£cdy*rwn &zBt Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 n Opinions Are Free uth Will Prevail" ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf f writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. AUGUST 6, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: VERNON NAHRGANG Asian Cultures' Theme Success fui for Summer WEEK the University concluded its ner Session series of "Asian Cultures Modern American" programs after a ig six weeks of interesting supplemen- rning. ghout the period, the lectures, "Glimp- grams, exhibitions and special events. ned a fairly high excellence in organi- md content. The cooperation of the eaters, speech department production, er units of the University were also dent and added greatly to the overall >f the program. s, in fact, primarily due, to inter- ental cooperation that "Asian Cultures" opular. A program of lectures alone, set central committee for all units of the by, couid not have the attraction nor fllence without additional attractions. nmer's lectures, for example, would not. d the power to sustaine by themselves le "Asian Cultures" program. THE managers of lectures never seem nderstand is that rarely, if ever, does a, netrating, illuminating talk ever go th .a "big name" or a dignitary. Some ast informative talks this summer were persons. Indian Ambassador Mehta, had little to say of real importance in tssion of Indian affairs, in spite of his te recognition of the University's affec- "stimulation."-Often such ,persons, in )matic service or in politics, are in no to speak up on the real issues of the heard before or are of little real importance- aside from a general attempt to acquaint someone withi a field entirely new to him. This summer's lecture series has seen both of these, but they have been in the minority to a more solid number of talks. Yet these are the inevitable problems that arise in planning a lecture series and in many cases, in order to "round out" a program, they cannot be avoided. OBVIOUSLY, this is where the supplementa- tion by and cooperation of the other de- partments comes into the picture. By adding to this series of talks so varied in their worth, the supplementary attractions broaden what has already been said-or, in some cases, nar- row it-and provide a less, formal means of accepting what is offered. The "Glimpses" series has done this, and more. Arranged so that the Japanese "Glimpse" came on the same day as a lecture on Japan-- and carried on in this method throughout the series-a, particular day would in more ways than one present an interesting picture of the subject from at least two different points of view. It is the interdepartmental willingness to cooperate, made easier through the Summer Session's organi7,ation, then, that brings success to such a program as this summer's "Asian Cultures.", It seems, therefore, that the fall and spring semesters could realize they importance of this cooperation and see their departmental units .work more closely toward a unified presentation, of some subject of equal importance as "Asian Cultures and the Modern American." -VERNON NAHRGANG Editor who are had through a lec- ent what are perhaps more but what nevertheless are tions which have either been r., R-- ND THE NEWS-: shchev's Farm Problems By WILLIAM L. RYAN, Associated Press Foreign News Analyst NIKITA Khrushchev vows to use milk, meat and butter as a battering ram to smash tiough-cpjtalism. -But he may be headed for se4ous trouble, because Soviet cattle don't seem to be cooperating. After defeating his Kremlin foes the Com- munist party chief's big bid for public support is a promise that the USSR by 1960 will catch up with the United States in per capita meat, butter and milk production. If he means this and really tries it, he may 'destroy his own power in the effort. If he doesn't mean it, he will add one more to the long chain of broken promises 'made to an increasingly aware Soviet public. The Kremlin's big butter and meat man won his purge victory by a slim margin. There is no reason to assume the struggle is over. Strong opposition remains to any threat of cutback in Soviet heavy industry, which builds military and world political power. But with- out a serious cutback, Khrushchev has little hope of achieving his consumer goals for decades to come. But there are shoals ahead. Despite Moscow reports of huge economic gains, there is evi- dence this year's grain crop will be many mil- lions of tons below last year's bumper output. This piomises to aggravate the main Soviet agricultural problem-severe shortages of ani- mal fodder. HAT'S THE matter with Soviet food pro- duction? It's an old story. The farmer is at the bottom of the economic ladder. He has re- ceived little but promises of