.A Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS Op THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 HumsAM T&ree' Wil Panm today and Tomorrow " By WALTER LIPPMANN 'ry+ " ., ta- [y ,.+:;.+1r..;;vy,.m ",.: "Now Do You Want To Try For Nothing ?" Merry- Goa Round By DREW E 4i 21r IN 64-4 r! I r1 fals printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions f staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all refprints. Y, JULY 31, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: RENE GNAM World Student Congresses And international Arairs EASON for youth festivals arxd con- es is well under way now, and pros- e holding true for a great number of in international relations for all those dance. )scow, 160 Americans are taking part 'orld Festival of Youth and Students - with the blessing of the United States ent of State. The government has dis- 1 such participation, .but did nothing nt .Americans from travelling to Mos- the event. its, however, are finding out for them- e dangers involved in visiting a nation posite ideas and ideology. y reports have come in of students, isquoted in the Soviet, press, of other being held for investigation for sev- rs in "camera incidents" where their films' have been .taken from them 'and :, and of still others who have been ed by English-speaking guides as the nrades." .. E SAME TIME, the students have dis- ed some rather glaring' omissions in vledge of Communist Party affairs in on the part of .the Russian citizens. hat these students journeying to other often do not realize until too late is i actions reflect the whole United ,d that the Soviet people ca interpret, ;ions in many ways to arrive at a sat- doctrine for their belief. In spite of the "student movement" or "world youth movement," the American government remains uppermost in importance here - and students or world travellers must constantly be aware of not doing anything that would in any way harm their country. ANOTHER student congress, this time a little closer to home, will be held during the last weeks of August on this very campus. This, of course, is the National Student Association congress, with thousands of students from ev- ery state in the nation and many foreign coun- tries planning to attend. For the American student, there is less dan- ger of harming his own country while he is deep within it, but there are still precautionary measures that must be taken to insure against a visit6r's going away with an incorrect im- pression of the United States and its students. The student, as much as any. other citizen, must remember that in dealing with other na- tions or individuals from other nations, he rep- resents the United States ' to them. And he must act at all times in accordance with his kjiowledge., , Student congresses and festivals have their value - definite value in the exchange of knowledge and ideas - but they can easily be- come dangerous when drawn too closely into the realm of international affairs. -VERNON NAHRGANG Editor Britisin Oman expiring as front-page news is the action in Oman. After several air 1 abandoned rebel forts, and anl en- of a detachment of troops to back Itan, security has essentially been re- 9 of "gunboat diplomacy" have been n various quarters. (By far the loud- from Russia, as is to be expected.) ik that whatever issue can be made incident, security should be the fore- ideration. In the ill-defined borders3 sultanates ringing the Persian Gulf, to commerce and therefore the live- Britain was immediate. iead of the gulf is Abadan, the world's refinery and very much in the news 's ago when Premier Mossadegh of d it and paralyzed that section of the PERHAPS the British had this in mind when they dispatched jets to pulverize rebel vil- lages. They might not have feared the bush- league rebellion so much as they feared a spark in the Near East tinderbox. Perhaps they re- called Suez and months of gasoline rationing. They might even have remembered the spite- ful rupture of the Iraq-Syria pipeline coming on the heels of the abortive Suez venture. They may have beeni concerned that Egypt and Saudi Arabia would set up the hue and cry for an emergency United Nations General As- sembly session to "discuss" the rights of Oman rebels. And they probably pictured Saudi in- filtration in the Oman protectorate while the UN debates ran their devious courses. With Saudi control of the gulf, they might have guessed that this would be an effective lever to conduct diplomatic blackmail on the Israeli-Aqaba Gulf question, or to extract big- ger revenues from Saudi wells run by the Brit- THE BRITISH took quick and effective ac- tion. It was justified and it was as fair as the situation permitted. The rebels were given warnings of air attacks and Britain otherwise