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July 27, 1957 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1957-07-27

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irl ugttrc tti1

Sixty-Seventh Year

is Aro vr

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JULY 27, 1957


I -

An American Attitude
And How To Purge It

Soil Bank
Associated P-ress Farm Reporter
WASHINGTON (A)-The contro-
versial soil bank subsidy pro-
gram shows an efficiency rate of
about 46 per cent in the matter of
reducing the nation's overproduc-
ing crop acreage.
The soil bank program was au-
thorized ,by Congress last year with
major provisions set to expire with
1959 crops.
It directed the. Agriculture De-
partment to offer payments to
farmers who planted less than
their assigned allotments of cotton,
,wheat, corn, rice, and tobacco.
With cropland producing more
than could be sold at government-
supported prices, surpluses were
piling up in the hands of the de-
The objective .of the soil bank
was to help bring about a cut in
farm production to a point where
supplies balanced output.

[ING next month, one of the few good
>f the present Administration will be
ffect when new passport recipients re-
:ig with their passports, a form letter
sident Eisenhower ,concerning inter-.
ter designates the traveler as a sort
11 representative of the United States.
is out the responsibilities of the in-
oward caring for this country's good
reputation in the other nations of the
cluded in the form letter is the ad-
that the traveler should' be careful
eate any adverse impressions in the
he visits. The good side of the
ates should always be reflected abroad,
lent's note says.
y, this sort of letter should have been
ars ago. Its need in the cases of hasty,
and often thoughtless Americans
nnot be doubted; its use should save
ican government countless dollars in
hal relations.
. USUAL, the President's note is only
-way attempt at the solution of a
oblem. Much more remains to be done
e the people of America in the ways
erateness toward persons of other
h the 'American doesn't usually realize
ndling of visitors to the country or
f countries he visits is often shame-

fully reflective of his haste and lack of thought-
fulness. And it isn't only in other countries that
Americans can become offensive through care-
.lessness, but here in this country, too.
The South Quad food line worker who makes
no attempt to understand the broken-English
request of an English Language Institute stu-
dent, the saleslady who doesn't stop to make
clear the price on goods to one unfamiliar with
our monetary system, the man in the street
who doesn't even try to understand where it is
the passerby is asking directions for, all these
Americans contribute to the adverse impression
visitors to this country are receiving every day.
Reports from overseas indicate equally im-
pressive concepts of the American people are
being received through actions resulting from
the American's inherent and unshakable notion
that he is better than other people.
ALTHOUGH such feelings are certainly not
intentional but, in a-way, natural-seeming,.
they are certainly ones that should be recog-
nized and eliminated to every extent possible.
President Eisenhower's form letter is at least
a start in the right direction.
Yet even more can and should be done, prob-
ably on a more local level. Indeed, this attention
toward an American consciousness of foreign
people should be a definite part of Human Re-
lations Commissions in cities throughout the

Student Exchanges

,OTE that the State Department has
iallenged" Nikita Khrushchev to 'make
ific formal proposal" for exchanging So-
d American students.
ig all other State Department chalt-
this one is as spineless. as all the rest..
call that the State Department pooh-
Khrshchev's Kremlin interview with
affers, and that the President irrespon-.
>oke of it as "a commercial firm trying
er its commercial position."
again, Khrshchev made a proposal, or
t broached the matter, to Americans -
s in this case. He suggested to them that
I hundred" students be exchanged. And
ate Department responded in typical
-- with a "challenge" at a press con-
5EE NO REASON why the government,
it the State Department, the White
or any agency of our streamlined ad-
ation, should not immediately sit down
um up its proposal. On the student ex-
though, it's already too late, for a
officer has already sabotaged any firm
which might have been taken.'
led with the somewhat patrician reac-
the CBS interview, this latest precipi.-

tation of cold water makes us feel that the gov-
ernment (or its press officers) is deliberately
sealing off every approach to understanding,
with Russia.
Certainly 'nothing is being accomplished at
the disarmament talks with Harold Stassen di-:
recting. ,The UN drdnes on. Nothing at the
Tourists and newsmen are quietly, din a
gentle, human American way are trying to find
the Russian heart. We think they've succeeded,
if only microscopically. But a State Department
press officer or a golf-playing President seem
to delight in short-circuiting them.
HERE ARE, of. course, burrs in the student
exchange proposal. There is the matter of
visa fingerprint regulations which Russia finds
distasteful, and our abhorrence of Communists
in our midst. It is these specific problems we
should attack, and not condemn ideas and
suggestions wholesale. Is -it unthinkable that
the administration. recommend specific legis-
lation to allow Russian students to come here?
We think- the State Department should stop
acting as though it believed or is afraid that
our grandchildren will become bad little Coin-

