t WAYNE MAJOR AIRPORT RENOVATION (See Page 2) Abr Abp .4f I tr t gttn 74Iaiitj *" 'E Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXVI. No. 5S Eisenhower Signs Construction Bill Highway Program Begins at Once; Billion Dollar System To Link States WASHINGTON ()-President Dwight D. Eisenhower, described as "highly pleased," signed yesterday the 33-billion-dollar highway, construction: bill. * Within minutes after Eisenhower's signature put in motion the government's biggest peacetime spending program, secretary of Com- merce Sinclair Weeks released funds to get some of the construction under way. He predicted that thousands of lives would be saved by safer roads, that traffic jams would be greatly eased, and the nation's. ANN ARBOR, MICMIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1956 FOUR PAGES U fl Iii LBj1tLJEJJ Congress Accepts .Defense Bill f ' M ay estify at Hearings * * * Both Houses Compromise Approve Action economy spurred to new peaks of b Gunfire Still . Crackling In Poznan BERLIN (/P)-Gunfire was re- ported crackling through the after- noon Friday in the Polish bread rebellion city of Poznan, It apparently was from a Red Polish army effort to mop up die- hard snipers. A closedown of communications under martial law all but sealed off the big industrial city where possibly 100 died in the outbreak Thursday against poor living con- ditions. There were indications that the Iron Curtain may be slamming down again all along the Soviet satellite frontiers as the result of the Poznan revolt. Telephone communications from Stockholm to the sovietized Baltic states-Latvia, Lithuania and Es- tonia-was. suddenly cut Friday night after a Moscow operator broke into a conversation. The. 1 Swedish Telephone company said itwas told there was a "techni- cal breakdown." The West Berlin newspaper Tel- egraf-the first here to report the. Posnan outbreak Thursday-said noise of fighting was still being heard in Poznan Friday afternoon. * It claimed several communist officials were "literally torn aPart" by angry demonstrators Thurs- day. Telegraf quoted a foreign busi- nessman as saying troop reinforce- ments were being brought in when he left the Polish city late Thurs- day night. It said the businessm nen met about 70 tanks and two battalions of motorized troops headed forj Ponan. The Polish Red regime sought to pacify the rebels in a broadcast speech by Premier Josef Cyran- kiewicz. He promised the Poznan PolesI the better life they demanded and asked them to support his author-.1 ity. He also threatened all who1 continue rebellious.t Duke Ellington _ To Perform Here Monday Duke Ellington, jazz composer-e *conductor, will appear at 8 p.m.l next Monday with his orchestra on the stage of Hill Auditorium. The composer of "Don't Getx Around Much Any More" and such numbers as "Flamingo," "Perdido"t and "Take the 'A' Train" will ap-. pear as part of University's special 1 sa mmer session program, "Pat- ferns of American Culture: Con-F 'tributions of the Negro."t In 1931, "It Don't Mean a Thing if it Ai't Got that Swing" obtain- ed notices for Ellington. He followed that up with "Soli-t tude," "Caravan" and "I Let ac Song Go Out of My Heart," whichc won ASCAP annual awards. N Tickets for Monday's perfor-t mance are on sale at the Hill Aud-t itorium box office daily from 10F a.m. till 5 p.m. Seas are priced at $1.50 fora main floor and $1.00 for blcony.r M gaH yAlabamans Amet An Alabama pamphleteer who usiness activity and emplyment. 'It is estimated that when the program gets fully under way, up to 630,000 persons. will be working on the roads during summer peak periods, with hundreds of thou- sands of others laboring to con- tribute materials and equipment. Weeks also said many jobs will be created in new businesses that will spring up along the routes, such as motels, restaurants, gas stations and gift shops. Some businesses along existing routes are expected to be hurt because the Bureau of Public Roads said there will be "substan- tial" relocation of highways. But the bureau said "the program more than can be helped." Weeks apportioned. $1,125,000,- 000 to the 48 states, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Alaska for the fiscal year begin- ning July 1. Of the total apportioned, a bil- lion dollars will be used to begin won't tear up existing business any construction on a 41,000-mile sys- tem of superhighways linking every state with controlled access roads, most of them four lanes or more. The remainder of the money will go to the states for building primary, secondary and urban roads. Weeks said he expects some of the projects to be financed by new funds will be under construction within 60 to 90 days. 