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June 26, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-06-26

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&1w Ant igan Bathl
Sixty-Sixth Year

's Been Charming"


When Opinions Are Fre.
Tmutb Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must b e noted in all reprints.
Raising Air Force Salaries
Is Financially Sound
CONGRESSIONAL ATTEMPTS to economize An argument more calculated to appeal to
by holding air force salaries at a minimum, congressmen, though, is that it is not financi-
eliminating fringe benefits and providing shab- ally sound to skimp.
by living conditions on bases are costing the If higher salaries, restoration of fringe bene-
country valuable man-power, imperiling our air fits (such as the $1500 tax exemption that con-
"superiority and, strangely enough, saving no fis(uhate$10txeemiotatcn
Monery. Infanditsrlngelyenh theskimging gress cut in 1948) and better living conditions
money. In fact it is likely that the skimping will induce air force personnel to stay it will
is actually a severe drain on our finances. sv oe ogatte.
save money to grant them.
An es 'mated 89 per cent of our air force
personnel leave the service after their four-year HIS IS BECAUSE the biggest investment by
enlistment, taking with them an investment far is in the training. Assuming it costs
trainingo more than $50,000 per man and $50,000 to train a pilot (who will quit after four
much-needed experience. years), it costs the government $12,500 a year
thResoe cemost frequently aidven bylaving in addition to salary to employ the pilot. If
thenseric rthe pilot remains in the service eight years
(Captain Charles Yeager, the first man to instead of four, this cost is halved . It is finan-
break the sound barrier, risked his life on a cially well-worth a pay raise to reap the bene-
salary of $4620 per year.) fits of longer enlistment.
Presented in this manner, as a money saving
MILITARILY THE high turnover endangers investment, a proposal to raise the airman's lot
our air superiority. It implies a constant might make political good sense-even in an
drain of our most experienced pilots and me- election year.
chanics-a drain we 'can ill-afford. -LEE MARKS
Wilson Visit Cau ses Concern
THE VISIT to campus Friday by Big Ten INDICATIONS so far are that the University
Athletic Commissioner Kenneth "Tug" Wil- is not guilty of an infringement. Wilson's
son has caused concern amongst athletic and check was in part routine. According to Uni-
University administrators - not because they versity Athletic Director Herbert "Fritz" Cris-
are afraid he will uncover violations of Confer- ler, Wilson was satisfied with what he saw.
ence regulations but because recent exposures
at other schools have made the press and pub- Because it is large and athletically famous
lic overly anxious to condemn large institutions, the University is a natural target for accusa-
They are wary lest observers infer guilt on tions. Recently we were accused of sponsoring
the part of the University because Wilson was a $100,000 "slush fund" for athletes-but the
here, in the absence of any positive indications accusers backed down when asked for proof.
of guilt. Two magazines are currently doing articles on
The situation is especially damaging public- Big Ten athletics.
relations wise because, according to the Big University officials and athletic administra-
Ten Commissioner's assistant, no release will tors hotly contend we are in full compliance
be filed by the Conference office if the Univer- with conference rules. It would be a mistake
sity is not found guilty of ai infringement. to infer differently in the absence of proof.
Thus, any inference drawn by the public will
remain. -LEE MARKS
Political Scene Dull
IT'S HARD to imagine three months before begrudging admiration is more than match-
a political convention that have been ed by Republicans and a large segment of the
duller than this year's. Independents.
There is not the slightest rumbling from This respect of the whole country seems
any Republican trying to steal the nomina strange indeed. Hoover, Roosevelt, and Truman
Lion and even In the Democratic party Stev. were constantly and bitterly attacked, but now
enson and Kefauver are having difficulty man- suddenly the Presidency has become an honored
ifesting a life-or-death concern over which office.
one of them gets the nomination.
This apathy isn't caused just by there be- AND it isn't just the Presidency which has
ing a President who is almost ceretain of come into new respect-the entire Fed-
beng re-elected. The Republicans put up very eral government has been experiencing the
spirited campaigns against Roosvelt and Harry , saem phenomenon. Ever siice the Senate cen-
Truman's campaign against the heavily-fav- sure of Sen. McCarthy, the old Congressional
ored Dewey was as partisan and heated as stereotypes of Sen. Claghorn and Sen. Jack
any in our history. S. Phogbound seem sadly out of date. And the
SCupreme Court with its cessation of bicker-
HE difficulty seems rather to lie in that ing and its segregation decisions has won an
hardly anyone, even when trying his even greater repectful admiration than. it
hardest can get angry at President Eisen- already had
Many nominal Democratic voters, polls in- It's difficult to tell if this new attitude to-
dicate, admire the President more than any ward the government will persist. And it's
leading Democrat, and Democratic candidates even more difficult to see what the results
find themselves attacking the 'administration" on our strife-based political system will be.
perhaps, but hardly ever the head of the ad- But one thing is clear. We are headed for
ministration. a dull summer and fall.
And the Democrats with their partially. -KEITH DeVRIES
What About Foreign Bases?


