WILSON VISIT CAUSES CONCERN Y L Lw 431U1~x Daii4 C E COOLER See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State LXVIH, NO. IS ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1956 TWELVE f tudents To Pay For Driving Enforcement Only mnate To Vote More Police On Camnpus Seen Likely Big * w i~b Ten Commissioner )n Funds Today WASHINGTON (/P)-The Senate agreed yesterday to limit debate he huge defense bill and have a showdown vote today on whether dd more than a billion dollars to the Air Force budget. Democratic leaders contend the extra mqney is needed to as- American air superiority over Russia. { The Republican leadership is fighting to hold the increase to million dollars above the amount requested by President Dwight Csenhower for the next 12 months. Johnson Gets Agreement After several hours of speech-making Monday, Sen. Lyndon John- of Texas, the Democratic leader, obtained unanimous agreement to limit the debate Tuesday, start- Details Of Police Not Campus Complete 111 vestigating University nt Judie nes Two 'aterrntes o group fines totaling $1150 levied by Joint Judiciary il on May 29. Sigma Kappa was fined $400 laced on one-semester social dion for a fraternity pre- on May 18. Phi was fined $750, with suspended, and placed on probation for one semester sinking at a pledge formal on May 26 at the farm of uimnus. Two-Car Collision Phi Sigma Kappa party was the night of Interfraternity :11 Ball and was attended by our University students in- i in the two-car collision killed five and injured a ording to a. statement by Judic the size of the houses or Phi Sigma Kappa, 52 for ?hi) and the fact that both first offenders were consid- in arriving at the penalty. suspended portion of Chi fine is revocable at the end ir years if the house has been further difficulty. But if the is guilty of another group Lon within the four years the nded portion of the fine is atically invoked. Liquor Violations h housesrwere penalized spe- ly for violation of University ,tions prohibiting the "con- ion of alcoholic beverages in it quarters or at social func- held by organizations recog- by the University." both cases. the Joint Judic 'age 10 for complete text of Judiciary Council statement s noted that "no distinction nade as to ages" (of those ng.) cerning Phi Sigma Kappa, >int Judic report said, "five s of liquor were available to members attending the affair heir dates . . . The chapter ware in advance that alco- beverages would be available party and the testimony re- no disagreement among the ers concerning this .plan." report on Chi Phi noted, Social Chairman purchased les of champagne and it was aplated that each couple have one bottle. e cost of the champagne was listributed among the mem- n their housebills." ens TOnight Saline Mill ght is opening night for , Mill Theatre's 1956 summer he Spirit" by Noel Coward the roster of the Theatre's ays, and will begin at 8:30 ing at 12:30 p.m. One and a half hours were al- lotted for debate on the Demo- cratic proposal to amend the House version of the defense bill by giving the Air Force the addi, tional billion-plus for more planes, bases and airmen in the next-fis- cal year. A similar amount of time was allotted for debate of the GOP compromise proposal. There will be additional three hours of debate on the whole bill before voting begins. House Approveg Outlay The House has approved a de- fense outlay of $33,635,000,000 for all branches of the armed services in the year starting July 1. Sen. Willis Robertson (D-Va) charged yesterday that deliveries of the B52 intercontinental bomb- er, the Air Force's biggest punch, "are not approaching even the administration's schedule." Sen. Stuart Symington (D-Mo) commented that it looked as though the United States would be trailing the Soviet Union in every type of military produc- tion before long. Daily Issues Drastic C.all for Tryuts Anyone, clockwatchers excluded, who would like to play "Let's Put Out a Newspaper" is welcome at the summer Daily as a tryout. We have nickel candy bar ma- chines, cigarettes, cokes, peanuts, not to mention typewriters. Whole groups of famous lecturers, actress- es, and professors are coming to the University, and the Daily needs interviewers. Beside that, there is a skeleton crew of competent writers up here to guide young writers and help them learn journalistic rules-in a newspaper plant that is up-to- date, and we blush to mention,, almost un-amateurish. Call NO-23241 for a hearty wel- come. University security officers hired with funds from student car regis- tration fees will be used only to enforce the driving ban Vice-Presi- dent for Student Affairs James A. Lewis said recently. However the Vice-President add- ed that additional security officers might be hired on general Univer- sity funds to check drinking viola- tions. Student Government Council 4nembers had been disturbed at the close of spring semester over rumors that security officers hired with student funds would be used to check drinking infractions. Not Worked Out Vice-President Lewis said details for enlarging the University's se- curity force (which now consists of one officer) had not yet been worked Out. First problem to iron out is whether the security officers will operate under the Board of Reg- ents or the police. Vice-President Lewis comment- ed, "I'm not too anxious to see University security officers work- ing under the police but some are." Will Be Deputized Whether they operate under the Regents or rolice, odds