THE AMERICAN ATTITUDE Y L ,it 43U See Page 2' Sixty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom CLoUD T, SHOWERS I, No. 24S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1957 1 ircle of Chalk' To Open 97,OO0( 0 -Daly-Eric Arnold rmony vwti ,the summer's uiltures theme "Circle of a traditional Chinese fan- ill be presented by the department Tuesday : Friday. William P. Halstead will his 'play of unknown ori- probably written and pro- i the 13th or 14th century. A young mother is accused of poisoning her husband and ab-' ducting her young child. Her ac- cuser, claiming the child is not hers, blocks every path of escape. The death penalty seems inevi- table. The production retains the con- ventions of Chinese theater as seen today. The audience is aware of property men and musicians, integral in traditional Chinese dramatics. Sce'nery, highly stylized, is by Ralph Duckwall. Traditional cos tumes are by Marjorie Smith. In the cast of 20 is Allan Fire- stone, seven-year-old son of Da- vid end Mrs. Firestone of Ann Arbor. )MMENDATIONS: lavis:. Admit Soviet Students, mendations have been at the University "receive udents on the same basis eceive any others,"'Prof. Davis, director of In- Lal Center, yesterday in- ['he Daily. Davis is chairman of the ee On Intercultural Re- hich has so advised Presi- cher, he said. "There is no known position fol- lowed by the University which would prevent handling of stu- dents from the Soviet," he so id. 'Students As Students' "The University admits students as students. With over 1,300 for- eign. students here, any from Rus- sia would be accorded the same treatment," he added. "The present law is quite clear SACHUSETTS: 'ederal Aid Requested "y Governor Furcola I 3OSTON ()P-Gov. Foster Furcola yesterday declared an emer- in Massachusetts because 'of the drought and appealed to dent Dwight D. Eisenhower for federal aid for farmers. 'hese developments coincided with the first substantial rain in eastern Ma'ssachusetts and Rhode Island since mid-April. 'he rain fell a day after Furcola had designated yesterday as a of prayer for rain." 'urcola asked the President to declare Massachusetts a major er area so farmers would be entitled to get federal assistance., 'he governor signed the emergency proclamation on the unani- recommendation of the State Weather Amendment Board, which about not permitting Communists to study in America," he said, "and Russian students would ne- cessarily be such. "For example, the Soviet has taken a firm position that their citizens may not be fingerprinted -as required under visa regula- tions, he said. 'Top Government Policy' "In this- impasse, I feel it would be- futile for us to initiate any ac- tion at this time. It is too much a matter of top government policy," he explained. "As for our students wishing to go to schools in Russia, that is a private matter," he commented. "The University does not spon- sor any student abroad, except in specific programs which do not, apply in this instance,"he said, USSR Pupil, t Note Likely WASHINGTON (IP)-The State Department yesterday challenged Soviet Party Boss Nikita Krhush- chev to make a specific formal proposal for exchanging Soviet and American students "and let us have a look at it.", State Department press officer Lincoln White made the statement at a news conference in comment on Khrushchev's informal remarks Thursday to a group of American tourists in Moscow. Khrushchev suggested "several hundred" Soviet and American students could be exchanged. He boasted, in effect, that the Russians were not -afraid Soviet students would be weaned away from Communism by any lengthy stay in America-but that the re- verse might happen to Americans. 