Hollywood Draws
Another Triangle
D DAY-The 6th of June" presents Hollywood at its CinemaScopie
best, performing its best creative function-storytelling, just plain
storytelling, without any meaning (profound or otherwise) and without
any purpose (other than financial).
In "D Day," the story is a geometric one, a triangle to be exact.
Robert Taylor is an American soldier stationed in 1945 England; he

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Sn der Tries To Prevent News

WASHINGTON - On Thursday,
June 7, the day before Presi-
dent Eisenhower was taken ill, an
incident occurred which bears on
the question of whether those
around him had been keeping from
the public the true facts about
Ike's health-perhaps also frim
Ike himself.
In brief, Maj. Gen. Howard Sny-
der, the President's personal doc-
tor, demanded that this column
suppress news that the white house
had been given an emergency oxy-
gen inhalator to be carried in Ike's
car or his plane.
The incident, taken by itself,
was not important. When linked
with other deceptive statements by
Dr. Snyder such as suppression of
any word about Ileitis, during the
"head to toe" medical report, it in-
dicates that the men around Ike
are doing what Democrats around
Woodrow Wilson and Franklin
Roosevelt did when these two pres-
idents were ill.
An emergency inhalator is the
equivalent of a portable oxygen
tent. This was the emergency
,reatment given the president when
he became ill in Denver.
* * *
WHEN I learned that the emer-
gency oxygen inhalator company
had supplied an inhalator to the
WVTtte House, I asked Jack Ander-
son, my junior partner, to check
the details further. He talked to
Donald Demarest, a salesman for
the company, arid confirmed that
the company had given an inhala-
tor valued at $117.50 to the Presi-
dent on the encouragement of Dr.
Paul D. White, the Boston heart
Later Demarest telephoned to
say that General Snyder wanted
Anderson to call him. Anderson
promptly called.
General Snyder, who spoke in
the tone of one accustomed to giv-
ing orders, said he didn't want
any publicity about the emergency
oxygen inhalator. "Where did you

get- this information?" he also
Anderson said he was sorry but
he could not reveal his news source.
He also explained that he could
not make the decision as to wheth-
er the story would be used. That
would be up to me.
* * *
"PUBLICITY about this," said
General Snyder firrily, "would
harm our President."
"How would it harm the Presi-
dent?" Anderson asked. By this
time Snyder was getting aroused
and rough
"What would the Democrats
say?" he barked. "It would give
the impression the President need-
ed oxygen inhalators. It would
work to the worst interest of our
President if anything is said about
this," he repeated.
Anderson replied that he would
report the entire matter in detail
to me.
"You can't quote me," shouted
General Snyder.
"But you requested me to call
you." General Snyder was remind-
ed. "Nothing has been said about
this conversation being off the re-
cord And when a public official
calls a newspaperman to volunteer
a statement or an explanation, it
is not off the record."
"All right," thundered General
Snyder. "Go ahead! Use the story!
I have a witness here!"
He hung up.
* * *
A FEW HOURS later, by some
unfortunate twist of fate, Presi-
dent Eisenhower was tragically
stricken and rushed to the hospital
for an emergency operation.
At first I decided to accede to
General Snyder's wishes and not
publish the relatively unimportant
fact that the White House had
an emergency inhalator. However,
in reviewing the conflicting and
confusing statements General Sny-
der has made about the President's
health, his attempt to suppress this

