Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIWERsmTY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone No 2-3241 "Don't Mind Dickie - He's Just Getting In Practice For The Campaign" When Opinions Are Free, Truth Will Preval" rbditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: ADELAIDE WILEY Japanese Election Returns Unfavorable to American Policy THE RECENT election returns in Japan will cool toward American policy in the Orient, not have a marked effect on American foreign only on the question of rearmament but also policy in the Far East. Although 'Premier on such major problems as renewed relations Ichire Hatoyama's Conservative party was re- and trade with mainland China and the contin- turned to control in the House of Councillors, wing presence 'of American military personnel upper house of the Japanese Diet, the Socialist and bases in Japan. party gained enough seats to block an attempt by the Conservatives to revise the Constitution. THE SOCIALISTS generally desire to weaken The Constitutional reform issue revolves Japanese ties with the United States and to- about a proposal to rearm which is supported build relations with Communist China. Al- by the Conservatives and favored by the United though Japanese Socialists object to the term States as a force to aid, if necessary, in stem- "neutralist bloc," their policy would move ming the spread of Communism. In opposition Japan into the middle ground in the East-West are the Socialists, backed by the Communists conflict. and other small factions. The return in this election was the freely Although a small National Defense Force expressed will of the people of a sovereign state has been created in Japan, major rearmament in a honest election. The irony of the situation is forbidden under the controversial Article 9 lies in the fact that Article 9 is the direct of the Constitution, the famed "no-war" clause. result of the denands of the Allied Occupation The Conservatives have gradually been pushing during the writing of the Constitution in 1946- for repeal of this Article in order to undertake 1947. the rearmament program they believe necessary Dictated by the necessities of the Cold War, for the defense of Japan. and in preparation for the possibility of a Hot War, the United States has been forced into a THE ELECTION returns will negate this ef- reversal of its position. A large segment of the fort, for the immediate future at least. To Japanese people, on the other hand, has shown revise the Japanese Constitution a vote of an opposition to any move to change the present absolute % majority in both the upper and prohibition against any sizeable military estab- lower houses of the Diet must be effected. In lishment. addition, the issue must be taken to the people where a majority vote is necessary to carry the THE UNITED STATES can only continue to measure. exert efforts to retain the diplomatic friend- The Conservatives, even with the votes of ship of Japan in a positive, constructive man- allied factions, will not be able to muster ner, encouraging and aiding her in stabilizing enough strength in the House of Councillors her political and economic affairs. Japan, with to take the first step in Constitutional revision. her ever-growing population and her reviving Japanese rearmament is out of the question at industrial resources, is an essential ally in the present. Cold War struggle.t The vote this week was also important in If the Japanese people choose not to become that the trend to the left, while not severe, military allies, the United States must insure gives some indication of the thinking of the that Japan remains as a diplomatic friend. Japanese voter. The Socialist Party has been -RICHARD HALLORAN TODAY AND TOMORROW: Candidate Not Leader By WALTER LIPPMANN r.~t b i> LYDIA MENDELSSOHN: Maugharn's 'The Circle' THEAmusing But Stiff SPEECH Department's second production of the summer is Somerset Maugham's "The Circle," an amusing if stuffy domestic comedy. Certain technical difficulties prevent it from being as aptly done as the season's opener, but Maugham's love of caricature serves well to keep the play on its feet. The Circle itself is ingeniously (though, mathematically speak- ihg, preposterously) composed of two triangles. One is formed by Clive Champion-Cheny, his runaway wife of three decades past, and Lady Kitty's paramour, Lord Posteous: the second features Arnold Champion-Cheny, his wife Elizabeth, and a young colonial named Teddie Luton. The plot questions whether the romantic mistake of Lady Kitty will be repeated by her equally romantic daughter-in-law. There is ' , .; ;<, , . Sr "'111... s2 a , .a . WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Cold War Opportunit Missed By DREW PEARSON O JUDGE by what is happening in Congress to the President's legislative program, he is the unanimous candidate of a party that will not