THE MICHIGAN DAILY HMET DONMEZ: irkish Arehaeologist escribes Recent, Finds By CARL JORDAN ides of champagne cups and er objects dating to 17 cen- es B.C. accompanied a lecture ited "Recent Archaeological ivities in Turkey,"_yesterday, the assistant director- to the ector General of Museums and iquities in Turkey. ur. Ahmet Donniez said Turkey bridge between the East and West, both culturally and geo- phically, and is rich in archae- y representative of both influ- es. reec and Syria, he said, both e had a great influence on kish development. He demon- Sted this with slides of, scuip s, recently uncovered, which 'e Greek characteristics. 'Excavations' r. Donmez, who has partici- d in many archaeological "ex- ations" since- 1947, described fy the three millenums in kish cultural history. e went on to describe the elopment of the 41 museums resent day Turkey. he first one, he said, was built 1847. There were two main ions, one for weapons of war, the other for art objects. rtually,, the weapons museum me an armay museum display- all oaf the objects used in wars. Sponsored Museums he Turkish government has asored many of the museums, last year granters $2 million the museum department., In , approximately one million ors toured the museums, and ed the over one million ob- s displayed. t present, Dr. Donmez said, e are 21 excavations going on Curkey. Sone are sponsored by governments of various coun-. s such as Germany, France the United -States he rest are paid for, by the kish government. everal of his slides were in r, and showed excavation pro- ores.{ unneling and drilling are the ciple methods used for original overy. Dr. Donmez also had as taken after complete cities been uncovered. Some of these s were build 17 centuries B.C. particularly 'well-preserved overy was the gate to an .ent city. he talk was sponsored by the artment of' Near Eastern -Daily-:Richard Bloss DR. AHMET DONMEZ . .. Turkish archaeologist Uneasiness Is Recorded in Bolivia "Active uneasiness" marks the character of students in Bolivia's universities, the International Stu- dent Conference's South American delegation reported. In its swing through eight coun- tries, the five-man group noted that the tenuous mining economy in ,Bolivia is the root of disturb- ances. Bolivian universities enjoy poli- tical autonomy but are dependent on tax levies. Acute inflation has made government subsidy neces- sary, and students fear that politi- cal sanctions may be renewed at any time. 'University Revolution' This threat sprung a "university revolution" led by students in 1955 the delegation said. The govern- ment intervened with armed forces, dismissing university rec- tors and installing temporary gov- ernmentrofficials. Autonomy was finally restored after .a student- faculty strike of six months. The revolution and successful strike won a system of equal representation by students and faculty on administrative councils, abolition of matriculation exams and renovation of teaching meth- The Bolivian government, re- ports the delegation, curtails free- dom of the press and free working of opposition parties, and further imposes restrictions on student, ac- tivity. Some students have been jailed for participating in anti- government riots and many are forced to study in exile for politi- cal reasons. Split Healed The National Revolutionary Movement (MNR) is the party in control now. The delegation found that many students support the party, but) opposition produced a complete split in the National Union' of Students two years ago. Unity has been reestablished, but left-wing and Falangist factions remain influential. The left-wing students tend to support the nationalist-minded NNR, particularly in its mistrust of North American activities in Bolivia. They contend that United States economic help is subjecting their country to a "colonial re- gime," the delegation indicated. .ADVENTURERS, EXPEDITIONISTS, TOURISTS: Pan American Highway Sti To Be omplet By LUTIS C. NOLI Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer groups have stayed PANAA - ach ar anewsometimes as long PANAMA --Each year a new PAn AMFmore months at a flock of 20th Century pioneers - N Today, by -workir adventurers, expeditionists and t I G WAY ends at'once thes just plain tourists - set out to nearly completed t span the American continents by land trail from roa way of the Pan American High- ., tween Panama anda way. The journey, pa