|- JAPANESE ELECTIONS UNFAVORABLE (See Page 2) YI L lflr ~Iadr UE THUNDER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXVI, No. 128 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1956 FOUR PAGES State Auditor Threatened With Ouster Officials Discover Irregularities' In Hodge's Office SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (M)-Illinois 'State Auditor Orville E. Hodge was threatened with possible ouster yesterday after refusing to answer a prosecutor's questions about alleged financial irregularities in his office. Gov. William G. Stratton, like Hodge, a Republican, told a hastily summoned news conference he had ordered Hodge to double his $50,- 000 bond in 20 days or he would declare the auditor's post vacant. 'No Confidence' "In my estimation the public and party confidence in the office and its official operations no long- er exists," Stratton said. This blast came on the heels of reports published in Chicago news- papers that Stratton had ordered Hodge to withdraw as a candidate for re-election in November or Republican leaders would back an independent for the post. Stratton declined to spell out his exact words with Hodges at a con- ference Tuesday, saying: 'No Quoting' "'m not going to be put in the " position of quoting what another man said in confidence." lIodge, however, declared he is in the race to stay, even if party leaders back an independent. The governor said that under his interpretation of the law, Hodge will have to find a bonding company that will put up another $50,000 bond for the office-the maximum required by Illinois law. He said the surety will have to be approved by himself and two mem- bers of the Illinois Supreme Court. Investigation Slated Asked if he thought Hodge would be able to get additional bond, in- asmuch as his office operations are slated for a grand jury investi- gation, the governor said simply: "I've no way of knowing." State's Atty. George P. Coutra- kon of Sangamon County, Spring- field, has announced that a grand jury investigation will be started July 23 into possible misappropri- ation of funds in Hodge's office. 1 The investigation centers on 41 state warrants totaling around a half-million dollars. Chicago newspapers have pub- lished reports that several persons whose names appeared on the war- rants denied receiving the money or being owed such funds by the state. 'Ho use Sude Legron Method O'Neill Tells Hollywood-Red Plan At Public Hearing of Committee WASHINGTON (P)-Congress was told yesterday that the Am- erican Legion set up a system under which Legion posts around the country got an explanation from Hollywood if they accused any film figures of having Communist ties. James F. O'Neil, a former national commander of the legion, outlined the setup at a public hearing of the House Committee of Un-American Activities. He did this in disputing earlier testimony by John Cogley, editor House Foreigi Passes 3'/z Assistance Nixon Home T Co Availability WASHINGTON ()-Vice Presi- dent Richard M. Nixon, home from a world tour, said yesterday his. April 26 announcement for renomination "has not changed." He told reporters who met him at the airport: "In April I indicated I would be happy to abide by any decision of the President and the national convention.' Not Changed' "Since the President has indi- cated his decision to stand for re- electionhas not changed, the an- nouncement I made in April has not changed." Nixon had told reporters April 26 that: "I informed the President that thee that the President and the delegates to the Republican convention reached the decision that it was their desire for me to serve as the 'nominee of the Re- publican party for vice president that I would be honored to accept that nomination again." 'Delighted' Since President Dwight D. Eis- enhower on that date expressed his "delighted" approval of Nixon's decision, there has been general agreement that the 195Rsepub- lican ticket will duplicate 1952's "Ikecand Dick" Nixon and -his wife visited the Philippines, Formosa, Viet Nam, Thailand, Pakistan and Turkey. His return coincided with an attack on him in the Senate by Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn). 'Incredible Fact' Sen. Kefauver, a candidate 'for the Democratic presidential nom- ination, told the Senate that "it is an incredible fact" that the vice president, during his tour, got into a feud with Prime Minister Nehru of India. The senator said the quetion has now been raised whether the policy of Nixon and Secretary of State Dulles "will not serve to drive India and the other nations of Asia who follow her lead into more open friendship with the So- viet system." Nixon had told a news confer- ence in Pakistan that 'he had Nehru in mind when he made an earlier statement that acceptance of Communist assistance is dang- erous and "inconsistent with free- dom" Nehru retorted that Nixon's view was undemocratic. Secretary Dulles told his news conference Wednesday that In- dian-American relations are "fun- damentally good" even though there are "differences