TAKING the crop acreage in
1955 as the base-that being the
last year prior to inauguration of
the soil retirement program, the
new measure will get a net reduc-
tion of about 13 million acres this
Year before last farmers har-
vested about 333 million acres of
various crops. The government's
recent crop report estimated that
about 320 million acres will be
harvested this year.
But farmers had signed agree-
ments to retire 28 million acres
from production.
For doing this they were offered
payments ranging from an average
of $18 an acre for wheat, $37 for
corn, $50 for cotton, $64 for rice'
and $220 for tobacco to much
smaller amounts for retiring lands
from 'other crop uses.
The government's total obliga-
tion for this year is about 700 mil-
lion dollars, or an average of
about $25 an acre for the idled
* * *
BUT FOR every Acre farmers
took out of production under the
soil bank, they added slightly more
than half an acre of other lands
to the production of crops.
This added land-much of it
having been pastures, meadows
and the like-was not put to the
big surplus crops but to others.
However, from the standpoint of
reducing the size of the farm
plant the government is paying an
average of about $53 an acre.
Farmers cut this year's corn
acreage about 7,241,000 acres or 9
per cent from 1955; wheat about
4,124,006 acres or 8.7 per cent; cot-
ton about 2,124,000 acres or 16 per
cent; rice about 478,000 acres or
26 per cent; and tobacco about
566,000 acres or 24 per cent.
But these decreases have been
offset in part by increases in a
number of other crops not covered
by the soil bank or by the produc-
tion controls that govern wheat,
corn, cotton, rice, peanuts and
These increases include 3,030,000
acres or 16 per cent for soybeans;
grain sorghums, 4,805,000 acres or
nearly 25 per cent; barley, 400,-
000 acres or nearly 3 per cent;
flaxseed, 454,000 acres or about 9
per cent; and lesser amounts of
acreages for ,a large number of
minor crops.
PRODUCTION e s t i m a t e s for
these various crops indicate there
is a possibility that some headway
may be made this year in reduc-
ing surpluses of cotton and wheat.
But the corn oversupply situa-
tion may not be improved because
of the prospective increase in pro-
duction of competitive livestock
feed grains, such as sorghum
grains, oats and barley.
There also is a possibility that
an increase in soybean plantings
may toss this crop into the surplus
troubled group.
The future of the soil bank will
be determined by its accomplish-
ments this year. On this both the
administration and Congress are
BUT HOW will its failure or
success be judged? If it is judged
on this basis of the net over-all
reduction in acreage, it faces
If.it is judged on the basis of
production volume, the r e s u t
might be a little different.
The department's latest produc-
tion report forecast over-all crop
production this year at about 6.7
per cent below the record high
volume produced in 1955, the last
year prior to the soil bank.
Thus, this report indicated that
with a 4 per cent drop in total

harvested acreage, the production
would be down 6.7 per cent.
But whether this production
forecast will be borne out at har-
vest time is a question.
The department attributed much
of tha nrennntiv dcline in


