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August 02, 1957 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1957-08-02

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Sixty-Seventh Year
torials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


AUGUST 2, 1957


New Military Measure
Would Repair U.S. Policy

)F the House Armed Services Commit-'
Las come a very sensible and needed
concerning jurisdiction of the mili..
:ases like that of the recent Girard af-.
s a measure that deserves the prompt
a of and passage through Congress.
stands now, this bill would give the
in the person of the secretary of the
r service involved, the right to decide
the offense committed was done while
ridual concerned was on duty. '
.11 would also allow a lesser member of
tary personnel tb determine whether
should be tried by court martial or,
.ver to the local government. The lat-
it be the solution if the government
d considered the matter of an impor--
eming handling by the nation itself.'
mendments to the bill clarify United;
>licy by noting that a jurisdictional de-
ould be made "for the United States,"
t the bill is merely an "implementa-
policies involved. The two amendments
soften the language of the bill some-
aking it perhaps less harsh to a foreign
while the bill nevertheless contains a,
tement of policy.
'ECT, the measure that cleared the
Armed Services Committee is one that
t firmly establishes United States poli-
i area that has been' found trouble-
the very recent past.
irard case, most notable example of

. this, caused some stir because the United
States was caught without a firm policy ready
for implementation in the circumstances in-
volved. As a result, relations with the foreign
country, Japan, were slightly strained when
that nation was going ahead with preparations
for trying the soldier while this country was
deliberating over stepping in and trying Girard
itself. -
The United States was actually caught with
its flag down - it stammered for a few weeks,
took care of the Girard matter in the best
way it could, then, fortunately, came up with
the present measure as a prevention of the
same things' happening again.
PRESENT'measure, too, is a more-
than--adequate bill that should prevent such
an occurrence from happening again. It gives
the military a power to handle the case it"
needs -- a power that must be flexible to be
,adjusted to the specific matters as they come.
And not only does the measure protect the
United States, but it guarantees the American
soldier a consideration -he is entitled to as an
American citizen. If the Supreme Court has de-
cided that the soldier. may be tried by the'
foreign nation, at least the United States will
have the final say-so as to whether the ruling
is applicable.
With the present measure, the United States
is, repairing a tiny hole in its would-be-solid

Wilson's Incompetence

i WILSON'S term as secretary of,
will quite possibly be remembered,'
nds of the impressionable, in the
o statements which he has made,;
regard for the context from which
been so rudely lifted.
not entirely unexpected, since we
Sthe age ofslogans and advertising
To each person and product there
attached a label so that thereafter
rn make "critical judgements" by
ling this label and drawing his own
several years of reasonably able'
this' country, at not inconsiderable
>ss to himself, marked by intense'
vildly inaccurate criticism, Mr. Wil-
vn as the "bird-dog lover" and the
d for Generpl Motors" man.
HESE two slogans, cleyer writers
lamned Wilson again and again.
-y not establish, him as the unen-
apitalist? Unsympathetic toward the
? .
s position is fortified, one can ex-
0 condemn any number of Eisen-
ciates. Perhaps there is some truth
:trapolations, but how unfortunate
hey rest on such flimsy structures.
idst of the 1954 election, faced with
unemployment problem, Wilson be-
inced that some of these people
.ing discouraged and tended to rely
relief programs rather than attempt
rk. Urging unemployed persons to
and not voluntarily remain idle,

Wilson said that he "always liked bird 'dogs
better than kennel-fed dogs."
This was interpreted in certain circles as a
mark of the indifference Wilson felt toward the
less successfuh But it seems a hardly sufficient
basis for claiming that he is unaware of the
serious problem of unemployment.
THE FINE ART of lifting out of context is
seldom seen in a more elegant example than
in the artificial creation of Wilson's second
Near the start of his appointment as defense
secretary, Wilson is reported to have said:
"What's good for General Motors is good for
the country." This has been one- of the- big
anti-Wilson guns,; and even Al Capp worked it
into a comic strip. But what Wilson actually.
said was: "For years I thought that what
was good for our country for good for General
Motors and vice versa."
This is probably not untypical of the views
of many executives, labor leaders, Evangelists,
and others who believe -that their particular'
work is that upon which the nation depends.
Wilson's entire quotation is seen to have
a slightly different meaning than the popular,
version. If many of the journalists who have
freely quoted this fragment would have both-
ered to look up the original, the legend might
have died at an early age.
IF WILSON must be convicted of incompe-
tence, it must be from the record of his
performance as secretary of defense, not from
manufactured evidence.

