says that the actor should' live his part, not merely act it.' It says that the audience is in- terested, in the part, not in; the portrayer of it. Naturally, tie ex- perimenters of the "Marty cycle," who are principally authors, find these non-egocentric actors very convenient for their purposes. The "personal-drama realism" cones in as a standard ingredient possibly because this is the day of the psychologist. Typically, writers of these in- tensely -.organized: dramas have put their characters into grueling situations w h i c h progressively, strip defenses from 'them. In "Twelve Angry Men," for in- stance, at least 11 of the men re-' veal their hearts and their waver- ing egos to the others and even to themselves as the conflict deepens. The pressure of events similarly unmasks the celebrants in "Bachelor Party.," THESE, then, are the criteria which seem. to define the new cycle. And it is interesting to note the purely literary points involved. There is the commitment to in- direction as a method, the pre- eminence of. plot and the vivisec- tion of personalities. If we were to tell the truth about most pure cycles, we would cofifess that they have always re- sulted in the pale-copy, the de- rivative, the second-best. On the other hand, writing within the "Marty cycle" is pos- sibly the most challenging and ex- citing task available in the liter- ary marts of the moments. * * '* "HOW FAR this literary trend will go is difficult to predict. Most of these screen-plays have appear- 0. ,c ~ n, ntr _ Fh -ns-fn# _Fn Original Author Screenwriter Paddy Chayefsky Paddy Chayefsky Locale New York Paddy Chayefsky Gore Vidal New York Paddy Chayefsky Paddy Chayefsky New York By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON - Despite Pr dent Eisenhower's angry nial that he ever appointed ambassador because of polit contributions, the Senate Fore Relations Committee has disc ered quite by accident that state department clears every C lomatic appointment with the 2 publica National Committee. A state department stenograp made a slip and sent the" wr letters to Foreign Relations Ch man Theodore Green (D., R.I. The letters were supposed have been sent to the rank Republican, Sen. Alexander W of Wisconsin. Instead, Democ Senator Green was assured two occasions that ambassad nomingees had been cleared w the Republican National C( mittee. Green has now demanded know whether the state depi ment or the Republican Natic Committee is running our di matic service. The foreign relations commi is also tracing the political c tributions of key ambassadors finds overwhelming evidence t Ike just didn't know what he talking about or else wasn't tel) the truth when he said camp contributions didn't influence lomatic appointments. The committee's findings i cate that diplomatic posts are1 on the auction block and al sold for cash on the barrelheac campaign contributors ** * THE CHIEF money-raiser last year's campaign, GOP t tional treasurer J. Clifford Foli was appointed ambassador to glum. He and his wife not o raised money, but gave $10,00< of their own pockets. Aside from his money-rais ability, Folger has no otherkix qualifications for . handling complicated foreign affairs. Total contributions of $,f have been traced to James Dea Zellerbach's immediate famn He's the California paperbox k who was named ambassador Italy,. a juicy diplomatic plumt Ike's new ambassador to 1'ra Amory Houghton, coughed $6,000 and his son gave anot $2,500. John Hay Whitney, ambassa to Britain, has long been ,- Republican contributor. Ten 0 tributions have been traced t I and his, wife, totaling *30,1 Other family mebers" alsk4 nated heavily to the 195 'ca paign. The former ambassador to p mark, Robert T. Goe' got his after contrbuting to the 3ik hower campaign in 1952. Hei portedly was asked for a more s stantial donation in 1956. The r ords show his family scraped $6,190., "It$was more than that. I do' led my' 1952 contribution," 4 told this column by fong-dista phone from his home in Cc WGUyo, But apparently it wa , enough; he was kicked out as a bassador. Coe ;admitted he. was surpri at his replacement, but denie had anything to do with his ca paign offering. "Don't you get me in troil in Washington," he said. IT'S NO secret that only a P4 centage of the actual campa contributions are officially corded. The balance is often passel 1 der the table. All Ike's noncaz ambassadors are known to4 donated to the political pot. However, it's difficult to tr the individual contributions, example, Jefferson Patterson, a bassador to, Uruguay, gave $4, to the Eisenhower campaign Dayton, Ohio. The records .a show another $20,000 contribu by Jefferson Patterson andl wife in Washington. Robert Thayer, ambassador Rumania. is listed as donat '$1,000 via the American £mba in Vienna, Austria. Two contributions of $1,00 i $2,000, respectively, have b traced to Mrs. Thayer in Vien Still another $2,000 shows up the record, contributed by M Thayer in Washington. The evidence clearly shows tl the political spoils system is I lowed in handing out diplona posts. This may explain why' United States has suffered many diplomatic setbacks, (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate In DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Offieia Bulletin Is a official publication of the niveruit THE uniqueness of cycle," however, lies fact of its cyclicity fact that it can be a the "Marty not in the but in the cycle at all, INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Russia ies Arms Aid AT MUSIC CIRCLE: 1 rigadoon' Splendid By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News. Analyst ARE THE ALLIES, by offering important concessions at the London disarmament conference, convincing the Russians that they 01 + ' Dut will never react to any incident in such fashion as to risk atomic war? If Russia is' getting that idea, then a great part of the deterrent power of atomic weapons is being lost. Russia armed the North Koreans and pre- cipitated a serious war. She armed the Egyptians and created a serious crisis in the Middle East. I Now she is arming the Yemeni, who fre- quently attack the British in Aden. The Allies reacted in Korea but carefully refrained from the use of nuclear weapons. Russia finally initiated a cease-fire, ap- parently convinced that such adventures might THIS WEEK Producer Robert Adams has blended the young and impressive talents of his Mu- sic Circle cast with the songs and story of one of Broadway's "per- fect" musicals. "Brigadoon," which opened Tuesday night for a one-week run under the big striped tent in northwest Detroit, just happens to be a 'natural" show, a show; that can be given effectiyely by, any group-amateur or profes- sional... Lady," Loewe and Lerner, and are deservedly well-remembered: "Brigadoon," "I'll Go Home With Bonnie Jean," "The Heather on the Hill," "Almost Like Beinb in Love," and others. * * * RICHARD ARMBRUSTER is a handsome Tommy with the best male voice heard at Music Circle this season. Opposite him, Betty McNamara defies description as the most attractive, mst talented 'lir v _n . n l .. YL A v +~ ' Editorial Staff VERNON NAHRGANG, Editor HILLYER....................Sports'Editor GNAM..N.....i...... ..... ..........Night Editor RE.NR,