follow him as a leader. A heavy major. ity of the Republicans, acting contrary to the President's advice, had justed 'voted for the Powell amendment which made it impossible to pass the bill to give Federal aid to the pub- lic schools. But for the Republican defectors, the Democrats could not have gotten Congress to over-rule the Administration on the size of the military appropriation, and in effect to pass a vote of no confidence in the President's military judgment. The President's very modest proposals to liberalize international trade are stalled be- cause of Republican opposition. The foreign aid bill, the keystone of Administration foreign policy, is given what "Life" magazine describes as "a furious kicking around." None of this could have happened if the President had a reasonably united support from his own party. Yet he has such overwhelming support for his running again that he will probably be re- nominated by acclamation. The same Repub- licans who oppose his policies and his mea- sures are a chorus crying out that the future of this country, the future of the world, de- pend upon his being a candidate. What are we to make of this contrast between his candidacy and his leadership? The obvious explanation is the cynical one, that the dissenting Republi- cans do not believe in Eisenhower's policies but that they need him to win the election for them, THE RELATIONS between the President and his party in Congress are remarkable. His enormous popularity and prestige have made him, as he was far from being in 1952, the un- disputed choice of the party for President. Yet he is as little able today as when he took office to unite and lead his party in support of his policies. The issues on which the party will not unite behind him are not small issues. They are crucial and major issues of foreign policy, de- fense, education. What takes some explaining is how, though he and they are divided in Con- gress, they can be united for the Presidential election. This is possible because in General Eisenhow- er's conception of the American government, the President is not the leader of the system who makes it work but the officer who pre- sides over the Executive branch. He exhorts, he preaches, he proposes measures, he pleads for them. But he does not lead the Congress. In his book there are no rewards for men, like Sen. Wiley, who take risks in order to fol- low him; there are no penalties for those who, like Sen. Knowland, so often oppose him. Yet in order to lead a party it is necessary not only to talk but also to use a discipline of re- wards and penalties. It is General Eisenhower's unwillingness to insist upon party discipline, his virtual neu- trality between those who oppose him and those who support him, that account for his inability to lead Congress. His personal popu- larity, which is his party's prime asset, is free- ly available to all Republicans without any re- ciprocal obligation on their part. So the Re- publicans apposed to Eisenhower want him for President, being under no obligation to follow him. THE AMERtICAN potitical system has never worked well when the President is passive and unable to give a strong lead to Congress. For the American Congress is like other legis- lative bodies as, for example, the French Na- tional Assembly. It is almost incapable of deal- ing successfully with big questions except un- der the leadership, which includes the disci- pline, on the Executive. On measures where the national interest is more than the net sum of opposing local inter- ests, the Executive, that is the President, must be the active political force. He cannot drop the big measures into the legislative assembly, making an occasional pub- lic comment and doing some private lobbying, but on the whole standing aside in an attitude of respectful neutrality for the big measures are almost certain to be ground to bits by Con- gressmen responding to local pressures from their constituents. These measures can be saved and carried through the Legislature only if the representatives can feel behind them, and can point to, a national ressure which is stronger than the local pressures. Except when there is an upheaval of popular sentiment, only the President can generate. the national pressure. THE KELLEY bill to give Federal aid to the public schools is a case in point. The nation- al interest, as the President rightly saw it, called for the passage of this bill. It was known to all that there was no chance of passing it through the Senate as against a Southern filli- buster, if the bill contained the Powell amend- ment denying Federal funds to states resisting integration. But a heavy majority of the Re- publicans in the House, joined by a third of the Democrats from the North, nevertheless voted to insert the Powell emendment. Thus Federal aid to education was sacrificed by some 148 Republicans and some 77 Demo- crats who