-"o Today Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN inions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 is printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Y, AUGUST 3, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: RENE GNAM and I. I Ann Arbor Theater Needs Attendance Most. I HAS been said about the "deplorable e" of the theater in Ann Arbor, but not has been said about the unwarranted cooperation on the part of Ann Arbor es who'refuse to take advantage of what does exist here. igh many improvements could be forth- in selection and production of plays in a, even greater improvement is called e low attendance that greets whatever ;he local theaters are able to offer. ur productions, the speech department nmer has played to shockingly scant s. The Ann Arbor Little Theater group d much worse, although perhaps more gly so. And yet the people complain. .e lack of theater in Ann,Arbor. COMPLAINTS generally come from ns 'who refuse to attend the speech de- t plays Lwhich have been of a gen- gh caliber this summer. Those who yell est are those who assume that the only ater is professional contemporary thea- are the people who make Drama Sea-" social event of the spring-a sell-out. y are the ones who travel to Detroit han spend an evening during the year Mendelssohn, miration, on the other hand, goes out students, citizens and faculty membersY whom we see at every production in the Men- delssohn Theatre. In fact, we've often over- ,heard them recalling out loud the full houses at the speech department plays of summers many years ago. Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN MR DULLES is. in London, it appears, to find a respectable common position on which the West can stand after the confer- ence adjourns and while the West Germans hold their elections. There are at this point no signs that we are any nearer to an agreement with the Russians. There is indeed much evidence that while the London talks have been going on, the positions taken publicly by both sides have become harder and less negotiable.cm Both sides seem to regard the existing military and diplomatic stalemate as more acceptable and as less dangerous than a substan- tial negotiation. One question which we are bound to ask ourselves is why we are disappointed. Did we ever have any right to hope that whathas a I w a y s failed before - namely,' world disarmament by interna- tional agreement - had s o m e chance of succeeding now? Men of experience, all the old hands in diplomacy, have known as a matter of course that na- tions engaged in a cold war will not disarm themselves. Why then, could so many of them have taken seriously what has. been going on in the London talks? Some, no doubt, have taken it seriously because they have been determined that if or when the disarmament talks fail, the blame would not fall on them. 1 1 I I w - WALTERS. 1 Tog 4 I p.U', ' -'I 11 1, cn?' " "' r--" , ' A " , . r-- { 1 . r IIR DF S/(N' S - , .. _ , . // -IV Y' THOSE people-who claim to appre- clate good theater-fail to appreciate the speech ,department's efforts is beyond under- standing. Already this summer, the University group has presented plays representing four different centuries and countries. The authenticity with which the productions were done has been so real as to be beyond reproach. Most of the four were very well done-and the criticisms of the others have been rather minor. Yet the audiences have remained sparse and often unreceptive, while the general lament for better theater has continued. What the public here fails to realize is that lack of attendance caused the Dramatic Arts, Center to fold this year-leaving a very definite gap in the city's theater -and that the same thing threatens other theater, too. Next week the speech department, with the School of Music, concludes its summer playbill 'with Smetana's opera, "The Bartered Bride." It might be well for at least one of the summer productions to close with encouraging attend- ance. -VERNON NAHRGANG Editor Bound By DREW P . , G C 'l hr -19$7 T t .%.q,4TM SC EeTe Man SIDENT Dwight D. Eisenhower Wednes- y held his usual press conference. It was table conference. In addition to opening uncements and the usual question and an- session,.newsmen came away with a new )e of Eisenhower, a glimpse of Ike, the, 've often thought of what Ike thinks about out of the realm of international and aal policy-making. We've wondered how hinks, what he thinks, how strong-willed' end how rich he is. 