DULLES' ROLE 1Ev:4q'rn SDISARMAENT See Page 2 Sixty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom - I, No. 27 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1957 iate Probers *s ubaste Hoffa rnitee Chairmnan Charges Him School Aid I h Newe York 'Hoodlum' Plot IGTON (J)-The Senate Rackets probers yesterday ac- ter leader James R. Hoffa of an unholy alliance with ay. las fr eessad hefas.bg tei~ te llge IInI it I4ift k t r i Ia scheme to win control of the whole Eastern seaboard. Ln John L. McClellan (D-Ark), opening a series of hear- gay'last for weeks, said the first big step In the alleged 4> wis fbr Hoff a, with the aidpof hoodlums, to gain "a v k e over the port of New York."s=,EaS," Y2 ."a_ the interesting facets we expect to show" senl 1!clellan AMERICAN EN;VOYS:Ik at times the hoodlums used Communists or former Com- -Daily-Richard Blss use they were excellent trained organizers and knew all FERTILITY SURVEY-Prof. Ronald Freedman of the sociology getmembershipo." department shows a graph illustrating data gained from his nusinessnen Have Impact broad To Economi Factors survey "Fertility of American Families." onomic factors are tremendous," the chairman declared. L A placed in the hands of persons affiliated with racketeersByLAUDIABRIGGS Enumerating some of the im- is a danger to the welfare of the P rof F reedm an R elates Harrison Doty yesterday stressed pacts of Americanbusinesin r T1n to .the impact of American business- at f A eia ui e in ' Sen." KrMnt. -w- t en maro foreign countries, Doty listed the H e lhSen. Karl Mundt (R-SD), a " " "' }hen abroad. tendency to raise the level of pro- t 'H eailth member of' McClellan's Senrate ~1 LP~ W di In a lecture In Mason Hall hetednyorasthlvlofp-Q 'Fert'ilt y Study. Findings in o tha ductivity, enlarge the reservoir of Esse wpointed out that there are only C S SRackets Investigations committee 25,000 Americans who live outside know-how in the country and add InI S Sagreed. "A report which couldn't be made because of its persona nature" the United States in the course of to the capital reserve. "The pro- Sen. Mundt said the committee was the way Prof. Ronald Freedman described his completed survey their businesses as compared to a portion of profits left overseas is WASH has evidence to expose "a form of total of 1,600,000 persons serving startling," he said. DwightI )1uneet"Fertility of American Families." un ed tyranny unfolding which in the The Survey Research Center was s advised by consultant when in the Armed Forces and as gov- Other advantages to the coun- himself ohffreyReereisnerwa otovsd ycon-tat we long run offers to Communist con-o ernment employes or traveling as tries included by Doty were the of leade spirators an opportunity to pars--tourists abroad, money earned for foreign govern- will have R.ENE GNAM lyze our defense establishment and Over a two-year period, 2,700 Caucasian married women between " for the Covernment Council- our offensive striking powers." the child-bearing ages of 18 and 39 granted interviews averaging 90 impact overseas," Doty said, em- the encouragement of local com- luntary health insur- Hoffa isno Midwest vie pnres- minutes to his field staff, the sociology professor reported here yester- epparmayrso leos the ncoup yethoflarger busi- news con m will cost $12.75 per ident of the Teamsters Union and day. company as a good citizen, nesses and the ease of social ten- ence Con a likely successor to President Ninety percent of those selected in the sampling responded; he A company must be competitive sions supplied by the social rela- threats." e, announced yester- Dave Beck. Hoffa was acquitted said. The refusals were considerably less than those experienced in price, quality and services, he tions of American employes and He sai C Health Insurance by a federal court jury here July '>in political and economic sur- said, and it must place its base on their families with the foreign presiden cott Chrysler, '59, is 19 of conspiring and bribing to put " veys. good employe relations. Doty is communities."in a qu 1 -students not wish- a spy on the staff of McClellan's } He . said that historically, the managr of public relations in the Internationally, Doty said, the -Daly-Ricard Bloss the telepr ty benefits. :s committee. P ison M otsize of populations has largely Ford International Division of the American business "ties the world HARRISON DOTY ings." verage has been pro- No Comment been determined by the death rate. Ford'Motor Company, together with the strings of trade." . speaks on businessmen Theo Lp to $3,000 reimburse- There was no immediate comi- End LI 1..The decline of