"I'd Rather See You Dead Than Compromised" Sixty-Seventb Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLIDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 n OpInione Are Free ith Will Prevail" Today Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN :ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. b ! Y, AUGUST 9, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: RENE GNAM Labor Union Picture Not Entirely Unhealthy UMBER of Congressional investigations is year have shown conclusively that the union in this cougntry - or at least some unions - is not entirely the honorable incorrupt organization that the highest rierican ideals would have it. estigations, trials, even columnists, have" up with startling revelations of Dave and Jimmy Hoffas and some other les- gures who, under scrutiny, do not appear uiltless and honorable union officers one expect to find in the international erhoods. Racketeering, one of the less -y aspects of American life, can also be , it ,seems, in those giant, big business- irganizations. tainly the case for the labor union as 1thy, integral part of the life and work e American workinlgman appears now to, a somewhat 'dim case. a, however, a patent dimness that is more n overexaggerated. It is the dimness of a ad apples being assumed to represent the bushel; it is the dimness that comes placing of an over-rated importance on rs that are certainly forseeable and ex- d in such cases as the opportunity pre- itself. it corruption has been found in the labor, s in certain cases cannot be denied;,but this corruption is in any way -typical' of abor union organizations as a constant is a'difficult assertation to prove. or unions are not big businesses because are not essentially businesses. But in, many ways they are like big businesses - in size, primarily - and they are therefore sub- ject to the temptations and often corruptions of misguided individuals who find they can profit in one way or another with a little way- ward management. But, as in big businesses, these corruptions are inevitable. The labor unions just don't have the money or power or privacy to keep them as quiet as big businesses are able to do. Instead, labor unions must suffer the unfavor- able publicity that comes from a congression- al investigation that finds skeletons in the la-i bor closets. 'IT IS UNFORTUNATE that these groups of organized labor must bear the shame of a few individuals so publicly - yet this should have a good effect in the way of greater pro- tection for the future. It is also unfortunate that the investigating comtmittees, with their boards of eager and active politicians, should be able to be -so af- fected by their own findings that the same politicians make sweeping statements of cru- sading nature and then promise - indeed, threaten - -further searching investigations into the problems at hand. What is happening is that the people in- volved in-these investigations, as well as a good many American citizens, are allowing them- selves to accept the abuses of a few as the pg- sition of the ,many. Needless to say, this is not. a logical nor sensible way of understanding the problem. -VERNON NAHRGANG . Editor Canada's Growing Impotanc - tac F OUR friendliest nation is referred to at all, it's usually a variation of the phrase "the' forty-eight states and Canada." Beyond, recognition as a sort of 49th state (nothing of the size of Texas, of course), our awareness of Canada seems limited to trappers named Pierre and the red-coated chaps who, always get their man. But our tranquil neighbor shows signs of stirring. With a new government, we are faced with her increased participation in the heady, realm of international politics. EFORE the June election, the American press recorded a routine prediction of vic- tory for the/22-year-old Liberal government. It was allowed that the Opposition Conservative party would gain a few seats, but that the loss would not be particularly uncomfortable to the, incumbent government. Conservative leader John Diefenbaker cam- paigned and won on the argument that Can- ada was tied too closely to America's economio strings. He was vigorous in pointing out that most of her post-war growth was owed to American capital, and made much political hay on our sale of surplus grain at lower prices while Can- ada's elevators bulged.. Unfortunately for the Conservatives, they cannot bulldoze any measures through Parlia- ment. The party falls short of a clear majority, and no other bloc promises any idealogic sup- port. A combined vote of the Liberals, the socialist' Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (CCF), and assorted independents could topple the all-Tory cabinet at any time. It could happen