'Now .we've got an- , some of them not too complete, but, theless, answers. ing time out from matters of economic, ry or political concern, the President d to advise newsmen that it is easier to moking than one thinks. In not the best sh, Ike said "If a person turns their to something else and quits pitying th'em- about it," the desired accomplishment often be achieved. Under no pressures, aid he once had a difficult time ^utting ' his cigarette totals, so he found it easi- stop than "to be more moderate about er learning this, the uninitiated would ide that the ,president of the United is a strong-willed man who makes up Lind to do things and then goes out and hem. said he would like to quit smoking, so di. He said he would like to watch the ington Senators play baseball, so he did. id he would like to see a school aid bill. I at this session of Congress. He didn't.. CONFEI4ENCE also revealed that Ike esn't care much for money. The Detroit Press is currently featuring a six-part on Ike's financial status, claiming the ent's private assets are worth more than lion. At the conference, Ike said'when he ook office, he put ev'erything he owned, a little cash, into an irrevocable trust. he is president, he said, "I do not even what I own." He also denied having pri- ssets the total worth of which is More a million dollars. , in this corner the situation looks rath- fusing: A reputable newspaper wouldn't a six-part series on the president's finan- cial status if it weren't sure of its facts. And we really can't understand Ike's statements. We're always conscious of our financial con- dition,. and if we had assets near the million dollar plateau we'd know about them too. Seems as though Ike (unless he's holding back) is not the well-informed man he is supposed to be. Brings back thoughts of John Foster Dulles and the 'brink of war'. EKE ALSO said at the press conference that he thinks the best way for a president to work with Congress is "in a quiet, conversa- tional way by the ,telephone and informal meetings." - So; at last we have a glimpse of Ike, the man-the Ike who will not raise his voice to Congress but asks for Congressional opinions via 'phone, the Ike who is strong-willed as re- gards his everyday habits but lacks will-power and leadership in government, the Ike who doesn't know his own financial condition. And, one begins to think, "Say, if this guy can't keep his own matters straight, is he fit to run the government?" -RENE GNAM General MacArthur Fading Too Soon? 1VENOTE that the other day General Mac- Arthur spoke of ". .. erosion of incentives and integrity (which) can in time change the' basic character of this nation." He was aim- ing his remarks at the tax slice of our incomes. We regard the general as one of the vener- able survivors of the recent era when the task was the thing;' when a few dedicated men shared the faculty of foreseeing problems and dealing with them erectly and with discrimina- tion. The tax bite results of course from a shoot- ing-'war sized budget. And we can't help draw- ing the comparison that in this age of medi- ocrity, we let a problem engulf us, vote a few billions in its general direction, and then have the President explain it on television. We regret that the old soldier is in his fading years. -ERNEST ZAPLITNY BUT THERE has been another and a more interesting reason. It derives from the fact that modern armaments have reached a size and a destructiveness w h i c h makes them intolerable and in- calculable. The race of armaments is so swift that weapons are obsolescent about as soon as they come into mass production. The result, on the one hand, is that no one really knows what is a safe limit on the expenditures for armaments, and the military budget is really a kind of blind wager with the ,national security. On the other hand, in the mili- tary estaablishment there is no s t a b 1 e strategical doctrine by which the services are bound to act together. Because m o d e r n armaments have become diffwrent in kind from any that existed before the second World War, it has not been foolish to think that an agree- ment on armaments fnight be possible. There is no doubt that both in Moscow and in Washington there are men in high places who feel, as does President Eisenhower, that modern war can no longer be a rational and effective instrument of any political policy. What we are seeing, however, is' that there is a great difference between .a tacit understanding, such as has existed since the sum- mit meeting at Geneva, and an open,, formal agreement in cold print, IT Is possible to have a tacit understanding that nuclear war is intolerable. But when we reach beyond that for a treaty to spell this out, every