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August 03, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-08-03

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SixtySix Years of Editorial Freedom







I, No. 299



les Proposes






saee Inspection
-a ecretary of State Presents Plan .
efore Disarmament Commitee
VDON () - Secretary of State John Foster Dulles proposed'
.y that world peace inspectors roam Russia, the United States
st of Europe by plane and aground to guard against a sneak
les presented this major plan for the North Atlantic Allies
-part proposal 'before the United Nations Disarmament sub-











Will Limit
Extra Crops




asia rejects it, he suggested, there could be this alternative:
of Arctic Circle territories plus most of the European land
s Ieland o the Urals and Pacific territory covering the
sections of Alaska, the Soviet Kamchatka 'Peninsula and
leutian and Kurile. Islands.
'Two-Bladed Fan'g
d from the top of the world, this optional zone would look,
o-bladed fan pegged to the North Pole. Dulles broadened
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
two-year-old "open skies" plan in
rbid to break the deadlock in dis-
armament negotiations which
opened here four and one-half
months ago.
"If we can eliminate the threat
of surprise attacks, I don't think
we will have wax," he said later
in a British television broadcast.
We have nothing to conceal. If
Russiahas nothing to conceal, she
[NGTON ( ) r- A strong will accept the plan. If she has
ajoithdAir Fois pan- something to hide, she will refuse
ajor withdrawal of tactl:Ii-


s oversea's and a pruning
orces at home came yes-
from Gen. Thomas. D.
Ur Force chief of staff.
alk to the Air Force Asso-
White said there wilbe
reliance in the future-in
tic fields-upon the air,
America's allies, particu-
the North Atlantic Treaty
presented the Air Force
rthe AFA convention in
called a brief and gener-
eport on the occasion of
t formal appearance as
iadowing a considerable
wal of United States aid'
-om Europe,. White noted
ied forces have had time
Mete training,~ under assist-
ogranis, and have been
1 with "effective weapons."

Caution Seen
Caution marked the initial Rus-
sian reaction.
sovietdelegate Valerin Zorin
told .the'subcommittee .Russia:.will
study the plan carefully.
He suggested, however, that the
plan was. unfair to Russia and fa-
vored the West in that it did not"
allow for Soviet inspection of Am-
erican, NATO and SEATO bases
in Japan, North Africa, the Middle
East and elsewhere..-.
Dulles. privately viewed Zorin's
reaction as "not as bad as had
been feared and about, as good as,
had been hoped," an American in-
formant said.s
Trip a Success,
Aides quoted him as saying his
hurried trip to' London on Eisen-
hower's orders to intercede in the
talks of thie five-power subcom-
mittee had worked out very well.
Under the Number one Western,
plan, Soviet inspectors would be
free to fly over United States and
Allied territory and comb the
ground for evidences of warlike
Western inspectors would have
the same freedom inside the to-
viet Union.
The secretary emphasized that
the proposal to embrace Europe
was subject to the consent of the
nations involved.'

Farmers 'To Receive
Acreage Payments
. WASHINGTON ()-The Agri-
culture Department {yesterday an-
nounced a $500 million soil bank
program .fo 1958 carrying a new
regulation designed to tighten
curbs on surplus crop production.
Under the major acreage re-
serve phase of the program,
which has been in effect for the
1956 and 1957 ,crops, the depart-
ment makes payments to farmers
for planting less than their alotted
acres of such surplus crops as
cotton; wheat, corn, rice and to-
Financial provisions for the
program were contained in an Ag-
riculture Department appropria-
tion bill belatedly passed by Con-
gress Thursday.
Farmers who agree to retire
land from these crops will be re-
quired. to limit their total har-
vested acreage of all crops.
'Civil Penalties'
Those who fail to abide by such
agreements would lose payments
and be subject to,"civil penalties":
equal to half: the payment they
otherwise would have earned.
The requirement, set up for the
first time, is designed to prevent
shifting of land from the major
surplus crops to other crops - a
practice which, if continued,
would create other surplusses and
add to the total over-supply of
farm products, the department
Under secretary of Agriculture
True D. Morse said the new regu-
lation should increase the effec-
tivenesa of the soil bank plan.
The department/ announced
that of the half billion dollars
provided for the acreage reserve,
$178 million will be allotted for
payments for retiring wheat land.'
Commitments Made
Under this year's program, com-
mitments were made for wheat'
payments totaling $231 million.
The amounts to be allotted for
other crops will be announced la-
To limit shifting of land from,
one set of crops to another, the
department will set up what it
calls a "soil bank base" for parti-
cipating farms.,

