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July 03, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-07-03

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Gene from the
by Dick Cramer
Pennant Predictions
THE JULY FOURTH MILESTONE is just a day away and the usual
mid-season conjectures on the ultimate outcome of the baseball
pennant races are being heard everywhere.
New York's Yankees will hold first place in the American League
after the holiday doubleheaders tomorrow. In the National League,
the leader may be Milwaukee, Cincinnati or World Champion Brooklyn.
Tradition has it that the eventual pennant winner will be that
team which holds first place on Independence Day. More often than
not this has been true. The reason for the customary authenticity of
this maxim is that by July Fourth all clubs have usually gotten into
the habit of playing their normal brand of baseball and a definitely
superior team has emerged, such as last year's Dodgers.
This year the chances aren't too good that the old saying will
again prove itself.
Let's take the Senior Loop first. Here any club with a hot streak
can take the lead, as the Pirates, Redlegs and now the Braves have
shown. It seems that the team that gets hot last will win the pennant.
Every club in the league, including the three present also-rans,
seems capable of some sort of sustained drive. None seems able, how-
ever, to sustain that drive for the rest of the season.
Can Dodgers Do It?.,.
SOME PEOPLE still feel that Brooklyn-a runaway victor last year-
year-will again catch the spark that will pull it to the front. Cer-
tainly the Dodgers' hitting potential has not been realized thus far
this season. Most Valuable Player Roy Campanella is barely above
.200 and Gil Hodges, Jackie Robin-
* - son, Pee Wee Reese and Carl Fur-
illo have showed only occasional
X = R.flashes of their previously proved
But even of Dodger hitting does
.'F I return to form, there is less reason
45 to expect the pitching to improve
to last year's caliber-and pitch-
ing, not hitting, is at a premium
in the National League,
Without an early season bulge
}t $ F uto coast on, Brooklyn may not be
w . i able to overcome the threats of
so many strong teams in the
RAY CAMPANELLA league. Other clubs, namely the
... not producing Cards, Braves and Redlegs have
hitting equal to the Dodgers' best, and the Braves, Giants, and pos-
sibly the Pirates can outpitch the Bums.
Yet, any other team will find any hold it gets on the top spot-
even if it be on the Fourth of July-to be equally tenuous. This year,
the clubs are just as intent on stopping the leader as on becoming lead-
ers themselves. They don't want a repeat of last year's uninteresting
and demoralizing contention-less season.
American League Picture .. .
HAT SEEMS TO BE the chief interest of the American League
squads, too--with some differences.
The Yankees, conceded the best club "on paper" have been lead-
ing all the way so far. Mickey Mantle and Yogi Berra have done
enough hitting and Johnny Kucks, Whitey Ford and Bob Grim have
supplied most of the needed pitching for New York. There is much in
reserve behind them.
Still, the other teams have been sufficiently successful in stopping
the Yanks occasionally to keep the race not only interesting, but also
slightly unpredictable.
New York has had its spurts and its slumps. There's no telling
that after one of those slumps, the Yankees may find themselves hav-
ing dropped out of first with a determined Chicago or Cleveland club
ahead of them.
If that occurs at the end of the season and if the National League
continues its topsi-turviness, there may be no justification for expect-
ing this year's leaders on Independence Day to be the pennant winners.

Chicago Trounces Detroit;I
Giants, Cubs, Red Sox Win

By The Associated Press
CINCINNATI-The Cincinnati
Redlegs rode back into first place
in the National League for the
third time this season last night
on the strength of a tight 8-hit
pitching performance by Johnny
Klippstein which produced a 2-1
victory over the Milwaukee Braves.
A standing room only crowd of
28,635 saw the Reds oust Milwau-
kee from the top spot in the
It was a close pitching duel all
the way between Klippstein and
southpaw Warren Spahn, an old
Redleg nemesis.

.. Boston's Mickey Mantle

Als ton, Stengel Choose
Remainder of All-Stars

NEW YORK ()-Walter Alston
of the National League and Casey
Stengel of the American League
yesterday announced their selec-
tions to complete their squads for
next Tuesday's All-Star Game in
The men named yesterday will
supplement the eight starting
players already chosen to each
team by the votes of fans across
the nation.
Alston named pitchers Clem
Labine, Brooks Lawrence, Joe
Nuxhall, Bob Friend, Robin Rob-
erts, Johnny Antonelli and War-
ren Spahn.
Roy Campanella and Del Cran-
dall will be the Senior Circuit's re-
serve catchers. Other infielders
selected were Ernie Banks, Junior
Gilliam, Ted Kluszewski and Ed

