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July 13, 1956 - Image 1

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YI e

Latest Deadline in the State

14Ia i i41pp


'Southern Manifesto'
Protesting Civil Rights
To Be Presented Today




Bill Declared
R .ecklessness
House To Debate
Issue Monday
Southern manifesto declared last
night "the pending so-called civil
rights legislation" threatens the
liberties of all citizens.
Signed by 83 members of the
House from 11 states, the state-
ment called on the House and Sen-
ate to defeat the legislation.
The declaration, in the form of
a resolution, is to be read to the
House by Representative W. M.
Tuck (D-Va) today three days in
advance of the start of debate on
> the civil rights bill in the House.
Advanced by the administration
and supported by Northern Demo-
crats as well as Republicans, the
legislation was approved by the
House Judiciary Committee.
Set Up Commission
Briefly, it would set up a bi-
partisan Commission on Civil
Rights, create a new Civil Rights
Division in the Justice Depart-
"ment, and make it easier for indi-
vidual civil rights complaints to
be taken into federal courts.
"No one," the Southerners said
In the resolution, "has the wild-
est idea of the purpose for which
the extraordinary powers created
by this legislation will be em-
ployed, and to grant them by such
vague language as is contained 'in
the bill approaches recklessness,"
Representative W. M. Colmer
(D-Miss), a leader in circulating
the statement, said its prime pur-
pose "is to educate the people of
the country" that the legislation
"strikes at the fundamental con-
cepts of our government."
Beyrnd Question
"It goes far beyond the racial
question, far beyond the question
of segregation," Colmer said.
The statement was drafted by
Colmer, Tuck and Representative,
E. E Willis (D-La).
xon- ates
Contract Said
WASHINGTON (P)-The Justice
Department yesterday branded as
"unlawful . . . and contrary to
public policy" the ixon-Yates
power contract which the govern-
Ment entered at the direction of
President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Accordingly, department lawyers
told the U.S. Court of Claims, the
government is under no obligation
to pay any of the 3% million dol-
lars the contractors sought for
work done before the contract was
canceled. The cancellation also
was ordered by Pres. Eisenhower.
The lawyers for the department
said the contract was void, pri-
marily because of a conflict of in-
terest they ascribed to Adolphe H.
Wenzell. .
Wenzell was a consultant to the
government's Budget Bureau at
the same time he was a salaried
official of the First Boston Corp.,
of New York City, which became
financial agent for the Dixon-
Yates interest.
The department told the court:
"The role played by Wenzell ...
involved a conflict of interest so
contrary to public policy as to
render the alleged agreement null
and void."

This was much the same argu-
ment hammered on for months by
the two Democratic senators from
Tennessee, Kefauver and Gore,
- and others who fought the Dixon-
Yates plan.
The fight began as a public-vs.-
private power dispute, with Demo-
crats contending it was an ad-
ministration attempt to dismantle
the Tennessee Valley Authority.
The Administration argued that
. the project would be in the public

--Daily-Don Watkins


Chatham Discusses Uses
Of Linguistics By Critics
"Linguistics can offer only auxiliary tools to the literary critic
in his attempt to judge the work of a poet," said Seymore Chatham
in his speech last night before the Linguistics Forum.
Chatham also said that the study of the linguistic features in the
poet's work cannot provide the basis for a judgment of the work,
but can only give the critic a way to explain the features that he sees
in it.
According to Chatham, there are no inherent values for the
smaller parts of words, such as constant clusters and alternation of
vowels, at least on a world wide4>-
basis. However, the poet may use out those readings which did not
such groups to affect the way in represent the reading which the
which the poem is to be read. As poet had in mind.