Probers Accuse Employers, Unions of Collusion

WASHINGTON (')-S e n ait e
rackets investigators gathered up
masses of testimony yesterday that
some gangster-ridden New York
labor unions are preying on mem-
bers and pocketing their dues in
corrupt alliances with employers.
The starting point was a blanket
indictment by young John McNiff
of what he said is "collusion bey-Y
tween crooked management and
crooked unionism" which has im-
posed economic slavery on work-
ers and threatens to deprive a
million of them of "bona-fide un-
ion representation."
McNiff, a 22-year-old college
student with impressive poise, is
executive secretary of the Associa-
tion of Catholic Trade Unionists.
Collusion Cited
He .said the organization has
seen how coutntless incidents of
collusion have destroyed democra-
tie unionism and produced racke-

1y Plans

in Arbor's Mayor, Prof, Sam-
J. Eldersveld of the political
ice department, received word
erday from Federal Housing
Home Finance . Agency that
minary plans for the city's
.n renewal project have been
'oved. 0
ayor Eldersveld: immediately
d a call for a citizens com-
don to carry planning into its
nd and final stage.
arrent estimates of the pro-_
s cost are about $3,691,000,
given final approval, the plan
l affect a 75-acre area
ided by Depot Street, Cather-
Street, Fourth Avenue, Ann
et, Miller Avenue, the nunici-
garage and Ann Agbor Rail-
volved in the project would be
vation adnd removal of deteri-
ed properties, redesign of the
oughf are system, and altera-
s in the zoning pattern. -
the project's net cost, the
ral government would pay
thirds, the city one-third.
ayor' Eldersveld pointed out,
Teat deal of survey work and
tplanning is still necessary.
re the execution of the final
ec tcan be undertaken."

Seek Revival
WASHINGTON (JP)-Legislation
reviving the Small Business Ad-
ministration and giving it another
year's lease on life was hustled
through the Senate and House
yesterday and sent to President
Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Technically the Small Business
Administration expired at, mid-
night July 31 when a bill author-
izing its continued existence got'
backed up behind the Senate civil
rights debate.
Since then the agency has been.
unable to make loans to small
businessmen or transact other af-
In addition to extending the
agency for another year, the bill
passed yesterday gives Small Busi-
ness Administration $75 million i
new lending funds, increasing its
total to $530 million.
The Senate agreed by unani-
mous consent to lay aside the civil
rights bill for onehour. to dispose
of the Small Business Administra-
tion extender. The extension bill
was passed by unanimous vote...
The measure then was sped to'
the House, which previously had
approved permanent status forj
the Small Business Administra-
tion. The House accepted the Sen-
ate version.
In addition to making- loans to
help small businessmen, the Small
Business Administration helps
them share in government con-
tracts and administers national
disaster programs.

teer control of unions, misuse ofI
union funds, bribery and extortion.1
McNiff tied together the names,
of racketeer Johnny Dio and
James R: Hoffa,; the man who is
the odds-on choice to become the
new president of the huge Team-
sters Union. Other witnesses have
done that, too, before the special
Senate committee digging into un-
proper labor-management activi-
An.order that Dio be releasedt
from jail long enough to testify1
before the committee nextThurs-
day was issude in New York by
Gleneral Sessions: Judge John A,'.
Mullen. Dio is being held without
bail pending sentence on his con-
viction with two other men in a
$30,000 shakedown conspiracy.
Paroles Ordered
Judge Mullen also ordered the
others paroled long enough to an-
swer committee subpoenas next
week. They are Samuel "Goldstein,
president of Local 239, Interna-
tionaI Brotherhood of Teamsters,
and Max Chester; former finan-
cial secretary of Local 405, Retail
Clerks International Union.
They appeared before Judge
Mullen and said they had con-
senited to testify before the comn-
McNiff cited details and ex-
amples in support of his story to
collusion and corruption.
The committee filled in more
details from testimony of individ-
ual workers and employers.
Union Experience
All had had some experience
with -operations of Teamsters or-
local unions dominated by Dio.
A woman who works in an appli-
ance factory and a man who is
employed in a pen, plant 'told of
strikes= against the unions rather
than against the companies.
The employes said workers sud-
denly were told they were mem-

