Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNNVERSTY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 wFellows, Im Neutral" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: DICK HALLORAN Nehru, T110, Nasser Meeting May Bolster Coexistence SCHEDULED MEETINGS between Prime Min- First of all, the three have at one time or ister Nehru of India, President Tito of another disavowed any intentions of separating Yugoslavia and President Nasser of Egypt, are themselves from either East or West. Secondly, vitally important to the West. their real power lies in their ability to create Though no concrete formulas or specific imbalance by alliance with East or West. policies are expected, what these three discuss Standing alone their force is considerably may well shape the "cold war's" course. The diminished. It is a situation not unlike that three important leaders, representing three, which prevails in Congress with the South. continents, have been wined and dined by East And thirdly, they dissimilar have regional and West alike in efforts to secure their favor. problems for which they need the help of East Despite speculation and inference that would or West rather than each other (an example place them in one camp or the other, the being Yugoslavia's interest in German re- official policy of all three is neutralism. armification.) Their basic point of difference with the West What is probable however, is that Tito's is that they believe peaceful coexistence is policy of "active coexistence," and Nehru's con- possible and see no danger in the Soviet Union. cept of "positive neutralism" will be strength- They have refused to sever ties with the East ened, and the three will continue to hoe their or West. Despite the extreme displeasure it narro wline. arouses, the three trade freely with the Red Rather than formulate a new policy or line of block. On the other hand they have not allowed action, the three will probably exchange ideas the Soviets to reduce them to satellite status. and clarify their position with regard to one They claim political independence. another. RE ARE four possible political trends THE SIGNIFICANCE of all this to the United that could develop as a result of the talks: States is not heartening. Stiffer competi- alliance with the West, alliance with East, a tion may be expected in the economic offensive third bloc, and continuation of the policy of and in the battle of ideologies. As Yugoslavia, existing somewhere between East and West. Egypt and India continue to realize their The first two are almost out of the question. increasing importance, continue to exploit their All three leaders have indicated they have no ability to tip the scales if they please, the battle intention of being engulfed by the Soviets. for their friendship will prove costly and diffi- And they are too wary of Western domination cult. and economic consequences of an alliance with It is a battle which must be won through the West. economic aid and tactful diplomacy. Appearance of a third bloc is also unlikely. -LEE MARKS Expensive Air Force Egg NOW THAT Congress has appropriated an IT IS NOT difficult to see why Twining says extra $800,000,000 to the reluctant Depart- that he doesn't know quite how the money ment of Defense in an attempt to revive our can be properly spent. Production facilities supposedly dying bomber fleet, Secretary of are finite in size and cannot be doubled or the Air Force Quarles and General of the Air tripled overnight. Even if it were possible, there farce Twining have an expensive egg to hatch. would remain similar problems with regard to Since the act shas passed, several statements manpower and material. have been released by the Air Force to outline It can also be seen why the Air Force is the possible expenditure of this money., First, reluctant to spend a large sum so quickly on the ARir Force could effectively use the addi- reca pnalyrgrsugesomu s.klyo tional money and although the money would not one weapon, namely long range bombers. All be completely devoted to the production of the modern weapons tend to become quickly out- B-52 heavy bomber, as much of it as possible moded, particularly airplanes, an despecialy in would be used in that manner. Also, about the light of the ever expanding missile program. $100,000,000 of it would be earmarked for Although one-might say that the money could resgarch and there might be an increase in be devoted to research, here again, the prob- the effort devoted to production of the new lems of manpower and facilities arise. K135 Jet tanker. The Air Force had established a program Along with these have been two statements it considered well balanced and effective and contradicting the