A "Do You Think It's Cooling Off A Little?" Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 'b Opluoua AnPh Trutbww lrePmaV Today and Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMAcNN Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex pres the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DAY, JULY 25, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: VERNON NAHRGANG Education by Television: Two V iewpoints 1assroom Video Use: Importance of Teacher Intellectual Automation' Not Found in Machine r E ADVENT of television as a major fac- tor in formal American education must be regarded seriously by all those concerned with the future intellectual and social development of our nation's youth. There is no question about the medium's ef- fectiveness as a visual aid. Scientific experi- ments and medical operations, which could not be readily seen by many members of a class, can be brought right before the viewer's eye through video. Instruction in areas such as drama could be made more meaningful for high-school stu- dents If a different class each week were as- signed to produce a short play which would be shared by students in other high-school class- rooms. Elementary school pupils, not able to make frequent field trips outside the school, could have various aspects of the ;community, in- cluding its leading officials, brought directly to them every day over the television receivers In1 their classrooms. A possible series title would be "Wide, Wide City." 'f E TWENTY-FIVE existing educational television stations, with the assistance of the Ford Foundation's Educational Television and Radio Center here in Ann Arbor, have done a great deal to provide cultural "enrichment" programming in the evening hours for viewers whose interests are not satisfied by the medioc- rity of most commercial television. Adult education/"telecourses" for credit have proved highly Successful for post-college-age students unable to get away from their homes to attend on-campus classes. However, when prominent educators, such as the University of Detroit's President, the Very Rev. Fr. Celestin J. Steiner, suggest a wholesale replacement of many teachers by television, a frightening porgram of "intellec- tula automiation" of the future can be en- visioned. AT LEAST 100 freshmen at U of D will be able to take the lecture and demonstration portion of their courses next fall for a full 15-credit program over home receivers in 15 thirty-minute segments a week. Students will be required to go to campus only once or twice a week, depending on the courses they are taking, for group discussion and examinations. The main reason given by Father Steiner for the rapid development of "telecourses' on a full-time basis on the college level is the in- adequacy of qualified teachers and building facilities. Other proponents of educational television, such as "Reporter" columnist William Harlan Hale, also say that there are "not enough good teachers to go around." CONSEQUENTLY, the logic goes, we need only a few "master" teachers to undertake the major portion of our pedagogic tasks. The continuance of basic person-to-person relationships, as difficult as it seems, is vital to the creative educational process. Certainly, numerous tests can be cited show- ing how students taking telecourses do as'well, if not better, than those attending lectures. But no test can measure comparatively the total effects of a college education, the count- less hours spent in bull sessions - frequently related to school subjects, and the occasional rich relationships, a student may develop with an instructor or two. In truth, there is probably not really a short- age of qualified teachers as much as there is a shortage of educated persons willing to en- dure the inconveniences of the teaching pro- fession. Iadequate pay is certainly one deterrent factor. But even more discouraging to potential teachers is the over-bureaucratic, basically non-democratic structure of many school sys- tems in which administrators treat members of the faculty as if they were pupils, themselve. PROBLEM of staffing our schools in view of the impending deluge of new stu- dents on all educational levels is definitely a serious one. However, it seems that the use of television -essentially a high-powered and extremely effective audio-visual aid - as a solution to the dilemma is only part of a futile attempt to avoid more basic problems of our educational philosophy, both in theory and in practice. The video "gimmick" cannot solve the prob- lems of conformity, inertia,.and over-conserva- tismwhich seem to plague so many of our people at the present time. -SOL PLAFKIN Editorial Staff VERNON NAHRGANG, Editor THE PROBLEM of rising enrollments in our schools and colleges, seen as a serious threat to the standards of higher education, is be- coming more intense with the opening of each new fall term. At the same time, each school appears to be coping with this problem in