y THE MIChIGAN DAILY Correa Gets Set up by Reg ionsSclasi ram to encourage ,institutions within the area coy- Jose N Correa, '58M, of Puertot ople to follow the_ ered. Rchsbe wrea$Q g profession. "The regional committees areRchsbe wrea$0 new regions have the 'backbone of the whole paro- scholaship for research and clini- es to complete na- gramn,", Boys said. "They solicit cal training in the field of allergic e. nominations, receive records and diseases* tai committee con- reCommendations of 'nominees, Tegatwsanucdb trman and approxi- and personally interview the most .the ran asnoun cedfo byl embers drawn from promising candidates." lergic Diseases. ' ' POICY:orrea will concentrate on the ~F PO ICY':possibility of finding fractions of alergen extracts having relatively greater ability to neutralize skin- M-al. O ten 'Tou~ i ensitizing antibodies he only animal with Talk about a sale! We don't ha' ~w-of-nyprpe-the behavior of animals, accord=-A -ing to Prpf. Burt. Animals have. many but when we have one, it's ni H. Burt, Curator a certain amount of room to GO Ft0 the University mu- flourish in and the wildlife techni- onkeys, apes, squir- cian must know how much space d .H r sa10 _________________________Odill. HereisadlOday sae we-thi ers, muskrats, rab- will give the best living conditions. d sea lions as the _______________________________ rials in defending HNYH is really hot. Read the specials b als that store ;food S EV NS Ij STEVEN, Inc.low +and we know you' ll agree. oncerned with pro- ainst pillage. Ther. d cache will try to tder away from the LONG............ food and for some DISTANCEt d.. MOVING area around the is no definite bouni- hod in a nesting or T D Y T U S A .F young. , ve behavior may be E 23Boda lultanimlsdrig Phone CollectStvn tehcas n should Flint CEdar 4-1686 Fe siae Manager AR AE A aposbeaot Interstate Rates Every Friday We owen, operate schedule anddespatch our own fleet of vans REG. SALE 'o Tour ~~~~for better direct service without transfer. 0 9 9 .. 9 9 C4pe , C4.99.95...75,00 0op11 C44. . . .117.00. . 88.80 aKish of the Geog-la torl Super 75 . . 31.9510 .23.951 aced by the Inter- .I avel Committee. [ Ij ne-day tour of Po--'" at 23, Prof. Kish will 27 F axand Copenhag- 2 01F Kish is in Poland heS RE N teof the Institute RADIANTSC E N Polish .Academy of . PC U E M S E h of. Kish will travely i °remain for a week, .. SILVER FABRIC three weeks Prof. el to Leningrad, the iea , Caucasus, and_ . ntral Asia. - CE S ill use every- means TR P DSA CE tion on; his trip e. 0/LNS on returning -for 25% OffLE S University around i m~/ Wide Angle and 1 of