separate interest concerned with every unsettled issue rises up to block it. As these issues cannot within the foreseeable future be settled, as so many of these interests in-' volved are irreconcilable, the real choice is this: shall we keep. the tacit understanding but without a treaty,-or shall we risk a break- down of the tacit understanding in the vain attempt to translate it into a treaty? Indeed, it may be well that the President, who is the author of the tacit understanding, may find it necessary to save it from being torn to pieces during the pulling and hauling about a treaty. The declaration of Berlin, which was published on Monday, i part of this pulling and hauling. For all practical purposes, it is a com- mitment on our part not to try to negotiate a significant treaty on armaments. For this declaration gives Dr. Adenauer the power of veto until the Soviet Union agrees to Ger- man reunification on terms which amount to unconditional surren- der. At present, to put it mildly, the unconditional surrender of the Soviet Union is not in sight. * * * THIS declaration will no doubt be useful to Dr. Adenauer in his 'election campaign. But it amounts to an extra- ordinary concession for a great power to make, to give to another nation such a privilege and such a preference in dominating the conduct of its own foreign policy. Let us hope we do not learn to regret it. 1957 New York Herald Tribune Financtl' "MAN AFRAID," the movie at' the Campus, is an interesting suspense film, but not an entirely quccessf6l one. Smacking of the stylistic devices usually associated with Alfred; Hitchcock, this film is, like most' imitations, much less powerful than any number of .its predeces- sors. The plot is briefly this: A young and popular minister inadvertently kills ab urglar who had entered. his, house. TIe. burglar's father, . intent on revenge for the life of his hoodlum son, decides to kill the eight-year-old . child of the minister. Being careful not to leave any .evidence, he makes several at- tempts on the life of the child. Thus the minister, consequently unable to convince the police of the danger to his boy, is forced to face a week or two of haunting fear. George Nader does a good job as the clear-eyed minister, David Collins. He is convincing, if not overwhelming, in the lead role. The supporting members of the cast do their jobs unobtrusively and well; no one person is partic- ularly outstanding or remarkable. * * * SEVERAL things prevent "Man Afraid" from being a really good movie. The story is essentially a good one, but the profession of the hero leads to a slight bit of senti- mentalism which, while it causes some tensions, eliminates others. An intangible taint of the soap opera hangs about the film. The way the story is handled weakens rather than strengthens. it. The Hollywood techniques for building terror are just a little too obvious to be persuasive. The camera stays an instant too long on a man't outstretched hand, for instance, and the audience prepares itself for the shock in- stead of remaining quiet to be taken by surprise. The music, at times, is nearly offensive. Each situation seems to have been set up in accordance with some prescribed plan of melo- dramatic necessity. The minister's wife is temporarily blinded by the original burglar, and the action- as seen through her eyes--makes AT THE CAMPUS: Man Afraid' Just Frightening the audience increasingly uncom- -fortable. The boy, Michael, gets into posi- tions that are just a bit too vul- nerable. A less frequent use of coincidence might have been bene- ficial to the overall effectiveness of the story. * * * "MAN AFRAID" does, however, deal with some rather complex problems. Just how detached is a minister from ordinary society? When he kills a man in self-de- 'fense shall he be exonerated or blamed? The movie doesn't answer these questions, but it succeeds, at least, in clearly recognizing, their existence. The title of Reverend Collins' lesson to his Bible class in the picture is "Can Fear Destroy the Body?" and this, apparently, is the essential problem of the film. The conflict between religious faith and physical fear heightens. what may be called the literary or philosophic intensity of the story, but with one or two notable exceptions, it has little influence on the action. --Jean Willoughby ' W ASHINGTON-Biggest the Eisenhower admi tion was the letter of Bud rector Percival Brun age ministration bureau chie manding that they cut ar billion dollars below the cut by Congress. Th i s infuriated Congr who had accepted Eisen] plea that defense and fore: must not