Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSTY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Now, Who Did You Say Should Have Spoken Up?" W then upixutnhb are Free, r'-itb Will Prepvai' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: ADELAIDE WILEY '9r f f'" . * .-. -.4,.INC I AT THE MICHIGAN: Lad Go Home' and Tyrannosaurus Rex T HE Michigan has a strange pair this week. "The Animal World." as the name implies, covers the recent period of a few billion years beginning with the appearance of one- celled organisms on earth, and culminating with the arrival of man, most intelligent of the animals, upon the scene. This film is sponsored by numerous scientific organizations and is therefore expected to be not innaccurate. Color films of undersea life: fighting protozoa and bizarre sea creatures compete with animated dinosaus battles for attention of the Little Sympathy For Steel Strikers VT'S HARD to have much sympathy for the steel workers union in the current strike. If the steel workers were suffering from any serious detriment due to low wages, poor work- ing conditions, or lack of fringe benefits, one could look with tolerance upon their demands. But in the past ten years, wages have risen almost 100 per cent in the industry and num- erous fringe benefits have been adopted. The average steel worker's yearly income is well in excess of the national average and unem- ployment is no major problem in a relatively stable industry. Yet the steel workers have chosen to strike for higher wages and benefits. In an economy such as ours, where every movement and tremor in the steel industry produces a marked effect on all other industries and ultimately on the entire American economy, only higher prices and its attendant higher cost of living can result for the American consumer. THIS IS a day and age when those with fixed incomes take it on the nose. If the steel workers get what they are asking for (and there is little reason to believe that they will not receive the large majority of their de- mands) a round of wage increases in other industries will soon follow, and the price in- crease will be right on its heels. Labor and Management are both due their fair share of the return gained from their pro- duct. Butt if labor's share is increased it will not in this case be at the expense of a smaller share for the owners. The 'only other place where this added cost can be absorbed is in- come from the consumer, and this means higher prices. It's difficult to seen any reason for this. The steel workers, along with the rest of the con- suming public, in the long run, will gain little more for his extra dollar in the way of pur- chasing power. One need not be a graduate economist to understand this. It appears that the steel union just wants an extra cut of the pie for itself, with little regard for the effect its action has on the rest of the nation, or for that matter, on themselves. Do the leaders of the union know and see where they are going and taking the nation? Further, do they care? Time alone will tell as progress toward a settlement is or is not made. A GRADUAL and moderate increase ini wages and benefits is certainly a healthy sign that the economy is continuing to expand and the standard of living is still on the rise. But a drastic pushing up of the wage level does not bring this about. Rather, it slows down the progress of the increase in the purchasing power of the dollar by its inflationary effect. All in all, the current actions of the steel workers bodes ill for the welfare of the nation. The memory of the booming times of the twenties and the bread lines of the thirties should be strong enough to caution against moves which push the inflationary cycle even higher. But apparently they aren't. Unless the steel workers accept a compromise to their demands and take a more moderate gain than they originally asked for, the Ameri- can consumer can look for higher prices for his car, his TV set, and his haircuts in the not too distant future. -RICHARD HALLORAN ,...,. ,;.. a' -. .'.r 1 Aa~ ...y ii . I L. ' 1 . t Y '. 4. 'S~ m , ,, om i ". ! . ~ - w 4 . .? I Q , .'+ . r." N F eits' TIA F e4404i6Wet ?'oSr TC0 AT LYDIA MENDELSSOHN: ' nastasia' Of fers Exciting Drama Negro Contributions: A Timely Review "PATTE RNS of American Culture: Contribu- tions of the Negro," the University's special summer series, promises many things in the appraisal of the race whose color rather than accomplishments seems to have been empha- sized, Many social scientists predict, can even con- firm to a degree, that thousands of years from now all humans will be a natural tan with gold-brown hair and eyes. In lieu of this, still keeping in mind the unsure quality of much of social science, it would appear that the Civil War, recent Supreme Court decisions regarding segregation, and the University's program might nlot have been necessary if everyone just thought of humians as humans. Clearly, though, at this poin in American History a review of the Negro's contributions to'the culture is needed and timely. The city of Detroit, with a presentation titled: "Pano- rama of Progress" is doing somewhat the same. BUT THE TITLE of the University's program is rather misleading. In the first place, no one will want to stick merely to lists of Negroes who have done things for the country, nor will anyone want to simply hear words of praise. At a time when people are worried about whom they sit next to on a bus, some action and thought must take place. The first lecturer who came to Ann Arbor recognized this and spoke about his people, saying that what most of them wish is to walk this earth with dignity, which is all most humans want. He initiated the University series