relative unimportant news item be-
come an important part of the
news suppression picture.
It is published herewith so the
public can judge whether both it
and the President himself are be-
ing denied the true facts about
the health of the most important
government leader in the world.
SENATORS gave French For-
eign Minister Pineau a cold recep-
tion when he accepted Senator
George's invitation to lunch with
them. Many senators didn't even
shake hands when they walked
into the room. While Pineau was
speaking, several muttered under
their breath that he was a com-
munist sympathizer and shouldn't
have been allowed to visit inthe
first place . . . the crowning blow
as that Pineau wasn't served a
single glass of wine . .. Secretary
of the Army Brucker and Secretary
of the Air Forte Quarles have
patched up the Army-Air Force
feud-at leist on top. The two had
been hostile until both discovered
they had served in the famed
Rainbow Division of World War I.
Brucker promptly invited the air
force secretary to lunch, and the
two secretaries are now behaving
like long-lost buddies, not bitter
enemies . . . . Secretary of the
Treasury George Humphrey and
Budget Director Brundage have
warned senators privately that no
matter how much extra money
they vote for the air force, the
Administration will not spend it.
Humphrey intends to balance the
budget even if he has to ,impound
the money Congress votes for a
bigger air force . . . . Egyptian
Premier Nasser has agreed to visit
Yugoslavia to talk with Marshal
Tito about a new left-wing bloc
of countries that will cooperate
with Russia but refuse to take
orders. India's Premier Nehru also
also has been secretly invited to.
attend this meeting as the Asian
(Copyright, 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

has a wife back in the states, but he
English girl engaged to devil-may-
care Richard Todd, a British soldi-
er. Miss Wynter and Todd agreed
that they will look at the moon
while separated, he in Africa, she
in the center of the common-
wealth: and it will be the same
moon they will see.
BUT TODD no sooner leaves
Miss Wynter, than-she starts look-
nig at the moon with Taylor. Now
this begins, as all such Hollywood
love affairs do, as a platonic ex-
cursion into the realm of discus-
sion. Eventually, however, Miss
Wynter and Taylor decide to go to
bed together and burrow into one
of those quaint little English coun-
affairs do, as a platonic excursion
into the realm of discussion. Even-
tually, however, Miss Wynter and
Taylor decide to go to bed to-
gether and burrow into one, of
those quaint little English coun-
tryside inns, and before they have
hardly had a chance to adjust to
each other, Todd comes home,
crippled and yearning.
* * .
AMID ALL of this melodrama,
which is similar to those color-
illustrated stories in ladies' gar-
dening and cooking magazines,
there are a few points of interest.
First, the film Is a kind of ex-
tended anachronism. Miss Wynter
is groomed in the best 1956 Holly-
wood fashion, while all of the sup-
porting players wear the shorter
skirts and pompadours of the war
Second, in Miss Wynter's big
emotional scene, where she is tell-
ing the wounded Taylor goodbye,
there is on display the technical
might of Hollywood.
The CinemaScope screen is
spreading the scene horizontally,
giving it breadth. The colors are
rich and clear, giving the scene
depth. The background is blurred.
the foreground is in focus, giving
the scene a point of emphasis.
And on the soundtrack, violins are
hauntingly playing one of Ameri-
ca's favorite war songs, "You'll
Never Know," giving the scene
tone. The machines are grinding
away; everything is now up to Miss
--Ernest Theodossin
Juveniles On,
JUVENILE delinquents are once
more on the rampage in "Crime
in the Streets" which depicts slum
adolescents trying to be noticed
because they lack affection. That,
plainly stated, is the plot of the
film and its main defect-it is too
obvious. The hero, Frankie played
by John Cassavetes, feels rejected
and as a result plans murder; Baby
played by Sal Mineo wants to earn
the right to be called. by his real
name; and Lou is just out for kicks.
These three are surrounded by
"rock 'n roll" teenage gangs, well-
intentioned but impotent parents,
murky New York alleys, and con-
fused philosophizing on how to
keep kids off the streets. In con-
nection with the latter there is a
burly social worker always ready
to shoot pool, or have a beer, but
rarely succeeding in getting any-
one into the Settlement House.
The denouement is dramatic, if
obvious, and Frankie presumably
goes off to the reform school prior
to returning to help to reform.
Some of the acting is good, espe-
cially the little brother, but just
a little understatement would have
been welcome relief.
-Arlene Liss