r t i c u l a r ly MEXIC Northern through Central America, is just -..This trail, along that - an adventure, an expedi- route, is hardly more tion and a tourist junket. A lot of :°'t "O::::::: path scratched froi patience and differentials have .R.A. IH+.I RA IL ROA D but it will serve as a been lcst on the rocky trails called T GUA T EML HIGHWAYSaccess route for futi roads in Central America. -:ServiceGblepeditions. The almost mythical highway CaP J ASr sb The Darien isn't is good in some sections, bad in :;L:SALVA:OR mu...' Under Construction problem for Panama some and just about impossible in Po$anSavador HONDURAS' Projected bia. The rest of the others. Also it's far from finished ___already shown thei in several critical places. The benefits of tl+ Routes Available* " ..; ca will be shared b, Mel ico has a number of good :....A . NICARAGUA try along the road. routes from the United StatesI * And the Latin ' border to its capital. T4 the south .. .:Manava G il 1 1 G just as anxious as the road is In tolerable condition; f: United States touris right up to the Guatemala border highway finished. But there you meet a 25-mile =: lRal. The United State, gap still under construction.5-m le ;R de l ae fthSae Guatemala promises to have it":: COTARICA up developments in 1 gap stilondrsoosrutin .L/delyawreof ted open to traffic this year, but with V::Ck:gorodo The board of Presid rainy season and the danger of :San Is d:::::.set up by Presiden slides, the best bet is a railway during his 1956 mee connection that ties Mexico to the American Chiefs of Guatemala road system via Ar- :::::c c.:.:.. DARIEN PANA...s::..h.PNama, has put the riaga and Tapachula ..among.te.listo From there sailing is reasonably . REGION..:.:. needed' for Latin k clear through Honduras, ElSal - .EG.....efensei vador, Nicaragua, and into Costa From a defense Rica as far as the capital, :....:.......s COLOMBIA ..:::;::::.:::.. '« the lack of good roe Jose. But at the little town of San ..Chigorodo the United States in Isidro del General you run smack the Canal Zone. out of road, at least until 1959. HIGHiWAYS : The Canal Is yin If you can't wait, you might get -..s "erviceable sQui do from land areas c a Jeep trail down to the coast gnu mm Explored Routes Las Animias away from its narre where a banana boat can give you -Possible Routes _Las Aninios COLMBIA This "buffer-zoni a lift around the 120 miles of un- ::;:.::rAP Newsfeatuaes gave a margin of c completed road -.n Costa Rica and days of puttees a: the 14 miles still to be built in This is Panama's Darien region, savage beasts, and didn't suffer necessary for any work in the ments, but now th Panama. a 465-mile wedge of green hell even the mildest attack of the area any overland comma Banana Flatcars? that extends deep into Colombia deadly black water fever. But the important diseovery was the points that wou Or, perhaps you can make it to and still stands as an impassable Indians Approve that the upper river valleys end used for outposts an Pozo Sur or Golfito and a banana roadblock between the North and There were rivers clogged with in relatively low-level saddles. ing stations if an a railway flatcar for the portage South American continents, debris and snags or flooding over In these places a road might ever be threatened. into Panama's Chiriqui province. Open Road Beckons dangerous rapids. The Indians, pass without the slow, costly cut Of course, no one That leaves only another 300- while not precisely hostile, let it and fill operation needed in ever ,optimistic abou odd miles of quite usable highway Beyond the gap there is still be known that their approval was mountainous areas such as Costa the jungle, but Da: between you and the Panama plenty of open road beckoning the Rica or Guatemala. Two major mittee engineers are Canal. willing wayfarer. If you can fly route possibilities were sketched sights on 1965 as But 32 miles beoynd Panama over or find your way around the USNS out from existing maps and aerial deadlne for finishi City you round a small, graveled Darien gap to one of Colombia's photographs. And they're saying bend and find a rather unkempt ports you'll discover a network of The first of these, the "north- start with full fine concrete river landing. On theroads linking every repub f rn" route, was planned to follow shorten that ti e b other side of the river there is South America. the upper edge of the broad val- a