'U' to Start New ,Series Of Projelucts A unique series of 14 research projects will be launched Monday following Regent approval of a $300,000 state grant to finance, the work. The projects are part of a pro- gram to establish research and service in the utilization of human resources. Funds were granted by the State1 Legislature this spring after the University had spent several years trying to get authorization for the program. The University had ask-1 ed for one million dollars. Mark First Time Appropriations mark the firsti time the Legislature has given direct monies for research of this kind. Three of the projects will be inI the School of Dentistry and willf cover dental caries control ands personal and home care of com- plete dentures. The School of Education willt make a study of growth and de-i velopment of mentally retardedk children with the objective of making these children useful mem-1 bers of society. A ,study of reduction of traffic accidents will be undertaken by the engineering college. To Study Childhood Asphasics Institute for Human Adjustment will study development of diagnos- tic techniques, treatment and edu- cation of childhood asphasist children who have failed to de-s velop a normal use of languageI through injury or other reasons, the value of summer camp ex-I periences on behavior of childrent and old age.N Research on diagnosis and treat-F ment of endocrine glad diseasesc and cancer will be undertaken byc the School of Medicine. The School of Public Healthr will undertake an epidemiologict study of a Michigan community to map the incidence of diseases. The School of Social Work will' WASHINGTON (R) - Congress pissed the biggest money bill of the session Friday, a $34,656,727, 000 measure to finance the De- fense Department through the fis- cal year starting Sunday. The bill carries about 500 mil- lion dollars more than President Dwight D. Eisenhower asked and reflects congression emphasis on creating and maintaining the strongest Air Force in the world. The Air Force got almost half the money-$16,459,125,000. About 10 billion dollars was allotted to the Navy and Marine Corps, 7Y2 billion to the Army and the bal- ance to the Defense Department for miscellaneous purposes. Air Force funds total almostra billion' more than Eisenhower re- quested and almost that much more than what the House voted for orginially. The extra money was added in the Senate and ac- cepted by the House in confeve5ce. The House passed the coMp'ro-j mise bill Friday on a standing' vote of 79-57. The bill cleated the Senate a few minutes later with- out objection. Now it goes to the White House for President Eisen- hower's signature. In accepting.the larger amount for the Air Force, the House con- ferees made a written demand that the additional money be spent for the production of heavy, long- range bombers and other modern weapons. World, News. Roundup 'Willow Run Controversy To Be Aired Meader Questions Aid To Wayne Major; Wants Third Airport By LEE MARKS Daily Managing Editor University personnel may ap- pear before a congressional com- mittee investigating the Willow- Run - Wayne Major controversy, according to Representative George Meader (R-Mich). Meader said Detroit's airport situation will be considered as part of a broader investigation into federal aid to airports. Whether or not the University is represented will depend largely on "whether they want to appear," Meader claimed. Hearings are tentatively sched- uled for July 11 and 12. Federal Funds A University administrator at Willow Run said there is really no controversy over Willow Run. The main issue, he declared, is wheth- er federal funds should be expend- ed at Wayne Major in view of pressures to establish a Detroit city airport on the Northeast side. Meader confirmed there would be no pressure put in the Univer- sity to change the status of Willow Run. Several months ago the Federal Airport Use Panel recommended that the University relinquish Wil- low Run so it could be converted to military use with Wayne