the Senate untangle itself
temporarily from the civil rights
fight so that it can act on other
urgent legislation?
One way would be for all the
senators to agree to do so. But
it takes only the objection of one
senator to block this course, as
E'en. Wayne Morse (D-Ore.) has
In the absence of a unanimous
consent agreement, the Senate is
bound by its rules of procedure
and these offer all sorts of com-
The problem is how to keep the
civi rights bill from being dis-
placed as the pending business in
the Senate and yet clear the way
to act on other matters.
The bill's supporters, who had
trouble getting the bill off the
calendar and up for action in the
first place, don't want to risk
having it go backt on the calendar
ONE HITCH is that the Senate
is still in the legislative day of
July 8. That was the day the
Senate started on the civil rights
debate that still is going strong.
No matter how many calendar
days go by, the Senate remains in
the same legislative day until it
adjourns, rather than recesses, at
the conclusion of a day's business.
Under Senate rules, a bill re-
ported to the calendar has to lie
over one legislative day before a
motion, to take it u for action
is in order.
This has a direct bearing on the
problem of trying to act on a bill
to extend the life of the Small
Business Administration, which
expired last midnight.
THE-ILL was reported to the
Senate July 9 and, obviously, it
has not been possible for it to lie
over one legislative day since the
Senate bill is in the legislative day
of July 8.
In the same fix is a resolution
passed by the House earlier in the
week to provide stop-gap spending
authority for federal agencies
whose regular appropriations bills
have not been passed by Congress.
This resolution was reported to,
the Senate by its Appropriations
Committee and placed on the Sen-
ate Calendar Tuesday-July 30 by
the calendar but still in the July
8 legislative day as far as the
Senate is concerned.
Parliamentarian Charles Wat-
'kins said one possible escape from
this impasse would be for the Sen-
ate to adjourn for 10 minutes, say.
After this, the Senate would start
a new legislative day.
BUT ANY action on bills other
than the civil rights measure would
have to be taken within two hours
of the start of the new legislative
day-or during the period called
the "morning hour."
The morning hour, despite 'its
name, is a period of a maximum
of two hours in which senators
may introduce bills and insert
material in the Congressional Rec-
But after one hour of this period,
or earlier if there is no further
"morning business," a motion is in
order to take up bills on the cal-
If a bill is taken up in the morn-
ing hour-and a motion to do so is
subject to debate-it must be dis-
posed of before the two-hour
morning hour period ends, because

at that time the Senate reverts
to the business that was pendingr
before the start of the new legis-
lative day.
IN THIS case, the Senate would
automatically revert to the civil
rights bill, but by this procedure
it might be possible to sandwich
the passage of some bills into a
morning hour.
If the Senate should vote to take
up a, bill at any time other than
during a morning hour, the civil
rights bill would be displaced and
go back on the calendar.
Then, the Senate would be back
where it started July 8 when a
motion was made to take up the
civil rights bill. The motion was
subject to a Southern filibuster,
but the Dixie forces let the motion
come to a vote and it "carried on.
July 16 by a 71-18 vote.
However, the bill's supporters
don't know what might happen if
the bill should get back on the
calendar now.