believed they were appealing to the Negro voters in their local constituencies. The President alone could have forced Congress to face the grave national need in this crisis of HERE IS some unwritten history regarding a previous revolt be- hind the Iron Curtain which may point to ways of helping the peo- ple of Poland today. In June, 1953, immediately aft- er East Berlin workers tackled Red tanks with bottles and bare hands, crying for food, I suggested to Jimmie Riddleberger, then in charge of the State Department's German Desk, now Ambassador to Yugoslavia, and to General Beetle Smith, then Undersecre- tary of State, that U.S. food sur- pluses be given the hungry rioters by private American service groups. The Lions, , Kiwanis, Rotary clubs, I suggested, together with t h e American Legion, VFW, AMVETS, Junior Chambers of Commerce, would probably be de- lighted to help finance the pur' chase and distribution of surplutL food. If the offer was turned down, then East Berliners, with no boun- dary to worry about, could come across to West Berlin and pick up the foo dthemselves. I pointed out that it was much better for private American groups to do this, because gifts by gov- ernment are viewed with suspic- ion. I also figured this proposal would be right down the Eisen- hower Administration alley be- cause it had been talking so much about private enterprise and keep- ing the government out of pri- vate enterprise. * * . IT SO happened that the Inter- national Lions Clubs were holding their annual convention in Chica- go at that time and they author- ized me to make a concrete pro- posal for "the purchase of surplus wheat and butter which Secretary Benson had running out of his ears. So I went down to see Secretary Benson. He brought in five of his top executives. They were polite, cordial, noncommittal. "The executives of the Lions In- ternational," I explained, "are ready to buy your wheat and but- ter for the support price you paid for it. They would like to take de- livery immediately in West Ber. lin. The State Department informs me that you already have a large supply there so that all you need do is to send a cable to release it there." I stressed the need'"for speed, the fact that nww was the psycho- logical time to show that individ- ual Americans were eager to help individual rebels against Commu- niem. I suggested that it was much better to have groups of Americans operate than the government, be- cause east Germans distrusted governments. They did not dis- trust people. s * * "WILL YOU write me a letter about this?" requested Secretary Benson. "I have already written one," I said, and pulled it out of my pocket. Days passed-a total of three weeks. No word from Benson. Fi- nally, Riddleberger phoned to say that he had taken $15,000,000 out of the State Department budget to offer food to the East Berliners. The State Department drafted an official announcement and President Eisenhower signed it. It was a fine gesture, and good poli- tics here at home. But part of the bloom was off the rose. By that time it was July. The riots were over. And the official announce- ment by the U.S. government was interpreted abroad as a pure prop- aganda gesture. It won. us no friends. - * THIS UNWRITTEN history is told now for one reason only - the recent revolt in Poznan, Po- land. This time the State Department, acting more wisely, had the Amer- ican Red Cross offer to send food to the Poles. The Red Cross, though organized under the wing of the government, is not the gov- ernment. The offer was turned down. It is still not too late for groups of patriotic Americans to offer food to the Poles. If the offer is turned down, it is still not too late to send the food in small packages by balloon. The Crlaade for Free- dom has been sending balloon messages into Poland ever since we inaugurated the idea from West Berlin in the summer of 1951. At first we were not as successful in reaching Poland as Czechoslo- vakia. But the balloon techniques have improved since then, and it would be perfectly possible to launch a 'tremendous barrage of balloons carrying waterproofed packaged food, each bearing a message in the Polish language to the people of Poland from individ- ual Americans in the U.S.A. One reason Congress is cutting down on foreign aid is because aid by government has lost part of its effectiveness. But the American people have great generosity, great initiative, and great enthusiasm once they are given a chance to move. (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) obviously room for much moraliz- ing and witty repartee, and these are present in varying amounts according to the seriousness of the scenes. The six principal actors divide neatly into the same pair of tri- angles-the older generation prov- ing most adept, while the younger threesome exhibits a fair share of uneasiness in the roles. Lady Kitty is played with