its own different way. The University is meeting the growth in numbers through expansion - both local, on North Campus and at the new Dearborn Cen- ter, and state-wide, at the Flint campus. Mich- gan State University has met the problem by closing its doors to the excess student popula- tion and limiting enrollments. The University of Detroit is solving the problem by offering, beginning this September, a program of edu- caton-by-television wherein students will be taught at home through their television sets. While expansion seems the most valid solu- tion to the problem of absorbing additional students, it does have forseeable limits. The costs involved are not only high, but their source is greatly in doubt. The extent to whicfi a school may expand and still retain respect- able academic standards is also dubious. And nany other problems concerning adequate per- sonnel and satisfactory facilities also remain. A closed-door policy, while certainly main- taining high academic standards within the school, would be a serious threat to the Ameri- can promise of higher education for all. Lim- iting enrollments does not solve the problem; it merely intensifies it. ON THE other hand, the prospect of televis- vising education appears to be the most workable method of teaching vast numbers of students - as violently as it may depart from contemporary theory and practice in teaching. The size of the audience may reach any num- ber and the quality of telecourses may be of any degree. Indeed, there are no forseeable limits to edu- cation by the television screen. The prospects, while still hazy today, can at least be recog- nized as being almost unlimited. Our minds are crossed by visions of student legions seated in front of that instrument of mass communication, receiving mass education and instruction, all at the same time. The sight of vast numbers of people listening, unable to question or talk back, writing and learning the same thing at the same time. Or, if telecourse receiving were an individual matter, there comes the view of solitary per- sons, watching, wondering, trying to keep up with the pace, perhaps switching channels, per- haps dozing. Yes, the prospects for education-by-television are many. BUT EDUCATION is primarily and without exception a voluntary process. And that process needs encouragement and stimulation to exist. This is the major impediment in the way of mass education by mass communication. Therstudent learns onlyas much as he wants to learn. The knowledge he derives from study is in direct proportion to the amount of time he spends in serious study and research. At the same time, as good as the student's inten- tions may be, the often laborious nature of study (although always eventually rewarding) can be and is too often discouraging and tedi- ous, leaving the student susceptible to numer- ous distractions. ,This is where the leadership and knowledge of the teacher comes in. Without the expert who has already followed the same paths of learning standing by to guide and encourage and enthuse, all but the most devoted and monk-like students are lost, unable to follow the tortuous trails. Anyone can attempt to teach, but it is the real teacher who shows the student how to learn. The real teacher is effective as a person and not as a machine. Television, of course, is a machine. Whether the personality of the real teacher can be transmitted by a machine without losing any of its effect is highly questionable. The most likely result of such a venture would probably be to cancel out the person with the machine, leaving the student without that imperatbe element of the encouraging personality so es- sential to learning. MOREOVER, what administrators and other would-be educators often overlook is that education is that individual, voluntary process. The student does not learn fhrough lectures alone, but through the reading and research that is supplemented by lectures. The student must discover for himself the facts that he wants to learn. It is not suffi- cient for him to be told them. Television would obviously operate in the opposite way. It would expect rapt attention from the viewer, who; in turn, would be quizzed on the material shown him. The University of Detroit's system appears to resemble this. Students would watch television yREVf.' ..