appeared to bend over backwards to prevent bloodshed. It is the same Britain that had the right in- tentions but used the wrong methods in the Suez attempt; the same that is granting inde- pendence to its colonies when maturity is dem- onstrated; the same that can still hold its head up in respect because of insistence on law and order. We note that Dulles has flown to London for disarmament talk conferences. We hope he will be fully appraised of the situation in the Ara- bian peninsula, while he's there. , -ERNEST ZAPLITNY Detroit Newspapers t And the Council Race, WE COULDN'T help but get the impression, from reading Sunday's Detroit newspapers, that the coming Detroit city council election is being looked upon by the/press as a race race. In what is supposed to be a mature northern city, the newspapers have taken an awfully immature view. The News listed Sunday all the candidates for council, enumerating name, age, address and occupation. After 15 of the names was . the' designation "Negro." The Times lifted the 15 names out of its list and placed them in two separate paragraphs near the beginning of the story. The Free Press merely said there were 15 Negro candidates for council but did not identify them singly.. Certainly these candidates boast (or lack) other criteria of greater importance to the in- telligent voter than their racial status. -VERNON NAHRGANG rTHE CENTRAL issue in the Civil Rights debate now is whether the Federal government shall have more or less power to secure and protect the constitutional rights of Negroes to vote. The Eisenhower administration, having put forward the Brownell Bill, is asking Congress to author- ize the Department of Justice to ask for injunctions in the Federal Court, with no trial by jury in case the injunctions are disobeyed. The theory of the bill is that in those regions of the South where the% Negroes are a large propor- tion of the citizens, white juries- the only juries there are-will not convict a white man who prevents a qialiied Negro from voting. Therefore, if jury trials are re- quired, the Federal power to pro- tect Negro voting in the deep South will be nullified. The President is deeply involved in the substance of the question. The question is not merely wheth- er he really favors the bill his ad- ministration has proposed, favors it practically, that is td' say, in the sense that he will exert his in- fluence with the Republicans in Congress to get it passed. He is more deeply involved than that. And he cannot fairly -take refuge in the theory he .often, though not always, i n v ok e s - namely, that it is the business of Congress alone to legislate. This bill does not add to or subtract from the existing law of the land on the right of citizens. Congress is entitled to a state- ment of policy. Such a statement would constitute what is known in politics as "leadership." * * * THERE IS no use pretending that the passage of the bill as it now stands will be followed by a general and automatic action in all the Federal courts of the South which will secure the right to vote. What we must expect is that there will be a gradual enfran- chisement of the Negroes in more and more election districts, but with a hard core of implacable resistance. Where the resistance is implac- able to Negro voters, there is al- most certain to be implacable re- sistance, by one device or anoth- er, to Federal injunctions. This will mean that the Presi- dent and his Attorney General will be faced not with the simple task of enforcing the law but with problems of policy as to where, when, and how, to use the power to enforce the law. There is no evidenc, so far as I know, that the President or Mr. Brownell have ever put their minds on all this, or that they have ever thought to discuss the problem thoroughly with the lead- ers of the various factions in Con- gress. Yet leadership of this kind is greatly needed if we are to avoid or at least to assuage, a struggle,. infected with violence, over en- forcement and nullification. * * .* THOUGH I AM very much in favor of the bill as it now stands, it seems to me self-evident that whether the bill turns out to be a good one, a bad one, or just a de- ception, will depend on whether the President has a policy for ad- ministering the bill which he has persuaded the liberal South to ac- cept. That is why the President can- not sit back, cannot deal with the issues at arm's length and with his finger-tips, and leave policy to be worked out later on by lawyers of the Department of Justice under the pressure of politicians. The problem of Civil Rights is the problem of guiding with wis- dom and magnanimity a great change 'in the human and social order of many parts of the Union. The ciange is already well under way. It is gaining momentum. Federal