Detroit Council President
Balks at Greeting Islams

Blow to

DETROIT (P)- Refusal of Detroit's council president, Louis C.
Miriani to welcome the international convention here of the Fed-
eration of Islamic Associations was called "an affront to the entire
Moslem world" yesterday by spokesmen for the group.
As acting mayor, Miriani had been scheduled to give the wel-
coming speech today.'
Miriani gave the convention the brushoff because he said he
objected to- some of the speakers listed on the program. He did not
name any one.
One of the speakers is Fayez Sayegh, who as director of the Arab
Information Center in New York has been criticized by some Zionist
Another who had been scheduled to talk is Dr. Farid Zeineddine,
ambassador to the' United States from Syria. Illness in his family
forced him to return to Syria and cancel his speech. .
In refusing to appear at the convention, Miriani said, "I have
no objection to the local Moslem groups but I understand they are
bringing in some questionable people from outside, particularly Wash-
ington. These people are anti-Eisenhower, anti-foreign aid and anti-
American and therefore I will have nothing to do with the meeting."
Dr. Garland Evans Hopkins of Washington, D.C.,secretary of
the continuing committee on Muslim-Christian cooperation,, who
spoke in place -of Miriani, said Miriani's action will be given wide
publicity through the Moslem world by communist elements.



bers of a local, that they were
herded in without their consent,
some of them under threats of
being fired if they resisted.
They testified that contracts
were made without bargaining and
brought few or no benefits to the.
The employers were all from
small firms.
Some told of signing up with
Dio locals-with no advantages for
their employes-to avoid trouble or
keep otlter unions from organizing

Says Move
Makes Bill
Foes Claim Whil
Juries Won't Cot
In Negro-Filed (

them at better terms for workers.
Several said they paid the work-
ers more than the contracts called
for-which the committee counsel
Robert F. Kennedy termed aclear
indication that the contracts were
worthless to the workers.
One said the organizer for the
Dio union made it clear from the
start he wanted nothing from the
firm except for it to turn over
the dues of union members.
j"That," said Kennedy, "is the
point of today's hearing."

WASHINGTON (P) -President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
denounced the Senate-voted jury
trial amendment in the civil rights
bill as a blow.to "our whole judi-
cial system."
An angrily worded statement,
which press secretary James C.
Hagerty said the President dic-
tated in person, added:
"It will also make largely inef-
fective the basic purpose of the
bill--that of protecting promptly
and effectively ever American in
his right to vote."
Angle Stressed
This "ineffective" angle was one
of those especially stressed by,
opponents of the jury trial amend-
They said Southern white juries
would not convict in civil rights
cases brought by or for Negroes.
The said judges alone should
handle contempt actions growing
out of such cases.
Meanwhile, two top Republi-
cans in the Senate and House--
Sen. William Knowland of Cali-
fornia and Rep. K. B. Keating of
New York-said it was unlikely
there will be 'an civil rights bill at
this session of Congress.
Cannot be Combined
Their view that the Senate bill
cannot 'be combined in any
Senate-House conference with the
House bill, which carries no pro-
vision for 'a jury trial of contempt
charges growing out of civil rights
Keating, top Republican on the
House Judiciary Committee, said
the House conferees would have
to stand firm, in view of the 251-
158 House -vote against guarantee-
ing a jury trial.
The Senate voted for jury trials,
Keating said he hoped that the
51 senators "have not ruined the
chances for any -bill, but I am
afraid they have."
'Acceptance Unlikely'
Knowland said he didn't believe
the House would accept the
changes made in the Senate, and
said he believed the bill would
wind up this year in a conference
Knowland and Sen. Lyndon
Johnson of Texas, the Democratic
leader, both said they thought the
Senate could complete action on
its greatly amended bill within a
few days.
erAf ebatting down a series of
other amendments by voice vote
yesterday, the Senate brought the
bill to the stage of a final vote
by having its third reading. This
means no more amendments can
be offered.
One of the remaining sections
of, the bill would provide for a
federal commission to investigate
the whole field of civil rights and
consider allegations of violatiois.

Teamsters May Attempt
To Grab Builders Unions
WASHINGTON M) - The giant Teamsters Union hinted yester-
day it may try to lead the three-million-member Building and Con-
struction Trades unions out of the AFL-CIO.
The move was seen as the opening gun in a drive by rising Team-
sters boss James R. Hoffa to expand his influence in organized labor
at the expense of such other AFL-CIO leaders as George Meany and
Walter Reuther.
While vaguely worder, the Teamsters blast made it clear that
the Hoff a-led faction is bent on rallying building trades unions, core
of the former AFL, into outright war with the former CIO unions, in
which Reuther is the dominant figure.
A press release from Teamsters headquarters said, "Teamster
delegates have decided to support a move to advise AFL-CIO Presi-
dent George Meany that the
Building and Construction Trades ISLANDS IN SPACE:
Unions in industrial areas do not
intend to become 'sacrificial
lambs' on the altar of the merged Astronome
AFL and CIO."
The Teamsters' announcement
noted with approval aresolution
adopted bythe Detroit Biildin9
and Construction Trades Council
-an organization within Hoffa's
area of influence-supporting the
AFL-CIO merger with the tongue-
in-cheek condition that:
"We are not prepared to pay the
blgi price 'ts.g that the Ui zte }X.
mergr pros ur apparenta'row
carries. ""