- - V. - W: C:$?narnamqw........Ux... OF THE "MANY" long discus- sions about our respective doc- trines which he had with Marshal Zhukov some twelve years ago, one point in particular seems to stand out in the President's mind. The 'Soviet commander had as- serted that Communism is "ideal- istic" whereas our doctrine is "ma- terialistic." The President remembers that he "was very hard put to it" to reply. Judging by his remarks at the press conference last week, he still feels that he did not win the argument by a knockout. The two soldiers were agreed, we learn, that a system is idealistic if its ideal is that people should "believe that their greatestsatis- faction in life is in sacrificing for the state, giving to the state." Theirs, it would seem, "not to make reply, their not to reason why, theirs but to do and die." With this military definition of the ideal society, Gen. Eisenhow- er was bound to be in trouble about the comparative idealism of Communism and liberal democ- racy. This was especially the case when, in describing our own soci- ety, he accepted the view of Mar- shal Zhukov that "a man can earn what he pleases, save what he pleases, buy what he pleases." No wonder the argument of the two soldiers was, as the President said on Wednesday, "very tough." Both of them were hazy not only as to what were their "respective doctrines" but as to what was in fact the character of their two so- cieties. AS WE SEE him through the President's recollections, Marshal Zhukov was then a veteran pro- fessional soldier but a new, raw, and very naive amateur in the Communist Party. He had found it easy and con- venient to believe that the Com- munist ideal is the ideal of the soldier, sworn to live and die obey- ing the orders of the rulers of the state. Bravely, he assured the Ameri- can general that Stalin did not "force" the contribution of the people to the state. State was "teaching a people to support that contribution." This, argued the Marshal, was very idealistic. It was more ideal- istic than any other social system. Is it not idealistic to give, like a soldier, everything to the state? And is it not very idealistic of Stalin to teach people to enjoy be- ing so idealistic? * * * HAD SOMEONE, who was versed in Leninism, been present at these discussions, he would have pointed out that the word "teaching" cov- ered the whole vast apparatus of the so-called dictatorship of the proletariat. The earlier Marxists, those be- fore Lenin, had believed that there would beadbrief regrettable but necessary, period of dictator- ship for the purpose of socializing the means of production. But then human nature would become re-educated to selflessness by the new institution of social- ist property. After that there would be no more need of coer- cion ,and the state would wither away. Lenin, who was quite truly the founder of Soviet Communism, was a harsh and implacable real- ist. He would have had only scorn for the two tender-minded gener- als in search of idealism. And so, no doubt sincerely but most naively, Marshal Zhukov was telling Gen. Eisenhower an old fairy tale. It was the tale of an ideal condition of selflessness, of 'a community of the regenerate, which for thousands of years has been the dream of many religious communities, among them the early Christians. The dream is entirely unrelated to the realities of the Soviet state, or to the teachcings of Lenin, who is its prophet. IN THE liberal democratic or- der the ideal is not that the high- est good is to sacrifice for the state. The state exists for the good of man. The highest political good is that the sacrifice must be justified to the people of the community, that it must be explained, debated, assented to, and that there shall be an audit and a reckoning after the sacrifice has bee nmade. It is true, as Marshal Zhukov said, that the liberal democratic order permits everyone to "do any- thing." Gen. Eisenhower should have had no difficulty replying to that. For all our economic activities take place within an environment of laws and customs which regu- lates them. Men, women and chil- dren work within the laws of prop- \. - - q -. . , If. s"..- " .. i' B4 , t Ii ' -,,o . ~wv9Sr?- AT THE CAMPUS: Golden Demon"Color Poetry PASSION flourishes in the "Gold en Demon." And so does the acting. And so does the Eastman color. The opening scene is a tricky- looking card game being played by several young 'people. They are kneeling in two long rows opposite each other. The idea, as near as I could gather, is to grab one of your opponents cards before he catches you. Anyway, gaily grabbing at each others' cards aretwo guys and a girl. Yes, sir you guessed it: a triangular romance. One guy call- ed Tomiyama,is rich; the other, Kan-ichi, is poor. The girl, Miya, LETTERS. to the editor (Editor's Note: Letters to the Edi- tor must be signed, in good taste, and not more than 300 words in length. The Daily reserves the right to edit or withhold letters from publication.) Zealousness . To the Editor: ZEALOUSNESS may be an attri- bute when mingled with wis- dom, but, more often than not, the zealot permits nis zeal to becloud his perspective and harm his cause. We hope the Daily's editor does not find himself in such a predicament during his tenure. As a case in point we cite his rather headlong condemnation's of the administration's fiscal policies. We agree that more coordina- tion within the executive branch might prove beneficial to the na- tion, the administration, and quite possibly to the President's party. However, past perform- -ances of both parties fail to guar- antee such benefits. During