in our view about a good many international affairs." of a Fund for the Republic "re- port on blacklisting," that he was a "clearance man" who helped some entertainers who had been blacklisted for suspected Commu- nist associations. Investigating Report The committee is investigating the fund's report, which Chair- man F. E. Walter (D-Pa) said yesterday "isn't worth the paper it's printed on." O'Neil said any implication that the legion participated in "damn- ing anyone" or in "clearance of anyone" was "a distortion if not a deliberate untruth." Newspaper columnist George Sokolsky, also named in the hear- ings as a "clearance man," sent the committee a statement which took issue with much of Cogley's report. Sokolsky said the Fund's study was marked by "inadequate re- search" and made accusations "without adequate proof or any at all." O'Neil said the legion "consid- ers the situation in Hollywood to be very, very good at the present time." He said this was a result of an informal arrangement with movie executives which he said worked in this fashion: Post Protests A local legion post protested to a movie exhibitor because some- one connected with a film had alleged Red links. The exhibitor notified the moviemaker. The per- son involved was given a chance to make an explanation. The ex- planation was sent to the legion post which initiated the protest. Then O'Neil said, the post could make its own decision, based on the allegations and the explana- tion. O'Neil estimated there were about 100 such cases and said he knew of none in which the explan- ation failed to satisfy. The legion, he said, "never en- gaged in clearance activities; never associated with blacklist- ing." He said the legion takes the position people identified with the "Communist apparatus" should not be employed in Hollwood. Frederick Woltman, a New York newspaperman, testified at the morning session that a woman who helped compile the "report on blacklisting" was "sympathet- ic to the Communist movement." For Handicapped Local Lodge 142 of the American Federation of Physically Handi- capped Persons will hold their meeting at 7 p.m. tonight at the Fireplace of Island Park. Plans for the approching ice cream social 7-9 p.m. Saturday, July 14, will be discussed. The social will take place on the lawn of the Y.W.C.A. Anyone interested in attending the meeting should call Viola Stein at NO 3-0177 for transporta- ,tion. Reaction By The Associated Press News that President Dwight D. Eisenhower will run again received wide publication on news pages abroad but little editorial comment. Two British newspapers friendly to the United States have expressed doubts that it was a good decision. They are the Conservative Daily Tele- graph and the Liberal News Chronicle. But other news- papers held off comment in London and the story was buried deep inside their pages. Italian, Egyptian, Japanese and West German newspapers also used the story prominently but published little comment. The East German Communist papers seen in Berlin omitted the story. Eisenhower Steps Back In Harness GE'TYSBURG, Pa. (')-Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower step- ped swiftly back into a role of political leadership yesterday and called a hurry-up strategy session with Republican National Chair- man Leonard W. Hall. Hall will hustle up from Wash- ington Thursday to talk conven- tion plans and campaign strategy with the man whose political in- tentions were clouded with some uncertainty as late as Tuesday. Hotfoots to Gettysburg Once Eisenhower let the word go out for a second time that he wants a second term, the GOP chairman was ready to hotfoot it to Gettysburg for his first chat with the President since Eisen- hower's intestinal operation June 9. The Republican National Con- vention in San Francisco now is less than six weeks away, and there still has to be some planning for that and the campaign. Presidential press s e c r e t a r y James C. Hagerty, who announced Hall's impending visit at the Ei- senhower farm home, declined to say whether the President may embark on a schedule of more ac- tive, energetic campaigning than has been expected. No Whistle-Stopping Eisenhower himself had pretty much ruled out whistle-stopping and Hall had indicated the Presi- dent might confine himself largely to half a dozen radio-television ap- peals to voters. But Senate Repub- lican Leader William F. Know- land of California, who disclosed Tuesday that Eisenhower is still saying "yes" on a second term, quoted the President as saying he planned to campaign vigorously this fall, at least on the foreign aid issue. As to whether that indicated a stepped-up campaign pace for Ei- senhower, Hagerty had little to say. Dulles Adds New Twist To Neutrals WASHINGTON (A) - Secretary of State John F. Dulles took United States' policy on neutrality around another vast turn yesterday and it wound up going in the opposite direction- from what he last set for it. - Sec. Dulles accomplished this by defining the neutrality which he had denounced bitterly