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July 19, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-07-19

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TErMSDAT. MY 19. 1959



'Campaign Speaking No Joke'-Auer

Though his subject was "Cam-
paign Speaking is No Joke," Prof.
J. Jeffrey Auer drew a lot of
laughs from his audience yester-
Addressing a summer speech as-
sembly under the auspices of the
speech department, the young
chairman of the University of Vir-
ginia Department of Speech an-
alyzed the use of humor in Ameri-
can political campaign talks.
No one uses humor as a rhetori-
cal stock in trade as much as
politicians," he commented.
With reference to the campaign
speeches of Adlai E. Stevenson,
Prof. Auer said that some people
believed that his use of humor
kept Stevenson from winning the
presidency. Humorous political
speeches, however, have been in
style for centuries.
Three Types of Humor
Prof. Auer listed three types of
humor found in political speeches:
anecdotes, puns and witticisms.
As an example of a pun, the tall,
stocky professor reiterated the
story told by Eddie Cantor about
a panhandler who tried to separ-
ate him from $100. 'But,' Eddie
protested, 'you look as if you are
rich enough to go on a Caribbean
In return the beggar punned,
'Beggers can't be cruisers.'
Prof. Auer quoted Mark Twain
for an example of a witticism: 'To
be good is noble,' the famed author
once said, 'but to teach others to
be nobler-and a lot less trouble.'
Cicero Gave 'Laws'
'Laws' on the use of humor date
back to the time of Cicero, Prof.
Auer continued. The Roman ora-
tor wrote that strokes of wit please
and attract the audience as well
Lists Faults,
In Machine
The feasibility of machine tris-
lation has been demonstrated in
experiments in the last nine years,
but there are still many big prob-
lems to solve before it becomes
practical, Andrew M. Koutsoudas
said in a brief report at the Lin-
guistic Luncheon yesterday.
According to Koutsoudas, who is
doing research at the University's
Willow Run Research Center in
problems of machine translation,
there were three major problems
to be solved before machine trans-
lktion becomes practical.
The first of these, lexiconal rec-
ognition, involves the separation of
the inflectional endings from
otherwise equivalent words. This
is necessary to lessen the number
of words which must be stored in
the memory of the computer.
The second problem is that of
conveying meanings which are
implicit in the syntax and of mak-
ing these meanings explicit so that
the machine can translate them.
The problem of multiple mean-
ing of words is also a stumbling
block in machine translation,
Koutsoudas reported.
It has been found that a post
editor, working on the materials
which have been processed by the
machine takes more time to do his
work in some instances than he
would if he had translated without
the aid of the machine.
Koutsoudas' report was part of
the Summer Session Linguistic In-
stitute program. The next meet-
ing will be at 7:30 p.m. today when
Robert B. LePage of the University
College of the West Indies speaks
on "Creole English in the British
He will speak before the Linguis-

tic Forum in Rackham Amphi-
theater in a program open to the
general public.