Steel Strike
No Progress Made
In Meeting Yesterday;
More Talks Today
PITTSBURG ()-Steel nego-
tiators yesterday resumed efforts
to end the 12-day old nationwide
steel strike and recessed nearly
two hours later without a word of
progress. However, another nego-
tiating session was scheduled for
The session appeared to end on
a more amiable note than was evi-
dent before it began when union
President David J. McDonald said
the industry "has no intention" to
work out a new wage contract "at
this time."
The industry's top spokesman
immediately denied McDonald's
statement. And when the meeting
ended neither industry nor union
leaders had any further comment.
Team Leaves
The Federal Mediation Service's
three-man team sat in on the
meeting for only 45 minutes, then
said it was leaving the two parties
to "bargain in good faith."
Shortly before the meeting re-
cessed, the mediators were sum-
moned back to the negotiating
Joseph F. Finnegan, director of
the Mediation Service, told news-
men he felt the spirit of collective
bargaining was evidenced in the
meeting-the first negotiation ses-
sion held since the strike of 650,-
000 steelworkers began July 1.
Finnegan declared the govern-
ment has no plans to sit in on Fri-
day's session.
Statements Exchanged
The exchange of statements by
McDonald and John A. Stephens,
vice president of U. S. Steel Corp.
and top industry negotiator, came
shortly before the government-ar-
ranged peace talks began,
McDonald told reporters: "The
industry again intends to offer
its articles of indenture. This is
evidenced by Mr. Stephens' state-
ment which appeared in the
morning newspapers. It seems to
me the industry has no intention
to make an agreement at this;
time. The steelworkers want to
make an agreement."
Ike's Attack
Aids Medicine
PLYMOUTH, Ind. ()-A noted
heart surgeon said last night Pres-
ident Dwight D. Eisenhower's
heart attack may bring the same
kind of medical progress that
President Franklin D. Roosevelt's
ailment brought in polio treat-
"President Eisenhower's illness
has made heart disease the nation's
No. 1 medical topic today, and
there is every indication this
heart-consciousness will result in
a greatly stepped-up research pro-
gram to find the answer to thei
puzzling killer," said Dr. Harris B.
Shumacker, Jr., surgery chairman
in the Indiana University School
of Medicine.
"A great many exceptionally1
promising clues have been un-
earthed and are being intensively3
pursued," Dr. Schumacker told a:
meeting of Kiwanians, Rotarians<
and Lions at Plymouth Countryi


To Policy

By Wriston
'Frequent Absences

WASHINGTON-The sharpest
attack yet made on Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles' habit of
dashing about the world came yes-
terday from one of his own top
level advisors, who recommended
that he hobble his wandering feet.
The outspoken counselor is Dr.
Henry M. Wriston, president emer-
itus of Brown University and the
man who has done perhaps more
than any other to help Dulles re-
organize the United States for-
eign service.
He is an advisor on administra-
tive and personnel problems when
needed and a member of an ad-
visory committee for the Foreign!
Service Institute.


Dulles' Trips

Eden Plans Self-Rule
For Cypriots; Dispute

Be Overcome


Address Avoids

an example of this, Chatham cited
the works of Keats.
Using a-tape recording of three
different readings of Macbeth's
first soliloquy, Chatham illustrated
another use for linguistic science
as a tool for literary critics. By
demonstrating the different read-
ings of the passage with the tape
and then comparing them in
graphic form by a diagram, Chat-
ham illustrated the use of linguis-
tic marks to show the differences
in stress and interpretation.
He said that this could not be
used to teach the proper way to
read the passage, but only to point