in a speech a month ago in such a way that, by his definition, there probably are really no neutral countries in the world. When a reporter pointed this out at his news conference Sec. Dulles agreed with it. No single issue in recent months has produced so many confusing and sometimes outright contradic- tory comments from top admin- istration officials. At a news conference on June 6, President Dwight D. Eisenhower strongly defended the rights of neutral nations in many instances to their neutrality. This alarmed the diplomats here of Allied countries like the Philip- pines, Pakistan and Turkey. On June 7, therefore, the White House put out a statement which said that President Eisenhower, when saying some countries had strong reason to remain neutral, did not mean to imply that they obtain more security through their neutrality than if they were allies. He said the greatest security for the whole free world is gained by the system of alliances. Bulganin Says No Women's Heavy Labor MOSCOW (AP)-The Soviet Par- liament cheered yesterday a prom- ise by Premier Nikolai A. Bulganin that the use of women for heavy labor in the Soviet Union will be abolished "in the near future." The 1,300 deputies in the Su- premhe Soviet heard this pledge during a speech on a new pension bill recently announced by the Council of Ministers. Bulganin said heavy labor by women already has been greatly reduced. The promised emancipation of the women from this sort of work undoubtedly will arouse much comment throughout the country, already intrigued by a campaign to downgrade the dead Stalin. Bulganin plodded through an hour and 12 minutes of prepared text. Communist party boss Nikita S. Khrushchev got up in the middle of Bulganin's address, and after a few remarks to Vice Premier V. M. Molotov, walked out of the hall. Khrushchev had not bothered to attend earlier separate meetings of the Parliament's two houses, the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities. Billion Bill Sum Less Than Ikes Suggestion Bill Carried 284-120, To Travel To Senate For Further Action WASHINGTON (RP)-The House voted $3,600,000,000 for foreign aid yesterday, less than 75 per cent of what President Dwight D. Eisenhower wanted to keep the mutual security program going for the next 12 months. The appropriations bill was passed on a rollcall vote of 284- 120 and sent to the Senate, where a new attempt will be made to increase the figure to around four Harding Wilson billion dollars. a note when Both Republican and Demo- on says after cratic leaders in the House are in favor of increasing foreign aid for this fiscal year but they decided not to risk defeat on a showdown rro vote yesterday. They indicated the strategy will 7 be to try to boost the total in the Skil Senateand then awrenoa - promise figure in a Senate-House conference. -Daily-H "I'LL GIVE YOU MY AUTOGRAPH, and write me something grand happens to you'-Mordecai Johns lecturing. Johnson Lauds Ne Law yers Growingk By ADELAIDE WILEY The increasing ability of Negro lawyers towar fundamental rights of Negro people and their skill inr in intermediate courts led to the recent civil righ Supreme Court, Mordecai Johnson said yesterday. As president of Howard University for -Negroesi D.C., Johnson spoke in the University summer series American Culture: Contributions of the Negro." Johnson emphasized the importance of Howard U school, which in the past 25 years has produced n lawyers in thirty cases involving - rd solving the rendering cases its decision in in Washington, : "Patterns of University's law ine out of ten British Seize Crew of 200. Greek Cypriots NICOSIA, Cyprus (-) - The British seized 200 young Greek Cypriots~ yesterday in a raid on Nicosia's "Murder Mile." Apparently their quarry got away. They were looking for lead- ers of EOKA, the underground waging the campaign of violence to bring about union with Greece. Five hours after the sudden roundup, there was no official word of any important results. All but 16 Greeks were released. British troops and police moved in on Ledra Street in Nicosia's in- ner walled city. The street is called "Murder Mile" because of its history of violence. All activity in the street halted. The British ranged through stores, home and business houses looking for arms'and members of EOKA. Most of those rounded up were merely marched under guard to the post office grounds on the edge of the walled city. There they were screened and s released. Violence continued as the search' went on. A military patrol found the bullet-ridden bodies of two men near Larnaca, on the coast 23 miles southeast of Nicosia. A Nicosia special court sen- tenced two Greek boys, aged 9 and 13, to 12 strokes with a cane for throwing a bomb last April, AA Resident In Collision After beingejnected ouit of his civil rights - "the victories won had a profound influence on the minds of Negro people. Communist Candidacy "Between 1930 and 1940 many Negroes were in candidacy for the Communist party," Johnson said softly in a southern accent. Before the lecture Johnson com- mented on the Negro in relation to federal government. While he said he could not com- mit himself to anything but facts, Johnson remarked, "Eisenhower has failed in two ways on civil rights: He could have had direct conferences with leaders, and he could have afforded a great in- terpretation of the Supreme Court measure." President Eisenhower could have "called in Sen. Byrd of Virginia and said, 'You're the most power- ful man in southern states-this Court measure is a basic necessity, and I need your cooperation.' In- stead, Ike waited too long, made only one 'moderationist' state- ment, and people like Byrd had already stated opinions the other way. 