be cut. ,The br letter thus caused both D and Republi ans to vote I cuts which Ike said he didn' but which his budget direc want. Naturally, Brundage was out for leaking. Brundage, in turn, wrote fidential letter which sn' posed to be published. H this column can reveal 'w: said. Brundage wrote to his sul ates scolding them for leaki letter and telling them it r happen again, Believe it or not, he also that in' the future, letters kind would be changed In 4 so that each letter to each would be worded 'slightly ently. In this way, he sai future leak could be traced Brundage's subordinates t led. They figured this was lii ing a burglar in advance wh burglar alarm was located. All they have to ido in the is change a few words in a dential letter the next tim leak it to the press. * * * THE Billboard Bill to ke sightly signboards off the federal highways will beg burned in the Senate Publicl Committee - if certain se can get away with it. When Sen. Albert Gore o: nessee, a supporter of the berger Billboard Bill, ake man Dennis Chavez of Nw1I to report the bill to the ful mittee, Chavez stalled. "Now, boys," drawled the sized senator from New Mex think the thing to do Is t hearings during the Cqng recess in about four or five cities around the country," i sentiment on this matter It be a nice trip for you, too." "Mr. chairman,4' bristled ,"we've held thorough and e tive hearings on this bill-th thorough hearings on any m before our subcommittee. person on either side of the has had a full chance to be The hearings went on foi weeks. They drew people fr over the country. I don't Int hold another day of hearir this bill. The time has co bring it before the Senate f tion." * * * SEN'ATOR Neuberger, tli year-old Oregon Democrat author of the bill, reminded vez that the rights-of-way f new highways already 'are surveyed in many states. "1 we pass anti-signboard1gfsh at once ," he warned, it ' too late because the signs, erected and 'grandfathei' 3 /will be claimed by the big 1 advertising companies." Sens. Francis Case of Sout kota and Norris Cotton 01 Hampshire, b bo t h RepubJ backed up Gore and Neuber They demanded action, b' fluential Bob Kerr of Okla: ranking Democratic member. with Chavez's desire to stall The meeting ended with. I tion, though Chavez promi call another session befdr Senate adjourns. This will 'ably be too late. If Congtess goes home thi without having done anythi control billboards, you will b ing ugly signs instead of hi: and rivers during the next century of driving over the roads whichwill cost the taxp thirty-three billion dollars. (Copyright 1957 by Bell. Syndicat DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin U official publication of the Unive of Michigan for which the Ml gan Daily assumes no editoria ponsibility. Notices should be in TYPE WRITTEN~ form to & 3519 Administration Building, fore 2 p.m. the day prece publication. Notices for u Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Fri SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 195 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 28 Lectures "Successful Administration of in the Public Schools," by Richar 'Yonters, New York, 3:00 p.m., Aug. 5, in Aud. A, Angell Hall.T the final lecture in the series of mer lectures and demonstrations spied by the Department of Muuic cation in the School of Music. O the' publc. AT STRATFORD, ONTARIO: Shakespeare: Festival of Success pf TERPRETiNG THE NEWS: Open Skies' Plan N ONEprofessing the least. amount of interest in Shakes- pearean drama can readily afford to miss this summer's productions at Stratford, Ontario. Directed by Tyrone Guthrie and Michael Langham, the plays, beautifully produced, are a remarkably effec- tive antidote for spirits deadened by the "sometimes doubtful quality of Ann Arbor area theater. Only a five-hour journey from here, Startford has grown within the last few years from a sleepy agricultural community to per- haps the richest Ehakespearean center this side of the Atlantic. As the town ha, grown in size, the quality of the plays has in- creased accordingly. It seems ex- cessive to claim that "Hamlet" and "Twelfth Night" are the best productions to date, but they fully reserve any superlatives available. 