immigration and leddershi cident, hospitalization ment from Hoffa on the new the extended life expectancy has tionwith % sa "robe eney cmite dynamic meforce in brh aepopulationbaltheD ulles E ncourages D isarm am ent'P c : - rgical -reimbursement Robert . Kennedy,, committee Ty ' "dy nmcfrei ouaiowa-iu i~JJ ~ i1 a1 'i heici , and miscellaneous counsel, said evidencet will show ane" wich is essThe post-war rise in birth rate s V A P civil riglh enses up to $1,000 per that it was Hoffa who broughtBetween Soviet RuW ester Ae racketeers John (Johnny Die) hasleldef in Europe in 1952, t e nR s ester i i l ei ig our program with Dioguardi_ and '"T o n i b (Tony DEER LODGE, Mont. (A)-Mon- he said,but in America the "babya er schools, I think we Ducks) Corallo into the Teamsters tana's attorney general and three boom" continued undiminished. "I am 'call of them," Chrys- Union, state highway patrol officers walk- The survey revealed a figure of LONDONam-SecretaryyofT, r o$am e ld f f LODON (The -Uecretay ofarogr, said this is due to the Kennedy and McClellan both ed into the state prison yesterday 3.0 children per family as the State John Foster Dulles conferred ere reported to be or ways ofhe ne d atd Britain, pu befog tudents said, the evidence will show that among convicts who rioted nearly average of a "series 91 estimates nonstop with the Western Allies stopping 'a nuclear arms race. France, Canada and the Soviet lieve to the alleged infiltration by gang- nine hours Tuesday. of expected size," Prof. Freedman yesterday and saw the Soviet dele- ern ocs mae it car Union are members of the sub-, United . sters led to extortion, bribery and' What Attorney General Forrest said. This was signiheantly higher gate too in a drive to getr some some t ve t be fe comittee. They must prepare acon i hich hndles a exploitatio of union members. H. Anderson said to the prisoners than the 2.2 average needed for accord on disarmament. dbn.to governmen' heads for.sre . h ll-a1 h he UniversitY insur- For example, Kennedy said, could not be heard, but whistling a static population. It was reported substantial prob- decision. rporton theirta oe 12- oti some hoodlum-like locals negoti- and handclapping swept through Of the entire group interviewed, lems still divided the West in .R aion, which in turn st report toito y ted ated contracts that guaranteed the inmates' ranks. 75 per cent favored and "expected" closed talks as the UN Disarma- Britain has been reluctant o the UN General Assembly opening I dt CludedIraer for wages at 75 cents an hour, when The convicts were locked in cell two, three, or four children. ment subcommittee reached the agree to any immediate halt in the legal;minimum was $1. Also, blocks yesterday morning, but Those favoring two or less ac- Aug. 1 deadline set for this year's tests of newly developed H-bombs. menits e its, provided withouthe promised evidence of the pock- later many could be seen walking counted for 17 per cent of the session. France has made clear that so Flew on Orders, don't th Ith Service.. eting of union members' dues and around the exercise yard. Ap- sample, and another 17 per cent The differences among the Allies long as nuclear weapon production Dulles flew here Monday under Bothr as follows: student the exploitation of emeployers. parently an order had been given indicated a size of five or more. continues it wants to develop its orders from President Eisenhower rights bi student with matern- to unlock the cells but there was A majority of those with one own weapons. to get some agreement out of the exertedr student and spouse, no official confirmation, child or less were restricted from Duilles was reported to have won conference. fiYmestar .ent0 and spouse with U nion O u sts Eight guards were seized during larger families because of "fecund- Western approval for pushing the Informants said the West is i i 49.50; student, spouse the nine-hour uprising but all ity impairance." (He distinguished A-t' open skies inspection plan origi- also ready to announce acceptance tecting en, $47.50; student, were released unharmed, the last "fecundity" as "conception poten- E nally advanced by President of Soviet Premier Blganin's gen- minus e Idren and maternity Pol7five shortly before the riot ended tial." "Fertility" describes actual Dwight D. Eisenhower, and for eral idea of ground inspection by trials. 