IILITARY MEASURE See Page 2 Sixty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom FA I", No. 288 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1957 ad Senate Refutes Eisenhower's is Batista orship Imposed Cuban People ebellion Flares MW Peietl atista seized arbitraryTO U I E NATI NS cope with rebellion. Markley H all T akes on Form LyndOn J( per the Cuban people yes- his most influen tiaa k e al T ale o -r ci high government lead- ed meanwhile that the 'ovi1Fe led States ambassador, An-tim AttIck ie1 ith, was interfering in . found himself in the Supported by South a rebel demonstration- LONDON (P) - American officials said last night Secretary S 1p rdF by Sou ' y put on for him-on a of State John Foster Dulles is considering a personal presentation to Called 'Fatal Blow' riente Province Wednes- the United Nations Disarmament subcommittee of the West's plan for ater commented on "pow a system to prevent sneak attacks. By The Associated easiness" and bloodshed Dulles' idea would be to throw the weight of his authority behind WASHINGTON - The Senate e a revised version of President Dwight D. Eisenhower's two-year-old trial amendment onto the civil right rernment's seizure of ar- proposal for opening the skies above America and the Soviet Union for international inspection major defeat to President Dwight dent staged byethe Dulles' decision on whether to appear before today's scheduled backing the administration measure. Smith's presence. session of the five-power subcommittee will be made known some- The vote was 51-42. zure was effected by a time before the meeting, American informants said. The amendment was approved a ecree suspending Cuban If Dulles does not unveil the Western plan, United States delegate debate before jammed galleries. rnal guarantees for 45 Harold E. Stassen will do it. It provides for jury trials in crim amounts to a form of Three -days of diplomatic activity by United States, British, Itrovin jut rin s i triy x. French and Canadian members of the UN have produced ing from injunctions the attorney g hip quickly went into rndseveAl ma$or changes in the ered to obtain to enforce voting ,rig " ;n.in abor cases and many others were stationed in news- W iso 1 S sThe Russians-fifth member of---Dmn -v io and TV officesoand the subcommittee made a counter Only yesterday President Eisen ews Banoffer on open sky inspection last - his opposition to a jury trial amend mediate aim was to bafD e a et spring which has not been accep- 'sKnowland of California, they - of support for rebels the Senate GOP leader, said it. on the nt has been battling The talks began when Dulles -Daily-Richard Bloss would be "a fatal blow" to the as ma dember. nr For LutbaeK s flew in Monday under the Presi- MARKLEY HALL-Workmen are building forms for pouring concrete in the new women's dorm, bill. agins nti-Batista demonstra- dent's orders to appraise pros- Helen Markley Hall. Housing 1,200 girls, the building is expected to be completed in time to help Sen inesday in Santiago de pects of a. limited disarmament relieve the housing situation by the fall of 1958. Cost of this new building (behind the School of The amendment was offered by has tu re staged by women WASHINGTON (if) - Secretary treaty with Russia. Public Health) is estimated at $5 million. Sen. Joseph O'ahoney (D-Wyo). L black and singing the of Defense'Charles E. Wilson said The exchanges produced some Sen. Estes Kefauver(D-Tenn).amend anthem as they paraded yesterday decisions have' been agreements but several substan- and Sen Frank Church (D-Ida- other the streets. The most made for about half of a $2,200,- tial issues, on nuclear and conven- Asian I fl Uenza O UtbreakIe t ho).Southerners backed it solidly The sdemonstration was at a tional arms ,have had to be re- L~E 1 IIU II 4 ~ U II d m f~ lfLad eog eulcn n a.m. t 00vice for Frank Pas, a' 000 economy cutback for the ferred to home capitals for deci- Northern Democrats joined them The ber of the rebel group armed services, but "the bad news sions Wt r . + to put it across. withf f kfiel Castrro. isnot all out yet." One problem relates to the cir- WU1er i onths, nays B r e A big factor in its success ws than ised fire hoses to break At a news conference, Wilson cumstances under which the West ~ the adept, buttonholing general- The women's demonstration estimated that between $1 and 1/ should use nuclear weapons. Rus- si of Sen. Lyndon Johnson of surpri edsm. .blinothcubcwilbinsahsclefoacopeer- WASHINGTON {11) - Surgeon Texas, (Democratic leader) and oed staine. billion of the cutback wir be in sia .has called for a complete res Gen. Leroy E. Burney said yester He explained that on the basis ease will likely continue to be the contender foi' the next Demo ontation Staged procrement use. The West day "there is a very definite prob- of the millions of cases which have mild type which has been reportedvoted monstration appsrently ously most of that-in aircraft. has insisted on reserving the right ability" this country will have a occurred in other nations "plus the in the Far East, South America Biemo A-bombds.anisH-bombsy. party. iged deliberately to co- Military spending >during the to use A-bombs and a-bombs In_:arge outbreak of Asian influenza additional factor that about 11,000 and this country.ne th Smith's visit. Snmith first six months of this