. Solican

Coca.Inimitable in Jans'
FOLOI.JOWING a week of mid-sea- THE INIMITABLE Miss Coca who also flushes the uair in their
son s i 1 e n c e, the Northland was ably supported by Jules Mun- secret nest, Gordon B. Clarke was
Playhouse theater-in-the-round is shin who gave the part of the good-though he tended to
lit up and bustling again, and with wounded husband the sense of mumble at times, and lost one of
the current show has set out con- humor and toucr of crudity that it the show's best laughs because of
fidently on the second half of its requires. John Scanlan played the
summer program. role of Jessica's collaborator with tJanus" will play through Sun-
Much of the light and bustling control and a sort of European day. Peorge Jessel, Vivian Blaine,
on the stage this week is due to finesse. and Olsen and Johmso are se-
the presence of Imogene Coca who As t coupls ery ag duled for later appearances shere.
has arrived to play the female lead Gubi Mann was properly worldly: a-paraes
in Carolyn Green's comedy "Ja-'And as the income tax investigator -DonaldA. Ta
"Janus" is a laugh-packed show CEMENT INDUSTRY:-
when it is played by people who
can make the odd triangle it pro-gaal
poses seem alternately believable ,T ~ O
and ridiculous. Especially impor-
tant is the role of Jessica, the
faithful (for ten months per year) By RUSSELL LANE ed on a local basis, and strikes
wife who "thinks like other people (A)-A strike in the have been spreading throughout
dream." Imogene Coca was the CHICAGO(M .Aing in tye the industry as stalemates devel-
best Jessica this reviewer has seen cement - making. industry is pdsneMy15
ites Je. thi reiewerhasen playing hob with building and road oped since May 15.
m th roe' onstucton obsHowever, settlements have been
in th«oe construction jobs, reached with 10 companies ope-
It has slowed or stopped work agd pats Thesemand oter
THE RECENT Broadway hit 'on military projects, roads, fac- ating 30 plants. These anv er-
comedy proposes a husband and tories and housing worth more fined on the job with assurances
wife writing team that spends two than a billion dollars. that management will sign when
months out of the year in a se- These effects have turned tens the industry situation jells are pro-
cluded New York flat writing of thousands of construction work- ducing~on an overtime basis.
"lusty, busty" historical novels. ers out 9f their jobs, and scores of « *
The catch is that they are not thousands more may be idle soon. REGIONALLY, the strikes are
each other's husband and wife. The nation's cement output to- concentrated in the : East and
Jessica and Denny (a mild-man- day was running about one half Southeast, with a spotty situation
nered French teacher from An- the normal volume. prevailing in the Midwest, and the
dover) are just about settled for Approximately 70 of the 140 majority of Southwest and Far
their seventh summer of romance plants which turned out 316,465, West plants in operation.
(real as well, as fictitious) when 000 barrels of cement last year Some trade sources have report-
Jessica's husband, who had sup- were shut down. Of 36,000 per- ed that a.cement black market is
posedly embarked for South Amer- sons employed in cement manufac- developing in the East.
ica, puts in an unannounced and ture, some 16,000 were on strike. Producing- c 0 m p a n i e s are
delightfully catalytic appearance. * * * swamped by orders, and have an-
The shots that the rivals get THE UNION'S dispute w i t h nounced their regular customers
off at each other and at women manufacturers involves renewal of come first.
in general, and those that the free- one - year eniployment contracts, What cement is brought into
thinking Jessica gets off in all the majority of which expired May scarcity' areas often costs a sub-
directions constitute three hours of 1. stantial premium, including freight
outspoken comedy. Negotiations have been conduct- charges.
Mike Shayne Returns Again,
WEEP FOR A BLONDE, the precocious boy who reveals a MURDER, ON DELIVERY.
By Brett Halliday, Dodd, Mead. considerable understanding of By Spencer Dean. Doubleday.
ETECTIVE Mike Shayne hero adult weaknesses as well as a re-. Don Cadee, store detective, finds
DETmretVE Mikozen hro- markabie flair for detection, that the object of his latest case
hitting adventures in and around Young Frederick French parti- is a stolen fur coat that, no one
Miami, takes on this new case as cipates fully in the investigation, apparently would want to steal-
a gesture of friendliness toward a and makes for an entertaining, if despite its price tag of $100,000.
lovely blonde who had been an unorthodox, gumshoe. A rare crown sable coat destined
acquaintance of Shayne's late * * * for voluptuous TV star Lily Inez
wife. She seemed to be in trouble, HUSH-A-BYE MURDER. is spirited away just before- its de-
and Mike was always a little soft By David Alexander. Random livery to its recipient. Detective
when it came to things related to House. - d Cadee discovers unusual motiva-
ion behind the gift of the fur to
his beloved and bereaved Phyllis. Detective n o v e 1 is t Alexander Miss Inep by an admirer, but re-
With a neat twist of circum- who, after nine crime adventures ceies no cooperation from any
stance and a master work of under his belt, is still unchal- party in the attempt to recover
framing, it was soon Shayne him- lenged as the most naive writer the merchandise.
self who was in hot (and cold) about a traditional world of vio- Murder soon compounds the
water. A murder rap was tagged - lence, offers in "Hush-A-Bye theft, but Cadee's effort8 seem
on him, and he was forced to es- Murder" a new adventure of pointless -made af they are
cape arrest long enough to pin Broadway newspaper editor Bart amidst a grop af people who
down the shrewd killer of the Hardin and his Homicide side- amids a go fe
blonde who had too many inter- kick, Lt. Romano. *,never come to life.
ests outside home. This Hardin novel is distin-" CANDLE FOR A CORPSE.
This is the best Mike Shayne guished mainly for its imagina- By Stewart Sterling. Lippincott.
story in three years, with an un- tive handling of the antagonist of Ben Pedley is a New York City
usually good middle section. Mike the editor-detective. Hardin is Fire Marshal with all the equip-
is a little more brutal than we'd pitted against a police detective ment of a Centre Street detective.
like in this adventure, but perhaps who is mentally unbalanced and A fire in a Bronx candle factory
it's being tough that's kept him is determined, for his own special sets Pedley irto action in search
in the running with his perennial- reasons, to- send Hardin to the of a firebug and murderer.
ly fast company. electric chair for a murder he His subsequent investigation
* didn'tcommit. brings him into association with
WITH MY LITTLE EYE. As. it happens, there's a pretty the strange members of the Ko-
By Roy Fuller. Macmillan. good stack of evidence .at hand pate family which owned the