first. First, General Twining as a result, is unprepared to put such a large stated that although he though that the money and sudde nappropriation to its best use. could be effectively put to use, he also said he didn't quite know how. Moreover, in an earlier If the U.S. Congress is really interested in statement, he indicated that he did not think putting the taxpayers, dollar to good use, it it was to engaged in a quantitive race with the should have established a program for in- Russians. With the contradictions attendant in creasing the Air Force's budget gradually, and these statements, one cannot help but doubt only at the speed the Air Force's procurement just how effectively the extra appropriation and research departments are able to handle it. will be used. --DAVE GELFAND INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Nehru vs. Colonialism K~iTRAliS i SogA RMOAL KROW4 NEUTI TR A'r Imm ow ~1 ?c. a11P " ,oP'' 5' _ f , % O St . i nl , R 3 4 Df _ ' a a V _ s - _ i r," " ter,:, %" _ { ^ r r , b J t Y . } t ''j \ e.r-q , 4 }.. 1 C' h ; _ - W '_ a" *MT f ANYA A ~~ 1 ~~AL Sih SHAKESPEARE: 'Henry V,' 'Merry Wives In Artistic Tradition By HARLAND BRITZ STRATFORD, Ontario. The guiding genius of Tyrone Guthrie left the Stratford Shakesperean Festival at the end of last summer's season, content that the three-year-old company had firmly planted its roots into the rolling Ontario countryside, and satisfied that it was of age and capable of carrying on in the rich artistic tradition which he had developed there. This summer's productions of Henry V and The Merry Wives of Windsor justify his optimism. So far, Henry V has received the most ballyhoo, probably because of the personal triumph of Christopher Plummer in the title role. But the current director, Michael Langham, deserves much praise for his highly engaging production of the Merry Wives. It is true that as a play The Merry Wives is not entirely satisfac- MaF WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Nixon Soft-Soaps Chiang By DREW PEARSON GOVERNMENT policy on , the creeping paralysis of the steel strike has puzzled labor and indus. try leaders. Two conflicting views have come from White House and Cabinet. Eisenhower aides have told newsmen that the Administration did not want a strike, that they were worried over what a pro- longed strike would do to the econ- omy; that they feared a chain economic -reaction -might -throw hundreds of thousands out of work. Yet, simultaneously, Secretary of Labor Mitchell, Ike's no. 1 la- bor advisor, has not yet consulted with the President, as of this writ- ing. White House aides further say they have not wanted to talk, to General Eisenhower about the strike for fear it might upset him. How far the Administration has gone to keep hands off the strike is illustrated by the following: Secretary Mitchell made a public statement that the government would not intervene Mitchell, a smart and broad-Gauged Cabinet member, must have known this was arrogant meddling with the Taft-Hartley act, which specific- ally states that he has nothing to do with federal mediation. The Federal Mediation Service was given complete and separate power to act, yet Mitchell's statement amounted to formal notice to the steel companies that they could go the limit without interference from the government. This weak- ened the hand of labor. THE FEDERAL Mediation Serv- ice did not make a single, solitary move to prevent the strike, though fully empowered to do so. Associate Director Clyde Mills made a public statement that the disagreement "was susceptible to settlement," that it was a "matter of getting in and giving it a push." But no push was made. After the strike was finally called it took 11 days for the Federal Mediation Service to arrange a meeting of the two sides. Most potent economic force in the Administration, astute Secre- tary of the Treasury George Hum- phry, did not intervene. Humphry owns a steel company, National steel; also the biggest coal com- pany in the world, Pittsburgh Con- solidated; also a fleet of boats on the Great Lakes which carry iron ore to the steel mills. He has not hesitated to step in where econom- ic matters were concerned. (It was Humphry who put across the St. Lawrence Seaway after 20 years of delay, thereby expediting ore shipments from his Labrador iron fields.) But in the steel strike he did not move Labor and industry conclude, therefore, that the Administration, though unhappy about a strike, did not want to incur industry criticism by intervening. * * * INSIDE REASON why the State Department suddenly ordered Vice President Nixon to stop off at Formosa to see Chiang Kai-shek, was a warning that Chiang was planning some suicide raids against