year or two. nothing but pure jungle. Since 1955, the Darien Subcom- leys of the-Bayano, Chucunaque, mi#+onleysiof the Bayano neChucunaque, EDUCATORS: Professors t To Attend Meetings Prof. Ralph C. Wenrich and Prof. C. Robert Hutchcroft of the University Department of Voca- tional Education and Practical Arts will attend meetings of the' National Association of Industrial Teacher Educators and the Ameri- can Vocational Association in Philadelphia Sunday through Fri- day, Aug. 4-9. On Wednesday, Aug. 7, Prof. Wenrich will speak to academic teachers on "Curriculum Trends in' Vocational Schools . and De- partments with Special Reference to General Education." On ,Thursday, Aug. 9, he will act as chairman of a session on inter- national education considering "Highlights on Technical Assist- ance in Foreign Countries)' Prof. Hutchcroft will serve as chairman of a meeting on "Im- proving Professional Standards." SPEAKS IN BRUSSELS: Katona Says Buyers Now Confident 'oit Area Strike I _, reat Lifted DETROIT( (P)-Threat of a milk strike in 'the Detroit area was lifted late yesterday, when the major dairies yielded tb demands of the Michigan Milk Producers Assn. for an increase in the whole- sale price of drinking milk. Three dairies agreed to an in- crease of 35 cents per hundred- weight (46%/ quarts). The increase will bring the hundredweight price to $5. The milk producers had threat- ened to withhold milk at midnight tonight from dealers refusing to increase the wholesale price. The producers association said virtually all creameries in south- eastern Michigan have agreed to the increase, making a milk strike unnecessary. Jack W. Barnes, MMPA assist- ant general manager had said his grcup would divert as much milk as it can from creameries who do rot 'agree to the increase. Meanwhile, officers of the Dairy Farmers Co-operative Association of Michigan (DFC), a splinter group of the MMPA, said that ac- ceptance of the $5 price by deal- ers will only delay a strike. Library Extension Service Open Miss Colver M. Flanders, chief exte sion librarian, announces the Library Extension Service of the University continues its services throughout the year. Library Extension Service can loan a number of children's books to libraries to develop special read- ing activities for children. Michigan residents may write the Library Extension Service for reading lists on any topic; for loans of packages of clippings on current topics for use in planning club programs, papers, or talks; foz suggestions about club pro- grams; and for any of the other services offered by the department of the Library. For information, write the Uni- vestyof Micahigan TLibrarv Extaen- BRUSSELS, Belgium--The well- to-do;.-and optimistic are more likely to feel they have unsatisfied economic needs than the old and poorer declared Prof. George Ka, tona before the'International Con- gress of Psychology here. Prof. Katona, of the Survey Re- search Center, said recently that, those confident about their own -financial prospects and of thel future are much more likely to ex- press their psychological needs in actual buying. "The overwhelming majority of n'ew carfs! are bought by people who say they have had a car in good condition," he pointed out. "Why do people replace cars and <" other durable goods which are per- forming well? "Marketing experts have coined the word 'upgrading' to describe this phenomenon. It means that new features or improvements in new models attract buyers. It also means that even after achieving some of our goals, we do want still more." In relating this tendency to economic cycles, Prof. Katona con- tinued: "Of course, there is some saturation. Immediately after I have bought a new car, I shall not be in the market for another. "But fulfilling one need often leads to the emergence of other GEOGRAPHY CHAIRMAN: 'No Such Thing As Best Route' For Travelers, Davis Claims There is no such things as a "best" route to take when travel- ing in Michigan or anywhere says Prof. Charles M. Davis, chairman of the Geography Department, "Best," he said, might mean the .shortest route, the fastest route, or the route with the most four- lane highways. Depending upon which criteria is chosen, one of many travel routes might be picked, "We get questions all the time asking the best way to get some- where," says Prof. Davis. "What must be considered, for instance, when heading north, is the flow of traffic, time