at the first sitting of Parliament in October, and thus force a new election.' This might mark the beginning of the end for the Liberal party, in the manner noted in Britain in the 1920's. Then, a Labor-Liberal coalition broke up and Liberal support crystal- lized as Conservative and socialist Labor votes. government in any future election. As the Labor party's counterpart, it is dedicated to nationalization of industries on a scale marked out by Britain's 1950 Labor government. With topheavy United States investment in Canada's economy, particularly 'in mining, piwer and oil, a socialist government would be of extreme concern to us. In the face of na- tionalization legislation, a crisis would certain- ly hit investment circles. Even without this disturbing prospect, pres- ent conditions of political instability elevate Canada from her once-faceless role. It may well be that our attention in this hemisphere will shift from perennial palace revolts in Lat- in America. --ERNEST ZAPLTNY .Walter F.- George Of Georgia FOR A MAN who served in the United States Senate for 34 years, Walter Franklin George of Georgia wasperhaps.one of the least color- ful but certainly one of the most formal, de- voted, sincere and hardworking Men to hold such office. From the time he entered the Senate in 1923 until he served out his last term in Jan- uary of this year, George was influential both as an individual and, later, through his com- mittee positions in finance and foreign affairs. He fought for greater tax allowances for the small wage earner and for more liberal social security benefits for the disabled. His concern for the people of his state and the nation led him on occasion to turn against his own party. Until his withdrawal from the Senate in last year's elections, because of ill health and an unfavorable political situation at home, George was constantly active in government affairs. Even after, as a special ambassador to NATO, he continued to serve the country. Senator George was indeed a statesman of which Georgia and the United States can be proud. -VERNON NAHRGANG MAXWELL Gluck, our new and unfortunate Ambassador to Ceylon, is the victim of a certain blindness in high quarters. It is the notion that to have been a success in business is to have the quality and the nece:sary experi- ence for being a success in public life. Indeed, there' is if anything a prejudice against those who make a career in politics and in govern- ment -affairs. So the President took it for granted that pluck would be a competent Ambassador in a sensi- tive post in a critical region of the world. Why did he take this for granted? Because, said the Presi- dent at his press conference, Gluck was recommended by "a'number of people I respect." If the people who recommended him were aware that Gluck was a big campaign contributor, they had the tact to refrain from men- tioning such a sordid consideration to the President. They told him instead that they had examined Gluck's business career, and that it was successful, that they had studied the F.B.I. reports, which were good. That was enough to qualify Gluck. For it could be assumed that he would learn about Ceylon, w i t h which he was not yet "thoroughly familiar, as he had learned how to run his stores and how to breed horses in Kentuc y. WHY, THEN, did Sen. Ful- bright's little quiz test produce such an uproar? Because it re- vealed so sharply that Gluck, how- ever estimable as a person and however successful in business, had never taken any interest, not any interest, in the affairs of South Asia where he is to be a principal representative of the United States. When he was asked who is the Prime Minister of India - India being the nearest neighbor of Cey- lon-Gluck said he knew who he was but could not "pronounce" the name. This was the crucial ques- tion and answer, and the result was a complete giveaway. For while the Prime Minister of India has the given name of Jawa- harlal, which is indeed difficult to pronounce, he is known to all of literate mankind as Nehru. * * * AS NEHRU, he is as well known as Churchill, Stalin,or Eisenhow- er. As it is impossible to suppose that Gluck had never heard the name of Nehru pronounced, the -presumption is that he did not know that Nehru is the Prime Minister of India. If anyone thinks that this is not significant, let him imagine how he would feel if Nehru ap- pointed as Indian Ambassador to Mexico or to Cuba one who said he could not "pronounce" the fairly difficult name of Eisenhow- er. Such a man would no't be re- garded as a good prospect to play a useful part in the affairs of the North American continent. For while he could no doubt be "briefed"-even to knowing Presi- dent Eisenhower's