309 Killed On Kyusho By Floods 32 Inches of Rain Falls in 24 Hours TOKYO ( - National police today counted 309 dead and 97,000 homeless in floods on the southern island of Kyushu. Light drizzles added to the mis- ery of the thousands driven to high ground after 32 inches of rain fell in 24 hours. Normal rainfall is 88 inches in a year. Police listed 125 injured and 287 missing. Police and Japanese coast guard boats, planes and jeeps rescued victims and picked up bodies. U. S. To Rescue Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi summoned Japan's central disas- ter relief council to plan large- scale aid. Japanese and United States agencies sped food and clothing to the ravaged area. The United States Navy sent medical supplies. United States Air Force helicop- ters met the planes at Itazuke Air- port near Fukuoka and ferried the relief supplies to the battered ci- ties of western Kyushu. Ishaya and Omura are in the Nagasaki area of Kyushu, Japan's southernmost island. Nagasaki, one of the two atom- bombed cities of World War II, es- caped flood damage caused by one of the heaviest rainfalls ever re- corded in Japan in a 24-hour peri- od. Made Into a Sea One observer said Ishaya looked as though it had been transformed into a sea with only a few high points and roofs visible above the waters. "It seemed like someone had dumped the contents of a lake on us from a giant barrel," said the survivor. A' 2-year-old girl picked up 15 miles from the coastline clinging to a piece of lumber said: "I don't remember anything except that the water snatched me away all of a sudden." Among the dead were victims of landslides. Earth Loosened Ninety were missing at Kuma- moto, about 50 miles from Omura, in a landslide that buried 15 homes., Earth loosened by the rainfall blocked roads throughout the area and ripped down telephone poles. Rail lines were so extensively crippled officials said it would be two weeks before service could be restored. Sher To Talk "Basic Techniques for Advanced String Ensembles" will be the subject of the Music Education lecture at 3 p.m. Monday in Aud-. A, Angell Hall. The speaker, Rubin Sher, is a graduate of the Juilliard School of Music. and is at present con- ductor of the 100-piece DuPont Manual High School Symphony Orchestra at Louisville, Ky. He is also a member of the Louisville Symphony Orchestra. "i ) Japanes Flee HomE Senate Rackets Investigators Accuse Textile Union Officia Of 'Improper Use' of Funds WASHINGTON (P) - Three Democratic senators proposed yes- terday that the civil rights bill be amended to guarantee jury trials for all types of criminal contempt, including labor cases. ' The broad new amendment was offered by Sen. Joseph O'Mahoney, (Wyo.), Sen. Estes Kefauver (Tend.) and Sen. Frank Church (Idaho). They were promptly congratu- lated by Sen. Richard Russell (D- Ga.) on their "attempt to preserve the right of trial by jury." Sen. Russell hadI served notice earlier in the day that Southern senators would filibuster unless the civil rights bill is softened by a jury trial amendment. In effect, the new amendment woul revise the general law gov- erning contempt-of-court cases. Sen. Kefauver described it as "a great advance of civil liberties be- great advance of civil liberties because, as now presented, this amendment does not apply to this bill alone." Universite O'MAHONEY, KEFAUVER, CHURCH: Senators Propose Rights Rider asser Claims ie Doctrine las Str gypt' LEXANDRIA, Egypt (A') -- ident Gamal Abdel Nasser cheering Egyptian holiday vds last night the Eisenhower trine ,"had strings"- and that why he rejected it. ut ,he praised the United es stand with Egypt on the Is- i and British-French invasions |gypt last October-November. asser told his national audi- e the British - French invasion hie Suez was not to protect the yl as proclaimed but to bring Egyptians to their knees. Ve cannot forget the United es standaagainst aggression," ser said at the mass rallyin :andria's Liberation Square. the same spot a year ago yes- ay he announced Egypt was onalizing the Suez Canal Co. he rally celebrated the fifth iversary of the ouster and of King Farouk. has control over rainmaking ac- tivities With the emergency in force, laws requiring public hearings and advertising of notices of cloud seeding attempts are. suspended, and state rainmakers can go into any part of the state to try to force rain from moist clouds. The drought has created a dras- tic water shortage in some 32 Massachusetts