of day and week, and whether or hot the route hits the east-west belt of cities that block then central part of the Lower Peninsula." Grand. rapids, ,Flint, Saginaw, Bay City, Muskegon, and Midland comprise this belt of cities which, cause congestionrfor traffic moving north and south in Michigan. One way to find the "best" route around these cities, Prof. Davis says, is to "get a good detailed map, and then look, for a good by- pass around the congested metro-< politan districts of the bottleneck cities." He adds, "A road map by itself is dead. It doesn't tell you the amount of traffic you might run into when approaching a city and it doesn't inform you when the flow will be heavy or light. "Such things as traffic lights, pedestrians, and other hazards to the driver who is trying to make time are not shown either. "A best route on Monday may be a poor route on Sunday after- noon." Organization .Notices Deutscher Verein: Meeting, 7:30 p.m. August 1st, 3-G, Union. Dr. Ferdinand Friedensburg, German Consul in De- troit, will speak on problems of German reunification. * * * Hillel: Israeli Folk Dancing, 8:30 p.m., August 1st, Hillel. Friday evening services, 7:30 p.m., August 2nd at Hillel. Newman Club: Outdoor Dance and Corn Roast. 8:30 p.m., August 2, 1957 at Newman Center. (Dance held in- doors in event of rain). needs. After I have bought the tar Tomas Guardia Jr. of Panama car, buying a TV set or washing headed the first road expedition machine, or making additions o to travel the entire length of the my house may loom much more Darien from the highway's end at important than before. Chepo to the Colombian border. Prosperity... Depression He found no head-hunting In- "Thus saturation (of personal dians, had no narrow escapes from needs) may not emerge after many years of substantial purchases. " Therefore, it is not automatic and Sixth Annual inevitable that prosperity be fol- lowed by a depression. Course "Under certain circumstances, Slate however, mass saturation may oc- cur and depressions may occur. On Furniture "It is the secure, optimistic and confident people who upgrade Sixth annual summer course, their possessions and proceed from "Trouble Shooting in the Wood- one need to another," he asserted. Furniture Industry," will begin "On the other hand, people are Monday at the University. most likely to postpone purchasesModyathUnvrty when they feel uneasy about their Sponsored jointly ny the Uni- own futures or about the future versity Department of Wood Tech- course of the economy. We give up nology, Summer Session and Ex- aspirations when we have failed tension Service, enrollment in the to attain them." course islimited to 18 persons. Consumer Saving In the past, says Stephen B. The director of Survey Research Preston, chairman of the Depart- Center's economics program found ment of Wood Technology ,and similar relationships in consumer director of the program, 62 per- saving. sons representing 16 states and "In our studies," he told the two foreign countries have at- Congress, "we found many people tended. who strove hard to 'save so as Objective of the week-long to' achieve a specific goal, for in- course is to help woodworking stance, to have enough for a down plants and affiliated industries payment on a house. save money by minimizing costly "What happens after this goal reworking or rejection of defective has been achieved? Will these manufactured parts, says Preston. people save less? Emphasis, he says, is placed on "Quite commonly, this is not the analyzing actual production and case. The family will continue to service rejects to determine the save, but for new goals; for in- cause of problems and preventive stance, to educate their children measures that might have been or to have an emergency fund." taken in advance. Prof. Katona has supervised The course is designed for ex- work on the annal surveys of con- ecutives, plant personnel, and sumer finance conducted for the quality control men from the Federal Reserve Board, one of furniture and other woodworking Center's best known activities. industries. It is also open to repre- Following the Congress, he and sentatives of equipment and nia- Mrs. Katona plan to vacation in terial manufacturers and suppliers Europe. .who service the industry. 4e SelectedImported Bria r pip s1/OF fit TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES Standard, Electric, SOLD RENTED :.>. y r:.. . 7