as hamper the adversary, mitigate
severe remarks and relax tension.
But he warned that jokes should
be natural and fit the occasion.
Cicero's 'laws' have been adopt-
ed and added to down to present
times. Today textbooks, accord-
ing to Prof. Auer, say that tired
audiences require an abundance of
wit, but the speaker must remem-
ber that he should persuade the
audience, not entertain it.
However, the use of humor does
not seem to give the speaker either
an advantage or a disadvantage
regarding the effectiveness of his
speech, Prof. Auer commented.
Humor Not More Effective
Citing a recent test of the com-
parative effectiveness of humorous
and non-humorous persuasive
speeches, Prof. Auer reported that
the results showed no differences
in the effect on the listeners in
either the comparative ability of
the two types to persuade or in
the ratings the listeners gave
Turning to the use of humor as
exemplified by politicians famed
for their wit, Prof. Auer discussed
several humorous speakers from
different points of time.
"Tom Corwin is described as the
most brilliant speaker before the
Civil War," the Virginian explain-
ed, Corwin, who lost only one race
for office during his long political
career, used the 'horse laugh' as a
handmaiden for 'horse sense.'
Delivery Important
Citing the importance of Cor-
win's delivery, Prof. Auer said it
was natural, spontaneous and fit-
ted in with his theme. "Often he
used biting sarcasm more than
anedotes," he said, "and part of
his success was based on his use
of descriptive language."~
"But Corwin claimed his humor
as the bane of his existence and
blamed his failure to get the Pres-
idential nomination on it," Prof.
Auer said. "Corwin therefore warn-
ed others not to use humor in
political speeches.
Another famous political humor-
ist, 'Private' John Allen, Repre-
sentative from Mississippi after the
Civil War "kept the House awake
for 16 years." Master of the anec-
dote, Allen immortalized his home-
town and adventures in the army
with facetious references to them.
Barkley Famous Wit
The late Alben W. Barkley was
so famous for his wit that he re-
ceived four speaking invitations a
day, Prof. Auer reported. Making
more speeches than any other vice-
president, Barkley had a native
wit and ability to tell a funny
Best known for his longer earthy
anecdotes, Barkley also occasion-
ally turned a witty phrase-"A
bureaucrat is only a poor Demo-
crat who holds an office a Repub-
lican wants."
"Adlai E. Stevenson seems to
have followed the advice of Cicero
and ignored Corwin," Prof. Auer
commented, "but his style is closer
to that of Corwin."
"Few American orators have
been endowed with such ability
Insurance Chiefs
To Attend Session
Approximately 60 Blue Cross-
Blue Shield executives from
throughout the Midwest and the
nation will participate in an exec-
utive development program here
this summer.
Organized by the School of
Business Administration, the pro-
gram will be conducted in two sec-
tions, starting Monday, Aug. 13.
The first section completed a
three-week course at the Univer-
sity last year, while the second
section will return to campus in
1957 to finish a total of six weeks

Prof. Carl H. Fischer is director
of the program.

since the time of Woodrow Wil-
son," he said. But Prof. Auer noted
that since Republicans attacked
him for his humor, Stevenson has
adopted a more prevalent use of
earthy anecdotes.
"I don't think that Stevenson is
so tremendously funny," the pro-
fessor remarked, "It's just by com-
parison with the usual dull candi-
dates that he is so funny."
"There is no evidence that a
candidate's use of humor will bar
him from election if he uses sound
reasoning as well," Prof. Auer con-
cluded. "This flies in the face of
all political experience."
Golf Clinice
Summer Session offices and the
Department of Physical Education
for men have announced htat the
golf clinics and consultation serv-
ices for this summer will begin
Conducted by Bert Katzenmey-1
er, University golf coach, the clin-
ics will start at 7 p.m. on the Uni-
versity Golf Course. The two clin-
ics will be today and tomorrow
and Thursday and Friday of next
Dates of consultation services
are Monday through Wednesday
and are entitled "What's Wrong
With Your Game?" Beginning at
5 p.m. on the scheduled days, these
services will also take place on
the University Golf Course.
House Rej ects
Barter Pleas
yesterday flatly rejected Eisen-
hower Administration pleas to per-
mit barter of American farm sur-
plus with Soviet satellite nations.
It rebuffed both President
Dwight D. Eisenhower and Secre-
tary of State John Foster Dulles
in refusing to include the barter
provision in a bill increasing au-
thority for disposal of government-
held farm surpluses to friendly
nations for foreign currencies.
Then on a 389-6 rollcall vote, it
passed the bill raising from 1 12
to 3 billion dollars the amount of
surplus commodities which may be
sold to non-Communist nations in
return for their own currencies.

Mass Media
Vs. Voting
Mass media cannot be used ef-
fectively to manipulate large
blocs of uninformed voters in a
national election.
This is one of the major find-
ings of "Competitive Pressure and
Democratic Consens." published
recently by the University's Insti-
tute of Public Administration.
Based on a nationwide survey
of more than 1,500 persons during
the 1952 campaign conducted by
the Survey Research Center, the
study is authored by Associate
Prof. Morris Janowitz of the so-
ciology department and Prof.
Dwaine Marvick of UCLA.
Appeals to Interested
They found that mass media
campaign coverage appealed pri-
marily to persons already inter-
ested and informed about poli-
tics. Among the apathetic, the in-
terest and influence of political
news was low..
Those who were interested in
politics and followed the mass
media tended to vote, while the
apathetic did not. The authors
feel this was a healthy sign for
the American political process,
since it indicated a relatively high
quality of participation in the
The politically alert person, they
continue, is subject to other pres-
sures besides the mass media
hold the media's persuasive power
in check. Family, friends, asso-
ciates and other groups important
to the individual can have a ma-
jor effect on how he votes.
Powerful Stimulus
In some cases, where all these
so-called "primary group pres-
sures" are in the same direction,
the mass medai offer an impor-
tant means of participation in the
campaign and a powerful stimu-
lus to voting, although they are
not apt to make the individual
change his mind. Where the pri-
mary group pressures conflict, the
media do not help the media do
not help the individual make his
choice to any great degree.
Taking a closer look at the
over-all participation in the 1952
election, the authors conclude that
voting among the lowest social
classes and Negroes was "dan-
gerously low." In the so called
"lower-lower" class, nearly 45 per
cent of those eligible failed to
vote, while among Negroes non-
voting hit 67 per cent.