future rewards. Rapid industrialization of the USSR has been at his expense. He pays now for the empha- sis on heavy industry. The peasant often has little interest in the collective farm into which he has been regi- nented. His attitude is likely to be: "It's not my cow and its not my equipment." Collective farm deliveries of products to the state at virtually confiscatory prices in the past all but extinguished peasant enthusiasm for cooperative farming. The situation has been somewhat eased since Stalin's death-another bow to a grow- ing phenomenon in the Soviet Union which looks suspiciously like public opinion. The collective has paid and continues to pay heavily in produce for use of machinery doled out by a government administration. The farm can own light machinery. Compared with in- dustrial workers, peasants are poorly paid. Even the produce from their "kitchen gard- ens" had been subject to compulsory deliver- ies to the state, though Khrushchev says now Editorial Staff VERNON NAHRGANG, Editor JOHN HILLYER.............. .........Sports Editor RENE ONAM...........................Night Editor he wiil end that in order to increase the pea- sants' "material self-interests." In addition to all this, skilled help has been siphoned from the farms for city industries, a condition the regime recently has been trying to correct. The peasant appears to have a resentment over his lack of any voice in farm policies and over the fact that the regime's insistence on the all-out \heavy industry program promises him little relief, AGAINST this background, the prospects for swift increases in Soviet food production seem dim. Even what the USSR has it can- not seem to use efficiently in such a system. For example, ,the USSR has a dairy cow population 10 per cent bigger than that of the United States. It serves a population 15. to 20, per cent bigger. At the same time, better feeding and breed- ing makes the total milk output in the United States twice that of the Soviet Union. In 1953 Khrushchev admitted the over-all Soviet livestock situation was worse than in 1917. There has been little significant advance in this picture since 1953. Milk output re- mains low., In some tegions, livestock population has Adecreased because of fodder shortages. The poultry and cattle population is not enough to meet minimum public demands. American farm workers achieve 6 to 12 times the labor productivity of their Soviet counterparts. A recent report prepared for the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress, says of this: "Even if labor productivity in Soviet agricul- ture should continue to increase at the rate of 33 per cent each five years, as was officially claimed to have taken place between 1950 and 1955, it is interesting to note that it would take Soviet agriculture until at least 1985 to 1990 to reach the 1955 level of labor productivity in United States agriculture." THE BASIC difference in the United States and Soviet food pictures is this: The United States problem is one of abun- dance, huge surpluses; and how to adjust a vast production capacity to demand. For years the United States has had surpluses. But the Soviet problem is a constant struggle to provide a minimum diet for the population. The USSR always has had shortages. The congressional study indicates meat and dairy production in the USSR may still be below 1928 levels. United States production long ago exceeded that in 1928. Russia's prospects for overtaking the United States at all must be considered very remote, the congressional report says. The Soviet dilemma is this: The USSR economy could provide more food and consumer goods to the . public if it would forego heavy industry pro- duction increases. But the Soviet habit, strongly entrenched, is to give all-out priority to heavy industry. Monkeying with this setup could be dyna- mite. It could signal a weakening of Soviet LETTERS .L T ESto the editor NSA Congress . . To the Editor: AS A FORMER staffer of the United States National Stu dent Association, I would 'like to comment o nsome of the sugges- tions advanced by Ernest Zaplitny in his editorial Friday. Zaplitny; NSNSA should forget about federal aid to undergradu- ates. Why should it do so, when Con- gress has already indicated a will- ingness- to ease some of the finan- cial burdens for families with children in college? The Internal Revene Act of 1954 contains sevu- eral revisions endorsed by USNSA wihch offer appropriate tax relief to students who work their way through college and-their parents. Zaplitny: USNSA should vote $50,000 for scholarships to needy Negro students in the South. This function is already per- formed by other existing ogani. zations, notably the National Scholarship Fund for Negro Stu- dents.