'Have To Consider' "Of course, the President was not well-we have to consider that along with what might be lack of interest." Johnson said former President Harry Truman accomplished most for Negroes since Lincoln, "be- cause of his spontaneous interest." Steel Strike Settlement Meeting Set WASHINGTON (M) - The new face-to-face meeting of labor and management in the nationwide steel strike is set for 4 p.m. (EST) today in Pittsburgh. This was announced late yes- terday by Joseph F. Finnegan, the chief government mediator, after morning and afternoon meet- ings he held in his office with representatives of management. "Both sides have expressed the' willingness to go further," Finne- gan told reporters. He said that while no other joint meeting be- yond Thursday's had been agreed on, he hoped others would follow. 'Appear Agreeable' Finnegan said "both sides have appeared agreeable and coopera- tive." But Finnegan described the sit- uation in the 11-day-old strike as "still a serious one." Finnegan, director of the Fed- eral Mediation and Conciliation Service, met Tuesday with David J. McDonald, president of the United Steelworkers, which called out its members after failure of negotiations on a new contract. Calls Raise Too Small Management's last offer was a 52-month contract, which it said would raise pay 172/3 cents an hour for the first year. The steel workers union said it actually would amount to 14 cents. It called the raise too small and the length of the proposed con- tract too great. Steelworkers were a v e r a g i n g $2.46 an hour when they went on strike. About 730,000 workers have been idled and the nation's steel production has been cut by 90 per cent. Hoffman Huckster McCarthy Barks WASHINGTON (U)-Sen. Joseph Sought Five Billion President Eisenhower asked for about five billion in money and carryover funds to continue the program of military and economic aid to combat the threat of com- munist expansion abroad. Last week Congress passed sep- arate authorization legislation fix- ing the program at about four bil- lion dollars for the bookkeeping year which began July 1. The President has indicated he will be satisfied if he finally gets the same amount in the appropria- tions bill, which must be passed .before money can be spent. On a voice vote, the House de- feated a move to kill the whole bill. Then, on the final roll call, 160 Democrats and 124 Republicans voted for passage. Seventy Repub- licans and 50 Dem'ocrats voted "no." Bentley Proposal Rejected A proposal to cut out aid to Communist Yugoslavia, made by Rep. A. M. Bentley (R-Mich.), was rejected on a tellers' vote of 117- 65. While the House was finishing work on the appropriations meas- ure, the Senate pased a bill pro- viding for a $300,000 investigation of the whole foreign aid program. The inquiry probably won't start until next January. President Eisenhower said Tues- day that he will campaign "very vigorously" for his foreign aid program in the presidential cam- paign this fall. Some Republican leaders have represented the President as being "irritated" at the way the Demo- cratic-controlled Congress has handled foreign aid this yeaf, Buses Keep Segregated Seating Basis TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (A')-Cities Transit Co., announced yesterday it soon would resume bus opera- tions in Tallahassee on a segre- gated seating basis, but over al- tered routes. Charles L. Carter, manager of the transit firm, said the com- pany was acting in response to requests from the city's Chamber of Commerce which had pledged its efforts to increase patronage in a ride-the-bus campaign. Buses which serve the Florida capital ceased operating July 1 because of financial losses result- ing from a boycott by Negro riders. Since then this city of some 40,000 has been without a public transport system, except INTENSIVE 'COURSE: High School Students Attend Conference High school student publication states are attending Workshop Conferences for high school edi- S Otors and publications staff mem- bers in the Journalism Department this week. First of three 12-day sessions opened Monday. Enrollment is limited to '30 students per session. The workshop, now in its fourth year, is an intensive course for students working on high school newspapers, yearbooks, and mag- By completing actual laboratory :!. assignments, workshop members ' :: ,..