Extra outfielders for the Nation-
al League, which won the Dream
Game last year, 6-5, will be Hank
Aaron, Willie Mays, Rip Repulski
and Duke Snider.
Stengel's American Loop choices
included pitchers Billy Pierce,
Jim Wilson, Tom Brewer, Frank
Sullivan, Early Wynn, Ray Nar-
leski, Whitey Ford and Johnny
Spare infielders chosen were Vic
Power, Roy Sievers, Gil McDou-
gald, Billy Martin and Ray Boone.
Sherm Lollar will be the reserve
Second line outfielders include
Harry Simpson, Charley Maxwell
and Jim Piersall.
The American League has won
12 out of 21 All-Star Games, with
its most recent victory coming in

Spahn went into the game with
a 36-12 record against Cincinnati.
But his wavering control, par-
ticularly in the early innings,
helped create his downfall.
Gus Bell, Redleg center fielder
was the hitting hero of the Cin-
cinnati victory. His first single
contributed to Cincinnati's first
run and his second one-base blow
drove in the deciding tally.
* *. *
White Sox 9, Tigers 3
DETROIT-The Detroit Tigers
failed for the 12th straight time
on their home grounds, commit-
ting four errors to let in seven un-
earned runs in a 9-3 loss to the
Chicago White Sox.
The Tigers have not won a game
in Briggs Stadium since June 15.
The White Sox came from. a
two-run deficit to score three
times in the seventh inning on
just one hit. They scored five more
in the eighth to wrap up their
- * *
Giants 5, Dodgers 2
BROOKLYN-Willie Mays and
Bill Sarni banged back-to-back
homey runs in the third inning to
trigger a 5-2 victory by the New
York Giants over the third-place
Brooklyn Dodgers.
The Brooks played the last two
innings with first baseman-out-
fielder Gil Hodges doing their
catching. He took over behind the
plate for the first time since 1948
when Rube Walker was lifted for
a pinch runner and Roy Campa-
nella was tossed out of the game
for protesting a call third strike
in a pinch hit role.
Cubs 6, Cards 3
CHICAGO-The Chicago Cubs
dug out of the National League
cellar by defeating St. Louis, 6-3,
yesterday as Warren Hacker duck-

NEW HIGH-Charlie Dumas of Compton (Calif.) College breaks
the magic seven-foot high jump barrier with a leap of 7'1" in the
Olympic track and field trials at Los Angeles last weekend.
Dumas' was only one of three world records set at the trials
which produced the United States' representatives for the fall's
Olympics in Australia. Lou Jones of the Army set a 400 meter
dash mark in 45.2 seconds and Ohio State's Glenn Davis was
record-timed at 49.5 in the 400 meter hurdles.
Sport Shorts

I-M Softball
Teams Play
First Games
Intramural softball had its sum-
mer debut last night with a flurry
of hard-hitting and occasionally
good pitching highlighting the ac-
tion on South Ferry Field.
Of the 22 teams in four I-M
leagues, twelve clubs representing
two leagues were scheduled last
Bill Plasman turned in the top
hurling performance .of the open-
ing night by limiting Mathematics
to just two hits as the Hornets
trounced the Math team, 10-2.
Plasman also struck out seven
Plasan's job was nearly equal-
led by BDA's Cilff Purcell as he
defeated Alpha Chi Sigma, 8-4.
The losers' four runs came on only
five hits as Purcell became the
I-M leagues' leading strikeout
artist with 10 in his initial start.
A good defense was instrumental
in Hospital's victory over Phar-
macology. The Hospital team held
Pharmacy to one of the night's
lowest scores in winning, 7-3.
In a free-slugging affair, Med
Sox showed that they'll be one of
the hitting powers of the summer
competition. The Sox edged an
almost equally strong-hitting nine
from Bacteriology, 10-9.
Chemistry won the only other
contest of the evening by outscor-
ing the Psychology 'B' squad, 7-5.
Another scheduled game was won
by Hardrocks by forfeit over Psy-
chology dC' when the latter did not
Games in the leagues which saw
action last night will be played
each Monday and Wednesday. The
other two I-M leagues-one with
six clubs and one with eight-are
scheduled to play on Tuesday and
Thursday nights.
This week, because of the mid-
week holiday, I-M play will not
resume until Thursday.
IHairstyling for the
Whole Family!'
The liascola Barbers
Near the Michigan Theater

Major League Standings


Washington .....
Kansas City .....