Absence Harmful
In an article in "Foreign Af-
fairs," a magazine published by
the Council on Foreign Relations
in New York, Wriston writes that
frequent absences of Dulles or any
other secretary of state from his
office here are positively harmful
to the making and conducting of
U. S. foreign policy.
The President does not get the
advice he needs, according to
Wriston; U. S. ambassadors abroad
as shown up almost as messen-
ger boys and the secretary him-
self loses broad understanding of
the problems he must solve.
"The vital requisites for the ef-
fective discharge of the duties of
the Secretary of State are perspec-
tive and wisdom," Wriston wrote.
"Those qualities find their most
effective employment when there
is at least a modicum of leisure
for quiet reflection."
Visited 38 Countries
Dulles, since becoming Secre-
tary of State 3% years ago, has
traveled more than 300,000-miles
--or better than 11 times around
the equator-and visited 38 coun-
Dulles himself defended his
traveling in the course of a brief
talk yesterday to the Girls Nation,
a gathering of high school girls
sponsored by the American Legion
Russia Takes
arms Ceiling
Soviet Delegate Andrei A. Gromy-
ko agreed yesterday to proposed
Western ceilings on armed forces
of world powers.
But he stirred up a bitter anti-
Communist barrage by assailing
Western policies around the globe.
The Soviet deputy foreign min-
ister told the U.N. Disarmament
Commission- Moscow is ready to
accept Western proposals to cut to
21 million men each the armed
forces of the United States, Soviet
Union, and Communist China and
to 750,000 each the forces of
Britain and France.
He rejected President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's "open skies" inspec-
tion plan.
Then he took off on blasts
against the West, its defense pacts,
and particularly American "mon-
opolists" who are, he said, push-
ing the armaments race to garner
huge profits.

Harm ul'


Not Going to'

Negroes in Government
Vital Today-Mcree
Present day trends show that Negro officeholders represent all
people instead of only their Negro neighborhoods.
They feel more representative of total communities than they did
ten years ago, Wade McCree, Detroit circuit court judge, said yester-
day, in the University series, "Patterns of American Culture: Contri-
butions of the Negro."
"In America, the term Negro is social and political," McCree
remarked. "Anyone with a trace of Negro blood is considered Negvo-
this is not like it is in other coun-
tries where whoever is not black is about ignorance and incompe-
called white. tence of Negroes during Recon-
"Still, the Negro's position has struction."
imrrnmma i ~fmm+hm nnhltim With thm ift ath Am d pt



-Dally-Don Watkins

Such studies can also be used to
show the difference between poetic
writing and normal speech. The
first has a traditional two stress
pattern, while common speech has
a four stress pattern. It is the
difference between the two which
brings much of the emphasis to
the reading of poetry.
Chatham has recently been ap-
pointed to a position in the Eng-
lish department at the University
of Pennsylvania. He has been an
instructor in the English depart-
ment at Wayne State University
and a Fulbright scholar in the

improved since the anteoellum
(Civil War) period in various
Southern Public Schools
A stride forward for Negroes in
government was during Recon-
struction when "so-called carpet-
baggers brought the idea of free
public schools to the south, and
initiated compulsory attendance
"Negroes sent to Congress dur-
ing Reconstruction stressed the
need for amity and amnesty, along
with other things," McCree said.
"I say this to refute the old myth

h nLeF x1 eenn nmenamenT
southern states made it practically
impossible for Negroes to take part
in politics, he pointed out: "And
George White, the last Negro in
Congress told government, 'This
may be a temporary farewell but
the Negro will come back.'"
'Even in Miami'
The Negro did come back, Mc-
Cree smiled, and in the present
era, beginning with Oscar Duprees
in 1926, we have had more and
more Negroes involved in govern-
ment-"even in a Miami police