Associated Press Foreign News Analyst
ITED STATES policy in the Middle East is
unning into aperilous squeeze because of a
pllcated dispute involving goats, camels
the promise of oil.
Oman the British are making a deter-
d bid to retain their precarious position in
Persian Gulf area, with its oil riches im-
mt to Britain's economy.
the background is the old Arabian Penin-
feud over the Buraimi oasis area.
volved now is a suggestion of clashing Brit-
kmerican oil interests. Mixed up in the
bble also are the political ambitions of
it's President Nasser and the territorial
of King Saud of Saudi Arabia.
ithout some basis for a common British-
rican viewpoint, there seems little hope
lispute can be settled.
,rring a settlement, this new little war be-
:s a valuable gift to the Communist policy
wing chaos and confusion in the area.
ie fighting flared at an awkward time. The
ed States had just eased another dangerous
tion -by bringing Saud together with the
s of Jordan and Iraq in a common front
ast Egyptian-Syrian designs.
yptian propaganda welcomes the fighting
man as evidence 9f Western imperialism
a rallying poin for that elusive commodity
d "Arab unity."
iro propaganda beamed to the Arabian

Peninsula calls the Sultan of Muscat and
Oman, Said bin Taimur, a traitor to Arabism.
It. hails as hero the rebellion leader, the de-
posed Imam Galeb bin Ali.
Evidently hopeful of wooing Saud back into
the,. Egyptian-Syrian bloc; Cairo propaganda
calls the fighting a battle of all Arabs against
Western imperialism.
In Arabic-language broadcasts, Moscow glee-
fully labels the crisis the result of "plotting by
American monopolists to eject their British
competitors from an area with the smell of oil."
The British profess to believe Saud is behind
the rebel imam. They link the uprising with
Saudi efforts to extend the area of Aramcd -
Arabian-American Oil Co. - operations and
thus pin down Saudi sovereignty.
The United States State Department says
while the tribes may receive arms from the out-
side, "inner Oman is not an area where Saudi
Arabia has claimed sovereignty."
The fighting broke out in inner Oman, which
a State Department spokesman says "appears
to be clearly within a concession area of the
Iraq Petroleum Co.," a firm owned by British,
French, Dutch and United States interests.
While the fighting may be centered now in
the inner part of Oman, the whole Buraimi
quarrel appears to be involved, and with it
the future of sheikdoms and sultanates rim-
ming the Arabian Peninsula.
Buraim is a cluster of villages in an oasis.
The Sultan of Muscat and Oman controls the
village of Buraimi.
Other villages are controlled by sheiks under
British protection. The villages' livelihood de-
pends on grazing for their camels and goats.
Buraimi has the only good water wells in the
whole northeast area of the huge Rub al Khali
Desert. At the south of this desert Saudi Arabia
emerges along poorly defined lines with Oman.
r~--.,.,. ...,..1....4- Ai a mh n trr hn

Ie Alr4igalt Bally


N HILLYER....................Sports Editor
1. fNA.K -.-.........-........... -Night Editor

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