- Zaplitny: USNSA should make a statement on civil rights, if it wishes. While -having a "policy" on matters related to student educa- tional rights may not seem itmpor- tant to many American students, it is of vital importance to main- taining constructive relations with national student unions overseas, many of whom play a key part in the political life of their country. Zaplitny: USNSA should vote $25,000 for a scholarship fund to refugee students, or donate the sum to an appropriate agency of the United Nations. Through a grant from the Ford Foundation, USNSA already ad- ministers a $100,000-plus program to bring foreign student leaders to this country. Incidentally, it is also the only representative Amer- ican student group which is in- cluded in the non-governmental organizations maintaining official liaison wth the United Natons. Zaplitny: USNSA should an- nounce plans for a study of stu- dent exchanges with Iron Curtain nations. USNSA has been engaged in such study for several years. Just this week, it cabled N i k i t a Khrushchev of its open "interest" in long-term academic exchanges between the United States and the Soviet Union - a request initially advanced two years ago without result. USNSA distinguishes be- tween such long-term exchange and the short-term, tourist type excursions. Zaplitny: NSUSA should vote $20,000 for a campaign to enlist all college student bodies in the association. USNSA expends considerable fort every year in seeking addi- tional members, a fact reflected in its continual growth over the past five years. Because it is completely staffed by college students and' because its recruiting activities are financed from membership dues, USNSA perhaps has had to face more than the usual limita- tions to expansion of any volun- tary organization. USNSA's policies have tended to become stabilized over the past 10 years and hence Congress actions may have become more predigt- able, as Zaplitny indicates. At the same time, I do not believe the or- ganization has become unrespon- sive to changes in international, national and campus events. And, since delegates rarely attend more than two or three successive years before graduation, almost any- thing can happen at a Congress - as anyone who has attended them knows. -Robert W. Beyers Patriotism . . To The Editor: JOHN Woodruff, writing in the£ July 30 issue of The Daily, under "Ike and Democracy," makes cer- tain allegations that call for a more careful appraisal. The concurrence of President- Eisenhower with the Red Marshal Zhukov that "their (the people's) greatest satisfaction in life is in sacrifice to the state, giving to the state" is strangely interpreted by Mr. Woodruff as the President entertaining a 'militaristic and Prussian' concept of the position of the state. For the same state- ment, the President is further ac- cused of his failure to grasp the central concept of a Democracy that each individual has a part in running the state which is his servant. Giving one's everything, includ- ing one's life, to the security and betterment of one's state or coun- try has for ever been deemed as one of the greatest and noblest honours that a man can attain. The state does not become one's master thereby, but rather it transcends to the object of one's devotionand sacrifice. It would be an idealistic society in which the people believe in such high and V ' . VI .- AT THE CAMPUS: ne '-' Warnrs oes Stfrange Thins HE WARNER Brothers studio has made a fantastically comi- cal effort to make a fantastic comedy out of "Paris Does Strange Things" but the overall result, must be described as a not entirely successful project. Ingrid Bergman is, cast as an obscure Polish Princess, Mel Fer- rer as a French idler, in this 19th century story. Mel introduces In- grid to handsome, capable and naive General Rollan, who is the military hero of the moment for unspecified reasons. Rollan's political advisers be- lieve the General can seize the government and establish himself as a neo-Napoleon. But Rollan has no particular ambition except sniffing out women. The political advisors put In- grid up to persuading Rollan that he has a rendezvous with destiny, and she almost succeeds. Not quite though, for another woman makes off with the General, and amidst an orgy of vast proportions the film ends and the audience is left happy if confused. * * FOR THERE is an unmistakable element of low comedy - through- out, mostly provided by the sup- portipg cast, while Ingrid and Mel play essentially humorless roles. This contrast between the prin- cipals and others, together with a somewhat disconnected story, re- sults in a less than satisfactory presentation. Still, there are many moments of comedy which com- pensate for these weaknesses of