the last quarter cen- tury many of us have heard vari- ous descriptive phrases applied to that rarely attained goal (3 times between 1931 and 1956) of a balanced budget. We were under the illusion that it was a laud- uble objective, supposedly cov- eted by Democrat as well as Re- publican. Now 'we have had two consecutive balanced budgets and surpluses and a third is in pros- pect. But 10 and behold, what do we find in your editorial of Satur- day? "The announcement that the Administration balanced the bud- get last year-and made a little surplus-comes merely as another complication in the growing con- fusion in Washington over the Federal government's spending." The laudable goal is reduced to a 'complication'. Fie on those wretches! As if our poor Congress- men were not beset with enough complications already. To horse men! Chase the rascals out! Un- balance that budget. As for the contention that "the amount of skulduggery and throat- cutting in Washington is nearing an all-time high," some of us loves - well, you know -- the poor guy of course. The poor guy however would like to go to Europe to study but he hasn't the money. Through some reasoning, utterly beyond me, Miya (with the help of her parents) de- cides that she can get the poor fellow enough money if she marries the rich one, Tomiyama. IT JUST so happens that Miya is engaged to Kan-ichi though. Kan-ichi, moreover, does not seem to understand her reasoning any better than I did. So the engage- ment is broken. You can imagine what happened. The poor fellow' is obsessed with making money. He becomes a kind of Shylock or Scrooge. Only he is better looking. Meanwhile Miya, married to the millionaire's son by now, pines over her mistake. . Naturally Kan-ichi who is also Innocent as a lark meets a way- ward, heartless, female fatal, who plans to entice him. Well, you can fill in the rest. Or you can see the movie. I think you'll enjoy it. If not for the plot, which is a rather poetic and romantic dish to digest with modern day cyni- cism, then for the superb acting and simply beautiful color photo- graphy. FOREIGN FILMS are especially beneficial though because they satisfy certain curiosities. For instance, Japanese shoes have always appeared to be so awkward. In this film however I noticed no one had the slightest difficulty moving around, gracefully too. And yet I didn't see any of the women walking as if they were tip-toeing on hot coals which seems to be the stereotype I see in plays over here. It's refreshing to see color used once again as if it were a con- tributor to the art form ind not merely the verification fact, such as a tree's leaves are green. In- stead.it was used to create atmos- phere: to mold the story into color-poetry. Rather like the ballet expresses a story in move- ment. There was an especially good use of solen blue-violet, smoky, grays and browns. Color was used symbolically; and although this is necessary (to express joy say, with bright yellow), such an ex- pression lifts a somewhat tired situation into a much higher realm of experience. Music, which in recent American films has almost taken over the dialogue, is used to provide this lift too. At any rate such experi- mentation with color is definitely in the right direction. -William Hawes Washington Merry- Go- Hound By DREW PEARSON W ASHINGTON - When Presi- dent Eisenhower appoints mili- tary men to high office, he seems to have a propensity for appoint- Ing the wrong man to the wrong place at the wrong time. His first military appointee, West Point classmate Gen. Joseph Swing as commissioner of immi- gration, became famous for using government'automobiles to go hunting in Mexico, using his per- sonal, privileged position to obtain a Mexican maid at low wages, and using government airplanes for political purposes. On top of this, Gen. Herbert . Vogel, appointed to be chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authori- ty, has proved himself a Prima donna reminiscent of the days when Washington fought over the question of whether Dolly Gann, half-sister of Vice-President Cur- tis, should be seated at dinner ahead of Alice Rosevelt Long- worth, wife of the speaker. Invited to attend a dinner by the Junior Order of Mechanics hon- oring AFL-CIO President George Meany last month, General Vogel refused to go in to the dinner be- cause he wasn't seated at the head table. General Vogel found himself seated with a group of distin- guished industrial and labor lead- ers. but this did not please him. He aptually threatened to leave. Finally, it was learned that Congressman Howard Baker of Tennessee would not be able to attend because of a death in his family, and to keep the peace, General Vogel was waltzed up to_ the speaker's table to take Baker's place. AGAIN, the general was invited to a meeting of the Delta Council in Cleveland, Miss.' Speakers at the meeting were Harvey Fire- stone, head of the well-known rub- ber company of that name, and chief of