cities and towns. Promotions University Vice-President Mar- vin L. Niehuss yesterday an- nounced the following promotions. Getting the nod as associate di- rector of admissions was Gayle C. Wilson, assistant director in that office since September, 1950. N. Edd Miller was named asso- ciate director of admissions for Summer Session who became as- sistant director for Summer Ses- sion in 1953. Charles L. Follo becomes assis- tant director of Extension Service, Upper Peninsula. In the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information,, Harold K. Barker was promoted from assistant to director to as- sistant director. Donald W. Ickes was named assistant director of Audio-Visual Education Center in charge of se- lection, accessioning and distribu- tion activities. Cuba-born Aubert Lavastida be- comes assistant director in charge- of film production in Audio-Visual after seven years as production supervisor for the center. Albert C. Katzenmeyer was made associate supervisor and ad- ministrative assistant to the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics. Climaxing the University Sum- mer Session series "Asian Cultures and the Modern American," Shan- non McCune, provost of the Uni- versity of Massachusetts, w ill speak here Tuesday. His 4:15 p.m., Auditorium A, Angell Hall lecture will cover "The Cultural 'Ieritage of Korea." Born in Korea to missionary parents, Mcune has Just, com- pleted a book, "Korea's Heritage," which summarizes long-term re- search on Korean geography. Past president of the American Society of Professional Geogra- phers, he is now director of the Far Eastern Association. Last in the series "Glimpses of Asia," will be'- presented at 8 p.m. Tuesday night in Rackham Am- phitheatre by the Korean Club. Program will include native dances, songs, and refreshments. Monday night, five films in con- junction with the' series will. be, shown: "Children of China," "Ja-' pan: The Land and the People," "Fight in Malaya," "Hindu Fam- ily," "Mahatma Gandhi." Also, in conjunction with the series, the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater production of "Circle of Chalk" will be given this week from July 3 to Aug. 2 at 8,p.m. OMAN s*e Jets Fire 'Double Stars' Talk Given, By Mitchell Prof. Walter Mitkhell Jr. of Brown University said double stars constituted "probably one-half" of' all the stars in the sky in a lec- ture at the Department of As- tronomy's Visitor's Night, last aight. Prof. Mitchell stated that "dou- ble stars" was an "enormous" field of astronomy. He defined double stars as any two stars close to- gether in the observer's field of vision. Binary stars, or double stars which are related in- a definite physical manner, are of primary importance to astronomers. Development of modern theories concerning binary stars began in 1800, when Sir William Hershell became convinced that a pair of stars were moving about oie an- other._ Prof. Mitchell pointed out that from expansion of Hershell's ob- Speech Lecture Slated for tU' Prof. C. Raymond Van Dusen of the speech department at the Uni- versity of Miami will lecture on "The Growing Edge of Speech Re- Education" at 3 p.m. Tuesday in Rackham Amphitheater. 51 NEW PROFESSORS APPOINTED: Nsm Niehuss A renounces 185 Faculty Promotions . Promotions for 185 University tinger (Physics), Paul B. Mueschke Edward C. Roeber, John Melvin faculty members were announced (English), Helen W. Dodson Trytten. yesterday by Vice-President and Prince (Astronomy), Ernst Pul- Law School: William B. Harvey,' Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Nie- gram (Romance Languages and William J. Pierce, Eric Stein. huss. of Classical Linguistics), William Medical School: Dr. David, F. All promotions are effective with M. Sattler (Speech), Erwin C.