middle name- what he would really need in order to qualify would be to be born again with an interest in public affairs and with a capacity to realize that the world is round. * * * EMBARRASSING as it all is\to Gluck, to the President, to the Foreign Service officers who labor in South Asia, to the Ceylonese, and to Anericans concerned for the dignity of their country, there is something to be learned from it. It demonstrates a basic rule, that the burden of proof Is on the President when he goes outside the career service. What the President has to prove is that his appointee, though he is "not a professional' diplomat, though he is not familiar with the country to which he is going, is a' man of demonstrated ability in public life.. It' is not enough that he has made money, that there are 'no black marks against him in the F.B.I. reports, and that he has been certified by the Republican National Committee. THIS IS not too austere a standard. Many of our non-career Ambassadors would qualify readily enough under it-for example, in the big posts, Whitney in London, Bruce in Bon'n, Mrs. Luce and Zellerbach in R o m e, Bowles, Cooper, and Bunker in New Del- h. The commen qualification of all of them is that, while they have not had a career in the Foreign Service, some considerable part of their careers has been spent with distinction in public service. Always,thowever, an appoint- ment outside the career service should be regarded as the excep- 11? z1 x ' ! f i ,r . '. ; 1{ it " _il} ... "°. z } * ' ' !? ' A I " " R;,, L a G ., t9Sr 'ri ,c" +4sftratc ro pasrr- c,,a,. AT LITTLE THEATF$R: Foul Play at the High School IT HAS= BEEN the policy, more or less, for viewers of the theatre scene hereabouts, to deplore small opening night audiences. But I can only be thankful that the first performance of "The' Tender Trap" was not particularly well attended, for the cause of local theatre was' struck a mighty blow last night from which it will recover with difficulty. "They Tender Trap, a comedy by Max Shulman and Robert Smith, is clever, well written, and enjoyed a successful Broadway run. The film version, starring Frank Sinatra and Celeste Holm, was carefully done and spread the fame of this play over the nation. * * * IT IS an unhappy tribute to "Tender Trap" that the script could somehow survive the per- formance which it received at the hands of this Little Theatre group. A funny line, like a good rumor, is hard to kill. But they tried, and' how they tried. If the cast had bothered to study the script, if they had even read AT THE STATE: Two ore ightare I} A t By DREW PEA ONCE MORE am I confronted by the revolting task of ex- posing fresh horror at the State theater: two new and banal at- tempts at so-called science fiction. The bee, praying mantis, 'ant,, and spider have already been. glorified by dull-witted film pro-, ducers. Now the grasshopper has its dreadful day. In "Beginning of the End,", a modern day Tom Swift saves hu- manity from monster locusts with the aid of his audio oscillator. How did the insects get this big? Why, by eating radioactive vegetables, of course. This child- ish understanding of radiation is about what one might expect from these west-coast producers of filmed garbage. After a poorly superimposed series of episodes showing the grasshoppers swarm- ing over Chicago, they are at- tracted into Lake Michigan by a familiar-faced General playing the lost chord over his PA system. * * MORE OF THE SAME drivel is wasl Merry- Gwoo Roiunld found in "The Unearthly" where- in a doctor half of his trolley at- tempts to banish old-age by trans-' planting glands into his victims. Naturally he has a house full of gruesome experimental errors and a huge oaf who wanders about grunting to himself. After several ridiculous epi- sodes including a surgical scene, which is a travesty of, medicine,' the policeman-hero saves his trol- lop from the clutches of the evil physician who promptly dies of shame. Anyone over ten' who can get much besides a headache from these two films is advised to seek, psychiatric aid as soon as pos- sible. This moronic treatment of scientific topics by certain feeble- minded film studios is reaching the proportions of a disgrace. There are some bright spots in the science-film realm (like "In- vasion of the'Saucer Men" and "Forbidden Planet"); but the Gi-' ant Insect and Mad Scientist trend is wretched. -llavidKessel the script, the result ,might have been bearable. / Ted Heusel, director and co-star. was the best of the bunch as Joe McCall, when he remembered where he was. He alone displayed a sense of timing so essential to delivery of this type of dialog. George Webb, as Charlie Read- er, was inexperienced, but he has some