the China coast which would upset the uneasy truce in the Far East and might threaten war right on the verge of the Ei- senhower re-election campaign. Nixon did a good job of soft- soaping the Generalissimo and getting him to promise to behave. The bargain he made was that the U.S.A. would steadfastly oppose Red China's admission to the U.N. Chiang had become aroused over recent confidential notes leaking out of the White House showing that Eisenhower favored recogni- tion of Red China. While calm has been restored on Formosa, Almost anything can happen there if Chiang once again gets the idea his chief ally is de- serting him. * * *A ATOMIC energy boss Admiral Lewis Strauss is not an unhand- some man. Nevertheless, he likes to look as tall as anyone else. As the Admiral was about to be photographed the other day with Deputy Undersecretary of State Robert Murphy and Belgium Am- bassador Baron Silvercruys, an aide hurriedly lugged in a huge book, dropped it at Strauss's feet The Atomic Energy chief sol- emnly mounted the makeshift pedestal and stood shoulder-to- shoulder with the other digni- taries while the flashbulbs popped. WORST disgrace that can be- fall a diplomat is to be ousted from a country. Yet Syrian Am- bassador Farid Zeineddine is de- liberately trying to get kicked out of the United States. He has been attacking the loy- alty of American Jews in speeches around the country,, though he knows this is a violation of dip- lomatic rules. His friends on em- bassy row say he hopes to provoke the American authorities into or- dering him to leave. Ambassador Zeineddine has been identified with the pro-Soviet faction in his country ever since he served as Syrian Minister to Moscow in 1945-47. By forcing the United States to oust him for at- tacking the Jews, he would em- barrass the U. S. A. with Syria's anti-Jewish populace. This would not only hurt the United States in the Arab world, but it also would boost the Am- bassador's political prestige at home. He would come home a martyr for speaking out against the Jews in defiance of the American government. American Jewish leaders have protested to the State Department against Zeineddine's inflammatory speeches, but Secretary of State Dulles is in a box as to what to do (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) tory. A farce of the broadcast sort, it is filled with incredible situa- tions and predictable conclusions. The final scene with its "masque" featuring Falstaff wearing stag antlers is nothing less than ab- surd. Structurally the play disinte- grates towards the end. But with Langham's skilful direction and a1 company that is extremely compe- tent down to the last walk-on, the! Merry Wives is, for the most part,1 highly entertaining theater. Cer- tainly the Stratford company has1 done much with the play as is con-t ceivable. And for this they deserve a great deal of credit. The scholarly old wives tale says that the play was written because Queen Elizabeth wanted to see Falstaff in love. This is a different Falstaff from the ingeniously wit- ty and exhuberant Falstaff of Henry IV. He is past his prime and the awkwardness of his wooing, as well as the blandness of his jests, suggest the degeneration of the great comic figure. He is old and mellowed and is past the ability to turn every re- versal into a personal victory. Those who would have preferred' to see a more sprightly Sir John can only b l a m e Shakespeare. D o u g 1 a s Campbell, Stratford's jack-of-all-trades played him to the letter and spirit of the text. * * *1 DIRECTOR LANGHAM'S wife, Helen Burns, took the female hon- ors as the captivating and genial Mistress Ford. Her own laughter at Falstaff's mishaps was so conta- geous that she had the entire au- dience howling in the two escape scenes. Her co-consirator, Mistress Page received a delightful imper- sonation by Pauline Jameson, a newcomer to the company. The Pistol - Nym - Barolph se- quences, as well as the Doctor Caius incidents, were played by some of the company's most tal- ented actors and their adroitness as the low comedy maneuvers con- tributed greatly to the overall mirth. Caius, in particular, was a scene stealer. Gratien Gelinas, a member of the French company playing Moliere in French at the nearby Avon theater, brought a mixture of French mannerisms and expression to the predomin- antly English flavor of Caius' speeches, adding a new dimension to the role and justifying every bit of the part assigned to him. Tanya Moisewitsh, the gifted designer who planned the unusu- al Stratford stage, also designed the costumes as she has done each season. The Merry Wives of Wind- sor bore early 17th century trap- pings because, as Miss Moisewitsh explains in the