7.50. near midnight. performance.) continuing the meetings beyond international teams at key ports, ".t'"$ B program, a student Three convicts were escorted He estimated that the amount R ussians : the deadline. The idea of going on airfiields and rail junctions, but bill as it up to 135 days of WASHINGTON ()-The yesterday afternoon to the prison of births lost to fecundity impair- also reportedly has Russian ap- only to check on suspicions of sky I hope th lization for a single administration building, across the ance equalled 15 to 20 per cent of proval now inspectors 15 days provided by CIO yesterday ousted a crony of street from the penitentiary, total births. WASHINGTON (P)-The Atomic p n n c . sen ice and 120 by the in- Midwest Teamsters boss James R. They -apparently were taken be- While sterility was recorded in Energy Commission disclosed yes-.speakin nHoffa. fore the State Prison Commission, ten per cent of the cases inter- te5day it has given Russia a help- GERMAN SECRETS: meet the __It also ploughed ahead with composed of Anderson, Gov. J. viewed, only one per cent were ing hand in using atomic energy 1952. corruption charges against the Hugo Aronson and Secretary of completely sterile. All other in- for cancer research. " He sa Host Teastresultedrsanderxtieontrow Teamsters Bakers and Textile State Frank Murray. stances of sterility resulted from And here at home, it said, tiny h tler U, a md C on r ost year wa Workers unions. The entire inside population of operations not necessarily with atomic batteries have been devel- te George Meany, AFL-CIO presi- the prison, 380 convicts, partici- sterilization intent. oped that may eventually lead to /TCU oing thea rO ~p dent, personally ordered the per- pated in the riot. An additional 200 The idea of contraception or- atomic power plants for equipment f/94w Etecu Ons *a rou J J___ , QAnd h manent removal ot Paul Dorfman convicts, all trusties, live on the ginated around 1870. and this de- in space ships. tA)UD L FOUR ~es Licc Replie Qerie 'InAe i et Conversa ntial for Si rifts, He Sa INOTON MP)-- D. Eisenhower, d against criticism. rship, yesterday another school ext congressional ent Eisenhower ference, "You do gress, in my opi d he thinks the w c to work with Co it conversationa 'hone and informi question of pre p, influence and Congress arose 1 the schlool billl 50e. the foreign; in trouble there, Ats battle in th'e powen took a deej trying to get t1 that, Ihave :cc re the Congressa be for the goo tates, and wiUl gressman that I it these things if honest ifference ith me; I try to win their votes get up and ma very twenty ml nk that is good b on the school a l, Eisenhower sail his influence. day the Presiden nid for the civil ri sent form, limite voting rights o nforcement thro he said, "I sup nowt stands, earne hat it will be pass ower said he up for federal at classroom shoti 4 he thought the s deficient in f operly the idea amount of aid t mount of need. eo said he .wasn't as secretary-trmasurer of a Chi- prison farm. liberate regulation in family size" Making its 22nd semi-annual 2O- s cago Waste Handlers Union local. The riot, first major flare-up in Prof. Freedman named as respon- report to Congress, the commission WASHINGTON ()-Catiured top secret German war documents tross T7e charge is that Dorfman is the 88-year-old prison, collapsed sible for the decline in birth rate- revealed it has permitted an made public yesterday by the State Department report an American federalt )0, representatives of sharing with his wife in a $100,000 when Anderson promised an in- which reached the lowest point American firm to ship radioactive oilman made a $250,000 payment to the Democrats in 1940 in a But h lleges and universities annual union welfare fund profits. vestigation of conditions, just before World War II. isotopes to Russia. vain attempt to block President Franklin D. Roosevelt's renomination. ed the b in Ann Arbor August AFL-CIO report said a large The riots started Tuesday when Contraception was practiced in It reported that a small amount the le e 10th National Stu- part of the huge fees Dorman was about 25 prisoners flashed knives every educational, religious and of carbon 14 was releas-d for use The documents contend $160,000 of the money was for "buying" said to oe getting come from wel- and took command of cell block 8. economic group, Prof. Freedman by a Moscow laboratory. Pennsylvania's national convention vote. curing. rsity hosts the group,are funds n Midwest Teamsters Holding their hostages, the riot- r e p o r t e d. (Regarding religious Also outlined was "eve'cpment The 415 Nazi messages and reports recall vividly the days of the hEisent islative body for the organizations dominated by Hoffa. ems telephoned Deputy Vern Lock- mores, he explained that contra- of a dime-sized atomic battery Blitzkrieg when a prime aim of Hitler's foreign policy was to keep had com es National