Major taking over commercial air travel. Both the University and six of the seven commercial airlines at Willow Run took a firm stand in opposition to the Panel and said they would not change the air- port's status. One Dollar The University purchased Wil- low Run for one dollar from the army after the war. It leased space to the airlines and maintains extensive research at the field. Despite refusal of the airlines to leave Willow Run there have been attempts to convert Wayne Major to commercial use. An estimated 33 million dollarsWould be needed. Meader said the list of witnesses at the hearing had not yet been definitely determined.. He added' that he felt the University ought to be represented. CAB Money Meader said he thought furtheri expenditure of federal funds for Wayne Major was unwise. (WayneI Major has received $1,975,000 from, the CAB in the last fiscal yeari and $4,000,000 in the last 10 years). "Basic objection to making Wayne Major a second commercial airport," Meader claimed, "is that1 it is too close to Willow Run. "It makes sense to spend money to build a second airport on the Northeast side (of Detroit). It' makes no sense to spend money on Wayne Major". The Republican congressman pointed out that Wayne Major and Willow Run occupy the same air space. This will have two major disadvantages if Wayne Major is; made commercial according tol Meader: air traffic will be congest- ed and local adverse weather con- ditions will affect both airports. 34 Appoved By Regents By The Associated Press NEW YORK-The nation's steel crisis rushed toward a climax Fri- day night with negotiators still bogged down in efforts to avert an industrywide strike at midnight Saturday. "We got nowhere," said David 3. McDonald, United Steel Work- ers union president, after the union's latest negotiation session with the companies produced no break in the deadlock over a new wage, contract. He said the striking power of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force has been augment- ed steadily with the new weapons, including nuclear equipment. Plant operations already were disrupted with furnaces being cooled across the land. Industry sources said production losses al- ready aggregated "millions of dol- lars", * * * WASHINGTON--President Dwight D. Eisenhower will drive to Gettysburg today for at least two weeks of convalescence. This was announced Friday by Press Secretary James C. Hagerty who, however, still was shedding no new light on the President's future political plans. WASHINGTON - Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson Friday denied Democratic charges that the Eisenhower administration has skimped dangerously, on air powter in its drive to balance the budget. Under instructions from Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower to "lay it on the line," Wilson appeared before a- Senate Armed Services Committee and insisted U.S. de- fenses are strong. Foreign Aid Bill Okayed By Senate WASHINGTON ()-The Senate last night passed a $4,562,000,000 foreign aid authorization bill after beating down all efforts to make any floor cuts in the totals. The big bill now goes to con- ference with the House, which voted for the substantially lower authorization of about $3,800,000,- 000. Victory For Ike The Senate action on the bill, represented a considerable victory for President Dwight D. Eisen- hower. The Senate defeated on a voice vote an amendment by Sen. Wil- liam Langer (R-ND) to slash one billion dollars off the aid bill. Langer denounced the whole foreign aid program as an "in- credible squandering of public money," but he was unable to get support for a roll call vote on hia amendment, Thursday night the Senate re- jected 58-27 a similar attempt by Sen. Russell B. Long (D-La) to chop $1,700,000,000 out of the authorization bill. On a voice vote, the Senate ac- cepted an amendment by Sen. Ev- erett Dirksen (R-Ill) which he said was designed to encourage upris- ings behind the Iron Curtain like that which took place in Poznan, Poland, Thursday, The Drksen amendment would authorize a five - million - dollar fund to be used at the absolute dis- cretion of the president to keep alive "the spirit of freedom" in Communist-ruled nations through exchanges of persons, aid to non- profit groups and other activities. Failure For Knowland Sen. Knowland of California, the Senate GOP