are the security officers will be deputized. The Vice-President said the Uni- versity will investigate every pos- sibility for deputizing the officers but that no work had been done yet. Administrators felt generally that enforcement this year was hindered because of the limited authority of security officer Harold Swover- land. Swovefland could not, for ex- ample, stop cars to determine if the drivers, were students. Instead he had to take down license num- bers of suspicious Iooking cars and check through the Office of Stu- dent Affairs. Driving Ban Changed Need for additional policing of students was occasioned largely by the change in driving ban regula- tions effected this year when the See STUDENT, Page 2 Voting Tally Shows U.S. Foes Lead { Returns in Iceland Doom Radar Base REYKJAVIK, Iceland (P) - Re- turns from key areas in Iceland's parliamentary election indicated yesterday that foes of an Ameri- can-NATO radar base on the is- land are running ahead. Western sources said a NATO special meeting might have to be called to weigh the situation./ The 10-century-old republic was counting the ballots in the heav- iest voting in history, a slow pro- cess especially in the Arctic Circle area. The final tally of Sunday's voting will not be known before today. Pro-U.S. Regime Doomed But the way the voting sized up yesterday, it appeared the final count would show Prime Minister Olafur Thors' pro-American re- gime is doomed under the propor- tional representation system. With more than 80,000 men and women voters, it appeared that Thors' Independence party lost ground heavily. The Progressives, who joined forces for the election with the Social Democrats, gained ground in their figlht to get the Americans out of here in the next 18 months. But some Icelandic sources hinted Herman Joaasson, Progressive leader who e2gineered the March 27 Althing - Parliament - resolu- tion calling on foreign troops to, leave Iceland, would not insist on; anything more than a cut in the size of the force and payment by the Americans of import duties, Red Strength Increased The Communists, who capturedI the trade unions and then weanedc away Hannibal Valdimarsson, Ice-4 land's labor boss and Social Dem- ocratic leader, increased their to-t tal vote strength. The National Defense party, which is unfriendly to both thet Americans and Russians, virtuallyX went out of existence.k -Daily-Donna Hanson EASIER THAN FALL - Registration in the near-empty gymnasium was a far cry from fall or spring semesters when thousands mob tables in effort to get classes and favorite times. Students had little difficulty getting what they wanted for Summer Session Garg Needs Help Gargoyle, the so-called Univer- sity humor magazine is interested in buying or renting people inter- ested in cartooning, writing, or joke stealing this summer. A meeting will be held Thursday afternoon at 5 p.m. in the Gargoyle office, first floor of the student publications building, 420 Maynard Street according to Dave Kessel, grad., editor. Join Garg now and drop English 1, Kessel advises Crisler Sas , s Local Visit Just Routine But Reed Claims Special Circumstances Induced Wilson By LEE MARKS DaDy Managing Editor ,Appoint w Cross IFC Counselor William G. Cross, a former field secretary for Sigma Phi Epsilon, will replace William Zerman as fraternity councellor, Dean of Men Walter B. Rea announced yester- day. Zerman, an assistant dean of men, is leaving to become assistant dean of men and eventually dean of men at Ohio Wesleyan. A Cross will assume his duties in the Dean of Men's office July 5. Dean Rea commented yesterday, "Cross comes to us highly recom- mended. He knows the fraternity picture quite well and seems am- bitious." ; f a r f Summer Enrollment Reaches '6,635 "Students BY DONNA HANSON , Topping last summer by 409 students, this summer's University enrollment throughout the state numbers 6,635 students, according to Edd Miller Jr., Asst. Director of the Session. v By the time last registration students and those enrolled in the nine University summer camps are accounted for, the number is ex- pected to jump to 9,000. Of the students enrolled here on camp'us, the largest percentage are grads who number 2,589 while lit school has a total enrollement 862 students. 'U' Buys Hoover Land For Plant Dept. Registration a "Whiz" As compared to the fall and spring semesters, registration for the summer was described by stu- dents as a "whiz". The summer registrants signed up for classes in an almost deserted gymnasium where the only lines to be found were by the drinking fountains. Instructors sat behind their tables looking bored or reading newspapers, only putting them aside when an occasional student came up to sign up for their courses. Education Busiest The busiest section by far was the education table where the in- structors were kept fairly occupi- ed throughout the two and one half days of registration. Though students "whizzed" through registration and for the most part got the classes they wanted, the number of "guards" at entrances and exits were not diminished. They maintained their posts and demanded I.D.'s or passes from each student passing through the doors. 