1'= " * CHRISTOPHER, Plummer's Hamlet is, more vigorous and viru- lent than might ordinarily be expected. His interpretation is straightforward and refreshing. It lacks the Oedipal nuances that seem to have pervaded the part since the Olivier movie, and the loss is more fortunate than other- wise Plummer exhibits a tremendous evocative power, and-especially in the soliloquies and the player's scene-seem to draw the audience after Win in empathy back and forth across the stage. The play is treated organically, with the tension growing as Ham- let throws off one mental. barrier after another; and becomes in- creasingly set in his intentions. Laertes (John Horton), on the toher hand, as the prince's foil, plays the fool throughout with great effect. The contrasts be- tween the two men are intention- ally evident and do much to play ip the nature and difficulty of 14prnlpt's conflict. once ethereal and imaginative, and William Hutt, as Polonius, her father, is stuffy and humorous. The techinacl details of produc- tion add -immeasurably to the final effect of the play. The theater is a new one, built to replace -the tent of former years, and its acoustics and lighting arrangements area apparefitly excellent. A pit in the center of the open stage is used for the grave in the fifth act, but other than that, small pieces of mobile scenery,' carried in by sumptuously cos- tumed pages, provide the proper atmosphere for each scene. The color and richness of the'costumes are almost indescribable. * * * ..IF THE impact of "Harmlet" is primarily tragic, then the impact of "Twelfth Night" might be ap- propriately termed joyful. This, the most musical of the comedies, is full of gay and mournful melo- dies And inter-related themes. Love and madness vie with each other for emphasis, and in this production, the fragility' of the one, is balanced and magnified by the power of the other. Since much of the wit of Eliza- bethan language is lost on the ears of twentieth century audiences, the numor in a Shakespearean - comedy is often dependent upon the combination of words and action. A gentle sort of slapstick, care- fully timed, keeps the Stratford audiences'literally rolling in their seats. The straight comedy of the low plot, in fact, occasionally al- most overwhelms the more deli- cate humor of ,the Orsino-Olivia relationship. Christopher Plummer, as Ague- cheek, and Campbell, as Sir Toby Belch are pathetically hilarious. Plummer seems "to have the rare: gift of perfect timing in 'both comedy and tragedy. He dances, gangles and falls about the stage like an uncoordi- nated windmill, in sharp contrast to his melancholy of the after- noon. Campbell roars and shakes with apoplectic bravado. * * 4. ' THE LOVE theme comes to life,, of course, in the person of Viola. Played by Siobhan McKenna, an Irish actress, the girl is bright- eyed, lovely, and honest. Miss Mc- Kenna is so effect'vely' energetic that one feels her devotion to Oar-j sino, a weak character at best, is vastly misplaced. Bruno Gerussi, on the other hand, personifies madness as Fes- te. the musician and clown. Into his portrayal of the persecution of Malvolio, the pompous Puritan,.he injects a note of almost incongru- ous terror. The final happy equation of illu- sion and reality and the joyful restoration of the balance between insanity and love takes; place in the fifth act. Fitly enough, the lights go off while the cast, in harmony, is singing. -Jean Willoughby By J. 1. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst :E BROADENED American suggestion for n "open skies" and military inspection ement is calculated to scare the pants off ia, with her antiforeign phobia. s enough to frighten Westerners, too, ex- for the fact that informed observers will you 99 to 1 that nothing will come of it. it it looks as though Dulles might win particular phase of the propaganda war. Editorial Staff VERNON NAHRGANG, Editor T HILLYER........................Sports Editor C GNAM.............................Night Editor Business Stafff STEPHEN TOPOL, Business Manager Russia has been fooling around 'for years with all sorts of disarmament suggestions with- out once getting into the area .of possible ac- ceptance. She has tried hard to convince noncommitted peoples that she is the one who really tries for peace. There was a time when these efforts had their effect-on large sections of public opinion in Britain and France, when they were pros- trate after World War II and psychologically incapable of considering the prospects of an- other war, especially an satomic one. The West recognized that Russia had the initiative in this field, and long sought to wrest it from her. But in the earlier days of Allied rearmament the West had insufficient strength to take any risks with Russian military power. Now, the Allies, not without some continued trembling on th epart of Britain, France and Germany, feel themselves strong enough to take some risk in order to set a backfire. Roundup th purc