rather well, surrendering his original topic, "The American People in Government." However, he did not really dig into that big word, segregation, which was actually not up to him. After his lecture, a Negro lady approached the podium and said to some friends she would like to know what his IQ was, because of the various claims made about Negro intellect being primitive and lower than the white's, and be- cause his IQ was obviously high. This sort of thing seems rather superficial, and probably has never been satisfactorily an- swered, but it calls to mind many things he might have mentioned. THE SECOND SPEAKER went a little farther, though essentially his speech did not touch. race "problems" and he failed to make many commitments on his own ideas. eingg the man he is, he might have gon farther in his area,' sports, and given his answer to that often- heard question: Are only Negroes with excep- tional ability allowed on big teams? He might have come up with suggestions for getting more Negroes in the wonderful world of sport, where teamwork, and gamesmanship are lauded and he might have told more about his own work with Negro children. There are twelve more lectures in the Uni- versity's series. The speakers represent a wide array of possible professions for Americans, with some exciting titles on their speeches. We hope they deal broadly with existing "prob- lems." This is a university, a place where human beings, the most interesting species, are learning to think and act according to their thought. We hope future speakers take advantage of us; get down to the marrow of their thought, and leave us with some challenges here and there. --ADELAIDE WILEY IF THE PRODUCTION of Mar- celle Maurette's "Anastasia" at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre is any sort of augury, the Speech Depart- ment's 1956 Summer Playbill will be a most rewarding season. This sentimental romance, which open- ed Wednesday and will run through Saturday, is given an ex- citingly polished performance by a group of actors who seem to have set themselves thoroughly profes- sional standards. The play, presented in an Eng- lish adaptation by Guy Bolton, involves a group of Czarist refu- gees in Berlin in 1936 who con- tinue to play royalty. The appear- ance of a girl who resembles the supposedly-assasinated Grand Du- chess Anastasia, daughter of the Czar, inspires a small group to pro- claim her the rightful heir to the money the Czar had deposited in foreign banks. The fraud encounters several complications, most obviously, re- quiring the acceptance of the girl Anna by remaining members of the Romanoff family-but most perplexing for Prince Bounine and the other plotters, it soon appears that the girl is really Anastasia. A COUPLE OF standard ideas constitute the main appeal of the play-the Pygmalion-Galatea relationship between Anastasia and Bounine, and the fairy-tale discovery of a lost princess. These, with the mock pomp of dethroned nobility and the search for love and security by Anastasia and her Dowager Empress - grandmother, audience. Physiologist Lois Walker comments that the film is well done, if overlong. h* r A WORD should be said about the news and previews. Impossible. Nasser gets 991 of the Egyptian vote for President by the simple device of making his the only name on the ballot and requiring every- one to vote. Bob Hope has dis- covered a newcomer named Vic- toria Shaw who, a'fter brief scene re-creating her discovery and test- ing, proves in a short scene with Tyrone Power that she can act as well as he, which is to say not at all. * * * "Good-bye, My Lady" is a vari- ation on the theme: Boy meets Dog, Boy catches Dog, Boy Loses Dog. And so he does. Boy, Brandon de Wilde, is a curious mixture of Will Rogers and Carl Sandburg; a rare com- bination in one so young. He lives with Old Man, Walter Brennen, Southerner with Maineraccent. Phil Harris plays Storekeeper: a dog lover with a heart of gold. This trio stumbles upon Dog, played by Lady, who is something of a superdog and can outrun other dogs and fight too. Boy eventually catches Dog and trains her to be- come the greatest bird dog ever, who can sniff birds at 50 yards and point all day. Phil Harris is amazed. His dogs are hopelessly outsniffed. Dog turns out to be a rare Afri- can animal, 2000 years old, easily worth her weight in concubines. Boy finds out, turns Dog back to Owners, but emerges a 'more mature soul for the experience. Nice for the children. -David Kessel LETTERS to the EDITOR Letters to the Editor must be signed and limited to 300 words. The Daily reserves the right to edit or with- hold any letter. Squirrels .. To the Editor: CONCERNING your recent (June 26th) squib on squirrels, let me comment that I am happy to see Natural History make the front page. However, the second para- graph should be corrected to read: "These happy animals, called Sciurus carolinensis by misinform- ed Daily authors, are called Sciur- us niger by naturalists, ...." Although gray squirrels, S. carol- inensis, do occur in this area, the common park and city animals are fox squirrels, S. niger. Incidentally,atheseranimals are around town all year. Their ap- parent increase this time of year is due to natural phenomenon call- ed breeding which takes place in the fall. The grown up young- sters add to the population in late spring and early summer. By fall, their numbers are re- duced again by the hazards of traffic, pot-pie fans, and natural means. -Andrew Starrett fill the show with scenes ranging, from pure sentimentality to pathe- tic ribaldry. Beverly Canning, whose Hop- wood Award play was produced by the Speech Department during the spring semester, appears as Ana- stasia. From her first