The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Universty
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial repos.
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN from the Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication, Notices.
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
"Law School Admission Test: Appli-
cation blanks for the August 11, 1956
administration of the Law School Ad-
mission Test are now available at 122
Rackham Building. Application blanks
are due in Princeton, N. J. not later
than August 1, 1956."
A Number Of Ushers are needed for
the Duke Ellington show which will b*
given on Monday July 2nd. Any persons
who are interested, including those who
are Choral Union or Lecture Srier
Ushers during the regular school year
may apply at Hill Auditorium Box Of-
fice on Thursday June 28th from 3 to
6 P.M. Please contact Mr. Warner.
Late Permission: All women students
will have 11 p.m. iate permission Sun.
day through Thursday during Ie sum-
mer session, There will be no automatl
late permissions during the summer.
Late permissions must be arranged with
the house director.
Judiciary Council
Disciplinary Action in case of student
misconduct: At Meetings held on May
17 and May 29, 1956, cases involving 6
students and 2 fraternities were htard
by the Joint Judiciary Council. I1 all
cases the action was approved by the
University Sub-Committee on Disci-
a. Possessing intoxicants in student
quarters and supplying them to a
minor. One student fined *15.00.
b. Drinking, as a minor, in student
quarters and appearing in a publi
place in a drunk and disorderly con-
dition. One student fined $20.00.
e. Attempting to purchase intoxicants
with falsified identification. One stu-
dent fined $25.0 with $10.00 suspended.
d. Driving after drinking and driving
an automobile on campus without a
permit. One student fined $15.00.
e. Consuming intoxicants furnished
him in violation of state law, entertain-
ed unchaperoned women in his apart-
ment and aided in the violation of the
rules pertaining to women's residences.
One student fined $25.00 plus a fine of
$15.00 suspended ater first appearance
before the Joint Judiciary Council.
f. Drinking intoxicants in a piblio
place, held an unauthorized party at
which minors were served intoxicants
and at which women were present :ira
male student quarters. One student
fined $25.00,
g. Consuming intoxicants at a pre-
party of fraternity. Placed on social
probation for first semester of the
academic year, 1956-57 and fined #40,00.
h. Consuming intoxicants a~ a frat-
ernity party. Placed on social probation
for one semester and fined $750.00, $250
of this fine suspended until the close
of the academic year 1960.
Placement Notices
Management Research, Indianapolst,
Indiana has an opening for a man with
a major' in Mktg., BusAd,, Gen'l Engrg
for Packaging Sales.
Cutter Labs., Berkley, Calif.,. offers
opportunities to men wtth M.S. in
Chem.-major in Analytical Chem., B.,
or B.A. in Bacteriology, B.S. in Bochem-
istry-work on Amino Acids, B.S. in
Chem.E., or MS. in Microbiology or
Reynolds Metals Co., Richmond, Vir-
ginia, needs Chemists, and Engineers in
Chem.E., Mech. E. Metal., Process E.,
and Industrial Management.
Civil Service Commission Of The
County of Fresno, Calif., has openings
for staff nurses for the general hospital
and for the T. B. hospital.
State Of Wisc. Dept. of Public Health
has an opening for Director of the
Bureau of Handicapped Children. Must
have M.A. in Educ. and five years of
experience in a supervisory or admini-
strative position. Applications must be
in by July 20.
For Further Infirmation contact the-
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., ext. 371.
Wed., June 27
Hawthorne Center, Northville, Mich.--
Interview men and women for positions
as Child Care Workers in a ChidremV