'U' Extends Bid To NSA The University is making a strong bid to hold the National Students Association Congress here next summer according to Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis. This year's congress is being held at the University of Chicago Aug. 20 - 30. Vice-President Lewis said the University is6 bidding against sev-' eral other Big Ten schools but termed our chances "very good." , UPresen'ts Negro Series For Sunmmer By ADELAIDE WILEY Conflicting reports were givea yesterday following a visit to Ann Arbor Friday by Big Ten Athletie Commissioner Kenneth "Tug"4Wil son. University Athletic Director Herbert "Fritz" Crisler termed the visit "strictly routine." Criler said Wilson visits all Big Ten ,chool once or twice a year and was si:.. ply "making the rounds." W. R. Reed, assistant to the Big 'en Commissioner, however, claim- ed there were "special circumstan. ces" that induced the visit. Conducting Investigation "While it was in part a routine visit, Wilson 'was also conutn an investigation," Reed et ed. Wilson, enroute to Los Angeles by train, could not be reached fo comment. Crisler had denied that Wilson was in any sense investigating the University. * Although the specific areas be- ing Investigated were not definite- ly known, it was believed that Wil- son is looking into the University's Grant-in-Aid program to see if Conference regulations on unearn- ed aid to athletes are being 0fol- lowed. Kramer Grant Questioned A University grant to All-Ameri- can football end Ron Kramer, '57, estimated at $500 to $1,000 was supposedly under question since the football star's uncle ad aun had given him a new car recently Financial need is the main cr1- teria for grants. Dean of Men Walter B. Rea said yesterday that Wilson had been given access to all University ree ords on grants and loans. "Our operations are in strict accord with our interpretation of Big Ten regu- lations. We are satisfied we follow the letter and the spirit of the law," Dean Rea declared. No Legal Obligation There is no legal obligation to pay back grants, although Dean Rea said there was a moral obli- gation. "There has been no gravy train attitude" on the part of ath- letes toward University grants, Dean Rea commented. Both Dean Rea and Crisler said the grant to Kramer had no con- nection with his car. "The two weren't associated at all. The car was given him recently by rela- tives, the grant by the University last fall." No report has been received yet from the Commissioner's office. Crisler said he believed Wilson was thoroughly satisfied with the Uni- versity's records. Reed said he had had no indica- tion one way or the other from, Wilson regarding the possibility of further investigation. Foundation Gives Grant For Research The Ford Foundation has award- ed the University a $313,000 grant for mental health research. One of 21 U.S. research centers. to receive the foundation's grants, the University is to use it to strengthen and extend research in mental health. "Patterns of American Culture: Contributions of the Negro," Uni- versity's special summer session program., begins tomorrow with a lecture by E. Frederic Morrow. Morrow's lecture at 4:15 in Rackham Auditorium will be on "The American People in Govern- ment." He is an administrative of- ficer of the special projects group in the White House. This special program will con- tinue through August 21 with other lectures, concerts, exhibi- tions and TV and radio broadcasts. Director of summer session Har- old M. Dorr commented, "This sub- ject has nothing to do with present controversies over desegregation or anything-I'd been thinking about it for a long time. "So this year I got in touch with Prof. Richard -C. Boys of the Eng- lish department, who is chairman of the special program, and he started setting it up." On Thursday Jesse Owens, of the. Illinois Youth Commission, will lec- ture on "Negro Americanisms in History"; on July 11, Mordecai W. Johnson, president of Howard Uni- versity, first Negro University in the country, will lecture on "Demo- cratic Education"; on July 12, Wade H. McCree, Jr., Detroit cir- cuit court judge, will lecture on "The Negro in Government." Other lecturers include J. Er- nest Wilkins, Jr., of nuclear de- velopment dorporation, whose lec- ture will be "The Role of Atomic Energy in Underdeveloned Conn. -Daily-Harding williame MASSIVE HOOVER PLANT -- Recently purchased by the University, Hoover Plant will give much-needed space to plant department. Acquisition will not be until 1957, giving the University a chance to study best way to utilize new space. ned by its author as "An able farce in three acts," ay was first performed in a Manchester, England. Lindsey plays Charles Con- , whose first wife comes s a ghost to upset his mar- o Ruth, played by Martha *us.'The ghost, or "blithe The University has completed negotiations for purchase of the Hoover Ball and Bearing Company's land and buildings, it was an- nounced recently by Clifford H. Simmons, board chairman and presi- dent of Hoover. Transfer of the property, which will not take place until late in 1957, will make available to the University more than 13 acres of lanl located at 326 E. Hoover Avenue, near the Stadium. University Vice-President Wilbur K. Piernoint said that the newlv which is assessed this year at $1,757,500 yields a tax payment of $13,723, according to city officials. Hoover plans to begin construction of a new plant in about six months and the firm has already secured several options of Possible locations "probably in the Ann Arbor area," Simmons said. However, Gage R. Cooper, president of the Chamber of Commerce, pointed out that the Hoover case emphasized Ann Arbor's need for zoning regula- +in.a i u huaf . M 01nn nrwn- - iA- I -..i-m - -.. :I I I I li