P~ £'iclt hyrn Mtll
a At* Free
Sixty-Seventh Year
'ials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Presidential eadership
-- ere Did It Go'
ON of President of the United
>osition of leadership and power;
be a strong office in which the
nment are held. Our thirty-
t, however, seems to think that
e reins are held, the better, and
file they are dropped altogether,
f executive is riding high in
two weeks, Dwight Eisenhower
ating between holding the r'eins
pping them.
ool aid. bill, he did both. It was
'stood that the President was in
1 that would give federal aid to
schools in desperate areas. Yet,
:ebate on the bill, there was no
from the President, no state-
that would certainly have pre-
asure from dying in the House
vil rights bill, President Eisen-
icated, in his news conference,
ly has not even seen the reins
and that he certainly had not
ghts bill. As a result, Republican
I trying to find out what their
rnts in civil rights legislation. '
atters, the President's influence
that the House cut a half mil.-
m his foreign aid bill-the one
sident has taken a definite,
on-and members of his own
have turned around and under-
bic budget requests behind his
be a result of that one setback-the House's
cutting the amount for foreign aid appropria-
tions. Yet, since then, President Eisenhower
has been less a leader than ever before in the
active days of his four-and-a-half years in the
White House.
At the same time, there is the definite knowl-
edge that President Eisenhower's days are
numbered. He has no need to be concerned with
reelection because by law the second term is
now the last one possible. His own political.
future, then, is secondary to that of the party.
Perhaps Eisenhower's intention is to keep
his concept of "modern Republicanism" sacred
from the spoiling effects of everyday political
maneuvering. Perhaps, too, the President is
purposely becoming more detached from his
everyday work load because of his health-at
least he is not letting his golf game suffer.
Then, too, perhaps the novelty of being presi-
dent-after being elected twice and having
assurance. of three-and-a-half more years''and.
no more-has lost itself from the White House.
WHATEVER President Eisenhower's personal
reasons for inaction may be, it is obvious
that this inaction will not help the rest of his
Administration during the coming years, nor
will it be of any value to his party-or to the
nation-in the remaining days of the 85th and
86th Congresses.
With a weak-willed old soldier in the White
House, a "team" of bewildered Republican,
senators in Congress and a sizeable number of
headstrong, outspoken underlings in the Ad-
ministration, the remaining days of the much-
heralded "four more years" look dim, indeed.
Bach Set
STUDENTS and Ann Arborites
had a double treat Sunday as
the music school faculty-student
ensemble performed the six Bran-
denburg Concertos of J. S. Bach,
in two concerts.
This was an ambitious under-
taking, considering the difficulty
of these works, their virtuoso de-
mands, coupled with string quar-
tet technique, yet able attention
and duty was given them.
The afternoon concert consisted
of the first, third, and fifth con-
certos. Each gave special emphasis
to a particular instrument or
combination, with quite varied re-
There was much nimble, folly,
competent hornplay in the first
concerto, and Florian Mueller's
oboe was customarily beautiful.
There were a few hazy spots in the
middle movements, cleared up by
the delightful rondo-like minuetto
* *. *
THE THIRD concerto concen-
trated on a string ensemble
throughout, and was only two
movements in length, connected
by a short, three-chord adagio.
The finale was very exciting,j
being one of the climactic mo-
ments of the afternoon. Gilbert
Ross, violin,hRobertCourte, viola,
and Robert Swenson, cello, exhib-
ited great feeling which seemed
to communicate itself to the other
players. Josef Blatt, conductor of
the series, was not afraid to take
this at full speed, a blessing.
Some may have questioned the
use of a piano instead of the usual
harpsichord for the difficult fifth
concerto. But if the crispness of
the one was lacking, the other
made up for It in the subtle dy-
namics, delicate rubato of Ben-
fing Dexter's virtuoso perform-
ance through the first movement
solo passage.
The p ano blended quite well-
if not too much so-in ensemble.
The slow middle movement, play-
ed by only piano, cello and flute
(Nelson Hauenstein), seemed the
epitome of Baroque style and spir-
it, a thorough delight. After these
two great movements, however, the
finale seemed dull.
* * *
THE EVENING concert, played
to a full house, began with the
fourth concerto, exhibiting the f a-
miliar flute duet, with Emil Raab,
violin, completing the concertino
Raab's playing was graceful,.
supported by the rollicking flutes
(Hauenstein and Sarah Baird).
This is one of the most enjoyable
movements of the whole set, and
could so easily have been ruined
by a lagging tempo, butfortunate-
ly this was. not the case.
The sixth concerto, the second
of the evening, was a disappoint-
ment on most counts. The violas
performed heroically, but in com-
petition with three cellos and a
double-bass, the total effect was
one of hopeless muddlement.