Psychiatric Hospital.
For appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bidg.,
ext. 371.
A meeting will be held on Monday,
July 2, at 3:00 p.m., in Room 231 Angell
Hall, for students who are interested in
registering in either the Teaching or tha
General Division of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments. All students who are in-
terested in having the Bureau assist
them in finding employment after leav-
ing school are urged to attend and
registration material will be given out
at the meeting.
Students who are already registered


is lonely. Dana Wynter is a lovely

Associated Press News Analyst
has raised a point which has been of con-
siderable concern to American military plan-
ners recently.
How long will the current world political
situation permit operation of American mili-
tary bases on entirely foreign soil?
For the most part, the bases fall into two
general groups.
One consists of bases which have been more
or less imposed on the people who have to
live with them-such as those in North Africa
and at Okinawa. The rise of neutralism and
of anti-Western sentiment in North Africa
threatens future operations there. Japanese
nationalists have begun their first whisperings
against continued occupation of Okinawa.
OTHER BASES, in Britain and Europe, are
operated in cooperation with natural and
Editorial Staff

equal allies, or under mutually agreeable con-
tracts, as in Spain.
Oddly enough, the first base which seems
likely to be lost is on the soil of a member of
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization for
mutual defense. That is Iceland, where an
election has just strengthened the hand of
the anti-Americans.
The Icelanders gave economic reasons, such
as above-standard wages, for the desire to be
rid of the base. Actually, rising nationalism
and the impact of the Americans on their iso-
lationist politics and their island culture are
more important factors.
WIHETHER THEY will actually kick out an
V important link in NATO's radar defenses
and retaliatory power, or whether they will
agree to operate the installations themselves,
remains to be seen.
The big question is whether the United States
can afford to continue operations at any base
where she is unwelcome.
Sen. Jackson has related the instability of
the bases to the need for more strategic wea-
pons operable from home bases. That is some-
thing the miiltary has had in mind in con-
nection with the development of long-range
bombers and intercontinental missiles.
A nnnlo rcnr x;vtri,v fnr then Unite~d



Gardner Writes Fiftieth Novel on Mason

Daily Book Reviewer
by Erle Stanley Gardner
THIS IS a milestone in the career
of one of America's best known
detective story writers-Erle Stan-
ley Gardner's fiftieth book about
Perry Mason. Fifty may seem an
astonishing number of cases for
a single detective to go through but
Gardner fans have been cooly con-
fident of that number being reach-
ed (The author turns out an
average of from three to four
novels per year.)
Once again in the "Demure De-
fendant" Perry Mason is back at
the tricks that have made him by
far- the best-selling detective fic-
tion writer of all times. *Here, in

gives you the very readable answer
to the problem. If yoi don't know
Perry Mason yet, hop on the band-
wagon and don't miss the second
fifty adventures.
by Nancy Rutledge
(Random House)
THIS NEW crime-and-suspense
novel by Nancy Rutledge has
an unusual gambit. It opens with
out introduction to the main char-
acter of the story, who seems to be
an amiable enough chap, but who
before our eyes suddenly turns
into a killer and villain of the
vilest sort.
What is interesting about the
author's treatment of ex-circus
performer Raphael is that even
after he has stained his hands
with the worst of crimes, we still

the annual Eller~y Queen Detective
Short Story Contest. That in it-
self should be reason enough for
the whodunit aficionado to get the
book for his shelves. But another
reason would be this: the first
Stanley Ellin story, "The Speciality
of the House," now a present-day
classic, won a Special Prize in the
Queen contest as the "Best First
Short Story"; and although this
particular tale left little to be
desired, Ellin has continued to
All of his stories are included
in Mystry Stories, and the reader
can follow the opening stages of a
brilliant writing career through the
reading of them. One word of ad-
vice: these are mystery stories, not
detective stories with "detectives."
The Ellin short stories are typi-
cally macabre and subtle and, to
make an identification, are quite

with the Forest Warden who is set
upon by a pair of blackmailers
who intend to wring Cash out of
him by threatening to publicly re-
veal the background of his young
adopted daughter. The setting is a
colorful one, but the story doesn't
move along quite -as rapidly as its
predecessor did. The plot seems a
little thin in the latest book, but
foi suspense fans it will be a
rewarding tale indeed.
* * *
by Robert Robinson
THIS IS a first novel by a young
English writer who displays one
of the most entertaining wits to
be exposed within the framework
,of detective fiction. His first ad-
venture concerns the wacky dis-
posal by murder of a number of
Oxford dons with side excursions

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