year was self-defense. this fall or winter, cases have occurred in this country But he said in an epidemic Moderatin g Chaner a ws conference later, "I at a rate of $40,200,000,000 an- Where' the President originally In a statement which he ampli- there has undoubtedly been wide- which might affect 10 per cent or Southern Democrats from flying Las personsmade use of my nually, Wilson said, and is "still on suggested exposing chunks of fied at a news conference, Burney spread seeding of virus throughout mOre of the population during a Southe Deorat o - scored here to demonstrate in the uptrend." American gnd Soviet territory to said experience suggests there may the country, four - to six - weeks period would apart, he strove for what he cnh when :ainst their own govern- General Measure sky inspection, the West now be serious epidemics of the disease Most Areas Exposed probably have a serious effect" ivil ri hts bil g strip 1 Wilson Was asked if the economy stands ready to define three inter- in this country despite a new vac- "Most areas of the country have on the economy because of work Vice-President Richard M. Nix- author idded that the American measure meant. a general edu locking zones cine due out in September. probably been exposed to the virus absences. ing ri re sad and preoccupied by now and past experience sug- Three deaths have been reported on ha this comment on the Sen- As p resdadpecuidtion of about 3' per cent. It would' oadpateprenesg.AsI goiia.uesnsta ests that the disease may sud- in this country among the 11000' ate action: provid oitical easinessbtha be "more than that," he said wth 'cFOREIGN OFFENSES: denly b n t spreadaquiterapidl cses, he said, but he thought they "This was one of the saddest n cuts in some things 'running be- in the fall or up through late win- all probably occurred from com- days in the history of the Senate trons t -ve&. p ttween 8 and SK per cent, in others ter," Barney said. plications as he said he did not re- because this was a vote against . oi a hope thath 10 per cent and in some instances ' H ouse Com m ittee V ote "If epiqemics should occur they call any deaths from the flu itself. the right to vote." plas men 'wouldbefreed 20 per cent, .-. l ' could spread from San Francisco The fever lasts three to five Michigan' s two senators, SletteWilson said the Joint Chiefs of l - to Boston in a period as short as days, followed by weaknesses for Charles Potter (R) and Patrick Und mothers would get his Staff are going to be told to "rec- perhaps four weeks." several more days. M c N a a r a (D), both voted nsideration. ommend the best program they 1oIuHe noted the attack rate in the Experience has indicated a single against the amendment, rimin supporters quickly as- can within" a $38 billion level for Far East was about 20 per cent injection of vaccine will be about The vote, taken in the midst of punish ith's statements as "im the next fiscal year. WASHINGTON (P) - The House Armed Services Committee with a death rate of about two- '70 per cent effective. the fourth week of Senate debate obedie d imprudent." This is the figure at which Wil- voted 34-4 yesterday for a GI trials bill strongly opposed by the Eisen- tenths of 1 per cent. He expressed .::._ son has said he expects spending hower administration. confidence the death rate in this But 1to level coff, coutry wilmbenfrtbeoithat. FIRST CAVALRY :Bu d Within Ceiling' The measure by Chairman Carl Vinson (D-Ga) and Rep. P. J. 200,000 Cases ? where Kilday (D-Tex.) wouldgive the secretary of the service involved "Assuming an attack rate of 10 i A"er c niioto sec submitingtheirforcele r-the power to decide for the United States whether an offense by a to 20 per cent in this country," as IC iS a Lquirements, would be asked to stay United States serviceman overseas was committed in performance Burney said, "this would mean be no .:: A- r IR WARM=ER FO he Lie- ern Dem by Knom Press arly today nail s bill, thereby . Eisenhower a t 12:14 a.m. a inal contempt eneral would b hts. It also w ruled hower ,emphas ment. And Se bill, generally king a Souther t final passage . Richard Russ rned aside questi But he has sa dments will be parts of the bill Senate recesse ill 10:30 a.m. to hot debate hE few intermission 13 hours. marin of the se. On the sh crats and 12 1 for the amend orats and 33 Southern Vict t week the another maj the Senate vot the bill of all e rity except to saf ghts assed by the Ho led for the use o enforce civil r ncluding racial lic schopls and Ler the jury trial ed last night de' Lal contempt prc h a person for nce of an mij court orderuwo to trial by jury. in civil conte a judge's purp ure compliance a id not to punish, jury trial. E ~ thnticelnbt"enw of duty. that. in a city o one million per- within th is ceiling, but "then we fdy. are going to look at it." Wilson If a foreign government deemed an on-duty case particularly im- sons, there could be 100,000 to eady orp an Lxit The GToN-ae. Jrhn insisted he had no idea now of the portnt to it, the United States Secretary would be the one to de- 200,000 cases." dronlym t ptat tHe said cold weather seems to drt DGTON-Seny John Mc- allocation of funds among the cide whether this country would waive its trial right as provided for trigger" flu attacks, and an out- WASHINGTON (M)-Withdrawal of the last American division dera ;D-Ark)' said yesterday three armed services in the coi- in the status .of forces agreements.tigr l takada u-WSIGO .