army engineers, MaJ. Gen. F. C. Itschner. Once again, when Vogel was not invited to sit at the speaker's rostrum, he refused to attend the meeting. General Vogel milled around outside, showing his disgust fo~ the activities, then drove back to Knoxville. On another occasion, President Diem of the friendly country of Viet-Nam, was visiting the Ten- nessee valley. General Vogel conducted Presi- dent Diem on the tour, but, re- turning to Knoxville, the Gener- al switched the motorcade through residential Knoxville so he could stop off at his home. The general got off, left the motorcade, sent the president on to his hotel. It is strict protocol that a for- eign visitor be delivered to his destination before the American host leaves the entourage. State Department officials were red- faced, but found it impossible to give orders to the grandstanding general whom Ike appointed head' of the Tennessee Valley Authority. EISENHOWER now faces trou- ble with another appointee to the TVA-Arnold R. Jones. Senators probing Jones's back- ground have found that he a- cepted fees as a lawyer while sup- posedly serving the people of Kan- sas on the State Corporation Com- mission. Since Eisenhower has appointed more conflict-of-interest officials than Any other president, It's a safe bet the senators will take a long look at Commissioner Jones before they confirm him. . (Copyright 1957 by Beli Syndicate Inc.) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLTIN The Dally Official Bulletin ts an official publication of the Oniversity of Michigan for which the Michi- gan Daily assumes no editorial re- sponsibility. Noticesshould be sent in TYPE WRITTENq form, to Room 3519 Administration Building, be- fore 2 p.m the .day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1957 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 21 General Notices Applications for Engineering 'Rie- search Institute Fellowships to be awarded for the fal semester, 1957- 1958. are now being accepted in, the office of the Graduate School. The sti- pend is $1,125 per semester. Application forms are available from the Graduate School. Only applicants who have been empioyed by the Institute for at least one year on at least a half-time basis are eligible. Applications and support- ing material are due in the office of the Graduate Schol not later than Leetures Public Lecture, 10th Annual Summer Snti'. to ,'in rv i Research Tecth - . 'I '" 4 AT HILL AUDITORIUM: asie' Worthwhile I.' ALL THAT a large, modern jazz band would seem to require was brought to focus last night at Hill Auditorium by William "Count" Basie and his 15 accom- plished artists. His message came from out of the past, from the Kansas City school of the 1930's, and with it came the same driving power, the same contagious rhythmic quali- ties of the Basie band of that, period. But with it, also, came the con- temporary harmonies, the fresh, virile i'deas of this age, the quali- ties which keep the aggregation at the same zenith level it en- joyed before. One found it difficult to keep his feet stationery from the mom- ent the band dove into its first number to the final trade-mark rendition, "One O'Clock Jump." The exciting meld of sounds, con- veyed with a rapport which practi- cally identifies Basie, kept the audience his captive for two solid hours. News From Washington MICHIGAN'S Republican sena- tor, Charles- E. Potter, like most other Congressmen, sends out a weekly newsletter. "Senator Potter Reports . . . the latest news: from Washington of special inter- est to Michigan. "' He concludes his most recent THERE WAS no program list- ing the numbers of personnel, but the Count blurted some of the numbers and presented his squires by name sufficiently to keep the audience satisfied. Basie fans of any long standing must have been reminded of Jim- my Rushing when his widely- heralded successor, Joe Williams, strode onto the stage and began shouting those blues. Williams, stiff in front of the mocrophone, didn't require any physical gyra- tions to convey his melancholy; his rich, masculine, plaintive vocaliz- ing spoke quite sufficiently. Rhythm, a Basie byword,. was omnipresent. Bassist Eddie Jones showed amazing fluency on his cumbersome instrument in his solos; drummer 'Sonny Payne ex- hilarated the assemblage with a three-minute solo as the rest of the musicians left the stage. But as a section-therein lies the importance of these two plus Basie on the piano, and Freddie Green on guitar. The bounces, the relentless drive of the entire group depends to a large extent on these four. AN EXAMPLE of the new con- cepts was the flute, as manipu- lated by fiutist-saxist Frank Wess. This was particularly outstanding on a sprightly duet-with-rhythm entitled, "The Midgets," which Wessand trumpeter Joe Newman executed. Newman, too, was magnificent. His facile trumpet drove the brass- es to their peak and provided a lively solo medium. Ballads Bai beA. a nv~rf 'Basie '4 4. A I. $4 1 i