experience now. Eras Cochran (Sylvia) was mis- cast as this sophisticated violinist. Mary Anne Stevenson (Julie) somehow managed to give the ingenue role a touch of banality instead of the sweet innocence one might have expected. WITH THE exception of Heusel during his good moments, Marian Mercer offered the only effective stage" peresonality as Jessica, one of Charlie Reader's "women." She alone established a solid ;characterization, but was on stage too short a time to affect the balance. Lawrence Gusman as the vola- tile chemist Lindquist was noisy; Ruth Livingston as Poppy Matson seemed adequate in a walk-on part. To Allan Schreiber 'must-go the dubious distinction of generally messing up the lines given to the insane musician Sol Swartz, pos- - sibly the funniest in the play. The set was simple and good. .Props were= well managed; the scene after the wild party was a charming mess. 'But when the curtain must be drawn in the middle of an act to let the cast recover its wits, one w o n d e r s if rehearsals were thorough enough. Perhaps later performances will see these difficulties ironed out. I hope so. -David Kessel W ASHINGTON - Votes mnid the House Rules Committe are super-super secret. Folks bac home are not supposed to kno how" the members of this ke committee vote, evenothou th committee can kill a bill or em pedite a bill. For, without a "rule"from tl rules committee, no' legislatic can pass. A very important but secr vote took place inside the rul committee the other day on wh ther to give a "rule to the Natui al Gas Bill which will increase 1±i cost of gas about $800,000,000 year to the consumers. Almost every member of Q rules -committee (elected fro gas - consuming' areas) v o t e against the bill-except for or moan. He was congressman Hug Scott, Republican of Philadelphi Philadelphia is a tremendo consumer of gas, one of the for most in the nation. Its representi tives have fought bitterly again the gas bill. Despite this, So secretly voted against his own cit FURTHERMORE, he cast.a kt vote. The vote inside the rul Committee was 5 to 5 when it al to him. Members of the commi expected Scott to vote against gas bill. aHe was once Republican natiot &l chairman, once managed To. Dewey's campaign for Presiden: had a tough re-election race hi self. It seemed inconceivable th he would vote against the interes of hit own city. But'he did. Had Scott voted the other-a against the gas bill, CairmE Howard Smith of Virginia co , only have tied the vote. No one knows exactly why So voted against his own constitueni Perhaps it was because he figuri it would remain secret. However, the biggest contribi tor to the Republican Party the entire nation was the Pe family of Sun Oil Companrb The Pew family .contribut $216,000 to various Republic committees, which in turn we the biggest coitributors to Sco NOTE-Another interesting Co. tributor to Scott's campaign w Maxwell H. Gluck, new, naive a bassador to Ceylon, who admitt he didn't know the name of ti Ceylonese prime minister or ev the prime minister of India. (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate in DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The 'Daly Official Bul tin Is as official publication of the nlversttj of Michigan for which the Michi gao 'Daily assumes no editorial t sponsibility. Notices should be soat in TYPEWRITEN form to Roo 3519 Administration ilding eb fore .2 p.m-'the day rcedin$ publication. Notices for Sulnda Daily ,due at 2:00 p.m. Friday FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1957 VOL. LXVII, NO. 32 General Notices A one hour guided tour of the camp by bus wll be conducted daily, Mo day through Friday, beginning Mo Aug. S. It will begin at 11:00 a.m. frc the rear of the Administration Build!i and will conclude at 12:00 nooen at t same place. This tour service will i for a test period of six weeks. Open public. nndn g4 (Continued on Page 4) IRRESPONSIBILITY IN GOVERNMENT: Secrecy, Science, Finance Present.Problems S IFICANT to F in Canada h from the, America is whether the is able to attract enough Liberal ranks to form a INTERPRETING THE NEW' Khrushchev's Bluff By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst' 'OR ALL the news 'his trip to Berlin has pi*oduced, Nikita Khrushchev might as well ve read his vassals a bunch of old clippings. His constant threats of guided missile war e beginning to sund like a man who is short ideas. He began it more than a year ago in England. has used it for all sorts of purposes-to ake people think he favors disarmament, to Editoriat Staff VERNON NAHRGANG, Editor HN HILLYER....... ............. Sports Editor NE GNAM............................Night.Editor frighten small nations that harbor Allied mili- tary