Student The charges against the Team- wood, telling him their 14 de- ceptive measures named in the that the commission said may America out of the European war. White B (USNSA) sters involve corruption accusa- mands. s u r v e y included the "rhythm eventually make possible largera r to the student dele- tions against Beck and a number Lockwood said most of the de- method" as well as chemical and models to power "equipment in The documents dealing with such efforts are sprinkled with the actigny 350 national institu- of other top truck union leaders. mands were for "petty" privileges., mechanical means.) guided missiles and spi"e craft." names of such well known Americans as Charles A. Lindbergh, Henry he said, >ximnately 50 'student /Fod and Wendell Willkie. Hans availabl n democraticstudent'CIRCLE OF CHALK Thomsen, then in charge of Nazi . throughout the world Germany's embassy in Washing- the Congress. ton, cabled Berlin regularly on thee ber of the democrati- .1 ' II I- u - s-progress of his propaganda am- ed Internationalgg tu OStUmes IWII&t M a e Up Itportantaigr Ptucioncuratg Amrica is-T~ ~recetheUSNA ~V JI~p JI~11L JAY ILUU~3 IUI laionst entmen fo nutrality; io ill conrse onurn He spoke of "special methods" ill contrast concurrent Moscow under the By ERNEST ZAPLITNY 'Chalk' character Lord Ma is pro- for this, but of course we have the and often cautitned that Gera For counterpart of ISC, uel elo.ltetcemcl rae-ans, h efforts to influence the 1940 pies- o ionterUnio of Su- "About three months of research fusely yellow, latest chemical grease-paints," she dential election "must be carefully n are needed to plan and design The predominate red in the commented laughingly.Unofi judge's robe signified courage and "This line is meant to indicate camouflaged nde"o to"conceal Summer the theme "The costumes for a traditional play, integrity, she explained. Purple is an intellectual life," she said as th man endr" tmn-8,824 s budent - Profile and Marjorie Smith said yesterday as for comics. the "judge" was being adorned Thomsen referred to use of in- (8,824 ill be an address by she busily stitched away at a I with a graceful white line just tedaris so tha nersns case y ~alhr rsdn flnt fsl o h eodpr fThe poverty robe,"suggestive Iaoehsbos he was trying to use had no ink- last yea alaher, president f length of silk for the second per- of the harlequin's tatters in Euro- above his brows. lin of the presence of "the Ger- Office of of New York. Gover- formance of "Circle of Chalk." pen theater, is covered with "This kind of makeup distorts maofhend sneonneun pentetrns oee ihhand" announ Len Williams will greet "We had abut three weels for formless patches of different the face to capture the chracter mAmon s. spotty reading in the Rare Books colors. or moo o he payer, e ex- Toinse apere oen toe-n Amon ress will feature pre- room and consultations with the Denotes Social Rank paned. da top secret caole dated July 5, 247 fro STenth Anniversary people in Far Eastern Studies," She applied high-harc-hed , eye- a o ertc~edtdJ L at24 iA arold. T th asnn rany shole advinse u s. ern d in The elaboration and embroidery brows and a delicate heart-shaped 1940-he made a request, which Latin A costumes and headgear also mouth on :Valerie Schor's face. apparently was granted: Could he ish Co isevelt for their servi- "And the designing, cutting and denoted social rank, Miss Smith "These bring out femininity," she destroy all his fiancial records Near B :ssociation. sewing had to be squeezed into the said. Anonymous black without said. "Until modern times, males about his "special method" propa- and Afr iferences will precede.; week before the opening perform- any configuration is used for the played all parts in the Chinese ganda efforts? These ions of the Congress. ance. costumes of property-men, who theater." Thus there seemingly exists no a total :t Body President's "But I think we've stuck to the are part of the cast. As the performers scampered off available checks on whether his Arbor; it wxnecteA +n attr at intent and1 meaning so intimately.. .I.. ,, college. ou'L somet ing fasten a sort of .around the, nee goverinment.") e said he would hi ill anyway. adership question tower said he n hat' influential Di iplained. they cou louse cooperation foreign aid bill. rbody wants to c he has a liais e. Enroli als 8,84 Summ, cial fifth week t Session enrollm students) indicat f almost 500 stud ar, Merlin Mille Registrations an ced yesterday. g the student en dents from 65 t m the Far East; merica; 103 from nmonwealth; 76 ast, and 71 fror ica. students are in of 7,719 enrolle( 146 are enrolled Tn 1956 . tota