plot. Most of this comedy is derived from the much publicized French tradition: love-making-anytime, any place, anywhere. Ingrid is-en- gaged, for financial reasons, to a wealthy shoe magnate, who is willing to sacrifice her to the affable, balding General in the interests of a protective tariff' which the General will presunably establish if Ingrid persuades him to become dictator. Is that clear? The wealthy shoe magnate has an idiot son who is similarly en- gaged to a silly girl but likes to chase one of the servant's who didn't like ,being cook but sure enjoyed being maid. Rollan is eventually exiled to a remote village by his rivals in the sphere of power politics, where he is pursued by this bunch of politi- cians who make their headquar- ters in a bordello (wouldn't you know). Ingrid is brought along by the conspirators since she can in- fluence Rollan. Even after he is spirited out of the house, under the very noses of irate government detectives, only to run off with another wom- an, Ingrid contents herself with Mel Ferrer, who has been wander- ing about waiting for his chance. .* * * THE REST of the politicians find women somewhere, the idiot son gets the silly girl, and the peasants crowded outside who had come to praise the hero Rollan stick around to kiss each other. Extras in this film must have had one grand time rehearsing these scenes. So "Paris Does Strange Things" eventually breaks up into two dis- tinct films: one piddling melo- drama of no particular signi-' ficance, and one hilarious comedy. Better regard the Bergman-Ferrer scenes as a framework for the comic scenes than to look for a unity which probably isn't there anyhow. ---David Kessel mo . -. s r -$30,000 "What! My Administration Influenced I hound By DREW P 9' . i S r -,L t.'~c. t9 iewt'sttMt q~'co WASHINGTON- Joh Co' ithe N eg ro politican placed the amazing full-pag Hoffa adve'rtisement in the ington edition of the Afro-A can during the cri inal tr: Teamster strong-man Jimmy fa, seemed anixous to talk anything exoept the ad finally reached on the tele in Detroit. - He squirmed,.alibied, hesi and refused to give any ex tion whatsoever as to whc written and paid for the in matory ad obviously publish the purpose of influencing eight Negro members, of the Cowling is an emrployee ' Wayne County Treasurer's 4 and not, eractly -.in a positi pay for the ad himself. This sensational ad, iplus stories in the Afro-Americal the presence of ex-boxing C Joe Louis in the courtroom friend of Hoffa,'may have Hoffa's surprise acquittal. Negro members of the however, said that race di enter the matter. Mr. Cowling, when first re on the phone 'in Detroit, idex himself as John Coling, bu his son, not he, had been in the Hoffa case. He said his son 'was in Wait ton working on civil right also said that the "Detroit CI Civic Committee," alleged si of the ad, was- one of th b Negro organizations in Detr4 FURTHER inquiry proved staff members of the Afro-A can that it was John Co senior, not his son, who i the advertisement signed "Frank Cowling, director c Detroit Citizens Civic Coi tee." Further jnquiry also dev4 that the Detroit Citizens Committee was not register Detroit, -was not listed i phone book, and was uni to such prominent Negro Congressman Charles Dig Detroit. Apparently it was a figm someone's imagination, co up to make Negro - jurors I that Detroit Negroes were whelmingly behind Hoffa. Negro leaders and othe Detroit also had never hei Frank Crowling. In order to tain whether John Cowlini not in' real fact also "Frank C ing," I, called Cowling, a e time and asked him why not told me the truth. - * "I HAVE been in politi years," he replied. "I have n to say." "Your son was not active Hoffa matter," I questioned, Afro-American tells ae you' "I work for the Pittsburgh ier," replied Cowling, referr one of the largest Negro papers. "The Pittsburgh Courier tells me they have never of you. How do you explair placing that ad with the American?" "I'm in the newspaper busi "Who drafted the ad?" "I do not know." "Who paid for It?" "I do not know." "Where did you get that. the 'Detroit Citizens Civic mittee'?" "I do not, know anything it." This, of 'course, was in conflict with what CowlIn% said the night before;- n that the Detroit Citizens Committee was one of the fi Negro organizations in Det: "Who is Reverend D m James?" I ,asked, referring Negro preacher in Detroit, the Afro-American informE had come to its office with "I do not know," repeated ing. Further attempts to elic truth became useless. (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicat AT THE STATE:' Love in New York HE CLOCK has moved back at the State theater to the nine- teen twehties and the scene is New York City. Jimmy Walker has just been elected mayor