leader, failed in an attempt to, set up a Hoover-type commission to review the whole foreign aid program. His amendment was defeated 45-41 on a roll call which mainly followed party lines. Sen. Mansfield (D-Mont) re- minded the Senate that Congress was preparing to make its own investigation of foreign aid. The Senate refused by a vote of 60-23 to write into the bill a ban on any further U.S. military or economic assistance to nations that ship strategic materials to' the Soviet Bloc. r Federal Judges WASHINGTON (A)-Atty. Gen. Herbert Brownell Friday recom- mended appointment of 23 addi- tional federal judges. He told a Senate judiciary sub- committee he favors the 21 judicial seats that would be created by a bill approved by the House Jundici-' ary committee June 25 and two additional seats for Northern Illi- nois. Million Dollar Budget i t t t s r x r I -Daily-Diane Humenansky UNIVERSITY PORTRAIT-Dr, and Mrs. Rueben Kahn pose in front of a portrait of him presented to University at his testi- monial dinner, Commemrative Dinter .Honors Rueben Kahn Dr. Rueben L. Kahn, discoverer of the famous Kahn test for World renowned for his contribution to medical science, Dr. Kahn' dinner. World renown for his contribution to medical science, Dr. Kahn is retiring after 27 years of service to the University as professor of Serology in the Medical School and director of Serologic Laboratories in the University Hospital. Retiring from "routine only," Dr. Kahn plans to concentrate in _research work now that "I will have my time to myself, and not M ller lM lonroebe concerned with teaching and departmental activities." Portrait Presented At the dinner, Dr. Arthur Curtis, Professor of Dermatology and WHITE PLAINS, N. Y. (AP)-At- Syphilology, made the presenta- tress Marilyn Monroe and play- tion of a portrait of Dr. Kahn to wright Arthur Miller, University the University. Robert L. Williams, alumnus and former Daily editor, assistant dean of Faculties, re- slppednuetlindoCityDalldlasceived the portrait painted by slipped quietly into City Hall last artist Leon Makielskix of Ann Ar- night and were married by City bor. Judge Seymour Robinowitz. Dr. Pearl L. Kendrick, University' Dogged by reporters and photog- lecturer of epidemiology, then pre- raphers for a week, the couple sented Dr. Kahn with a volume of testimonial letters. nevertheless managed to get away Speaking to his friends and col- by themselves for the ceremony. leagues at the dinner, Dr. Kahn Hours earlier Miller had said said, "Many people look ahead to the world would know about their retirement withamisgivings, I ani wedding-after it happened. fortunate in that I will be able to But there was no indication it actually forge ahead in my re- would take place the same day. serch"a Robinowitz married the blonde fore.s" pinup queen and the celebrated'" mms rtfu oteL i pauo aueen nd:2h1prmversity of Michigan for the in- author at 7:21 p.m. numerable ways it has assisted and contributed to the success of my, work. I am very proud to have; been associated with it for so " many years," he added. romotions Necessary Policy Feature "Compulsory retirement has been receiving some severe criti- H. Alvord (Mechanical), Joseph cism recently," he said, "but I be- A. Boyd (Electrical), Joseph Dat- lieve that it is a necessary feature sko (Mechanical), Walter A. Hed- of the University's policy." rich (Electrical), Robert H. Hois- "Personally, I consider myself ington (Engineering Drawing), fortunate to be associated with an' William Kerr (Electrical), Edwin enlightened University like Michi- H. Young (Chemical and Metal- gan where 70 years and not 64 or lurgical). 65 years is the retirement age." College of Architecture and De- Dr. Kahn's continued research sign: Gerome Kamrowski (Draw- at the University will be on a year ing and Painting). to year basis and without salary. School of Business Administra- Dr. Kahn's test for the detec- tion: Wallace W. Gardner (Statis- tion of syphilis was a result of a tics). great amount of time, energy and School of Dentistry: Dr. Paul after-hours work in the Michigan Gibbons. Department of Health. School of Education: Warren Test Discovered in 1923 A. Ketcham. ; He discovered the reaction in Represents '$4 1/2Milion Increase State Appropriations To Supply Major Portion-$27,500,OOQ A General Fund Budget of $34,- 802,700 for the