Report Cuban Rebel Forces, Prepared,
For Clash Against Pro-Batista Army
By The Asociate Prs

HAVANA, Cuba - Fidel Cas-
trol's rebel forces were reported
to have come down from their
mountain hiedouts yesterday for a
clash with the army in the. midst
of creepin gresistance in eastern
Cuba to President Fulgencio Ba-
tista's rule.
Cuban army headquarters said
a band of the rebels, who have
been staging gadfly attacks for
months, was encountered near
Uberos on the south coast of
Oriente Province, and 10 were

Several rebels also were cap-
tured, the army said, and a large
supply of arms hidden in caves
were seized.
Earlier, it was rumored that the
rebel forces had clashed with ar-
my forces at Media Luna, about
25 miles south of Manzanillo in
Oriente Province. (Oriente is a
hotbed of rebel activity.)
The Batista government Thurs-
day su s p e n d e d constitutional,
guarantees for 45 days, and put
the nation under strict military


r Speaks on Galaxies, Sky Structure

rule as a result of a general strike
and growing resistance in. Santi-
ago de Cuba, capital of Oriente
Similar suspension of constitu-
tional guarantees was declared
after Castro landed with a tiny
invasion force last December and
hid out in the rugged Maestra
Mountains in the province. After
repeated extensions, it was ended
only last April.
Ambassador Involved
The call for a general strike fol-
lowed the involvement of the new
United States ambassador, Earl E.
T. Smith, in an incident at San-
tiago Tuesday.
Women, many wearing black,
attempted an .anti-Batista dem-
while he was visitin the city.
onstration in Smiths presence
Police dispefsed them with fire
hoses and made many arrests
while the women were shouting
-ISmith Said
One account received by the.
Cuban government had it that
Smith said, "Any form of exces-
sive police action is repugnant to
me" and had expressed hope the
arrested women would be freed.
Several Cuban officials declared
the ambassador's remarks were
Informed sources said, however,
the Cuban government had no in-
tention of asking for Smith's re-

Iealth Service
'ites Decline
In Sicknesses,
The number of clinic visits
ropped for the 1956-57 year while
rvice entitlement rose, Univer-
ty Health Service has announced.
Tabulations for the regular
ine-month session showed that
ititlement climbed to 18,864 over
,684 in the same period last
:hool year-an increase of about
iven per cent. Clinic visits fell.
r 2,754 cases from 120,490 re-
arded for 1955-56.
Health Service informed that of
he 117,736 visits this year, some
2,000 were for polio vaccinations.

Galaxies were described as islands 'in a sea of nothing" by
Martha Hazen, an astronomy graduate student, at the Astronomy
department's, visitors' night,= last night.
Miss Hazen discussed the structure and evolution of galaxies,
illustrating with slides various types of galaxies. She also spoke on
the cause of the expanding universe theory..
Modern theories in galactic structure were given a boost, Miss
Hazen explained, by a discovery made during World War II.
During the war-time blackout of Los Angeles, a Mt. Palomar
Observatory astronomer was able to investigate individual stars in the
Andromeda galaxy.
Red Stars Brightest
He found that in the nucleus of the spiral Andromeda galaxy, the
brightest stars were red stars, while on the outer "arms" of the galaxy,
the brightest stars were blue stars.
Red stars, Miss Hazen explained, are older stars, while blue
stars are considered more youthful and short-lived.
The Mt. Palomar discovery added to the belief that the gas
and dust in the arms of spiralgalaxies eventually become stars.
galactic evolution is toward the: eliptical galaxy.
galactic evoltuion is toward the elipitcal galaxy.


The complaint of the Detroit
council, and apparently the Team-
sters. under Hoffa, ostensibly is
the way Meany is handling the
age-old problem of jurisdictional
disputes. But this was believed to
be a smokescreen for Hoffa to stir
up a storm.
The matter is expected to come
to a head at a special convention
in A+a~,ne ity Mfndv o f the

Davis Plans
Appeal; -Fac
Judge Monc
H. Chandler Davis,
University mathematics ins
convicted last June on 26
of contempt of Congress,
sentenced Monday by I
Judge W. Wallace Kent in
Davis, who faces a fin
short jail sentence, has
indicated he will appeal hi
He has 60 days in, which to
Next stop for him will
Circuit Court of Appeals i

The State Department in Wash,-.
ington ordered a full report from
the Unied States Embassy on the
incident and said it was taking a
hands-off attitude toward Cuba's
internal political situation.
Batista's seizure of power

., _ .,
., ., :r

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