laws will 'not make or break the change. Sen. Eastland cannot really stop the change an'd Sen. Douglas cannot very much hasten it. What the Federal gov- ernment can do is, in some mea- sure, to channel the change and to control its pace.. THE GREAT task of the Fed- eral government-and particularly of the President and of the Sen- ate-is among contending factions to be the mediator and the con- ciliator, seeking always to insure the greatest possible progress to- wards civil equality which can be combined with the greatest pos- sible amount of consent. ' That ought to be a congenial task for President Eisenhower. It is one which suits his temperament and fits his conception of the presidency. But to perform such a task, it would be necessary to spend much time and energy on the problem, and to care about it seriously. 1957 New York Herald Tribune Chinese Play Curious, Effective THE fourth summer presenta- tion of the speech department is "Circle of Chalk," a traditional' Chinese fantasy dating from thet 13th or 14th century. This affords spectators a rare opportunity to visualize some- thing of the complex, elaborate, and often incomprehensible con- ventions and forms which make up early Chinese drama. All actors Are made up, with, elaborately painted faces in-bright colors, the Chinese equivalent of masks. Costumes are traditional: women wear flowing robes to sim- ulate grace and elegance, men wear more or less .ornate gar-, ments, depending upon wealth and position, etc. Although singing is not uncorn- mon in early ,Chinese drama, the version presented here is entirely dialog. An almost off-stage or- chestri of assorted gongs and sound effects is used to emphasize the action; also each character has a particular sound effect: the villain walks to a sly shuffle of brushes, the heroine's entrance is accompanied by a small bell. * * * ' THE PLOT of "The Chalk Circle" is a favorite Chinese de- vice, the eventual discovery of hidden guilt and vindication of persecuted innocence. Hai T'ang, second wife of Lord Ma, is wrongly accused of his death by first wife Mrs. Ma, whose lover Ch'ao is the corrupt clerk of Su-Shun, fat and affable Judge of the region. Hai T'ang is beaten by court guards and forced to confess the murder, but is sent to the supreme court of Pao-Ch'ing for sentence. There, aided by her brother Ch'ain-Lin, clerk of this court, she establishes her innocence via the Chalk Circle in a symbolic man- ner. Pao-Ch'ing, a, wise man, pun- ishes the evil ones and their. bribed witnesses, frees Hai T'ang and all ends well, after the Chi- nese fashion. * * * MARTHA .Wilson (Hai T'ang) ' Is the chief character, called upon to produce a more varied spec- trum of emotional expression than any other character.' This she' does in an impressive perform- ince; both with respect to direct action in the play and in her monologues to the audience. Al Phillips (Ch'ao) is cunning and satanic as the wicked clerk. His movements are the picture of. vice and duplicity; his voice is the essence of oily deception. Orrol Loveless (Mrs. Ma) pre- sents a cool and cruel picture of a basically evil woman who, within the framework of the form, offers a portraiture of rutheless ambi- tion. Lloyd Evans (Su-Shun) is jolly and openly corrupt in his role as the inept judge. While all the cos- tumes and make-up. (by Marjorie Smith) are imaginative and color- ful, especially so is the outfit of William Moore (Lord Ma). His, in- terpretatiori of this part lacks somewhat in pomopsity but satisfactory nevertheless. * * * I A SPECIAL word of praise must be :said for the direction by Wil- liam Halstead and Marilyn Lewis. which has translated this rather unfamiliar Chinese drama into a form which offers the audience a worthwhile and comprehensible experience. Scenery (Ralph Duckwall) is' necessarily limited by Chinese tra- dition, but beautiful. The back- drop is a large fire-breathing dra- gon in bright colors. Marjorie Smith's costuming, al- ready mentioned, is twi e praise- worthy, exhibiting much ingenu- ity and contributing considerably to the overall technical excellence of this production. Also adding to this excellence is the skillful work of the "property men," Patricia Graves and Shirley Nikoden, who walk on stage at ap- propriate moments, to provide- scenery changes, cushions for fall- ing bodies, simulated falling snow, and other such help. * * * THE conventions of Chinese theatre provided members of the audience with many moments of amusement not intended by the, author, particularly when, after Lord Ma is poisondl and dies in a spectdcular if tra'ditional man- ner (falling upon a fortuitously placed rug), a property man rushes out to straighten his clothes, -David Kessel Qq95~.p 'r't~ ~.dA$j4f.4~T'~c~v.J 10ST' ~- AT LYDIA