Inez Pilk Tells Impressions of Campus

Miss Inez Pilk, of Cambridge,
Massachusetts, is visiting friends
in Ann Arbor this summer, while
attending classes.
"My special interest is Cos-
mology," said Miss Pilk while be-
ing interview on the roof of Angell
Hall yesterday, "but I also know
fourteen languages and bacteri-
"Specifically" she added. "I am
here to observe Midwestern culture
and to act accordingly."
Native of Borneo
A native of Borneo, Miss Pilk
was born in Boston and educated
at home by her aged grandmother.
She is a member of the Charles,
Ives Society and the Anti-Vivesec-
tion League of Boston. "Both wor-
thy causes," she states.
Miss Pilk is described by asso-
ciates as a charming, kind, con-
siderate, selfish, antagonistic
woman, of many faults and vir-
tues. But her psychiatrist, Dr.
Millmoss, protests that many of
her associates are badly under-
nourished, and otherwise incapable
of forming judgments.
Miss Pilk is a friend and confi-
dant of L. H. Scott, former Art
Editor and founder of the Com-
mittee, now touring Rumania,
Czechoslovakia and Magnolia.
Miss Pilk especially likes to give
Garden Parties. She also likes to
attend Garden Parties. In view of
both facts, the Charles Ives Soci-
ety of Boston, in conjunction with
the Cultural Exchange Committee
of Gargoyle, have been coerced in-
to presenting Miss Pilk at a Garden
Party to be held at the League
"Invitations have already been
sent out," states Tom Arp, program
chairman and Daily drama critic.
"We are anticipating a reasonably
large attendance."
Miss Pilk took care tocomment
Sayers Talks
On Reading
"We have become a nation in
which the specter of the lone
reader is a gruesome possibility,"
Frances C. Sayers, former director
of Children's Work, New York
Public Library said yesterday.
Author of several children's
books, Mrs. Sayers spoke on
"Children Do Read" at the morn-
ing general session of the 27th an-
nual Summer Education Confer-
ence meeting at the University.
Deploring the fact that Johnny
stops reading after he leaves
school, Mrs. Sayers said, "Only 17
per cent of the people in this
country read books after they
leave school; whereas in England,
Australia and Canada it's 55 per
cent and in Norway, Denmark and
Sweden it's even greater."
Mrs. Sayers asserted that one
reason there is a lessening in the
number of people who read books
is that we have made it difficult
for children to enjoy reading by
making it too easy.
"This seems a paradox, and it
is," she said. "The paradox is in
the word 'enjoyment.' We rob the
children of the initial enjoyment
of wrestling with reading by mak-
ing all the words too simple and
making the sentences too short
and saying too little while felling
nothing at all."

on Ann Arbor. the University, the
Faculty, the Administration, and
Michigan. Most of her comments
cannot be stated but some bear
close watching,
Curious Arrangement
"I am particularly appalled by
the curious living arrangements
here," she said. "Back at Borneo
State, where my Uncle taught
Semantics, all women lived in one
large hut.
"Here is much more complicated
and interesting."