bases, and now in an attempt to frighten West Germans into overthrowing the Adenauer government. While he goes on at this rate, he knows that Russia must avoid atomic war, at least for some time to cime, because of the free world's advanced technology.' There is every reason to believe that the West has nuclear weapon stockpiles that the Russians cannot touch either in quantity or quality. Khrushchev may resort to threats as a sort of substitute for whistling through a graveyard. Khrushchev knows that when he is in East Germanyhe is in hostile territory. It's not like Czechoslovakia, where a certain sense of Slav brotherhood has always made the Russian task easier than in some of the other satellites.' In East Germany there is as much hatred of the Russians who invaded them such a few ' vnArr ncrR oa +fhpor 1p iin Russia aainst the (Editor"s Note: The following is the last of two discussions of. gov- ernmental responsibility.. Today's article covers various areas outside the realm of foreign policy. By JOHN WOODRUFF Daily Staff Writer SINCE THE beginnings and popularity of bipartisan fo- eign policy, but not in any way as a result of it, there has come a great mushrooming of areas of po- tential irresponsibility in the fed- eral government. One of the greatest of these was a direct result of World War II. That area is governmental secrecy The security system hastily thrown up at the coming of global war was far from perfect as is tes- tified by the fact that every per- son so far convicted of conspiracy or other treasonable designs has actually succeeded in passing some form of classified information to foreign enemies.. - It has, moreover, created vast amounts of resentment on the part of those against whom it has un- justly operated, often the very scientists we so dearly need. It has given us the spectacle of Dr Op- tributed to students of untested loyalty, are given various degrees of classification. And every now and then an FBI agent will appear in a University office asking a stenographer about the loyalty of another stenographer who is handling nothing more secret than a departmental budget. But perhaps the most danger- ous extension of security regula- tions has come in the administra- tion itself. Never before has it been such ' common practice to place a "security" classification on one's mistakes or shady, deals. Such a system, if allowed to per- sist for a great enough time, could destroy any semblance of public ability to affix responsibility for official actions and misactions. YET THIS is only one facet of several in the overall picture of growth in potential irresponsibil- ity. Science itself has become an- other area in which great amounts of irresponsible action may well be expected. There has been a great move afoot to "keep science out of politics." Such a policy of keeping science "lbove" politics assumes that democracy cannot work in an age; of atomic power and electronic de- vices. It decides for the people tiat they do not even want to consider broad lines of policy. Let there be no confusion due to semantics; when a leader says, "Let's keep science out of poli- tics," he z Might more accurately be saying, "Let's; keep science out of democracy." Politics is the work- in gform of American democracy. * * * WE HAVE recently.seen, indeed still are seing, the spectacle of an administration's cutting its own' budget requests several months af- ter their presentation to Congress. Here is another area of govern- mental irresponsibility - one in which it would appear that the unwieldy budget structure which has been piled up in the past few years actually has created irres- ponsibility. At any rate, it is difficult to as- sign any other name to a case in which the President presents a budget to Congress with the ad- mnnitin thatn* Irain. .ncm.v for lots of wrong-way horse tra ing on the part of public officia The competition and public formation inherent in a bid a tem have proven quite satisfacto in the awarding of governm contracts. Such public information mig well be necessary if the "negot tors" representing the public to be men who- believe that th- particular segment of the nation the one necessary to national a vival, as some of our less perce ive writers seem to think is he thy. _. * * * 1 THE TREND away from r ponsibility in the federal govei ment may well be affected by I fact of a Congress of differe party from the Administration Thus far, however, only ti serious attempts have been ma to question administration a thority. One of these was a wea willed investigation into the mi died Mideastern policy situatic The other is the current econon drive, which has finally forced I Administration to take respon hiliyf,. iAn. aLits udet.