program, the play is "a satire of the middle class morality obtaining in Shake- speare's lifetime." As usual, her costumes were magnificent. * * HENRY V was a very good pro- duction. But it was not a world beater, nor was it the best thing Stratford has done to date. This was not the play's fault as there were too many scenes which could and have been engrossing, which dragged and seemed tiresome. Chief among these were the epi- sodes involving Jamy, Fluellen and MacMorris, the lower ranking of- ficers. Their speech was unpardon- ably garbled and their contribu- tion to the play was lost. The other offending scenes were those in the French court. The actors merely spoke their lines, and al- though speeches call for a cer- tain amount of underplay, the ac- tors failed to put much of any- thing into their lines. Only the Dauphin was spirited, but the meaning of many of his speeches was missed because of the heavy French accent of Roger Garceau, another French actor in the com- pany, who just did not sound at home with the English tongue. He did, however, provide the proper boyishness and enthusiasm the role demands. On the brighter side was the portral of Henry by Christopher Plummer, Plummer bears an ama- zing physical resemblance to Sir Laurence Olivier. Those familiar with the Oilvier film of Henry V could not help but compare the two. Plummer bears the compari- son admirably. He is an extremely gifted actor who promises to provide the tal- .nt ncssrv for the Stratford its concern for its subjects The subsequent battle-eye prayer was sincere and moving. The play celebrates Henry as hero, as leader who summons up the courage of a small and ragged, unprofessional army to defeat a huge, well outfitted battalion of defending Frenchmen. Such a man as Plummer acts must Henry have been. The importance of the hu- man force in history is the lesson Plummer teaches with his mature talents. On the lighter side Plummer conveys the rugged character of English courting with the beautiful French princess. He is at once di- rect and conscious of his direct- ness, yet always maintaining com- mand of the situation. This particular' scene is also well handled by Ginette Letondal, a French-Canadian actress who earlier delighted the audience with the wonderful scene In which she masters the English vocabulary in preparation for this courtship. The French ladies in the play outdo their male counterparts in conveying the gentility and aes- thetic awareness of the French court. The low comedy scenes were played by different actors than in the Merry Wives. Douglass Camp- bell, our Falstaff, played the swag- gering and cowardly Pistol. It did seem that some of Falstaff's mel- lowness carried over to the Pistol portrayal, for the comic scenes lacked the fun of the previous play Many of the Stratford regulars were unhappy with this year's choice of plays. Although a comedy and a history were successfully paired the first season, Alls Well that Ends Well is a better comedy than The Merry Wives of Windsor. Those of us who have made the Stratford season an annual event are hoping that net year, when the proposed permanent theater replaces the current tent, the com- pany will finally attempt one of the great tragedies. The festival is now mature and should perform the mature plays. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulein is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi. bility. Notices should be sent I TYPEWRITTEN from the Room 3553 Administration Building before 4 p.m. the day preceding pblication. TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1956 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 155 General Notices Second Phi Delta Kappa Luncheon. Thurs., July 19 at 12:00 noon in the Michigan Union Cafeteria. Ralph A. Sawyer, Dean of the Horace H. Rack- ham school of Graduate Studies, will speak on "why we Emphasize Re. search." Lectures Lecture (with film), auspices of the. Department of Music Education, School of Music. "Music, An Asset or a Liability." John, C. Kendel, American Music Conference. ed. July 1, 7:00 p.m., Aud. A, Angel Hl. Foreign Language Lecture: Prof. The- odore Mueller of Wayne state Universi. ty, on "A Practical High School Lan- guage Laboratory and its Integration" Tues., July 17, at 4:10 p. in. i m. 429 Mason Hall. The public is invited. Academic Notices The Department of Classical Studies will give an informal tea for Its Stud- ents on Tues., July 17, in therEast Con- ference Room of the Rackham Build- ing, at 4 p. i. Anyone interested in the Classics is invited. Foreign Language Examination for M. A. candidates in History. Thurs., July 26; 4:00 p. m. Room 2402, Mason Hall. Sign in the History Office. Dic- tionaries may be used. Le Cercle Francals weekly meeting Thurs., July 19 at 8:00 p. m. in the vandenberg Room of the Michigan League. Dr. C. G. Christofides will pre- sent a talk illustrated in color oni "Paris et ses peintres." Games and conversation. Doctoral Examination for Norman Luxenburg, History; thesis: "Russian Expansion into the Caucasus and the English Relationship Thereto," Tues., July 17, 3609 Haven Hall, at 2:00 p. m. Chairman, A. A. Lobanov-Rostovsky. 