Miss Pilk finds Ann Arbor a not
unpleasant admixture of what she.
calls Midwestern Provincialism
and Crass Commercialism. Al-
though she especially dislikes com-
mercialism, Miss Pilk noted that
elegant commercialism has a per-
versive appeal to -which she is
strangely attracted.
Miss Pilk, who is regularly en-
rolled at Radcliffe under the name
of Jean Berko, is looking forward
to spending next summer at
Prague, proofreading for the Czech
edition of Pravda.
Conduct Study
Assistant Prof. Robert Vinter
of the School of Social Work and
Roger Lynd of the Michigan De-
partment of Social Welfare are
cooperating in a study of the
effect of size, staff personnel, and
morale on treatment given child-
ren at the Boys Vocational School,
Lansing, this summer.
The research is financed by the
National Institute of Mental

Plan Concert
For Organ
By Marriott
Frederick L. Marriott, guest or-
ganist from Kirk-in-the-Hills.
Bloomfield Hills, will present a
concert at 4:15 p.m. Sunday in
Hill Auditorium.
Marriott will open his program
with "Echo Voluntary for Double
Organ" by Henry Purcell. This
will be followed by "Capricio
Cucu (The Cuckoo Caprice)" by
John Kasper Kerll; "Capricio" by
Jan Peeters Sweelinck; "Concerto
XIV" by Georg Griederich Handel,
and "Concerto in G Major" by
Johann Sebastian Bach.
Marriott will also play Bach's
Choral Prelude, "Before Thy
Throne I Now Appear" in memory
of G. Donald Harrison, an out-
standingtorgan builder who died
last month.
The program will continue with
"Passacaglia and Fugue" by Bach;
"Finale" by Cesar Franck; and
"Herzlich Lieb had dich, 0 Herr"
by Johann Nepomuk David.


-- --""'"'"""

Dining Out is Fun!

... friend of Gargoyle

,+ y7..
M'+ 21 J
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nn. .r'dv..

DETROIT (P)- - Maurice Ham-
ilton, 20-year-old immigrant stu-
dent from Iraq, was convicted of
first degree murder yesterday in
the butcher-knife slaying of De-
troit grocer Aziz Hermiz last Feb.
But simultaneously, a Record-
er's (Criminal) Court jury found
Mrs. Victoria Hermiz, co-defen-
dant and Hamilton's admitted
lover, innocent by reason of in-
His conviction carries a manda-
tory life sentence. She must be
committed to a mental hospital
for life or until she can prove her
The verdict, returned after 12
hours' deliberation by the jury of
nine men and three women, ended
the bizzare 51 week murder trial
of the young Iraqui student and
his 35-year-old paramour, also an

Tonight ... why not enjoy one of
our delicious steaks--or treat your'
self to our ten er chicken-try our
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(Continued from Page 2)
Training; Attendance Teacher.
For additional information, contact
the Bureau of Appointment, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg. No. 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Solvey Process Div., Detroit, Michigan,
is recruiting Salesmen with degrees in
Chemistry or Chem. E. or with B.A. de-
grees and two or three years in Chem.
The company, which is a division of Al-
lied Chem. and Dye Corp., is also in-
terested in men for Production, En-
gineering, Research and Technical
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. needs
Salesmen for the Ohio and Michigan
area. Must be veterans.
_ I-T-E Circuit Breaker Co., (switch-
gear manufacturer) Phila., Penn., has
openings in all branches of engineer-
ing for Design, Development and Re-
search. Also needs a man with two or
more years of experience in Microwave
and Antenna Engrg., a man with an
M.S. In Mech. or Aero. E. to work in
Thermodynamicsrand Aerodynamics, an
Electrical Engr., and a man with a
B.S. in Mech. E. for Project Engrg.
Western Electric Co., Detroit, Mich.,
is interested in men with Mechanical
Ability for a Management Training
Program. If there are interested appli-
cants, a representative of the company
will come to the campus.

Daily Bulletin Galley Two Nan 3
The Terry Steam Turbine Co., Hart-
ford, Conn., is looking for a man be-
tween 28 and 45, who has a degree in
Mech. E. and a number of years of
experience in the design of turbines,
pumps, compressors or similar equip-
ment, to be an assistant to the Chief
Tennessee Eastman Co., Div. of East-
man Kodak Co., Kingsport, Tenn., has
an opening for a Chemist in the Foods
Section of the Chemical Sales Devel-
opment Lab.
For Further informataion contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
min. Bldg., ext. 371.


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Closed All Day Saturday


Men ' Quality Footwear
Beginning Thursday A.M., July 19th
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Shorty gown to match,.-
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