University's fiscal 1956-'57 year has been officially approved. Approval was actually given by the Board of Regents June 15 but by-laws require a two week wait. ing period before the budget be- comes official. Major portion of the budget is supplied by a State Legislature ap- propriation of $27,500,000. Student fees of $6,915,000 and miscellane- ous income of $387,200 supply the balance. Last year's budget, 4% million dollars less, was financed by state appropriations of only $23,725,- 000, student fees of $6,109,000 and miscellaneous income of $378,000. Covers Instruction, Research The General Fund Budget covers instruction, research, administra- tive and plant operation costs. Increased expenditures are plan- ned for: 1) Salary increases and retire- ment health and insurance provis- ions of $2,050,534. 2) Increases of 169 in faculty personnel to offset increased en- rollment, amounting to $1,135,853. 3) Additional student services, instructional supplies, increased activities in libraries and museums and cost of admissions and reg tration of a larger student bod, amounting to $581,393. 4) Additional plant operation services due to new buildings and improved maintenance of existing buildings of $475,800. Other Budgets Approved Board of Regents also officially approved the following budgets: 1) Flint College-$316,250 of which $250,000 comes from the state. Flint will open for the ftirst time this fall. 2) Research and Service in the Utilization of Human Resources -$300,000 in state funds for pro- jects and University has been anx- ious to start for several years. 3) University Hospital-$9,815,- 000, an increase of $800,000 over last year. The Hospital Is self- supported and receives no state funds. 4) Neuropsychiatric Institute-- $940,100, an increase of more than $100,000 with $700,000 coming from the state. 5) Veterans Readjustment Cen- ter-$379,000, practically all from the state. 6) Children's Psychiatric Hos- pital-$875,000, more than $100,- 000 over last year, practically all state-appropriated. 7) Mental Health REesearch Unit-$225,000, all state approp- riated. Budgets not included in the Re- gent report are residence halls, Michigan Union and League, fin- anced 'by self-liquidating bonds and the self-supporting inter-col- legiate athletic program. Eniglish Teachers Panel To Be Held "The Teaching of English Com- position, Written and Oral, in the High School," is title of a confer- ence series for English teachers this summer, open to public. On Monday at 4 p.m. In Audit- orium C, Angell Hall, a panel will be held on "The Problems of the Beginning Teacher in Composi- tion." Panel members are: Mildred Lipe, Redford Hight School; Re- becca K. Petersen, Eastern Junior High School, Pontiac; Arthur FOR FACULTY PERSONNEL: President Hatcher Announces 135 P Promotions for 135 members of the University faculty were an- nounced yesterday by President Harlan Hatcher. The promotions are all effective with the start of the 1956-57 aca- demic year in September. There were 33 promotions to the rank of professor, 45 to the rank of asso- ciate professor and 54 to the rank of assistant professor. In addition there was one pro- motion to the position of assistant to the dean, one to supervisor of physical education and one to as- sociate supervisorhof physical education. One of the promotions to associate professor also included (Political Science), Freeman D. Miller (Astronomy), Orren C. Mohler (Astronomy), Edwin E. Moise (Mathematics), Henry V. S. Ogden (English), Palmer A. Throop (History), Edward L. Walker (Psychology). College of Engineering: Rune L. Evaldson (Mechanical), Leo M. Lagatski (Civil), Alan B. Macnee (Electrical), Joseph J. Martin (Chemical and Metallurgical), Wilfred M. Senseman (English), Homer W. Welch, Jr., (Electrical), George Brymer Williams (Chemi- cal and Metallurgical). College of Architecture and De- sign: Donald B. Gooch (Design). Stephen B. Preston (Wood Tech- nology). School of Nursing: Agnes D. Love. School of Public Health: William C. Gibson (Public Health Engi- neering), Gerald M. Ridenour (Public Health Engineering). School of Social Work: Clarice Freud. To Associate Professors College of Literature, Science and the Arts: William P. Alston (Philosophy), Richard B. Bern- stein (Chemistry), Donald A. Dar- ling (Mathematics), Reynolds Mc- Connell Denning (Mineralogy), .! 8 i 1 i. t t C