Cellos are not viola da gambas,
and in this particular concerto,
both violas and cellos are only
substitutes for the Baroque instru-
mentation. The results were most
The voicing was muddy, the dy-
namics almost non-existent, the
whole thing dull. This concerto
demands special care in handling,
ev.en with its proper instruments;
with violas and cellos, success is
nigh impossible to attain.
the second concerto, with its 'fa-
mous Bach trumpet solo, given a
tremendous reading by Carl Bal-
Soaring in the abnormally high
and difficult range above the staff,
the clear but not blasting trumpet
evokeid all the elation and gusto
antic pated. The violin, flute and
oboe enmpleted the soli group,
which alternated with the large
Clyde Thompson on double-bass
assisted John Flower, cembalo,
with the bass continuo parts for
all six concertos.
Mention must be given to the
welcomed program notes by Louise
Cuyler, which succinctly outlined
each concerto."
-Brendan Liddell
'A ~ YES -"
!p dv \o.
BY ' 0 t4' 0
'What Do You Suppose He Means This Time?"
*" '
Mo ISO' 1,1_10fe"no-
Lottery' Loses Head, Tail
that all this inaction and;
art of the President could
Ike and Democracy
UR ,oldest and most cherished sus-
concerning President Eisenhower
.iite thoroughly confirmed in the
Al' indications from the press re-
ig with his discussions with Mar-
' seem to be that Eisenhower has
nding of the fundamentals 'which
he establishment of a democracy.
Eisenhower -recalls that he was
put to-it" to refute Zhukov's claim
Communism is "idealistic" while
emocracy is "materialistic."
nd Zhukov agreed that an ideal-
would be one in which the people
t their greatest satisfaction in life'
icing to the estate, giving to the
of more than passing interest that
o men were representatives of two
iifferent social systems, they could
ind agreement in this militaristic,
icept of the position of the state.
onder that President Eisenhower
ry tough" to reconcile this picture
to modern American democracy.
three major Western democracies,
ice and the United States; the gov-
t 'nearly approaching this ideal. in
'eral centuries was France under
s reign of terror. It was his belief,
ple existed to serve the state.
better picture'.of this relation-
to state as it would appear in more
s can be gained by a glance at
der Wilhelm or Hitler. We hardly
.ere is any pressing need to recon-
n democracy to agreement with
hat supported these regimes.
enhower accepted as defining a
which "idealistic" conditions pre-
vail is in actual fact the precise antithesis of,
democratic theory.
No good American should have to be re-
minded that it is the fundamental, central con-
cept of a democracy that the state exists' to
serve the individual and to protect his "inalien-
able rights." Thus it is considered important
that each individual have a part in running
the state which is his servant.
There can indeed be little question as to the
cause of President Eisenhower's difficulty in
defending American democracy against Zhu-
kov's attacks: Eisenhower simply didn't grasp
the central concept necessary to an under-
standing of democracy.
display of an otherwise fine film
is ruined by the attempts of in-,
competant technicians. Doubtless
many readers of this review have
been obliged to sit through pre-
sentations of motion pictures with
garbled unintelligible sound, or in-
correctly focused picture, or some
other inconvenience.
The Campus theatre'has avoided
all of these misfortunes with some
skill, and now falls victim to ;a
greater evil. For some reason,. un-
known to the sane mind, the man-
agement of this place has installed
one of those so-called "wide
screens" with. the inevitable result/
that the top and,bottom of' the
picture In normal-size films is cut:
"The Love Lottery" was filmed
in England, where the wide screen
is not used. Naturally when a fairly
square picture is. projected upon
an oblong screen, it loses its head
and tail. Thus the audience loses
sight of a certain amount of the
/action, much to its dismay.
* * *
Lottery" that could be seen was
generally a rather amusing satire
of the trials a film star must un-
dergo at the hands of "fans."
David Niven is this film star.
After a hectic life in Hollywood,
where he is alternately .bored by
trivial conversation of his leading
ladies and mobbed by masses of
gluttinous womenNiven sails away
from it all to England.
But before he leaves, Niven
jokingly proposes that there be
established a great lottery with
the first prize-Niven himself.
Once in England, the head of a'
great gambling organization takes
hin up on his proposal and Niven,
to his horror, finds himself tricked
into becoming the first prize .in a
love lottery.
Women from all over buy tickets
and the money rolls in. Meanwhile
back, atthe casino Niven falls in
love with a beautiful female math-
ematician who cane add,:. subtract
.and divide, and now wants a
chance to multiply.
* * 4.