entrance Miss Canning commands the at- tention of the audience, and she seldom fails to surpass expecta- tions. She has a curious ability to communicate a tenseness altogeth- er appropriate to Anastasia's pre- carious position, and her occasion- al moments of awareness and command are acted with quiet firmness and subtlety. Miss Canning's particular ef- fectiveness is best displayed in her two interviews with the old em- press. The grandmother, cautious to protect her precious memories of her family, is immediately skep- tical of this "pretender", but a series of fortuitous remarks by the girl convinces the, old woman of Anastasia's identity. These speeches, at the pathetic cilmax of the play in the second act, are so carefully and symbolically em- phasized by Miss Canning that her characterization is vaulted to heights of power and grandeur which she never abandons to the final curtain. * * * AS HER PARTNER in these scenes, the Dowager Empress Marie, Shirley Tepper performs admirably. Miss Tepper has some difficulty assuming a 70-year-old character role, particularly since most of her local acting experience has been as an ingenue, but she wisely stresses the old woman's frailty and loneliness, and makes up in pathos for what she might lose in majesty. Earl Sayer, playing the leading male role, that of the unscrupulous Prince Bounine, does a masterful job. Mr. Sayer has appeared many times in local productions, but he has never been more completely in control of his copious talents. The full load of an extremely ex-' pository first act falls upon him, and only his extraordinary facility carries it off. Among the smaller roles that of Dr. Serensky, Anastasia's lover during her obscure sojourn in Bucharest, is played superbly by Glen Phillips. Richard Allen and David Lloyd, appearing as con- spirators with Prince Bounine, are effective if not powerful * * * MUCH OF THE CREDIT for the production must necessarily go to director Jack Bender. Occasion- al improbabilities in stage move- ment may be ascribed to him, but in a performance of uniform effect the driector's hand is seldom seen but always present. "Anastasia" is probably the finest theatrical production pre- sented to Ann Arbor audiences since Moliere's- "The Misanthrope" early in the spring; it promises a very ° entertaining summer pro- gram. i --Tom Arp Stock Market Shows -Gain By The Associated Press A CONFIDENT stock market carved out further gains Thurs- day in the heaviest trading since June 8. With steels and aircrafts in the van, pivotal stocks ran ahead from fractions to around $2 and a few were up nearly $4. Volume rose to 2,240,000 shares compared with 1,840,000 Tuesday. The broad advance included sec- ondary stocks as well as the blue chips. The general public entered the' market increasingly as the feeling spread that President Eisenhower would reaffirm his candidacy for re-election. At the same time, mediation ef- forts to settle the 5-day-old steel strike accompanied a conviction that this would not be a walkout of long duration and that, in any event, higher steel prices and an- other round of inflation would be the inevitable outcome. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Universty of Michigan for which the Michiga Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN from the Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1956 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 8 General Notices Late Permission: All women students who attended the Ellington Concert, Mon, July 2, had late permission until 11:15 p.m. , Late Permission: All women students who attended the play "Anatasia" on Wed., July 4, had late permission until 11:05 p.m. Fresh Air Camp Clinic Fri., July 6 at 8:00 p.m. at the Fresh Air Camp. Dr. Ralph Rabinovitch will be psychiatri consultant. LECTURES Dr. F.H.C. Crick of Cambridge Uni- versity will lecture on "The Structure or Globular Proteins" Fri., July 6, 4:00 p.m. Aud. B, Angell Hall. UNIVERSITY LECTURE: Tues., July 10, 3:00 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall, spon- sored by Department of Music Educa- tion of the School of Music: "The Democratization of Music Through Science and Technology", by Delinda Roggensack of Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa. Open to the publio. PLAY ANASTASIA, first play on the Depart- ment of Speech Summer Playbill will be be presented at 8 P.M. in the Lydia MendelssohngTheatre tonight through Saturday night. CONCERTS CORRECTION: The concert by the University Sum- mer Symphony Orchestra, previously planned for Thur., July 26, in Hill Auditorium, has been cancelled. STUDENT RECITAL POSTPONED: The recital by Pricilla Bickford, so- prano, previously announced for Mon., evening July 9, in Aud. A. Angell Hall, has bee npostponed until Sun. evening, July 22. FACULTY RECITAL: 8:30 p.m. Tues. July 10, Rackham Lecture Hall, by Robert Hord, Assistant Professor of Piano. Sonata in A minor Op. 143, Debussy's Brouillards, LaTerrasse de audiences du Clair de lune, Fe d'artifice, and Halsey Stevens' Three Preludes for Piano. After intermission Hord will play Sonata In B minor by Liszt. Open to the general public with- out charge. Academic Notices SCHOOLS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRA- TION, EDUCATION, MUSIC, NATURAL RESOURCES AND PUBLIC HEALTH Students, who received marks of 2, X or 'no reports' at the end of their last semester or summer session of at- tendance, will receive a grade of "E" in thescourse or courses, unless this work is made up. In the School of Music, this date is by July 20. In the Schools of Business Administration, Education, Natural Resources and Pub- lic Health, this date is by July 25. Stu- dents, wishing an extension of time be- yond