and the world seems gay:aid giddy. It would seem that Mr. Walker "Beau James," has life by the tail and is pulling for all he's worth. Well, that's the impression that' the film is supposed to give, but something fails to click. The name of Jimmy Walker evokes nostalgia and fond memories in the hearts of millions of New Yorkers. Other New Yorkers are not so charitable, but no one deniesthat the public and private careers of Jimmy Walker are a colorful part of the legend that is New York.' The producers and directors of this film obviously have rich ma- terial to work with. INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Tito and Russia By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst IF MARSHAL .TITO has again picked up the megaphone for Communist party boss Khrush- chev's campaign to win the hearts of Socialists around the world, as indicated after their conference in Romania, he faces a much tougher job .than before. This makes the third time in two years that word has gotten out of the establishment of a Tito- Khrushchev entente. First came Khrushchev's visit to Belgrade to apologize for the 1948 break between Russia and Yugo- slavia brought about by Molotov and Stalin. There were a lot of kind but weasel words between them. Tito took the attitude that if Russia wanted to be friendly all she had to do was prove it. He continued trying to maintain a balance between East and West, and his overtures to the workers of the world consisted primarily of encouraging nationalistic commun- ism in Russia's European Satel- lites. been reinstated, and Tito is being called the spearhead of the move- ment to establish "cooperation" between Communist and Socialist parties. For-their part, the Socialists gave their answer last year, when the approach was from Moscow.f They realized that in the Krem- lin the word cooperation means submission. They said "Nothing doing." * * * KHRUSHCHEV has indicated several times recently that he doesn't realize how fresh and strong is the memory of what Russia did to Hungary last fall.- Then the Red army, which had been offered to the workers of the world as their defender, unmasked itself as a horribly brutal agent. of tyranny. The revelations struck the left- ist world a heavy blow. Commun- ists began resigning party mem- berships. Socialists reaffirmed their de- termination not to be absorbed. Liberals withdrew their tolerance of Russian communism as a social exnprimen-t. Hollywood in recent years has come out with some fine film biog- raphies, such as "Interrupted Mel- ody" and "Love Me or Leave Me," but the present film flies in the face of this growing tradition and presents a one dimensional picture of a man. * * * OF COURSE, I never knew Jimmy Walker, but that is beside the point. The makers of the film could undoubtedly have approach- ed their subject from.one of sev- eral viewpoints, but their problem was in presenting Jimmy to mil- lions of people who never had seen him or perhaps even heard of him. These viewers must get some sort of idea of why Jimmy was the way he was and what gave him his tremendous appeal to New Yorkers. This movie simply didn't convince me nor did it give me much entertainment along the way. Perhaps the biggest stumbling. block was Bob Hope, who played Jimmy. Obviously Bob is a very, funny guy when he wants to be. There will have to be some sort of' tremendous voice and facial transformation before Hope can be visualized as tragically funny. Not all of this fault lies in Bob's acting, for the story tends to be episodic, leaving the audience to fill in the gaps in the plot line, motivation, and.general film back- ground. Undoubtedly many New Yorkers were able to do this when they saw the film, but I hardly think that it should be necessary to know Walker's biography be- before going to the film. ** * THERE WERE some good mom- ents in the film, however. Vera Miles, as Betty Compton - Walk- er's paramour - turns in a com- petent performance in the opening scenes of the film. She is especially appealing in a white raincoat, backed by fine color shots of. Greenwich Village. Both Darren McGavin, as the mayor's' secretary, and Alexis Smith, as his first and very de- voted wife, manage to give an air of credibility to their parts. So DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin Official publication of the Qnive 'of Michigan for whiob the Mi gan Daily assumes no editorla sponsibility. Notices should be in TYPE W~rIIVMIEformintoF 3519 Administration Building. fore 2 p.m the day prec publication. Notices for Su Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Fi TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 195 VOL. LXVII, NO. 29 General Notic A one hour guided tour of the c by bus -will be conducted daily