su- preme flair by Gertrude Slack, who has little trouble flashing from frivolity to sentimentality and then to sincere concern over the fate of Elizabeth. , * , HOMER STORY appears as the wronged husband of the world- weary trio. Mr. St ry does ex- tremely well as a nfan who has made a working arrangement with life and is satisfied with making a running commentary on it. His cynicism is generally weak, but since he seems to approach all things with an affection for situ- ations this doesn't hamper him too much. Warren Pickett's portrayal of Lord Hughie Porteous is the play's best feature. His gruffness and generally ill-humor bring him laughs on almost every line, and his apparent comfort and pleasure in the role are excellently com- municated. The members of the younger set manage less well. Marilyn dherniak, as Elizabeth Champion- (heny, shows far too little the romantic she claims to own. Miss Cherniak reads most of her lines with inappropriate smiplicity and flatness. Albert Phillips (as her husband) is fairly stiff and given to posturing, and Joseph Ombry (as Teddie) is falsely bumptious though occasionally effective. M -Tom Arp MELODY CIRCUS: 'Annie' Hits Fast Pace SOME OF THE prop rifles may have misfired Monday night in the opening of "Annie Get Your Gun" at the Melody Circus The- ater, but the cast certainly did not as they went on to give a bullseye performance of the Broadway hit. The pace that "An- nie" started off with-and main- tained-was the fastest of the sea- son for the tent theater-in-the- round at Grand River and Eight Mile in Detroit; and it takes good performers to achieve good pace. Melody Circus had the good per- formers Monday night, so it goes ,without saying that "Annie Get Your Gun" is a summer musical success that Ann Arbor audiences will enjoy. Pay DeWitt in the title role was an immodest and lovable Annie with the necessary rustic finish to her characterization and a pleas- ant voice suited for batting out such uninhibited numbers as "Do- in' What Comes Naturally" and "You Can't Get a Man with a Gun" one moment and a soft, ro- mantic tune like "They Say It's Wonderful" the next. Opposite Annie, William Shrin- er as Frank Butler keeps up his end of the love match with a strong voice and a stage presence that is more western cowboy than perhaps he realizes. * * * THE PLOT of the musical, a simple boy-meets-girl sketch, is spiced up with cowboys, Indians and sharpshooters, and Bobby Jarvis, who stages the Melody Cir- cus musicals, has taken advantage of this to present the most exciting spectacle ever witnessed under the big green-and white-striped tent. Near the end of the first act, Rex Cooper, the Melody Circus choreographer, does an Indian "Adoption Dance" that holds the audience spellbound. Performing under a filtered red light, Cooper seems to fill the stage with his costumed body, leaping and whirl- ing in a ritual that won the wild applause of the first night audi- ence. The girls in the corps de ballet were especially light and bouncy in the show, and one of their num- ber, a lithe gaminesque brunette, fairly steals the show every time she comes on the stage. * * $ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin Is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN from the Room 35 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding plication. THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1M8 VOL. LXVI, NO. .12 General Notices Phi Delta Kappa Luncheon Meet- ing - All members of Phi Delta Kappa are invited to a luncbeon meet- ing in the South Cafeteria of the Mich. Igan Union at noon ons Thurs., July 12. Go through the cafeteria line and car- ry your tray to the South Cafeteria, which will be reserved for Phi Delta Kappa. Plans for future activities will be discussed. Visting. faculty and stu- dent members are especially invited. Lectures Linguistic Forum Lecture, Thurs., July 12, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphi- theater. Dr. Seymour Chatman, Unver- sity of Pennsylvania, on "Linguaistic and Poetics." Astronomy Department Visitors' Night Fri., July 13, 8:30 pam., Room 203. Angell Hall. Prof. F. T. Haddock will talk on "Radio Stars and Planets." After the talk the Student Observatory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall will be open for inspection and for telescopic observations of the Moon and Saturn. Children welcomed, but must be ac- companied by adults. Play The Circle, W. Somerset Maugham's comedy, will be presented by the De- partment of Speech at 8:00 p.m. to. night in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre. Concerts Carillon Recital: ':15 p m. sThurs July 12. Comrpositiols by ercvail Price, pezofrmed by Professor Price: Seven Preludes and Sonata for 43 Bells. Faculty Conert: William Stubbis, clarinet, Clyde Carpenter, French horn, and Mary McCall Stubbins, piano 8:30 p.m. Thurs., July 12, In Aud. A, Angel