AFTER A hilarious assortment
of complications, the great day
arrives, and an aged Prince of f
some European region is recruited
to draw the lucky number. This
belongs to one of' Niven's huge
horde of fans who is quickly dis-
illusioned when she too becomes.
the object of pursuit by still more
How pleasant that the film in-
dustry can so effectively satire the
Sins of Timern
In 'the Government
IF LAST WEEK is any indication, religion is
receiving a slightly greater emphasis,
through the government, in the day-to-day life
of the United States resident.
Massachusetts Governor Foster Furcolo last
week, as a last resort, proclaimed a "day of'
prayer" for his drought-ridden state, hoping
to get rain in much the same way as the
primitive Indian rain dance.
And now, since Postmaster General Arthur
Summerfield has been so successful in placing
"In God We Trust on two of our postage
stamps, the government has decided to print
the slogan on all new paper money.
Well, the result of the "day of prayer" in
Massachusetts 'was rain-just what was hoped
for. We hope the effects of the new paper
money will be equally satisfactory.,
Coalition Doomed.
WASHINGTON (M)-The coali-
tion of Republicans 'and Dem-
ocrats which had supported the
Eisenhower administration's civil-
rights bill has cracked up.
Still in doubt is the question
whether the group can re-form its
lines and regain the strength it
showed in bringing the bill before
the Senate originally.
When the Senate voted 52 to 38
to cut from the House-passed bill
all enforcement provisions except
those to preserve voting rights, 18
Republicans and 12 Northern or
Western Democrats joined with 22
Southern Democrats. *
Thirteen Northern or Western
Democrats stood with 25 Republi-
cans for the stronger bill.
Disarmament Futility
Associated' Press News Analyst
SKIES and other issues notwithstand-
the chief problem before Secretary
n' London is how to preserve a horse
o or three broken legs.
lisarmament conference now faces the
i it must report to the United Nations
her a confession of futility or a pious
some results'if negotiations continud.
is considerable doubt in many quarters
talks can be continued with any justi-
e, or even that they would be a good
become more apparent than ever that
settlements must come before disarm-
Editorial Staff'
ainent, and that recent maneuvers on both
sides have been directed primarily at proving
the hypocrisy of the other.
Monday's allied statement on Germany re-
emphasizes the difficulty of even a "first step"
arrangement with any workable features
President Eisenhower's "open skies" plan for
each side to insure the other against sudden
attack was a great gesture.
It has boiled down, however, to unworkable
offers of territory-for-territory inspection. No
means has been suggested by which a balanced
ability to detect dangerous movements could be
established for either side.j
A "first step" agreement would itself repre-
sent an illusion, since it is a recognizable fact
that the United States is not going to give up
the war deterrent that its military establish-
nient represents-not in these times.
Dulles is reported seeking agreement among
the allies for a European inspection zone. At
the same time, he is pledging against anything
that will neutralize or disarm West Germany,
or commit her to indefinite separation from
by Dick Biber)
The vote meant defeat for the
coalition's efforts to retain' pro-.
posed authority for the attorney
general to seek civil injunctions to
enforce racial integration in the.
schools and .public places in the
This was the first major test of
sentiment on a strong civil rights
bill the House .passed286 to 126
with coalition support June 18.
* 4. *
TwO DAYS later, the Senate
voted 45 to 39 to put the bill
directly on its calendar, and then
it voted 71 to 18 to take the
measure up for action.
Whether the coalition could pick
up its pieces to resist further as-
saults on the measure remained a
matter of doubt.
Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson of Tex-
as, the Democratic leader, had put
the coalition forces to a new test
immediately by calling up an
amendment to provide for jury
trials in some contempt cases
growing out of voting rights.
Supporters said this w o u 1 d
"emasculate" the measure because
they contend Southern juries
won't convict.
By voting 25 to 18 against re-
ducing the .scope of the measure,
Republicans could lay greater
claim to supporting civil rights.
than the Democrats, who voted 34
to 18 the other way.
SENATORS whose seats are at
stake in next year's election voted
more than- 2 to 1 against reducing
the bill's enforcement provisions.
senseless mob that supports it so
eagerly. Still, it must be noted that
this filn is produced by the British,
who are somewhat less easily pres-
Two incidents serve to datethis
film: a Russian lottery .salesman
proudly displays a picture of Ma-
lenkov, now probably soldering
connections in , Siberian power
house; and a brief glimpse of
Humphrey Bogart, deceased.
-David Kessel
THE FILM of his television play
"Dino" reaffirms R e g i n'a 1 d
Rose's excellence as a writer.
Where we have seen Paddy
Chayefsky and too many other
writers, whose television plays are
made into movies, create charc-
ters whose natures are distorted
by the author's own post-Freud-
ian narcissisism and whose ex-
istence is almost contingent on the
absence of contact with anything
remotely resembling society, we
can look refreshingly at the work
of Rose, whose knowlege of the
world is of something more than
just people as people.