- Bohr (Physiology), Merle Law- the 1957-58 academic year. Pro- Stumm (Geology), Henry van der rence (Physiological Acoustics), fesorships were given to 51 faculty Schalie (Zoology), Marcellus L. Dr. James W. Rea, Jr., (Physical members and associate professor- Wiedenbeck (Physics), Edgar E. Medicine and Rehabilitation), Dr. ships to 66 while 62 persons be- Willis (Speech), Gail S. Young, Robert B. Sweet (Anesthesiology),, came assistant professors. Jr. (Mathematics). Dr. Lauren A. Woods (Pharma- Walter J. Emmons of the Col- College of Engineering: Julius cology). lege of Engineering was promoted T. Banchero (Chemical and Metal- School of Music: Harold A. to assistant dean. There were five lurgical), Hempstead S. Bull (Elec- Haugh (Voice).I other additional appointments. trical), John J. Carey (Electrical), Physical Education for Women:' Other promotions, with the pro- Stuart W. Churchill (Chemical), Laurie E. Campbell. fessor's department in parenthesis Robert M. Howe (Aeronautical), School of Public Health: Warren are: Richard -T. Liedicoat (Engineer- A. Cook (Industrial Health and To Professor ing Mechanics), Joshua McClennen Hygiene) and Dr. Robert J. M. (English), Norman R. Scott (Elec- Horton (Epidemiology). C.nia n F i3-w TT~ Q --- -a --- -- I . --__ rr rY=t_ r .." nell (Psychology in Journalism), John W. Carr, III (Mathematics), James L Crump, Jr. (Far East- ern Languages and Literatures), Arthur M. Eastman (English), Marvin J. Eisenberg (Fine Arts), Nelson G. Hairston (Zoology), Paul Van Campen Hough (Phys- ics), Norman E. Kemp (Zoology), Arthur J. Lohwater (Mathemat- ics), George Makdisi (Near East- ern Studies), Robert A. McCleary (Psychology), William W. Meinke (Chemistry), John E. Milhollandf (Psychology), Roger A. Pack (Classical Studies), Herbert H. Paper (Near Eastern Studies), James H. Robertson (English), William D. Schorger (Anthropol- ogy and Near Eastern Studies), MANAMA, Bahrain () - Brit- ish jet planes yesterday poured rocket fire. on an apparently de- serted fort at Tanur, seven miles from the Rebel Oani headquarters at Nizwa. It was the third day of strikes at the Oman rebels. The RAF said it will step up at- tacks until the rebels surrender. The rocket - shooting Venom fighters, took off from the RAF base at 'Sharja, in nearby Trucial Oman, following up. attacks Thursday on rebel barracks at Nizwa. The wave of assaults began Wednesday. The air campaign is the, only way that Britain now can aid the- pro-British Sultan of Muscat and Oman whose reign is menaced by his 01 dfoe, the Imam Ghaleb ben Ali. The Imam is trying to set up an independent sultanate. The British have 25 planes at Sharja massed to keep up the at-. tacks. Two companies of desert troops flown in from Kenya also are now at the air base. , Britain has valuable oil proper- ties in the area. Thursday, British Foreign Sec- retary spoke out against the rebels. He alseo indicated that adequate warning was given of Thursday's bombing. TV, Piano However, nearly half the total involved-$62,000-was attributed to purchase of luxury homes and equipping them with air-condi- tioning, plus a ATV set and piano for Klenert's. All this was an old story, explored thoroughly before, Klenert has been credited with repaying some $33,000 and Valente $24,000 of.union money used to buy their homes in a Washington suburb.; The part of the story unfolded in detail today was that Valente put an additional $2,442 of the union ,money to personal use and Glenert $68,963, 'with Klenert alone signing the union checks which paid the bills. All told, therefore, Klenert stood accused of 'milking the~ union of $101,963 and Valente of misusing $26,442. The Senate investigation has re- ceived considerable criticism by, union leaders, Bach Concerto Performances Slated,.Sunday For the first time on campus, Bach's six Brandenburg Concertos will .be performed in a complete concert scheduled for 3 p.m. and 8:130 p.m., Sunday in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Admission to both afternoon and evening performances is free. The afternoon program will consist of the first, third, and fifth concertos. In the evening, the fourth, sixth, and second concer- tos will be played. Written in 1721, the concertos were commissioned by Bach's pa- tron, Prince Christian Ludwig, margrave of Brandenburg. The znhower lsappointed House Bill ASHINGTON (A) - President aht D. Eisenhownu7~ssecr1the