~-ihrwlo h atAeia iiinfdr Union money appar- ing fiscalryedarnbreak is expected along in Decem- from Japan is now under way. juncti i for the trip ex-boxer The committee vote was taken against the background of the ber, January or February, if it The Defense Department announced yesterday the departure from bor di made to Washington Wilson held his news conference administration's decision to turn GI William S. Girard over to the comes. Japan of the 1st Cavalry Division. And a when Louis showed up at about the time the Senate sent Japanese for trial in the fatal shooting of a Japanese woman. A nationwide educational cam- This was one of the first major units of the original army of to the Li he Loisshoedupto the President a compromisepini lne ytePbi ol R. Hoffa's trial. $33,759,850,000 bill rovidin uns Rep. Kilday predicted early House passage for such legislation eaign is planned by the Pubhe occupation to arrive nearly 12 years ago, and is the last to leave. would ht campion, senworl for the Defense Department for in the wake of criticism over handling of the Girard case. vacine icefrt ever n- The remaining men and equipment of the new understrength divi- serve the12 minths which began July 1. The bill seeks to keep the State Department out of decisions on dertaken in connection with influ- sion will be absorbed by other units elsewhere. But its proud name, gare a. half in a conspicuous were q the courtroom audience It was $2,368,150,000 under Pres- the cases and pinpoint authority on the secretary of the service to enza. traditions and battle-honored flag are moving to Korea. There, the 1st Sen bribery-conspiracy trial ident Eisenhower's requests. which a man belongs. Burney expressed belief the dis- Cavalry will take over the men and equipment of the 24th Division. confer a 'teamsters vice-presi- The 24th will then be dropped right" RESIDENTS WILL PAY: from the Army's order of battle. indica r " The Pentagon said the depar- pick 'ON, Ind.-A New York -ture of the 1st Cavalry from Japan amen roadlcoinge dattheichigan Co-op House Gets $17,850 Renovation :r:eset:wight:: Eiseahoer hed a station wagon on M c inPeietDih .Esnoe labori Road crossing at the to Japanese Prime Minister Kishi of con of Fortville late yester- By CARL JORDAN the house should be "substantially in June that all United States certai finished" according to the pro- . ground forces would be withdrawn The dice said the vehicle was Michigan Co-op, the first Co-op ject chairman, will be 20 students within the year. mitte D the path of the train house bought by the Inter Co- fromsuchplleszechoslova- Completion of the ground force to a 'uarded crossing and was operative Council, is undergoing a kia,. Formosa Hong Kong, Ha- withdrawal will be announced Sen. complete face lifting this summer. waii, Germany, Lithuania Canada, within a few weeks. today * * * A completely new living room, Bolivia, the Bahamas, J a p a n, It will send the 9th Regiment railro EST-A group of Roman dining room, tiled bathroom, and Spain, Hungary, and the United of the 3rd Marine Division from a jur priests was accused by kitchen with automatic dishwasher States. Japan to Okinawa. Communist government and stainless steel sinks are among Fifteen students will board but United States Army strength in of aiding the rebels in the changes. not room there. "Every time we re- Korea will remain about the same Uni tragic revolt. Bill Armstrong, grad, who is novate a co-op" says Armstrong, 4 . uafter the move from Japan. Jhn ernment said all are un- president of the I.C.C. and the "we seem to lose room for a few . The 7th Infantry Division is jury t and will be brought to board of directors said the im- more students." This is the second already there and will remain with In provements had to be made so that project of this nature that the the 1st Cavalry to man the Amer- still 11 * * * a the building conformed with the I.C.C. has undertaken. Last sum- can section of the Korean armis- mens N'TGTON - Acting to University and city building codes. mer the Mark VIII women's co-op tice line. ing ri less paydays for Ameri- Total cost of the project will be at 917 S. Forest was modernized. .-yA s. the Senate laid civil $17,850, most of which will be paid The Co-op system first started WORKMAN croira de for the time being by the I.C.C. Cost of the new furni- on the Michigan campus during , , Aremodels co-opLone and whipped through a ture in the living and dining rooms the depression, when houses were - sio m !An n n bilf , 1,__: t_ t...... U_ _ -A . i. , _ _ -to ma Applicabiliti amendmenta , contempt cases fe civil rights bil 1 laws enforced ve procedures, ii sputes. . another provi: amendment jus' permit Negroes as federal couri -ss of whether c Iualified under st . Johnson said th red "an importa on American c tions were that up crucial votf dment. 1effect of the ea of'the amende~ disputes and all atempt proceedir :n. AFL-CIO Exec announced its jury trial amen Johnson read a from the pres: ad brotherhoods y trial amendme Lewis Suppo ted Mine Worke' L. Lewis also s rial provision. the battle over t es ahead, additic may be offered ghts section. I a number of have been prop section-that wot armed with subpi ike a general st