Yes, they are that; but to this
author, peole is a thing, too. So-
ciety. Too many writers prefer to
remain unaware of that fact and
accordingly their writing is of an
inarticulate Marty or an ineffec-
tual existentialist, afloat in the
vacuum of the individual author's
ROSE has shown the interac-
tion of man and his society in oth-
er effort, namely "Crime in the
Streets" and "Twelve Angry Men."
The author has never forfeited
the existence of his characters as
individuals, but neither has he
left their more vast existence be
rejected. In "Dino" he concerns
himself with the effect a boy's
return to his family and neighbor-
hood from a reformatory will
have, not only to the boy, but on
the people with whom he comes
in contact.
Dino is 16 when he is released
from Parkinson, after a three-year
term for his part in the -murder
of a night watchman. His return
is received coldly by almost eyery-
one except his younger brother
Tony, but that boy's hero-worship
assumes dangerous proportions
when he asks Dino to lead a gang
of neighborhood toughs
His presence in the neighbor-
hood is seen as a threat to their
well-being by people whom the
caseworker describes as wanting
merely to stay "alive and well and
reasonably unafraid."
Only his brother, a caseworker,
and, a neighborhood girl seem- to
be on his side, and it appears
Dino must counter the threat of
violence with violence.
* * *
SOME OF Rose's impact .is lost
in Thomas Carr's unsure direc-
story of the backing-ant
ing over the school bill is a
one. Though the secretar
health, education and we
Marion B.' Folsom, a forme
businessman and director o
Unitedi States Chamber of
merce, did his best to pass th
he actually got bawled out b
President for his pains.
What happened was that
announced to the press earl
week that he was confidentl
dent Eisenhower would thro
weight behind the school bil
He knew, though he ddn
so, that the President had
all sorts of wires to block
Canyon, to pass foreign aic
originally to pass a strong
rights bill.
He also knew that the Pre
had gone on record in speech
speech last fall for aid to e
tion, had also backed it in a
sage to Congress.
So he was sure the Pres
would get on the phone't<
Congressional leaders to hell
the bill.
BUT A TOP GOP leader, C
Halleck, of Indiana, beggec
Eisenhower not to support
school bilL
The bill had certain cbmpr
aspects worked out by the
loyal Eisenhower Republican
President has on Capitol
Congressman Peter Freingi
of New Jersey and Sam MN
of Pennsylvania. But Hallc
suaded Mr. Eiseihower to o
Following Secretary 0al
statement that he was sur,
would throw his weight behi1
bill, the Cabinet officer was a
ly summoned to the White #
and reprimanded.
On top of this, Mr. Eiseni
canceled his regular Wedn
news conference because it I
have preceded the scheduled
in the House and he was sure
asked about his support o
school bill.
* * *
THE FACT that the bill lc
only five votes indicates how
push it would have taken frol
'White House to pass it. The s
bill as 'finally plroposed by Ad
of Ohio, was Republican dri
exactly as Ike wanted it. Afte
Democrats accepted this ve
however, two of Ike's.own $w
-Halleck and Leslie Arend
Illinois-voted against it.
Last week, when he saw tJ
school' bill might pass, Hi
went over to Rep. Howard S
(b., Va.), leader of the Re
can-Dixicrat coalition, and,.
pered in his ear. Speaket Sam
burn (D. Tex.) also wbisper
Smith. Smith then moved to
the enacting clause of the s
bill. By five votes he won.
For another year the schoc
is dead.
* . *
CERTAIN New England Il
licans will be secretly pleas
the Democrats take a careful
or even defeat the confirmati
Fred C. Scribner to be underi
tary of the Treasury.
Reason is that Scribner
tried to defeat GOP Senator
garet Chase Smith, of Maine;
ond, Scribner is not an effi
After the San FranciscQ co
tion last year, Scribner as RE
lican national committeeman
nounced he was "rolling iij
sleeves for a smashing victo
Maine." Result: Maine elec
Democratic congressman fo
first time in years, nearly 1
second congressman, and in
ner's ow district, Cumbe
County, a six-Republican Asse
membership was reduced tc
Republican and five Demora
At San Francisco, incider
Scribner had defied a resoluti
the Maine GOP convention
Senator Smith's name mus
placed in nomination for
President and tried to keep
name from being, mentioned.
However, Scribner stepped
general counsel of the Repub
National Committee into the j
general counsel of the Tres
Furthermore, he kept his j
GOP national committeeman
a iR
. .
1w ; v t
. ;:
1 ... ---- -
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