W L Pct. GS
Cincinnati........ 40 28 .588
Milwaukee ...... 37 27 .578 1
Brooklyn......... 38 30 .559 2
St. Louis.........36 34 .514 5
Pittsburgh....... 32 33 .492 6r
New York........28 38 .424 11
Chicago.......... 27 37 .422 11
Philadelphia.. 28 39 .418 111J
Milwaukee at Cincinnati
St. Louis at Chicago
Philadelphia at Pittsburgh (Regular
game to be preceded by concluding
innings of previously suspended

ed in and out of trouble
a yield of 11 hits.
It was Hacker's second
the year.
* * *
Red Sox3, Senators
held the Senators to one

win of

By The Associated Press
WIMBLEDON, England - Dia-
betic Ham Richardson and aging
Vic Seixas, sure bets for the Amer-
ican Davis Cup team again this
year, struggled through to shaky
victories yesterday in quarterfinals
of the Wimbledon Tennis Cham-
Seixas weathered a one hour
and 20-minute first set aganst
Allen Morris of Atlanta, Ga., to
win 13-11. Morris pulled up lame
in the second set and Seixas took
the match 13-11, 6-0, 6-3.
Richardson appeared to be on
the way to' a beating when 'he
rallied strongly in the third set
to defeat Australia's Neal Fraser
6-3, 9-11, 7-5, 6-4.
Lew Hoad struggled home over
fellow Australian, Mal Anderson,
4-6, 6-1, 66-1, 13-11. Ken Rose-
wall, Australia's second top man,
won with supreme ease over Swed-
en's rising young star, Ulf Schmidt
6-1,, 6-3, 66-2.
Only one women's singles match
was played Monday. Angela Mort-

imer of Britain lost to Pat Ward,
another Briton, 6-3, 6-0.
Deadline for Bids
DETROIT -- Groups interested
in buying the Detroit Tigers base-
ball team had until midnight last
night to get their bids in at Briggs
Expectations were that the ul-
timate successful bidder would
have to offer between four and
five million dollars for the team.
Baseball TV Rights
NEW YORK - Television and
radio rights to the All-Star and
World Series baseball games for
the next five years have been sold
to the Gillette Safety Razor Co.,
and the National Broadcasting Co.,
for 34 million dollars a year,
baseball Commissioner Ford Frick
announced yesterday.

Chicago at Detroit
Kansas City at Cleveland
Boston at Washington
Baltimore at New York

hit in four innings of relief Mon-
day night as Boston defeated
Washington, 3-2.
Helping Delock post his fifth
win was Ted Williams, who col-
lected two doubles and two singles
in five chances and boosted his
season average to .374.

Olmedo Stars in NCAA Net Tourney

Cleaning Bargains
Give us one week to process and
from the regular cleaning price we
will give you


Special To The Daily
Tennis Championships of 1956 are
history. .
Long to be remembered in the
vicinity of Kalamazoo College's
Stowe Stadium, however, will be
the steady performance of the new
national collegiate champion, Alex
Olmedo of Southern California.
Faces Impossible Task
Olmedo had an almost impos-
sible task before him Saturday in
the final round of the tournament.
Not only did he have to face Jack
Frost of Stanford for the singles
title, but he was expected to team
with Pancho Contreras only two
hours later in quest of the doubles
Yet, the young Peruvian was
the master of all. Like a panther,
he covered the court, allowing
Frost a first set victory, 6-2, and
then quickly crushing his opponent
in three straight sets, 6-4, 6-2, 6-1.
What proved to be the differ-
ence between Olmedo and Frost
was the former's cool-headedness.
Frost became rattled by a foot-

fault call and by the slowness of
the ball boys to retrieve stray
shots. But Olmedo kept calm, just
OS U's Jones
Captures Golf
COLUMBUS, O. P)-Rick Jones
of Ohio State won the 59th Na-
tional Intercollegiate Golf Cham-
pionship Saturday by defeating
Houston's Rex Baxter, 4 and 3 in
the 36-hole finals.
Jones took advantage of his
greater familiarity with the Ohio
State course to oust Baxter who
had been medalist in the opening
two rounds of the week-long tour-
nament with a 73-67-140.
He succeeds Purdue's Joe Camp-
bell who was eliminated in the
second round of match play last
Thursday. Houston won the tour-
ney's team, championship to take
over the crown from Louisiana

waiting for his rival to make mis.
It was the same factor that led
shortly afterwards to the Olmedo-
Contreras victory in the final
doubles matches. The fresher two-
some of Mike Franks and John
Lesch got off to a quick two set
lead, 6-2, 6-1.
Great Rally
Again the dependable Olmedo,
with his teammate Contreras,
waited for opposition mistakes
that brought victory in the next
three sets, 6-3, 11-9, 6-4. It was
one of the greatest comebacks in
NCAA net history.
UCLA won the team champion-
ship with 15 points. USC was a
close second at 14.
Michigan was far down the list,
tying for sixth place with a single

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