WITHOUT THE inimitable pres-
ence of Audie Murphy, "Night
Passage," the film at the Michi-
gan, might have been a slightly
better-than-average Western.
Without the equally inimitable
presences of James Stewart and
Dan Duryea, it would have been
thoroughly unendurable. Being
graced by all three of these de-
lightful characters, the movie is
most appropriately described as
"Night Passage" is a railroad
film primarily about two rowdy
brothers, one good and one bad.
The good one, Cam McLean (Stew
art) is a former railway trouble-
shooter who earns his pennies
playing the accordian. Having
been fired five years before for
supposedly collaborating in a hold-
up, he is re-hired by the company
to take- a payroll up tb a town
full of workmen.
In the midst of the journey, the
train Stewart is riding on is stop-
ped by a gang of outlaws after
the money. Slipping the ten-thou-
sand dollars he is carrying into
a sandwich box belonging to a.
small boy he hasbefriended, he
is consequently thrown off the
train with only his gun and his.
musical instrument to keep him
* * *
Joey, who has been entrusted with
this magnanimous gift is a flunky
of the theives and is forced to re-
turn to their camp with them, his
lunchbox firmly clasped beneath
his arm. Ignorant of the' riches in
their midst, the gang, never too
cohesive, quarrels in their little
hangout over the friendship (or
possession) of the blond wife of
the railway owner whom they
have taken for security until the
money comes through,
The Kid, it turns out, is Stew-
art's younger brotl-er who, sick of
Jimmy's platitudes, has gone bad
for good. Brutal to his older broth-
er at first, he almost succumbs to
the strains of an old tune that
Papa used to play. Luckily, a
double-dealer from the railway
shows up just in time and saves
the Kid from breaking down com-
* * *
NOW, as might be expected,
comes the big chase. The Kid and
Joey run away with the money,

"Very Good-Put That Man At The Head of The Clas
I t I - -
t -
wh 9
' 'mow -!--"-
E9T re 'ArSe fysr -a
'Nigt Pasag' God inDar

NSA Congress-Valuable?

1,000 representatives from American col-
es and universities poise for the 10th Na-
Student Congress to be held here August
30, some opinions on the effect and worth
conclave are appropriate.
ve understand it, the Congress will speak
0,000 students from 350 schools. There are
schools than these, and many more stu-
think it presumptious of the .parent
I States National Student Association to
of its goal as "the recognition of the.
and responsibilities to the school, the
unity, humanity, and god." Nothing more
than the concept of majority is involved
s criticism.
nting, however, that NSA speaks for all
its from Bangor to San Diego, from Key'
to Nome-what may the Congress be ex-
K to contribute?;
ping constructive is indicated.
HIN THE framework of its announced
enda, we can easily predict that NSA
(to be scrupulously' voted on) will be:
Against segregation in schools.-
Editorial Staff
RILLYER.............Sports Editor
GNAM................ ....,.......Night Editor
Business Staff

2) For the preservation and extension of
civil rights.
3) For federal aid to undergraduates.
4) For the "cooperation" with insurgent East
European students. ("Cooperation" was the,
announced idea.)
5) A sweeping policy, to which no competent
body will pay attention, on college athletics.
Certainly the 'problems are cogent and rate
devoted consideration. But is an unwieldy rally
the proper forum?~
The NSA lacks machinery to implement any
such duly voted proposals, and at this frac-
tional stage, it cannot hope to constitute what
is typically described as a "body of opinion."
The action of its congress will be confined to
inflating the clouds of words already obscur-
ing the more dramatic issues.
What of the value of the rally itself?
Let us assume that each delegate is allotted
$10 daily for his subsistence, shelter and the
incidentals. That amounts to $100,000. This
strikes us as wasteful.
WHATEVER the source of funds, we would
advise the delegates to stay home, to give
up a good time and instead urge their national
executive to:
1) Forget about federal aid to undergradu-
ates. Congress will never seriously consider
such 'selective legislation; any token aid will
degrade students as a social entity.
2) Vote $50,000 for scholarships to needy
Negro. students in the South.
3) Make a statement on civil rights if it
4) Vote $25,000 for a scholarship fund to
r.finnn +,-A'. '. -nr.+n +1, - .,mvvt +n n- an ..

Britain and the -UN


Associated Press News Analyst
HE average Briton remains
perfectly placid these days
when you mention Yorktown pr
buzzbombs, but don't say anything
nice about the United Nations in
front of him unless you're ready
for an argument.
He is still very sensitive over
the fact that, because she is a
reputable citizen.of the free world,
his country knuckled under to the
UN General Assembly last fall in
the Suez case, while unmoral na-
tions defy the organization with
Winston Churchill's attack on
the UN yesterday can be read

NEW YORK (A")-Turnover on
the stock market dwindled yester-
day to the lowest level in four
months as prices wilted late in
the session after early irregulari-

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