4,. 'I .1 i By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst HAS PRIME MINISTER Nehru of India realized that he cannot continue his cam- paign against colonialism without taking notice of Russia's domination of Eastern Europe? Nehru has been hearing plenty of criticism that his "neutralism" is heavily loaded in favor of Russia. That he resents it was clearly indicated Sat- urday night by his statement in Bonn that "the United States expects others to follow its will" and "leaves no room for any country to sit on the fence." On Monday, however, Nehru said at Ham- burg: "We have to recognize that it is wrong to interfere with another state's affairs by aggression or by hanging its internal organi- zation by political or economic means." TH HAT COULD be taken as merely another shot at what Nehru conceives to be West- erp colonialism. Yet the Western powers, being involved pri- marily in escaping gracefully from the results of former colonial policies, have for years shown no signs of harboring any new designs against underdeveloped peoples. Russia, however, has very recently pursued and has not recanted a policy which the Nehru statement accurately describes. Whether that has meaning or not must be considered against the background of Nehru's . : the Eastern European states "are of course under a certain domina- tion, under the rule of another country, and I certainly believe they should be free." EHRU stressed that what he actually said was that "all states under foreign domi- nation should be free." He refused to pass judgment on whether the Eastern European states, specifically, are domi- nated by Russia, specifically. "Perhaps they are, but I cannot judge that." Maybe he was just talking in diplomatic terms. Maybe he was preparing the ground for more complete clarification later. Until now he has seemed peculiarly blind to the plight of the European satellites. New Books at the Library Bauer, John--Charles Berchfield; NY, Mac- millan, 1956. Benes, Eduard-Memoirs of Dr. Eduard Benes: From Munich to New War and New Victory; Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1956. Berlioz, Hector-Evenings with the Orchestra; NY, Knopf, 1956. Berton, Pierre--The Mysterious North; NY, Knopf, 1956. Birney, Hoffman--The Dice of God; NY, Henry Holt, 1956. Brooks, Van Wyck-Helen Keller: Sketch for a Portrait; NY, EP Dutton, 1956. Buck, Pearl S.-Imperial Woman; NY, John Day, 1956. Campbell, Patricia-The Royal Anne Tree; NY. Macmilan 19r ROLAND HAYES RECITAL: Singer Still Master of Vocal Art IN A very dignified, but in no ways simple recital last night, Roland Hayes showed what the art of singing is essentially. And this demonstration was no small thing, since his once glorious voice is all but gone; the lovely surface sheen, as well as the brilliance in the upper register, and there seems to be a clear break between the upper and lower register in their quality. But this is not surprising in someone who has been singing since the turn of the century. And last night, Mr. Hayes showed that he knows exactly how to save and use his voice, singing loudly and forcefully only when necessary; ,-. . ,,.. ..._ .,.. . . .: BUT MR. HAYES no longer has the control necessary for rapid, near-coloratura singing, as de- manded by "Let each Gallant Heart." In the four numbers from Schubert's Die Winterreise, Mr. Hayes showed his ability to create a musical mood by musical means alone, with the slightest change in vocal color pointing up words in the text. Despite the fact that many of the top notes and quite a few of the transitional notes leading to them in the context of a musical phrase were off-pitch, what emerg- ed were truly musical sequences in reminded us again that Mr. Hayes has been noted for his past suc- cesses in the singing of French chansons. FOUR NEGRO spirituals in Mr. Hayes' own arrangement closed the formal part of the program. Sung in Mr. Hayes' own classically restrained style, the numbers somehow took on a universal as- pect, and they no" longer seemed Negro spirituals. I suppose this ability is the magic of great music: but this is not to say that Mr. Hayes' spirit- uals sounded like Haydn or Ber- lioz. Each of these composers' songs were given their distance Editorial Staff LEE MARKS, Managing Editor Night Editors