these dates in order to make up the work, should file a petition, addres- sed to the appropriate official of their School, with Room 1513 Administration Building, where it will be transmitted. LA SOCIEDAD HISPANICA. of the De- I 4 TODAY AND TOMORROW: 'Eagerbeaverism' in American Foreign Policy? INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Communists Confused By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THIS IS an even better time than usual not to believe anythingg you hear and less than half of yhat you see about Communist affairs. Internationally, the party members from top to bottom are confused. Domestically, at the Russian font of all party wisdom, the leaders appear to be in tiouble. In the United States the party, claiming eman- cipation from the necessity of revolution by violence and strict allegiance to Moscow, is trying to get out Irom under the Subversive Activities Control Board. - Editorial Staff LEE MARKS, Managing Editor Night Editors IN ITALY, Palmiro Togliatti, shrewd Com- munist leader, first claimed emancipation, now claims renewed allegiance to Moscow. There is talk that Khrushchev & Co. is coming apart at the seams within Russia. Out- side Russia there is talk that international communism is also coming apart. There does seem to be concern in Moscow over the varying reactions non-Soviet Com- munists to the downgrading of Stalin and the revelation before all of the world of what can happen under the totalitarian Communist sys- tem. THE Central Committee of the party has issued a statement trying to quell the for- eign criticism with a feeble explanation and an appeal for a solid front against the threat of world anti-Communist forces. By WALTER LIPPMANN FOR SOME time past, before the President went to the hospital, there was talk in Washington of a rivalry betwen the State Depart- nuent and some members of the White House staff who deal with foreign affairs. The President, it was said, was not listening exclu- sively to Mr. Dulles, and this was why there was occasionally, as for example in regard to the neutrals, such a big difference between the President and the Secretary of State. Some observers even went so far as to say that there had begun to exist-as in Wilson's day with Col. House and Roosevelt with Harry Hopkins--a second Foreign Office in the White House itself. Things have never gone nearly so far as that. For one thing, the President has too deeply ingrained a respect for official channels and regular procedure; for another, what happened under Wilson and Roosevelt is possible only when the President seems to be his own Foreign Minister. But it was true in what might be called the higher strategy of the cold war President Eisenhower has asserted his inde- HITHERTO, the psychological warriors, like the cloak and dag- ger men of the 'Intelligence Serv- ice, have been kept separate from the foreign service, who business it is to conduct the acknowledgeed foreign relations of the United States. Even though the adminis- trative control of the propaganda has been in the Department of State, it has been assumed that the Secretary of State was not himself an active propagandist. To be that is a new role and it is, I believe, bad for our diplomacy and for our propaganda as well. President Eisenhower was follow- ing a sound rule, attested by ex- perience at home and abroad, when in the person of Mr. C. D. Jackson and then of Mr. Nelson Rockefeller, he placed the Chief of Propaganda in the White House, away from the State Department, and under his own personal super- vision. This separation preserves the desirable distinction between for- eign policy and propaganda. For the Secretary of State cannot af- notion and to "engineer their con- sent." A Secretary of State who him- self assumes the role of Chief Propagandist can succeed only in undermining his own credit as a diplomat. Like a doctor who sells patent medicine, he sacrifices his professional standing. IT MAY BE asked what differ- ence does it make who does the propaganda? If a government re- sorts to propaganda, how can a Secretary of State, since he is a leading member of the govern- ment, escape the responsibility and consequences? The answer is that a way has been worked out in practice which is generally accept- ed by all governments. Every gov- ernment does propaganda, and every government knows that every other government does propagan- da. If all the propaganda were to be treated as genuine foreign pol- icy, international business would be a total muddle. Tacitly and by common consent, the governments have adopted a kind of agreement that they will not take at face value the propa- * * * THE CASE for separation is equally strong when you think of the effectiveness of the propagan- da. As a result of the campaign launched by Khrushchev against Stalin, the international Com- munist movement and the whole Communist orbit are passing through an agonizing reappraisal which may well have epochal sig- nificance. What should be the American stand in the face of these develop- ments? Should we as eager beav- ers call attention to ourselves, making ourselves out either prime movers in the upheaval, and let- ting no day pass without saying or doing something that is meant to be an American intervention? Shall we be like Chanticleer, the rooster, who came to believe that' the sun rose because he crowed at dawn? Or shall we avoid giving the impression that we are some- how engineering the upheaval, that what is going on is not so much an upheaval from within the Communist world as it is a dis- turbance due to our intervention? aloof and uncontaminated propaganda. by At the United Nations Russia has returned to the Stalinist line on disarmament 'as ex- E 1