Hall. Program: Sonata for French horn. and Piano, Op. 17, by Beethoven; Duo Concertante for Clarinet and Piano, Op. 33, by Von Weber; Sonata for Horn and Piano (1939) by Hindemith; Sonatine for Clarinet and Piano, Op. 85, No. 3 (1948) by Gunter Raphael. Open to the general public without charge. Academic Notices La Socedad Hispanica, of the Depart. ment of Romance Languages, weekly meeting today, Wednesday, at 7:45 p.m., in the Assembly Hall of the RacJ~bam, Building. Dr. Federico S. Escribano, Professor. of Spanish, will speak on Spanish on "Intromision del ingles en el habia espanola de boy." Spanish music and songs. All interested are invited. Doctoral Examination for Robert Aen Schuteman, Education thesis: "A Study of Colombian Nationals Who Attended Collegiate Institutions in the United States," Thurs., July 12, 31 School of Business Administration at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, A: D. Henderson. Placement Notices The following schools have listed vacancies for the 1956-1957 school year. - They will not send representatives to the Bureau of Appointments at this time. Elmwood Park, Ml. - Teacher needs: Elementary ( second grade, 1 fifth grade); Industrial Arts. 'Farmington, Mich. - Teacher needs: Vocal Music; Girls' Physical Educati Flint, Mich. (Utley School) - Teacher needs: Elementary (Later Elem., Kin- dergarten); Homemaking; Math/Science Spanish/English. Fowler, Mich. - Teacher needs Ath.- letic Director/Coach/Industrial Artl Instrumental Music. Hudson Mich.-Teacher needs: Band Seventh tirade. Kern County, Calif. (Bakersfield, Calif.) - Teacher needs: Elementary (Kindergarten to Eighth); English, So- cial Studies; Girls' Physical Ed,; Coi- mercial; Homemaking; Music; Special Education (Mentally Retarded; Speech Correctionist; Supervision). Klamath Falls, Ore. - Teacher needs: Elementary (1st to 8th); Social Studies; Foreign Language. Manton, Mich. - Teacher needs: Science/Social Studies; Later Elemen- tary. Marion, Ohio--Teacher needs: High School Home Economics; Junior High Vocal Music; Arts and Crafts; English/ Latin. Maumee, Ohio-Teacher needs. Girls' Physical Education, High School/Ele- mentary; Public Speaking/English; Speech/Hearing Therapist; Elementary FOUR YEARS AGO: Post-Election Brought Gloom By DAVID KESSEL FOUR YEARS AGO, while the Korean war continued, and Illi- nois diminished Rose Bowl pre- tentions by winning from the Wol- verines 22-13, Stevenson and Eisenhower fought a grim battle throughout the land and the pages of the Daily were black with headlines and read with enthusi- asm. In spite of an artificially creat- ed atmosphere of intense political interest, generated by political so- phisticates, students and faculty appeared less apathetic than us- ual as election day approached. Polls taken at registration re- vealed strong faculty support for Adlai, while students favored Ike 2 to 1. And a full page ad in The Daily named hundreds of "Stud- ents for Stevenson", including a few names that crept in by mis- take, to the dismay of the own- ers. * * * GROUPS OF STUDENTS eager- PERHAPS A FEW editorial writ- ers noted the difficult transition Eisenhower was making from mil- itary leader to political leader, but the names of McCarthy, Jen- ner, Taft, and Ferguson were men- tioned with elegant disdain and each new proclamation by Steven- son was carefully reprinted. After the election, the prevail- ing opinion seemed to be mingled astonishment and dismay. Prin- ciple operating factors were claim- ed to be disatisfaction with the Democrats and confidence in Ike, although many writers noted that "Adlai talked sense to the people but they wouldn't listen." A deluge of letters, some tragic, others ridiculous, poured in, while the editorial mill ground out journalistic corn in abundance. S* * THE WORD "LIBERAL" was used with incredible frequency, and it was applied to a wide va- riety of groups. "If you put "lib- eral" in quotes, know whom you're how they could get that "liberal" out of the White House, without losing the next election, but this is too well known to be significant. *, * * NEVERTHELESS, the intense reaction to the defeat of the Dem-- ocrats in 1952 is not easy to ex- plain. Unquestionably, many oth- wise rational observers made some incredible statements shortly after the election results were known. Apparently most of these indi- viduals had come to identify them- selves almost completely with Stevenson, while blindly opposing Eisenhower, making litke or no effort to investigate or evaluate his potentialities tnd abilities. (Unfortunately, Stevenson be- came infatuated with his so-called intellectual appeal and his writers were instructed accordingly. This may have cost him some votes but it made available to historians much well constructed prose.) * * * FOR A FEW DAYS, most of the faculty and some of the students 9 Editorial Staff LEE MARKS, Managing Editor Night Editors