MENDELSSOHN: Is WASHINGTON - Things fast in the House of Represen- tatives. They move so fast that ex- perts can hardly keep up wtl them. In split seconds a motion is gay- eled down. In a couple of seconds a voice vote is rule on The hub- bub, the whispered conversations the- visiting along the aisle Is s laud sometimes you can hadl hear the speaker.yh It was during this fast-movini welter of debate last week that u vote was taken which will meaz1 that the United States starts slip- ping behind Russia on education For 100 years or so the United States has been well ahead of Rus- sia on sehools, teachers, universi- ties. Russian illiteracy under the Czar was 75 per cent Now almost every Russian can read and write, in some, parts of Russia chi1 drer are required to spendI1 ye in school-which means two com- pulsory years of hgh 8chool - ahead of some parts of the Unkted States. New, modern schoolhouses have been springing up all over Russia, Amazing amounts of money have been spent on them. The state university of Kazakh looks as modern as the Supreme Court Building in Washington, The new building of Moscow Uni- versity cost $150,000,000 and re- sembles a New York skyscraper, It cost about as much as the entire campus of many American col- leges. , All in all, Russia is still behind, but is catching up. A REPUBLICAN banker' who doesn't' like communism led the battle to pass a school bill on the turbulent floor of the house last week. He is Sam McConnell of Ard- more, Pa., the fashionable 'main line just outside Philadelphia. He traveled over the United .States at his own expense studyifg schools, decided they were vitally needed. This will be Sam's last session of Congress. He is retIring at -he end of the year. And the attempt to pass the school bill was his last big battle. He lost it. The man who outmaneuvered him was another Republican, Con- gressman "Two-Cadillac" Charley Halleck, who came to Washington a poor country lawyer from north- ern Indiana. Now he Is wealth. Charley sent his children to 'pri- vate schools, the most expensive in Washington. So public schools aren't important to him. But to Sam McConnell, wealthy investment banker, they are. Dur- ing the school debate, another Re- publican, Bill Ayres, of Akron, Ohio, proposed substituting the original Eisenhower school bill, for the McConnell-Democratic comn promise bill. This distributed fed- eral funds on the basis of need, not on the basis of both popula- tion and need. Up jumped "Two . Cadillac" Charley. "Now this is the bill the presi- dent really wants," he declared "I could support this amendment. LATER HALLECK had this re- mark censored from the coigres- siona record - for reasons that will become obvious in a minute. At this point, Northern Demo crats came over to Sam McCon- nell, told him they would throw their full weight behind the Ayres proposal. McConnell was djubilant. He jumped up, started to telephone the White House, confident he could get an immediate message from Eisenhower supporting the bill. Before he could act, Halleck went over to Congressman How- ard Smith of northern Virginia, leader of the conservative DIxIe- Republican coalitin. They knew the tide was going against them; a school bill might 'be passed, Smith then moved to strike the enacting clause of the original compromise bill. This forestalled McConnell's move to phone the White House and pass the Ayres Republican bill which Northern Democrats had accepted. "Two-Cadillac" Charley then voted with the Dixie-GOP coali- tion to kill the bill and promptly had his own earlier remarks ex- punged from- the record. That's how fast things move in the House of Representatives. That's also how hypocritical some Congressmen can be. (Copyrigt 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.). SCREEN'S-EYE VIEW: D aoN o*s Drama of Onw- O I E d iTERPRETING THE NEWS: Russian, Sweetness, By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst [DAY'S statement of Allied policy regard- g the future of Germany didn't mention there's always one thing to remember. Western European Union was devised means of connecting a rearmed West mny with the North Atlantic Treaty Or- tion. But that is by no means its only he same time it gives the Allies the benefit .man military power in the general de- poisture, it also gives them a check on ower to see that it shall not outstrip the unity need and again become a threat to e lies the bars to an Austrian-type settle- which some people have suggested might ally be the solution for a unified Ger- -n a Editorial Staff VERNON NAHRGANG, Editor rILLYER:..............Sports Editor The Big Three and the Germans will not agree to a neutralized and disarmed Germany. Permanent disarmament for a nation such as Germany is impossible. France and Britain, and presumably