Greek Issue
LONDON ({A) - Prime Minister
Anthony Eden said yesterday
Britain will push plans to give self-
government to Cyprus, but - .t
"until terrorism has been ove-
Eden brushed aside the idea of
putting the dispute over the island
colony before NATO now. The
United States reportedly favors
this course.
Eden's statement to Parliament
on government policy avoided any
reference to self-determination.
This is the No. 1 demand of
Greek-speaking Cypriots fighting,
to end British rule and join the
island with Greece.
In Nicosia, Governor Sir John
Harding told the people of Cyprus
that island extremists are begin-
ning to crack. Therefore he saw no
reason for further delay in devel-
oping self-government.
Eden said Lord Radcliffe, a legal
expert, will fly to Nicosia Friday
to start work on "the framework
of a new liberal constitution."
This constitution, Eden said, will
include "safeguards forthe inter-
ests of all communities."
Cypriots of Greek blood make up
about four-fifths of the population,
which also includes many of
Turkish descent. Turkish Cypriots
oppose union with Greece. Thgy
contend that if British rule Ug
ended the island should revert to
Dr. Fazil Kuchuk, chairman of
the "Cyprus is Turkish" party,
said in Nicosia that Eden's state-
ment is "good news and satisfac-
At the same time, he said the
Turkish minority cannot accept
paper safeguards and renewed a
demand for equal representation
for Turk and Greek Cypriots in
the upper house of the proposed
National Assembly.
Tito, Nasser,
Nehru to Meet
On Neutrality
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia GP -
Egyptian President Gamal Abdel
Nasser, leading champion of Arab
independence of East-West blocs,
came to Yugoslavia yesterday for
conferences with two other world
exponents of neutrality,
His eight-day stay in Yugoslavia'
will be concluded with a meeting
with President Tito of Yugoslavia
and Indian Prime Minister Nehru
at the secluded island of Brioni,
Tito's Adriatic retreat.
Political informants predicted
the talks will produce some sort
of agreement aimed at expanding
and promoting their own neutral-
ity bloc among nations.
Public statements of- the three
leaders already have indicated a
considerable area of agreement on
a policy of "active coexistence"
with both East and West power
groupings, but independence from
Egyptian press dispatches said
a top subject of discussion will be
the efforts of countries still under
foreign domination to achieve full
independence, and that "obviously
the Algerian problem will figure
prominently on the agenda."
The Egyptians predicted that a
warning would be issued to France,
which has thousands of troops
fighting Algerian nationalists, that
her policy in North Africa is a
"direct threat to world peace."
Many other international prob-
lems are expected to figure in
Nasser's talks here.
Nasser is repaying a visit which
Tito made to Egypt last December
He will be accompanied by Nehru
when he returns to Cairn byaiv

State Auditor To Fight
'Irregularities' Charges
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (M)-State Auditor Orville E. Hodge, the
center of a snowballing investigation of charges of irregularities, made
it plain yesterday he will fight to stay in office.
Hodge, the dapper, 52-year-old reputed millionaire, told newsmen
he expected to comply with Governor William G. Stratton's ultimatum
for a $100,000 personal bond on "Monday or Tuesday."
The governor, like Hodge a Republican, Wednesday notified
Hodge that he would declare the office of auditor vacant unless Hodge
could double his present $50,000 -
personal bond within 20 days.
There had been speculation that
Hodge might have difficulty in ib rary
getting a bonding company to put
up the surety since his office af-
fairs are under both state and
federal investigation.
Hodge, however, said he would
have "no trouble" making the ad-
ditional bond-the maximum' re-
quired by law fat the auditor. -
Hodge backed down somewhat
yesterday on his earlier insistence
that he would remain as t1e regu-
lar Republican nominee for audi-
tor in the November election, even,
if party leaders decide to back an
He told newsmen he is undecided
about his future plans.
He made the disclosure in mid-
afternoon-while sheriff's depu-
ties were combing the city for him'
to serve him with a grand jury
subpoena in the speeded-up state

onstruction Pushing

Pleasing To Eisenhower
GETTYSBURG, Pa. (R)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower made
it "absolutely" clear yesterday that he still would be pleased to team
up with Vice President Richard M. Nixon on the Republican ticket
this year.
The recuperating President also decided to go back to Washing-
ton and the White House next Monday or Tuesday.
It was Republican National Chairman Leonard W. Hall who told
reporters Pres. Eisenhower still would be happy to have Nixon as his
" vice presidential running mate.
Today the President will have a
to s chance to give that assurance to
Hall flew in from Washington
yesterday for an hour's political
I huddle with Pres. Eisenhower.
Nixon arrives tpday, with Secre-
tary of State John Foster Dulles,
mainly to report on his round-the-
world trip and calls at six Asiatic
I capitals.
The expected rather than the
unexpected came out of the Eisen-
hower-Hall conference and a sub-
sequent session the Republican
chairman held with newsmen.
There was word that:
Pres. Eisenhower will appear in
person at the GOP National Con-
vention in San Francisco in Aug-
ust to accept his nomination.
The assistant Republican leader,
in the House, Representative
Charles A. Halleck of Indiana, will

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