the United States, will not agree to an armed but neutralized Germany, as in Austria, because that would mean the end of'the ability to limit her military strength to the community need. France, Britain and the United States say they will leave it to a unified Germany as to decide whether it remains associated with NATO. If time should undermine that estimate, how- ever, and Germany should show signs of pre- ferring neutralization, the Big Three would have to reassess their position. France has made notable concessions since World War II in order to advance the cause of Western European unity, especially in the Saar matter, but there is no prospect that she will give up her checks on German militarism. This, then, is always in the background when German reunification is under discussion, and will be a major factor in any negotiations with Russia such as are now suggested. ' The four-power statement is, of course, a reply to suggestions from Moscow for new nego- tiations on Germany, and on a nonaggression By WILLIAM HAWES Daily Television Writer NEITHER Webster's nor Aris- totle's definition of drama ap- plies to modern plays. Webster's most profound definition of drama is "the quality of being dramatic." But it is perfectly clear that quality has little or nothing to do with modern drama. Aristotle on the other hand provided an even more complicated definition. He included the "unities:" time, place, and; the girl. Since his day they've changed, however. Television, for instance, defined "time" as meaning anywhere be- tween commercials; the theater defined "place" as an interior set, preferably a. living room; Holly- wood limited the "girl" to 42-28-36. With such restrictions modern drama may be simply defined as the revelation of anything at all. A tragedy, therefore, is any show which didn't get a larger audience than its competitors; whereas a comedy is any show which did. To illustrate, There was 'a fabu- lously successful comedy earlier this year. I don't remember the name. It was about a ragged but pretty young girl who kept house for her two ugly sisters all day. Now this sweet child had a won- derful life. She sang, she dreamed, and she appeared quite content. Then* she attended some big social affair. The result was she married some unhappy fellow she This brings me to the other category-tragedy. Tragedy isn't as good a box office as comedy.. The reason is because it's about discontented people. And who wants to see them on TV when there are so many discontented people around all the time? An- swer: People who need a cathartic (that's from Aristotle too). In short, they want to cry. Here's a typical story of dis- contentment. I saw it on Matinee Theater (NBC-TV) recently. A real swell young fellow; who has centered his life on a military school, works hard enough to be- come chief personality potentate as well as First Captain. Alonh comes the villain-a sweller fellow who is-on, the faculty. Immediately the young cadet burns with a jealousy complex. Well, 56 minutes and several dia- bolical schemes later,,the captain now a private-realizes the error of his ways. Or, Climax (CBS-TV) featured "King of the Mountain." This was about a proxy fight for control of a big company. Adversaries were the conservative old man who founded the company aind the liberal new one who wanted to ex- pand it. Well, 56 minutes and two com- mercials later, the liberal man won. And you can bet it was pretty heart-breaking to watch t h a t lonely old man, who had devoted his life tn gettinr rich nff +hat Within the next 56 minutes all Hades broke loose., Both older. couples (some relatives were also present) confessed they didn't have enough love in their own lives. Sad, boy, it was sad. Another recent heartbreaker was -"Summer Return" (Video Theater, NBC-TV). The revelation this time was about a young girl 'who loved a young guy but owed something (marriage) to an old guy. Oh, you know this plot. too do .you? That's what I thought. NOW MY complaint with these shows (which I might say were well produced) is this: I know mom and dad are inconsiderate, I know the younger generation hasn't any sense, I know beautiful girls marry old men. And I know TV costs money. No one needs to take an hour to dramatize these facts. What I want to understand is: Why? Why is a girl happier (if she is), if she marries a handsome fellow and has nothing to do all day but look beautiful? Why do men build financial kingdoms and exclude living? Why do parents think they could choose better mates for their children? Why does an old man f9ll for a young girl when he's got a re- spectible wife already? Why does a seemingly well-adjusted cadet become maliciously jealous- of another's success? BULR OFFIC] DULEI J 1 IAL ,TIN The Daily Official Bulletin In